
49 Reviews
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Always a tale of blended family love....
27 March 2022
Years ago, the original movie taught us about blended families and the love they require. Whether civilian or military, differing cultures or faiths, its still the same love that works it out in the end.
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In the Earth (2021)
Migraine sufferers Beware!
2 March 2022
"In the Earth" held my interest until 2\3rds through when flashing lights & images became the main expression of a lagging plot. This movie threw me into a vomitous, head throbbing, full body suffering, total migraine tailspin of complete sorrows... no flix is worth it. I wouldn't wish that suffering on anyone. Filmmakers please have more consideration.
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Becoming (I) (2020)
They owe me money!
23 January 2022
I've been watching horror for years. This is no horror movie. To be honest, this isn't much. I hate writing bad reviews. It hurts that part in me that loves nearly everthing art including bad movies. But this movie is in a rare echelon where it's so bad it wastes the actual sanctity of life. I don't know if they didn't take this production seriously enough, or if they took it so seriously that they squeezed out all of the movie magic. There is a lot of talent in the making of this production that was wasted. And everyone deserves to be paid for the value of life that was wasted making it & while watching. Best wishes to everyone. But seriously, death to this film...
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Firebite (2021–2022)
Horror lover!
30 December 2021
Considering the budget, the makeup, costumes & acting are actually good. I did think they added something new to the genre by incorporating Aborigine history to create an entirely new lore. Most of all, the Australian outback is gorgeous at sunset, and you get to see a lot of the sites. There is even the cool addition of underground tunnels where the vampires live in the desert that are really awesome. I would agree that the pacing is very Australian and leisurely. They just don't rush the story telling, and there's something to say for that. LIKE, if you enjoy entertainment from other countries then you know there's not usually a constant barrage of high intensity editing, explosions & pounding music. I can appreciate the value of both. To each their own. But as for our household, we can't wait for more episodes. Best Wishes.
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Messaging is everything !
23 December 2021
Our world is in a very different place now from when the original film was released, and this movies message feels timely. The loudest voices in the room these days seem to be those longing for fascism that is wrapped in a guise of personal freedom & nationalism - AS USUAL. These days - fascism is supposed to be trendy as long as its your own party. But the beauty of democracy is government should not over reach laws just because it finds them inconvenient to the ability to maintain power. In democracy the government evolves as the voters do because majority is supposed to rule. Dictators creep in when people surrender their will to a candidate... forsaking laws. There is a line in the movie when the character Sheperd says, "Everything was simpler back then. People wanted to be free. It's different now. Sometimes it feels like people gave up. Like the Matrix won." And so here we are...
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Foodtastic (2021)
Love KEKE!
21 December 2021
Initially thought the host was over acting until you realize she's playing various superhero characters. This is a lot of fun, and truly brightness & light right at a time when the world needs it most. Thanks Disney! I can't wait for season 2!
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Awkward as boring sex with a hot friend...
13 December 2021
This review comes from someone who actually watched the entire first season.

+4 stars for acting, cinematography, sounds & most importantly excellent zombie makeup. The actors deserved a better script & director to fully suss out the characters.

-6 stars for a non refreshing rehash of every "at their time" new ideal in zombie lore since the big daddie of zombiedom - "Night of the Living Dead" was released. This steals from every zombie movie ever made without either shame or adding to the genre.

CON: This is an unequal look at today's political climate with all the pitfalls to the poor & incarceration that the wealthy quietly abuse, like the over the top judgment of a barely legal girls alleged pain killer addiction deserving prison while the wealthy go to rehab OR the wealthy DNC procedure to terminate pregnancy quietly vs. The criminalizion of private abortion for the working class. I take NO STAND on these issues in a zombie movie, but you have the responsibility to feel these stories out rather than using the current divisions for exploitation purposes. There are just too many excuses for why the rich & powerful are cruel & corrupt while the writing is constant zero tolerance for anyone working class. The preaching is an absolute culture war leaden turn off.

And the practical effects are just the worst. Like when zombie hands come out of the ground in a dupe Romero cemetery scene... Everyone knows the scene & its absolutely ICONIC. But here, you can tell they are wearing zombie-ish gloves because the green decay color ends just pass the wrist on them and you can see black latex gloves beyond there on all the hands reaching out of the grave. There are repeatedly obvious gaffs like plastic severed limbs from joke shops, that leaves any zombie action feeling like a joke, which is ironic since the zombie scenes carry everything interesting in each episode.

And worse than even the soul sucking amount of politics, there are a lot of lengthy narcissistic crying scenes from men & women. And its mainly crying of the metaphysical broken nail variety & rarely to never about the world ending zombie apocalypse. Crying is not a problem. Crying from otherwise ok actors - without A SINGLE TEAR produced... scene after excruciating scene... just continues the lazy overall feel of filmaking from SYFY that asks so little of the creators, while the audience carries the brunt of their hopes to highly anticipated projects, only to have their cinematic dreams continually dashed.

SYFY makes crap content intentionally. I finally accept their repeated truth.
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So bad its interesting?
8 December 2021
This movie literally keeps flipping from worst to interesting. But i bumped it up to an 8 for acting, music & ghostly effects. Yet even with excellent makeup & practical effects, there is still one truly ridiculous scene with cgi that's so bad it nearly ruined the whole interesting ending. Even the writing is a roller coaster ride in vacillation of characters making constantly unbelievably idiotic decisions, and then suddenly so brilliant they are explaining things like wormhole theory. Ultimately, my rating lies with how strongly the true horror plot was depicted, which was the perils of social norms & rushed judgments... and these characters definitely live in the sunken place internally. There are secrets hidden, and a cracks always leaking them out into our reality... And that subplot is their very best plot. If you absolutely insist on watching this, don't watch the English dubbed version since the voice acting is some of the worst known to man. I would truly only recommended this to hardcore asian ghost story lovers.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
Social Justice? Wokeness?
4 November 2021
You knew exactly who Max was from episode #1. Social Justice? Wokeness? Shiny new judgemental buzzwords telling you that caring about others is bad. They are just words that you learned from the tv. Loaded adjectives leading a "culture war" against Max's decency that you learned while watching "opinion news meant for entertainment purposes only". Once again, life truly proves stranger than fiction. Max didn't change, you did.
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Fairfax (2021–2022)
29 October 2021
Expect literally a short window of actual reviews, followed by a torrent of triggered screams about "wokeness". Clearly not everyone can laugh at themselves. If only we could laugh more instead of raging we'd be far healthier. Its ironic people might be angered though, since this show is all inclusive satirical so no one actually goes jab free. I find it to be very next level humorous. Kinda like jokes travelling back from the future. Either it's your thing or its not, to each their own. If not, you'll always have " The Family Guy", etc. Best Wishes 😃
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25 October 2021
How & why do we find the inspiration to keep going when life is so hard? Why do we keep getting back up time & again when even gravity is working against us? That we find ways not only to continually inspire ourselves, let alone others, is an absolute miracle. And the warm blessing of this show, will really help keep you going. Its beautiful how open, honest and wise these amazing people are. Thank you for such a wonderful show. I look forward to, and really hope there will be more. Thank you.
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Wonderful acting!
17 October 2021
The ladies really brought it this week & Sharon Rooney who played Doreen is an absolute superstar! Another great episode! I can't wait for SERIES 3! Love this show. It's so brilliant.
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FBI: Most Wanted: Patriots (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
5 October 2021
Well done & researched. Very timely & i applaud the writers braveness to tackle current headlines. We need to talk about & investigate it thoroughly so no one ever feels emboldened to try & stand against America with anything other than the peaceful use of the law ever again. On another topic, why isnt Lacroix's daughter with her Grandparents & extended Native family when he isn't caring for her. Its literally why he lives so close. Their family bond is the heart of the show. And the tribes military roots & continued service to this country is the shows foundation. Anyway... Long may our states remain united. Best wishes everyone.
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McDonald & Dodds (2020– )
Easily triggered views aside...
2 October 2021
This is a British mystery series, but its also about why we murder, not the surface excuses we tell ourselves, but the actual root causes. Its about abuse of power, greed, toxic bias, ego, naked ambition & the charismatic manipulation of others which gives us the seeming reasoning for doing our worse. In other words, all of our stodgy viewpoints are being challenged, and people don't like being challenged with change no matter the degree to which they may hate their work a day lives. Its so much easier to reminisce about a better times that never actually existed through rose tinted idyllic memories, than make our world a continual better place. This isn't just a mystery series, so much as the reminder that the best is yet to come if we don't just create a world in which we see people only as a means to our desirous ends. Well done indeed. 👍🏼
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Hightown (2020–2024)
Masterpiece of addiction & courage...
27 September 2021
It would take too long to list everything great about this show. Instead, i will recommend it on the strength of acting & the skill of writing which bring a powerful combination, & qualities the closest to a BBC production that I've ever seen. It brings to mind the alcoholism Helen Mirren wrestled with in "Prime Suspect". And the intensity with which she led her life & investigations. Nothing short of brilliance once you give this show a couple of episodes to set up background & establish itself. Please. More seasons.
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The Gulf (2019–2021)
20 September 2021
Everything positive reviews are saying rings very true. Despite all island living being a slower pace in general, once you adjust to it & the opening characters trauma, this is a mystery series on par with the best of the BBC & in particular the original "Prime Suspect". Where this series is especially unique is in dealing more with the real life comparisons that its more often people who know & claim to love us who betray us so fatally, and rarely is it a stranger. Without going overboard on weighty backstory, this begins in the middle of an intense mystery & simply never lets up. Somehow " The Gulf" solves the pressing mystery so you never just feel that the writers are toying with your emotions. For a change, our perceived red herrings make actual sense because we see through the detectives eyes so clearly that we understand the job makes you suspicious in every direction. Especially original is the way the writing eliminates bias while drawing attention to our own tendencies to assume. She sees only the facts - seeing details with fairness, in an award-winning performance by the always outstanding Kate Elliott. This show reminds us of the truth, facts are impartial tools - & assumptions too easily ruin lives. Here both sides of the crime are seen with crystalline understanding, rather than jumping to rathfull conclusions. That means the story arc makes you grow rather than just forcing bystanding. Very, very unique indeed! This attention to exceptional writing detail means it's easy to believe the character was born to do this one thing better than most. Please bring us SERIES 3 soon. Thank you!
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FBI: Most Wanted (2020– )
Straying from the tribe...
16 September 2021
Its taken a bit for this show to find itself, but I've been there because its roots were solid. Where many law enforcement shows barely get backstory or family Le Croix's roots to the tribe & the Skye family are his heart. Their look into tribal bonds, patriotic military service, tribal life and strong family ties to tradition are the foundation that help this show stand apart from every show with a badge. Now instead of staying the path of say a "Blood Bloods", they did a Bait-&-Switch writing out his sniper brother in law & (the stellar first nation actors of his family) so we haven't seen his relatives in episodes. In other words, what worked for it is now missing & now its just another run of the mill show. Why a person, and why multiple members of a family choose a life of service to their country is important... It's a shame the show is forgetting that.
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Outlier (2020– )
Nordic Mystery
12 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nordic mysteries are essentially their own category. Their hallmark is slow plodding pacing that mirror both the weather & the hard work of actual justice work bogged down by politics, paperwork, the daily grind of detective work, assumption bias & continual initiative fluctuations. They by no means resemble the swift pace & complete illusion of shows like CSI nor the high charged dramas of BBC or French productions which watch like good mystery novels read. Things are different in snowbound long winter countries like this, and the cultural differences & scenery really holds your attention. But what's really interesting about "Outlier" is where there are similarities... such as things that happen more commonly to women & how flawed systemic excuses - namely a pattern of c.y.a. (cover your own @rse) clear down the daisy chain of command allows predators unchecked evil access to mostly young women. I love this genre. I was captivated by the mystery. And i was angry that it took a passionate investigative woman while men danced glibly around her to the tune of constantly pleasing other men rather than focusing purely on solving the case. I hope they do more seasons\series. Recently, i read about an incident where a policewoman was raped by 10 of her fellow colleagues to show her a woman's place... As a society, we cannot just back badges, we must back justice & hold those sworn to uphold the law but who then break it to a much higher standard & example to deter such heinous future villainy. Bravo Norway.
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Butchers (2020)
Like the entire genre threw up on a page
19 July 2021
You will LITERALLY never see anything more derivative than this schlock! There isn't a horror film ever made that this filthy little flick didn't steal from. To top it all off everyone being murdered gives a great performance, and the cinematography is lush, but everyone doing the backwoods chilly murderin' is absolutely throwing down some of the worlds most awful acting. I have seen close to 50 years worth of horror movies, and this is cruel, reprehensible thievery of the lowest order. Absolutely 50 shades of FAIL!
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11 July 2021
Fun list! Some to see..some to see again! So much for everyone! 😀
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Chris Pratt is the "Blue Steel" of actors!
7 July 2021
This movie is so bad in so many ways that i can't believe i didn't die from a fatal case of eye rolling. Effects are the only saving grace. And can someone please tell the men who write these scripts that the heat of war really isn't the time to discuss your feelings. We're Americans. That's what therapy & dinner table arguments are for. And while we're at it, "Monster Hunter" had a far lower budget & slightly lesser effects.. But It knows its a B-movie, and it was a better movie. Long live Ron Perlman! Too many reviews are saying, Pratt is "a good guy", like it explains how his Christian walk should be the excuse for such poor work. My time & money are worth more than that. If you give me crappy service, i don't give a flying fig who your God is... you just need to do better. Best Wishes Everyone.
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Timely world coping skills...
5 July 2021
Despite older source material, this show is perfect to deal with scars of the psyche left over from the quarantine, politics, constant whispers of wars, lax resourses, and total stress overload. This is perfect for children, and your inner child no matter your age. Because the U. S. does not offer critical thinking courses to children like most western countries, Americans are proving highly susceptible to "the emergency" of constant hidden messages of division, aggression, judgment, hatred & fear of others. *Deep breath*. Life is sacred. Nothing is worth turning on others, especially over the illusion of ideology. While everyone else runs around frantically losing their way in the moment, you must stay centered. Despite urgent topics, this series is an absolute fun time, and a great tool to preserve or revive, your child within. I whole heartedly agree with the other reviews, a million stars just isn't enough. Bravo.
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The Seventh Day (I) (2021)
Loses it's way...
26 June 2021
I am a longtime horror lover. This movie is more disappointing than a beautifully decorated birthday cake when the baker mistakes the salt for sugar. Especially since the movie began so well. Initially there was this great unnerving feeling it gave off like "The Exorcist". But then it suddenly squandered all it's promise & tripped right into a cliche ditch. And then what was working they shredded, !eaving behind glaring holes in the plot & absolutely obvious twists. What a waste of so much talent & our precious time.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
15 June 2021
It's clear people are searching high & low to find deep meaning in this just because its a visually stimulating work by Ridley Scott. But it's also hollow. Its a retelling of Prometheus set in a world of countless futuristic technologies. David knows every work of art, every word ever written, yet he never seeks out spiritual teachers. His questions are all spiritual in nature, and despite the opportunity for limited answers, it never crosses his mind to seek in a spiritual place? David would LITERALLY be idiotic to do this. I call B. S.! David does what david does because David can. He's a powerful newborn child who finds himself superior and therefore he's best qualified to play God. Another genocidal fascists is born. End of story. This film is absolutely indefensible. And obviously man also can't outdo his own masterwork. Can he, Mr. Scott?
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3 June 2021
I watch a lot of art movies. I'm an avid reader. I don't shock easily. No matter the genre, metaphors, artistic expression & cinematic poetry cinema is a sacred mana. (Post pandemic - I can't wait to get back to my local art house cinema!) The beauty of disgust & the disgust of beauty are not lost on me. But this bloviate tripe meant to shock with anything it could ponder was boring. I've read the book by De Sade. It's massive, vivid & exhausting, but never boring. I will concede this excessiveness may work for others... But i don't need to be beaten with a defiled club to understand such themes. And those who need this film, those whom this is meant for, will never ever watch such fair because of its heavy handed offense. 1/10 because zero isn't allowed.
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