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I don't know where to begin...
12 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First, the only reason I even gave this a chance is because of Rick Grimes and Lincoln is the only reason I gave this 3 stars.

What should I have expected from a TV show in 2024... Well here's what you KNOW you'll get now:

Gay Characters

Interracial Couples... Like A LOT more than real life. (I'm not even speaking of Rick and Michonne... I accepted that one a long time ago... It's more or less the undying faithfulness that was cringe about them.)

Disabled or Handicapped People (In the zombie apocalypse... I kinda doubt it, I know, that's horrible but let's be realistic).

Ridiculous over the top action.

That's really all I can stomach even talking about right now. Lets start with... Why exactly did Rick have to cut his hand off? Why didn't he cut the cable? Why didn't he join them to rise through the ranks in 5 years knowing full well that would be the best chance of escape? (That to me was the most UN-Rick Grimes thing the wrote about him). Why didn't plunging his bloody stump into the smoldering walker guts not infect him? Gangrene at least.

Then we have Michonne dressed like a Samurai just so happen to be the one who finds Rick in the crashed helicopter? That's not only the laziest writing it's so cringe that I literally had to pause to take a moment.

Why did she try to charge millions of walkers? Why did she waste explosives instead of turning around? Why is nobody the LEAST BIT scared of the zombies anymore? It kinda defeats the purpose of the title and main attraction. It's like watching a "Jaws" movie where nobody cares about being in the water with sharks anymore. It's not good writing, it's just dumb. If the one constant thing throughout the series was "fear of the dead" that would have made a lot more sense. You can get better at killing them without losing your fear of them. In fact one might say that the "fear" is what keeps them alive. Keep your distance whenever possible should have been the main motto of all the survivors. Making them as threatening as gnats is disappointing. I'm not here for the adult soap opera. I'm here for the "living dead". I could do with about 70% less soap opera and DEI and more ZOMBIES and SURVIVAL!

I'm sorry, but to sacrifice what could have been an amazing show on the altar of Social Justice and lazy writing is a crime. I'm a Romero Gen X'er... I KNOW I could have written this show a million times better... And it would have added up to a TON of money for AMC.

This was like watching something written by someone who teaches Screenwriting at a SO CAL Junior College in 2024 with 3 years experience. Checking off all the "boxes" and forgetting about the main objective... ENTERTAINMENT!

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Hit Man (1972)
Underrated doesn't even begin...
10 February 2023
This is probably one of the most underrated action movies of the Blacksploitation era. In my opinion its right up there with "Shaft" and "Friday Foster". So many of these movies have been overlooked for too long. Or just plain buried by the studios. I want to see all of these with special edition blu ray releases. And the soundtrack is amazing. Everything you could want or expect from a movie of this caliber from 1972. It stands the test of time and should be re-released in 4k for sure. Guys like Sam Laws and Bernie Casey are some of the greatest black actors of all time. I feel like Sam Laws didn't get nearly the respect he should have. Ever movie I've seen with him in it has been raised up with his performance. I just plain love this movie. A must see for anyone who's a fan of the Exploitation era cinema.
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The Walking Dead: Faith (2022)
Season 11, Episode 22
I'm so done with this show...
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, I love the guy who plays Ezekiel but every time he's on screen with those perfect dreads I want to scream. Prison Camp 101... The first thing they do upon arrival is shave your head. This serves two purposes. It helps prevent lice and strips the person of their individuality. It has a huge psychological effect on people who have great hair. Ezekiel derives much of his power and arrogance from his dreads. The dude who put them in there would have laughed the whole time he shaved his head. The guards would have taken his locks and played with them to tease him.

The writers are lazy. They were probably weened on super hero movies. I bet the bulk of them were born in the late 90s. You want us to feel for the prisoners. You need to degrade them first. Make us empathize for them.

I hate them all, except Negan.
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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
Probably the worst finale in TV history.
22 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Never in my life have I wished for most of the starring cast to die in the finale but for TWD, aside from Carol and Daryl I wanted them all to die. I wanted the dead to win. When Rosita fell off into the crowd of zombies I cheered in joy! When she got up like a superhero with a 50lb toddler on her chest and fought off a horde of the dead then made an acrobatic leap onto a drain pipe somehow not managing to smash the child into the wall I could have shut it off right there and never looked back. But I didn't. I kept watching thru to the most disappointing ending I've ever seen. I can't even believe how disappointing it was. But what should I expect from these producers and "writers". It's all about the "read between the lines" story. It's not about zombies, you silly Romero fan! It's about social justice and the fabric of society. It's about making sure everyone is represented in the zombie apocalypse. It's about the matriarchy. It's about... Well just watch CNN you'll know what it's about.

Disgusting. What could have been the most entertaining finale was a total disaster.

I will never watch another AMC production again as long as I live. Your producers should write a book about how to destroy what was once one of the best shows ever made.
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Adventure Time: Come Along With Me (2018)
Season 10, Episode 13
Bitter sweet sadness... Will haunt years from now.
18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've just finished watching this series with my 8 year old daughter. To me the whole series was funny, it had that clever humor that adults could enjoy with their kids like Spongebob. But this show went deeper. To me it represented a boy with a wild imagination. In those years he could imagine this place and share adventures with his dog whom he personified in his mind. I had a not too dissimilar childhood playing out in the woods. He created this fantasy world in his vivid imagination and grew up as the years and seasons went on. By the end, this episode represented the loss of the childhood imagination as Finn had grown up. He was no longer there with his dog and some of the characters were also gone but the ripples of his imagination were still there, foggy in his adult memory. Perhaps he has children of his own now and they were represented as the two who found the arm. Perhaps he's telling them a story as BMO. This is how I looked at the series in the end.

It was sad, but sweet. I look at my kids and they truly do grow very fast. I encourage them to have great imaginations. They loved this show too. I know someday when I'm old and my kids are all grown up I'll hear the theme song for this show and It'll most likely bring a stream of tears to my eyes. Well done.
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Netflix: Ministry of Propaganda?
17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but all I saw was a rogue justice department and FBI doing everything they could to jam up everyone in the Trump Administration. They were undermined from day one.

The only lesson here is that the President should have fired ALL of the DOJ & FBI top brass and promoted from within the lower ranks a whole new bunch of people. That was the biggest mistake, let's hope another President doesn't ever make that one again.
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Serious questions about the writers motivations...
28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I was a big TWD fan from 2010 on. I related to many of the characters throughout the series. Especially Rick Grimes. I'm a 43 year old dad and straight white male.

Here's my serious question for the writers. Who am I supposed to relate to? Who in this show are men of my age and background supposed to connect with? Or don't we count anymore? For real. I need to know what the motivation is for me to continue to watch this other than just wanting to see how bad it's becoming "out there".

Every single leadership position is a woman. Is this for real? Is this REALLY how you think the apocalypse would end up? When you sit down and really examine human nature and the whole history of mankind do you really think the way you're portraying society is accurate to what would really happen?

I can't see the realism anymore. I think that's part of the problem with this show. It's not just that none of the characters are relatable for me. It's that the whole thing is just to unrealistic.

Bad writing all around.
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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
Finally! Maybe this time the "writers" will learn something.
7 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Great Episode. I'll give credit where credit is due. This one was worth the wait. But ask yourself why? Is it Negan? Partly. Is it because there was no social commentary? Yes.

Ok so the African American doctor has a lily white daughter with freckles, I'm guessing she was a "step-daughter". So I can let that one slide. They were bound to squeeze a social comment in on us somewhere. That's minor compared to what we've had to endure with the past few seasons in whole.

What makes this episode great is that Negan represents what IS. What HAS been for the past decades. I think Negan best represents how Generation X feels.

Gen X'ers like myself don't care about your feelings in 2021. We don't care about political correctness embedded into our entertainment. We accept people for who they are. I think the phrase that sums up Gen X the best is "Live and let live."

We were weened on George Romero. Our "zombie" stories don't need social commentary or teen drama. They just need bad-ass characters, lots of zombies and cool effects. Negan is Gen X.

This episode was for us. The "overlooked" generation in 2021. We are still here! I bet this episode gets higher ratings than any in the past 3 seasons.
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The Walking Dead: One More (2021)
Season 10, Episode 19
At least it was bearable.
17 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I actually paid attention during this episode which is a plus I guess. It kept me watching. It had some humor and some great FX so that was pleasant. It was pretty much devoid of any PC SJW topics and hidden messages so that was another plus.

My problem wasn't with the episode in general. My problem is with the though behind the motivation of the characters. So you mean to tell me that guy had his brother chained to a pipe for almost a decade and the brother in that much time couldn't get free? Am I really supposed to believe that in that amount of time that man couldn't figure out how to pick a handcuff lock while his brother was sleeping? It's really not that hard. Try it. A paperclip is all you need. And then you mean to tell me that in that entire warehouse the only thing worth finding was a couple cans of food? Really? Like that guy wouldn't have squirreled away enough supplies to even fill a trunk? He has a fully auto AK and no spare ammo? One man hiding out with a brother chained to the pipe? He must have had plenty of food. That guy would have had a treasure trove of supplies or nothing at all (in which case after a decade he wouldn't even have been there). I don't think the writers really know just how much Ammunition was made in this country. There's no way there wouldn't be plenty of ammo to still find.
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Lucifer: Expire Erect (2019)
Season 4, Episode 5
"Here comes Big Ben again! DONG!"
8 December 2020
OMG! I haven't laughed so hard at a line in a long time! The delivery of that line was CLASSIC! Kudos Lucy! I love it!

SO much fun writing in this new season. After the last season this one is off to a great start!
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Lucifer: All About Eve (2019)
Season 4, Episode 4
Good EVE-ning Detective!
8 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good golly Miss Molly! I found myself getting a bit sappy about the idea of Chloe and Lucifer getting together, then he saved her life, showed her his true face and Chloe fell apart.

Then along came a girl and ordered an Appletini and I said "Holy cow it's EVE!" And the way she's portrayed made her irresistible. I LOVE that character! I hope she sticks around like Maze! She's perfect for Lucifer and the fact that it will make Chloe squirm is a huge bonus!

Awesome spin! I love it!

And I don't know if I'm the only one but I'm seriously hoping Maze and Dan get it on. I thought it would happen after their big fight scene. That crap should get Maze's engine running hard! She should have jumped him on the hood of that car after the scene. Dan wouldn't know what hit him! TV GOLD!
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Any men left?
12 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Look I get it, it's 2020 and we want to "empower" women. But I don't know about you for the last few thousand years men were men. Men were the hunters, handlers and protectors. Women are the supportive roles. I have 2 daughters. I am teaching them to be strong and know how to do things like I do. But that doesn't mean I want them to let men off the hook when it comes to stepping up to the plate.

Even when I was a kid, girls were girls and we were the ones who had all the high energy and "got things done". All the lead characters that are men are betas. 100% betas. This is not an accident since it was written this way. It's like they're intentionally trying to make men seem weak and submissive. This is not how human nature really is and it's kind of insulting on more than just a science level. It's as if they want to make us all seem weak.

I also have a son. I'm not teaching my son to be weak. We were not raised to be weak or belittle women. We treat women with respect and also live by a code of honor. We live by "women and children first". That doesn't make us sexist. It makes us men.

The two guys not killing any of the zombies is beyond RIDICULOUS! Those guys would have been chomping at the bit for some "Action". And the kid that says he goes out there all the time doesn't know how to handle them? Come on. Stop.

The gay guy who looks like a GI Joe personified is also ridiculous. He's got a hot sidekick who I guess I have to assume is gay also. So this is the new norm. How does the human race survive again?

Enough of this. We get it. It's ok to be gay and they can do stuff like the rest of us. Nobody ever really said they couldn't (by the way). Do we need it shoved in our faces every other character? I'm really done with this kind of writing.

I can only home that in 2021 we can start to write based on HUMAN NATURE again and not "social justice agendas".
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The Walking Dead: World Beyond: Brave (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Guess what? You're not dreaming.
12 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just when you thought a TV show couldn't get any worse. Welcome to the new age where right from the very first second the show decides to get political and push SJW agendas. So we're faced with the strong, smart, overweight but confident minority woman who is referred to as "Madam President". A bunch of angsty kids at a, wait for it, UNIVERSITY! ha ha! Who would have thought, right?! Anyway, So apparently these kids managed to survive somehow and for some unknown reason the weakest links in society are the top dogs and the "Alpha" or what should be the "Alpha" is a mere lackey taking orders from some student council pencil head.

Can we get a reality check? Does anyone REALLY think this group of misfits and rejects would have survived the zombie apocalypse? REALLY? If we were being honest about what that world would REALLY look like does anyone have any doubt that the "Sons of Anarchy" would be running things and IF any of these morons managed to survive they'd be shining their boots and washing their Harley's.

I've really had quite enough of the "woke" TV show era. Can we put a lid on the "feel good" politics and get back to a gritty reality in a TV show? Wanna know why "The Sopranos" was such a groundbreaking and successful show? Go re-watch it and you'll see what TV used to be like before "wokeism". If we get a show in the WD universe on par with "The Sopranos" or "Deadwood" then we'll see success. Until then, enjoy your "Dawson's Creek with Zombies" and teenie bopper audience.
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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
Wait for it... WAIT FOR IT!!!
12 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers

So here we go again. Same old tricks eh. So this time you get through almost 2 full seasons before jamming your political propaganda down our throats. This time it has it all. Now all the pieces come together like some kind of Marxist SJW dream. So we have the 100 year old white super hero woman who was a nazi, she obviously hates all races and her name used to be "Liberty" which is a direct link to our own coveted "Lady Liberty" that our coins were known to depict back in the day. As if to say "old America" is just racist America. So that is the direct attack on our national pride and heritage. Now her name is "Stormfront" which also just happens to be the name of a neo-nazi website. We have "Homefront" which is a dark representation of "Superman" again with a not so subtle attack on our heritage, national fictitious figures and also the "white domination" of comics back in the day.

Then the obvious attachments to Trump and of course "incels" being white men in their 20s who hate everyone that's not like them because their racist role models brainwashed them.

I was really getting into this show until I started to notice the propaganda coming out. I don't know why entertainment needs to preach. Don't we get enough of this pablum from the MSM and Social Media?

Please stop. I will stop watching the moment the propaganda begins.
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Designated Survivor: The Ninth Seat (2017)
Season 1, Episode 17
I'm out.
21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You lost me. I just can't take the ridiculous political pandering. There's absolutely no rational reason why in that world after what happened they would be attacking the 2nd Amendment. It's not rational, it's not even slightly reasonable. Seeing these people act as if Congress wasn't blown up and they've been in Congress the whole time is beyond suspension of disbelief.

I am done with TV shows that try and make political points in real life. I'm serious. This TV model needs to be retired. People don't want to be preached to while trying to be entertained.

From this moment on the second I spot political pandering in a TV show I'm instantly shutting it off and never watching it again.

This show started out great. I was being entertained and having some fun on the ride but as soon as you tried to turn it into "The West Wing" you lost me. Fire all these kinds of Producers and Writers. Seriously. There's plenty of writers who need work who don't need to be defacto lobbyists.
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Designated Survivor: Party Lines (2017)
Season 1, Episode 16
Gun Control #1 Issue in this world? Really!!??
19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So let me get this straight. The Capital was blown up along with every single elected official and basically the entire government, we still have yet to uncover the whole truth behind that attack, and the first order of importance to the new congress is "gun control"? Really?

Yeah, because in a world where our government can be blown up imagining a civilian population that doesn't need to protect itself seems reasonable.

With much sympathy to the pandering woman who lost her child to "gun violence" in the show... Lady, our rights don't stop just because your spawn died. Our RIGHTS are bigger than one person, in fact hundreds of thousands have died to preserve those rights so, my sympathy for your fictitious victim has limitations.

If the writers had good writing and entertainment as their priority instead of pushing a political agenda and preaching to activists maybe this show could have gone the distance... BUT network TV is proving just how obsolete it really is.

Stop preaching. STOP!
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Designated Survivor: One Hundred Days (2017)
Season 1, Episode 15
Myths & Legends
19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The "Gender Wage Gap" has been debunked a long time ago, if it were true not a single man would have a job to save the corporations a 33 cents on the dollar. So stop with the raging feminist lies.

And imagine a world where the "gun control" agenda was flipped on its head and people protecting their family with a firearm was held up as a good thing instead of pushing the "crazed gunman" line which only punishes the majority for the actions of a very very few. That's not the American way. Start addressing the real issues like perhaps the fact that the mentally ill are allowed to walk among us since the closure of mental hospitals in the 1970s.

We have a mental illness problem in America, not a gun problem.

I'd like to imagine a world where the truth was held up rather than party propaganda. The WGA is mostly comprised of Marxists now. Something needs to be done about this as well.
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Season 6 more like "House of Flop"!
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Here we are in 2018 where an amazing actor like Kevin Spacey is reduced to zero because of something that allegedly happened back in the 1980s. So think about this for one minute. Everything Spacey did from the 1980s to now. All those fantastic pieces of work. Are they all to be deleted? Erased? All because he's found guilty in the court of SJW of something he did before his career even took off? It's abhorrent that we've come to such a pass in our nation. This show was one of the best shows in recent history. It was reduced to ashes in one fell swoop. Let this be a lesson to all of you TV executives and "Producers". If you want to know how to kill a money making machine and award winning show look no further than "House of Cards Season 6". It's a perfect example of what not to do. First of all the undertones of Spacey and Frank Underwood's story lines was to say the least sickening. They did their best to write these little "eastereggs" into the story to show just how disgusted they were with Spacey. It's so obvious that they decided to try and make the story about Feminism and the "MeToo" movement. It was like an epitaph for what was once a great series. I can only hope that this "epitaph" is actually one for the PC world and it's grasp on our entertainment industry. Spacey should have been given the same benefit of the doubt as anyone else. Innocent until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. Anyone who stands against that principle is the one who should be fired. I'm seriously considering cancelling my netflix account over this. I've never in my life been so disappointed than I was with the outcome of Season 6. HOC will go down in history as the moment good story writing was scrapped in the name of "Social Justice". It marks the fall of artistic freedom. I will always be a fan of Kevin Spacey and will always watch his work. Shame on you Netflix.
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Dickshark (2016)
Bill Zebub does it again!
7 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's no other way about it. You either love Bill's movies or you loathe them. I have had a soft spot for Bill's filmmaking style since I first saw one of his movies. It's not that they're bad because he doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing. The best part of Bill's movies is his dialogue and awkward interactions with his actresses. He's comic gold. He knows what his viewers want and isn't afraid to give it to them. From the moment the dude pops his head out of the bathroom door and says his dick is "like clay" and calmly goes about "sculpting" it on the instructions of his girlfriend it's begun. NO man would be that calm about his dick being "clay-like"! It's too much! But I love it. Only a mind as obviously sharp as Bill Zebub's could imagine such an abomination. Just watch it because you like sarcasm and naked girls and you'll be in for a treat. Watch it and expect a masterpiece and you'll want to call a shrink after. Love it, hate it but just don't take it... seriously.
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Don't Breathe (2016)
New Hollywood and the Youth of Today
21 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So we're supposed to feel bad for the multicultural millennial's who decide they are going to commit burglaries on people they deem to be unworthy of their wealth and success. Forgive me for not shedding a tear when these criminals get knocked off one by one. Isn't the whole point that we're supposed to have likable protagonists? In my opinion the "creep" excuse me burglary victim in this movie IS the protagonist.

This is how Hollywood now tries to indoctrinate the youth of America to their leftist agenda. They are now bending the rules by making "edgy", "underprivileged" youth out to be the ones who are in the "right" by committing acts of crime against the "over-privileged." This is the leftist, Marxist agenda working at it's best. I guess as long as these youth aren't breaking into Hollywood mansions it's okay. Total political BS. I'm tired of seeing movies with a "message". This is why all movies that are made today are terrible. It's not the acting, the story, the cameras. It's the hidden liberal agenda. Or hidden Chi-com agenda. I think I'll stick to watching movies made pre-millennium.
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The exact opposite of Blitzkreig!
1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say. I love the concept. I enjoy many of the characters with the exception of a few very cliché characters (mostly on the Japanese side of the story). Obergruppenfuhrer Smith is by far the best character in the entire story line. Joe, supposedly a grown man acts more like a stubborn angst filled teenage boy. His performance in uncomfortable situations is so immature and lacks any personality whatsoever.

Now lets get the the elephant in the room. The pacing. The pace of this show is so slow and boring you find yourself going over your grocery list in your head before you pay any attention to the inane blather going on in *name your scene here*.

Watching the "Trade Minister" meander through time and space is like watching paint dry.

I find myself asking what's really going on here? What really is the point of this whole show? In reality and ironically it seems as if the real antagonists of the story are the "resistance fighters" and the ones who seek to make trouble. Besides being conditioned to hate Nazis and The Imperial Japanese what exactly is wrong with the society they created? Being able to sleep with your front door unlocked and living in a world where you can still take a stroll in a city park without fear of being harassed by bums or beaten up and robbed by thugs doesn't seem so bad to me. If you are not a criminal or seek to cause other people harm what do you have to fear about being recorded on the phone or some such other surveillance? (Not like that doesn't happen now anyway). I say the world in which they live seems pretty peaceful but for the chaos the handful of "resistance fighters" seem to want.

If you really dig down deep into the subtext of the show I believe you will find a deep dark Pro-Marxist message that fits in with all the other political subterfuge we are being bombarded with every time we turn on a TV set or watch a movie. It's disturbing that we are supposed to embrace chaos and turn our backs on the obvious "peace and quiet" that a society that knows how to "take out the trash" could create.

Anyway. This show is extremely boring and is about as action packed as any episode of "The Golden Girls". Watch at your own risk.
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w. t. f.? Perfect last words
7 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Perfect last line of the film. That was about the summation of this absolute abomination of a film. I never watched a preview never knew anything about this movie until I turned it on. At first I thought it was going to be a movie like "Castaway" that showed some textbook uses for a corpse in survival (shedding light on the wasted pilots bodies that Tom Hanks buries). Wow was I wrong. My second thought about a half hour in was that maybe he was on some Pacific island where he would come across some WWII ruins to add to the story and that he was perhaps just loosing his marbles to a corpse friend. Then about an hour in I started to wonder how a man lost on a deserted isle (as the description states) could have enough strength to hump around a bloated decomposing body that probably weighed over 200 lbs. Not to mention how he could drink the bile that came out of his mouth and not vomit at the very smell. How is it that he wasn't waking up to a body covered in crabs every morning? Or seagulls? Then it finally came about 20 minutes from the end. He's a homeless mentally ill stalker who's been camping out behind his victims house stealing their trash and making crafts with it. What could have been the making of a great suspense thriller was wasted on fart and boner gags and just flat out duping the audience to watch it for the first hour and a half by lying to them and not in an ironic good plot structure way but just by confusing us to death. In my opinion the best part about the movie was the woman's reaction at the very end. "Wtf?"
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Undertow (1996 TV Movie)
So who was wrong?
31 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first say for some reason I like this movie. It's atmosphereic and creepy. The setting is perfect and I'm a sucker for movies that take place during a storm. Now, I get it. The "mountainman" is the stereotypical unlikable hick. HOWEVER, I do find myself asking who is the real bad guy here. First of all while I find "Willie's" backstory troubling and sad her character comes off as a typical selfish unlikeable home wrecking whore. "Jack" is a self centered drifter who obviously leaves a path of emotional destruction wherever he goes. He comes off as your typical over confident, egotistical young city slicker who thinks he's God's gift to women, etc. He's also your typical "one-upper" who constantly feels the need to show off and prance around like a peacock. Now we get to Lyle. While he is without a doubt and ignorant SOB who refuses to conform to social norms and general niceties he is also a "don't mess with me and I won't mess with you" kind of guy. He's provided for "Willie" her whole life. She's never had to work a day but for normal household duties. She always has a full belly and a warm place to lay her head. All "Lyle" asked for was respect and the typical "hunter gatherer" relationship that has served mankind since the beginning of time. He is a backwards fool but who rescued who? Who offered shelter from the storm? Who provided warm meals and cigarettes to whom? Who's house was it? Who's truck was it? Who's WIFE was it? "Jack" came into "Lyle's" life just as hard and fast and with just as much destructive power as the storm. I think in the long run the storm was tied to "Jack" more than anything. It was "Hurricane Jack" that destroyed an innocent man's simple life. "Lyle" was an "a-hole" but long story short he really didn't do anything to deserve "Jack" coming in and destroying everything he built and eventually even killing him and running off with his wife. I would say that if this were an actual court case. "Jack" and "Willie" would both be found guilty of manslaughter. From the beginning "Jack" was an intruder and a tresspasser, and while I'm not familiar with North Carolina law the laws of man generally are on the side of the landowner. Again, I know we are supposed to feel for "Willie" and "Jack" and perhaps that's the way it was intended but the actors performances made me see this in a different light. "Lyle" was the victim here. Case closed.
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Killer Party (1986)
Yet another trip back to the world of 80s horror!
22 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't know where to start with this movie. I suppose the opening music video scene was kind of a gas. I mean if a movie opened like that today the audience would want to convict the filmmakers. So corny and cheesy you think your actually at that concession stand. Then there is the hot tub scene. Perhaps back in 1986 it was OK to toss a jar of angry hornets over a fence into the back yard of a sorority while the girls sit helpless in a hot tub then laugh and film them as they are stung repeatedly and run for cover. Or could it be just another bit of bad writing. I mean forget the fact that people can die from bee stings but the ridiculous manner in which it was portrayed leaves me just wondering why. Why after twenty years after I first watched this movie did I feel the need to watch it again? I like 80s horror, and while it might seem I'm being very hard on this movie, the fact is, I think I actually enjoy it. When I take myself out of my mature brain for the duration and focus on the adolescent kid that once worked at a video store that still lives deep inside me I find this movie makes me smile. It's like a frosted mini wheat. My serious, mature side picks apart the absurdities for unrealistic and shameful while my frosted side just can't stop loving a good cheese fest! Go ahead, ignore the obvious liberties the filmmakers took and just watch a bunch of college buffoons fumble about their sexuality, insecurities and fears and get slaughtered with good old fashioned practical special FX. (I still have my old VHS copy too).
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Auschwitz (2011)
Typical Boll of stinker!
6 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still not quite sure what he is trying to say with this stink fest. I'm wondering if he did any research at all for this, the Nazis weren't shooting babies in the head and the interviews he conducted with what I'm guessing were supposed to be German youths were at best staged and picked, I'm sure, for their unique screen presence. The subtitles definitely didn't spell out all of what they were saying either. All I saw was an amateurish theatrical presentation of the "stereotypical" concentration camp story. I should have known.

The depictions of the gas chambers were on par with what you might expect to see from some kind of community theater act. Their effects were no existent unless they were using digital effects for a rather gratuitous head shot on a baby. Which as I stated earlier is of the most exaggerated portrayal of the Nazi camps.

The interviewer was certainly steering those kids in what he wanted them to say. And in some ways what they said was actually lending weight to the Nazi ideology weather intended or not remains to be seen.
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