
48 Reviews
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reasonable intro to STEM for young girls
7 March 2024
This is clearly a show aimed at young teenage girls to attract them into a STEM career. Various scientists are interviewed (but only after they have they have posed crossing their arms in some sort of power move). The bubbly and enthusiastic host has a very strong propensity to wear skimpy and revealing fashions, and I am not sure how that is relevant or appropriate for the target female 11-14 year old viewer, or perhaps there is also an audience of 'men of a certain persuasion' to be tapped? Topics cover various ranges of science and technology, and the predominantly female career scientists are interesting to listen to.somewhat interesting but low level.
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not impartial but they try to be probing
3 December 2023
As a non-American, this program does give a point of view into US politics. But I am not sure what they will do once Trump is no longer in the picture. Mind you, the crazies on both sides continue to come into prominence in US politics, so I suppose there will always be politicians they can focus on.

I do note that someone responsible for this program has a real fixation on hands in motion! In each episode, there are several cuts of just hands waving about, and I have no idea what that is supposed to convey to the viewer. Surely it would be more useful to have a shot of whoever is speaking at that time?
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Road Ahead (2023)
Season 8, Episode 12
not sad this has ended
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well this series is finally over, and I certainly will not miss it. It started out quite well, but in the past few seasons has gone terribly wrong. A theme of the show lately has been second chances - well I certainly would not give any second chance to the recent showrunners, as they have full responsibility for this mess. I am very disappointed that Victor Strand is still alive at the end - he is surely one of the most awful people depicted in the series - a murderer, a vicious dictator, a psychopath, and an egocentric megalomaniac. Supposedly he is now reformed - I would not grant such a terrible person any second chance whatsoever. And really, why did Alicia reappear, and also the cat - do both have nine lives, one wonders.
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Wolf Hound (2022)
truly a dismal movie, laughable
19 February 2023
This is quite simply a horrible ridiculous movie. The acting is one dimensional and quite wooden. The writing is simply atrocious, with plot developments that border on the ludicrous. There are dozens of times that stunt men are flung around, all dressed as the enemy of course, due to explosions and bullet impacts. The enemy appear to be terrible shots, as dozens of them firing at our heroes can't seem to hit a single one of them. Conveniently, the enemy keeps jumping out from behind cover, or they don't bother with cover at all, so that they can be killed by the heroes. The enemy officers are all depicted as stereotypical psychopaths grinning as they try to kill. Fortunately one of our heroes sometimes talks to himself about what is happening so that the viewers are clued in. Several museums got their planes and armored vehicles out for a spin in this movie. Alas the dogfights are quite unbelievable, as pilots seem unable to hit the plane 100 ft in front of them. All told, a total waste of time - read a good book instead.
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The Ark (2023– )
utter drivel
3 February 2023
We managed to watch about 15 minutes of the first episode before deciding it was a complete waste of my time, and doing anything else would be better. The show is clearly aimed at the Gen Z crowd, as that is the predominant age range of the survivors of the 'disaster'. The actual disaster is of course the script, dialogue, and acting, poor CGI, compounded by an apparent disregard of science and engineering principles. It is fairly easy to predict future plot points - hot bodies will get together for steamy sessions, others will foment mutiny, factions will form, people will die. The premise was promising, but the execution is awful. It would of course be best for the health of TV in general for this series to be quickly cancelled, and the resources applied to better shows.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Amina (2022)
Season 7, Episode 15
Worse than a boil on your posterior
30 May 2022
This episode is inevitable given the horrible arc taken by the writers. It is a pustulant boil on the rectal orifice of the TWD universe! The writers and showrunners should never work at these jobs again. I will not mind at all when this series ends.
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New Order (2020)
too close to what could be the truth
4 May 2022
This movie is quite scary, in that it could be very close to what might happen in Mexico. After all, Mexico is currently a nest of corruption and crime, with the police and military astoundingly complicit in the violence which all too often happens there. I cannot imagine that the tourist board of Mexico is going to promote this film. I have been to Mexico several times, but am certainly very reluctant to go there now -- even the touristy areas of say Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta sometimes erupt in violent and deadly murder, in which tourists have died. I'll stay away for now.
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Raw Travel (2013– )
Interesting show, but too much face
30 April 2022
I like that the host shows us a number of places off the normal tourist traps, and sees and does things with locals. But I do get weary of seeing numerous close ups of his face when he has something more interesting in the background. This is ok if he happens to be speaking to us on camera, but often he is not - it is just a pan from below of his chin and nostrils blocking whatever is behind him. I suppose though that this represents the modern selfie culture, which seems to centre on images of the traveller rather than what they are visiting.
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Better Things (2016–2022)
started well, ended very oddly
26 April 2022
I really liked this show in the first two or three seasons. Then things went off the rails for me, and hence my low rating. The episodes became very odd and disjointed, like improv sketches with a lot of non-sequiturs, that were edited by someone not qualified for the job. I could not understand characters dialogue or their reactions to each other - it made little sense. And the relationship of Sam with her daughters made me extremely glad that I chose never to have children - what a collection of narcissistic, spoiled, egocentric kids who rarely ever lifted a finger to help their mother in any household chore, and generally did everything to be obnoxious. Watching each of the later episodes, I was uncomfortable with how much program there still was to watch - I just wanted them to end. Well, now it is over, and I won't miss it.
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DMZ (2022)
Ludicrous plot
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So we are to believe that a woman who is looking for her lost kid from 8 years ago finally goes back into the DMZ to look for him. By staggering coincidence she happens to have close ties to both of the main antagonists who are trying to become the governor of this place, and then her missing son now turns out to be the main feared killer in the DMZ, and his birth father is one of the main bad guys. And how is it that after 8 years the three hundred thousand or so inhabitants of this zone, with virtually no way in or out, are well supplied with food and basic goods? Given the way people are living, and the gangs that have been established, they all should have killed each other long ago. The melee scene is absurd - bladed weapons versus machine guns, yet at the end there are almost no corpses or blood on the pavement.
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Animal Atlas (2004– )
Educational but zoos are sad
13 February 2022
Most of the clips of animals are filmed in zoos with very restrictive and cramped cages, with many of the animals appearing bored and listless. I would prefer to see the animals in the wild. That said the show is educational for younger kids.
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very formulaic with awful laugh track
17 December 2021
This is a very formulaic show in that each episode follows a standard format. There is clearly no audience, so the fake laugh track is very annoying - if something is truly funny I will know when to laugh. The host's smile is about as authentic as that given by a slick used car salesman trying to sell you a lemon. The videos of the animals are often funny, but the show could do without the human host or the patter he puts out.
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Not worth putting in the time to watch all episodes
8 December 2021
Yes the sets are good, but for me there are too many characters to keep apart who is whom. And the subtitles flash by so quickly that one cannot possibly keep up with the dialogue, unless one spoke fluent Chinese. I watched part of a CGI battle scene in which catapults were launching spears into an oncoming army. By some miracle, every spear hit a target right in the exact centre of the chest! That did it for me, as I will watch no more.
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The Walking Dead has become the Writing Dead
29 November 2021
What imbeciles are writing these episodes? They are inane, awful, and moronic. The Walikng Dead has evolved into the Writing Dead. And just what size of flower pot is Jaydis using on her head to cut her hair around? I hope for the actor that she is wearing a wig. I am very glad this series is coming to an end - it should never have been allowed to exist. The show has gone downhill faster than the globe in this episode - by the way was that an homage to the rolling cheese wheel in an episode of Z Nation? I will be glad when this idiocy is over.
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Very informative, well shot
25 November 2021
This is a very beautifully shot series with a lot of great scenery and historical information.

Michael is certainly easy to spot in any distant shot of a crowd, standing out in his pastel colours. Curious though that he never gets on or off a train carrying any luggage, not even a water bottle, though sometimes with an umbrella.
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Good review of some modern tech developments
17 November 2021
The series provides some good coverage of technology developments, and also gives us hope that one day we might be able to visit this very interesting museum.

But someone should tell Mo, when wearing his grey suit, that he needs to flatten down his zipper tab once he has pulled it back up. The bright camera lights have a habit of reflecting on this metal tab during his presentation, diverting one's attention from what he is trying to tell us. This happens multiple times in pretty well every episode.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Till Death (2021)
Season 7, Episode 5
Getting worse with each episode this season
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
FTWD is really starting to jump a number of sharks in their plots. The fight scene in the wrestling ring was simply ludicrous and absurd.

It will be nice indeed to see Victor eventually killed. His character has been an egocentric narcissistic sociopath since the first season.
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Wild Australians (2020– )
Video is good but narration unbearable
14 November 2021
I am sure that the video on this program is quite nice to watch, but it only took about five minutes of the narrators voice to tell me that I could not bear watching this series. The narration is loud, strident and aggravating to listen to. This narrator needs to take heed of how people like David Attenborough do their job.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Terrible abuse of science and logic
4 September 2021
This movie defies known science and seems to defy logic. Very disappointing.
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Brain Games (2011–2020)
Better with first host
31 March 2021
The first set of shows with host Silva are vastly superior to those with later host Key. The tone is more cerebral in the earlier shows, whereas the later ones are done with more of a game show attitude with shrieking audiences, etc. Interesting stories about the brain and perception.
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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: In This Life (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
execrable drivel
30 November 2020
The only reason to watch this series is that it is set in the Walking Dead universe, and that it might eventually intersect with the series we do care about. Otherwise, it is a waste of time. The acting is awful, the dialogue is terrible, the plots are ludicrous, even the dead themselves seem sorry to be there. It is a display of teen angst, aimed at the younger indiscriminating credulous viewer.
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Terrible rendition of the TWD universe
19 October 2020
OK, I am a TWD fan, but this show is downright terrible. The plots are awful, the lines are incredulous, and the acting is at the high school level. I can only hope that all of the main characters to date get eaten very soon, and be replaced by others that we actually might care about. This tripe is clearly aimed at tweeners and teens. Ratings of one or two stars are about right, but the individual episodes have higher ratings - presumably those who strongly dislike this show are not bothering to rate each episode as well.
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Animals cute, people and laugh track awful
17 October 2020
Sure the video clips of the animals are cute, and it would be better if the whole show was only that. Please, no more talking heads making inane comments, and no need whatsoever for the stupid laugh track - if it is funny I know when to laugh. Fast forward through most of this!
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predictable plot, no surprises
15 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so Tarzan certainly looks cut and muscular. But the plot itself is very predictable - every time our hero is in trouble he gets out of it, and you just know the bad guys will not get away with whatever they want. Only, the solution involves a ludicrous battle involving numerous CGI animals under our hero's influence. I laughed out loud at these scenes.
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Intelligence (2020–2023)
could be much better
28 September 2020
Schwimmer's character is a loud, aggressive, obnoxious, know-it-all, utterly unlikeable American, and I cannot figure out why the Brits do not just send this jerk home. OK, it is supposed to be a comedy, I guess, so absurdities are the norm. I'll see if I keep watching past the third episode.
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