
11 Reviews
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After Amy (2001 TV Movie)
The movie is not neutral. It actually promotes cloning
28 April 2016
The movie in a way is rather moving, no boring moment and draws your mood to keep watching it till the end. But obviously it actually is a pro-cloning movie and encourages people to support cloning. For that part, I don't like it. I don't care how other people think but I just find cloning people is simply not right! To use cloning technique to save life and cure disease that is anther matter. But cloning a baby just because you cannot get an own baby through other way? That is terrible! A child is not a toy, we should not make one like designer's product in factory. Be mature, in our life we cannot always get the things which we want. You want a child, then go and try to adopt one, there are thousands of nobody's child waiting for parent care and family love!
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Friend Request (2014 TV Movie)
The best romantic TV movie after all these years!
4 February 2016
I have seen this film occasionally in YouTube. With a big surprise it is a real nice sweet romantic TV movie. Much better than those Hallmark movies which one has seen along all these years. The casting is really a winner. The lead actress is beautiful and the lead actor is incredible handsome. The two together form the right chemistry for such type of movie. That is exactly most of the other Hallmark fail to achieve. The weak point is that the story plot is a bit too simple, if the script writer has spent more time to enrich the plot lines, it will be much better. I am surprised that no one has left an review before. Perhaps it is not a direct Hallmark production (although shown in Hallmark channel), there is not much promotion and not much people know about it. Even now in 2016 no DVD available at all.

This is a sweet little film, full of outdoor natural scenes. The actor and actress have a lot of smiles in the movie, watching it make one feeling love is in air and love is all around, and life is full of hopes. I really hope that someday a studio will appreciate this TV film and release it on DVD ..... with a reasonable price!
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Boys (2014 TV Movie)
A very nice and touching film!
11 February 2014
I totally agree with the other reviewer. This is really a beautiful and wonderful film. Like what he/she has said, the cinematography and music are good, and the key point about " Loving someone and not being able to show it, ....................., driving you to do things that disgust and hurt you inside." is the most significant message of this movie that need to be told to the whole world no matter we are gay or not gay.

The two young leading actors has done a good job especially the one who plays the boy who hesitate to come out. The only thing that is not yet perfect is that the total play time is too short that they have only shown how the boy who hesitate to come out suffers but has not shown much about how his lover suffers from his jojo hesitation. Otherwise it will be perfect.

Although I have recorded it down with my DVD-recorder, I still hope that one of those big studios will appreciate this film and release it on DVD and Blu-ray, not just with Dutch subtitles but also with English subtitles so that we can share this wonderful film with our family and our friends all around the world. Here in the Netherlands, it seems that only big studio like Universal, Warner, Paramount, Fox and MGM will release Dutch films with English subtitles. Let's pray for that!
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The supporting actors are shinning!
21 August 2012
Well, well, the two handsome young tough/bad guys are shinning and have stolen part of the show! Their looks are more impressive than the Falcon. Too cute to be a tough guys. Pity that haven't seen them around in other films. That is exactly the problem in the show business and the entertaining world. Good quality guys and pretty girls with acting talent are packed up. Those ordinary look like the female tomb raider are praised as the most sexy and beautiful woman in the world. What a trash remark. If you want to see really handsome actor and beautiful actress, try this one and you will find out what is true beauty and good acting.

Overall it is a nice and entertaining film. Catch it if it passes by your TV channels.
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Foreign Moon (1996)
Much better than those shallow films like In The Mood Of Love
5 June 2011
I saw Foreign Moon once on TV in Europe. Then never see it in any TV channel listing anymore.

This film is really well made and well acted. The actors and the actress really perform good in professional level. Far more better than those wooden acting which we have often found from those actor and actress in those high scored but shallow films like In The Mood Of Love.

Foreign Moon is a film which brings you into the real mood of love. Not artificial as that shallow one at all. It is so far still not available on DVD. I am glad that I have found the VCD in Hong Kong on time before it drifts out of print. Just hope that someday will find a DVD of it.

If you have found it on TV listing, don't miss it. You will like it.
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Hattie (2011 TV Movie)
A cheap disgusting scandal affair artificially filmed as a real love story among a young man who fancies older and overweight woman, an unfaithful wife and a poor husband
7 May 2011
I don't know this is a 100% fact based story or partly fiction, however I don't think the story is nice for making a film. A handsome young man falling in love with an older chubby married lady who is 10 years more older than him?? If that is true, he has a rare taste. A husband will accept such an affair from his wife and even would like to downgrade himself to protect her reputation?? If it is true, he is a poor and stupid man. I do respect peoples's own choice for their own life. I simply do not see any charming point of this affair, and do not see any charming characteristics of the three main characters. There are thousands of beautiful love stories and incredible sex scandals in both the up and low society which can supply much better charming and exciting story lines for a movie.

It is really kidding that this film gets such high score in the user rating. What you can find in this stupid awful film are love scene of a handsome good looking young man with a chubby fat older woman. I am glad that I had first finished my dinner before I watched this stupid movie.

Take my advice, don't waste your time for such a film with awful story. Why should one waste one and a half hour to watch a cheap ordinary affair among a young man, an older chubby unfaithful wife and a poor husband anyway. The only thing which has shined my eyes is the actor who plays the handsome young man role.

Unless you are a fan of this actress Hattie and like to gossip about her love and sex life, otherwise this film has not much to offer.
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A program specially made for poisoning the mind of the audience
18 February 2011
Well I have seen a lot of terrible propaganda program from BBC for quite a long time already, but this is really the most terrible one.

The whole program is specially to press the Chinese for their economic growth. Well, if one is jealous or envy to the success of their economic growth, why can't one simply admit it and try to improve oneself instead of making such a silly program to press them.

Let's have a look to the following points:

  • The forest: Sir, before China starts making business in that South American country, thousand of trees and land have been destroyed by the own people of that country to feed the greedy consumption of the Western countries, not China. No, no, no, listen good BBC.

  • Dangerous to the local industries: Madame, we are living in the 21 century, we live our life with international free trade. Every country is trying to make products and sell to other countries to earn income. If you can not compete with the others you are simply out. Instead of blaming the others, go to improve yourself. If today China does not block your way, it doesn't mean you have solve your problem because tomorrow another one will stand right in your way.

  • Artificially devalue the currency: If that is the real reason why the Chinese get strong in their economic growth, I think a lot of countries will follow the foot step. The British please better use some economics common sense.

  • Unfair trade practice: Who are those that had created the things like import tax, quota, tariff etc.? The western counties, not China.

  • Greediness: Who are those that had sent troops to India, Africa to rob the local people and build their colonies? The British and the other western countries, not China.

Having watching this TV program, I am not worrying about the rising power of China, but worrying about the rising power of the media. People can just simply make such horrible program and turn facts upside down. Obviously this brainwash program was not made for people like you and me who can read, think and talk. It was made and specially targeted for poisoning the mind and soul of our next young generation, to spread hatred among races and people. Just like the Nazi spreading hatred to the Jews.

Like what I have said, this terrible trash will poison one's mind. Beware!
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A rather nice film
31 August 2010
I have seen this film yesterday in a Dutch commercial channel and I find it rather a nice film. As a TV film it has already reached the reasonable level as a TV film should be. The acting of the main actor and the actress are reasonably good.

It seems that the mean reason of the negative comment from the other viewers is more heading to the point that they don't want to see any films talking about this tragic event.

At the starting of the film it has already told us that the film has been made not based on "actual facts" but based on the "theories" of a book. That means the audience should be able to decide what they should/would like to believe and what they should treat as fiction lines. If the so call "facts and findings" which we have heard from the official media are really firm enough one hardly will be mislead by the fiction lines of this film. If this fiction film has been skillfully made that it has carried the audience into a "believable" fiction world with exciting fantasy, that means it has been well made, right? By the way, who is that Helen Mirren anyway? Why should one has to listen to her comments at the Oscar ceremonies? Just because she has played a queen role and win a price? Sorry, no way.

Whether this film should have been made? Well, if this is not a film with interesting story plot, the Luxembourg Film Council would hardly have joined the co-production (and probably the co-funding?)of it.

About respect, perhaps viewing all the so call "actual facts" from one side and the so call "fiction lines/theories" from the other side of this case is someway somehow a kind of showing respect to this tragic event.

Anyway, as an ordinary film watcher, I find this film rather nice and is worth to see. It might chill your spine in a lonely rainy night.
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Write & Wrong (2007 TV Movie)
Not a good film, don't waste your time!
17 August 2010
I have seen this TV film last Saturday on the Belgium channel. This is really not a good film, rather bad actually. The acting from the main actress Kirstie Alley is too overacted. The main idea of the plot is actually not bad, but too bad cannot further develop, and only runs into boring and no story at all. I really want my time and the electricity back. It is really a bad film which nothing is entertaining at all. The only actor and actress can act up to level are the one who plays as the writer and the one who plays as the smart female film agent. By the way is this Eric Christian Olsen the son of Jim Carrey? Really look alike, they even have the kind of funny look! Back to this film, take my advice and don't waste your money, electricity and time!
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Beacon Hill (2004)
It is quite nice enough to watch
26 July 2010
Different than the other viewer, I will not make any comment on any political side. I think it is really wrong for one to misuse IMDb site to prolong one's political ideas.

This movie is not a big production but it is absolutely not as bad as the other viewer has said. I notice that it is presented by a studio/maker call Educational Project. It seems that they want to show us some scenes of the reality of our political world. Perhaps that is the reason why some people do not like us to see it. The story is not something special or new, but it is nice enough to watch. I guess due to the limited budget it has been made more like a TV film. They even could only hire two old guys to play the gay couple than hire two handsome young one that usually most other films would have done. Anyway all the actors have at least done their job in a reasonable level. Especially Michael Landes has played his role rather good. I guess this is so far the 2nd film that he has taken a leading role. He has talent. Hope will see more his performance as leading role in the future.
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That is the shameful way how Hollywood make Eastern background films
3 May 2010
Well, this is not a too bad movie, but I don't think it is a really good as so many people here have praised. First of all, the casting is really horrible. This is a story with Chinese back ground. Why they have to take a Japanese woman in the age of 32 to play as a Chinese young girl. If they have an eye on Nancy Kwan, they should also know that there are thousands of Chinese oriented young talented actresses, who can play that role of Mei Li. Obviously the producer and the director have known nothing about Chinese culture. Such kind of family arranged marriage in that period is usually for young girl who is between the age of 18-25. Also the character of Wang Tai is a young man who has just almost finished his study. Here we can see the result,Mei Li (Miyoshi Umeki) simply looks like an young aunt of Wang Tai (James Shigeta). Whatever, it is simply awful to see a Japanese actress playing a role of Chinese. That is not the worst cast. For what reason that they need to take Jack Soo (was 44 years old at that time) as a matching role for our cute sexy Nancy Kwan (was only 22 years old at that time)? I don't doubt about the acting talent of Mr. Soo, but we are talking a musical film. I don't think he suits this role, not convincing at all. For all Western musical films they always take handsome men and beautiful women to take the roles. I find that it is really ridiculous to cast Mr. Soo for this role.

About the dress, the ugly so called Chinese dress/outfit including the shoes of the role Mei Li is really horrible. Even jumping back to the Ching Dinasty no one would have dressed in that way. For the dress/outfit of this role, sorry I really don't buy it! The male dancer wearing a stupid ugly mask form traditional Chinese Opera in one dance scene is awful too. Here we can really see how the West looks to the Chinese and Chinese traditons in a stupid way.

That is not the most horrible thing. The flaw "flower drum song" which has been sung in this film is the most horrible nightmare. Can these Rodgers & Hammerstein first spend some time to study or reaserach a bit to make some real Chinese flower drum song music instead of writing that horrible song in this musical film? If you have once heard real flower drum song music, you will surely agree with me, really!

The story itself in the movie is terrible too. How come such a lovely young lady will run from one man to another man and back again (--- Sammy Fong --- Wang Tai --- Sammy Fong --- Wang Tai) without any hesitation or second thought about real love? I have not read the book, I don't know the real story. However the film simply is rather weak in this point. You can't call it romantic at all. I have seen similar topic type of Hong Kong filmsn from the '60s. For the plot and story line developing which they have done are much better than this one. This one is supposed to be a romantic musical comedy, I don't see any part of the story being romantic or comic. They have such a budget, and the film is a long one that is long enough to be well crafted to a real combination of musical and romantic comedy.

The only thing I appreciate is the attitude and the acting of all the actors and actresses. I also enjoy all the dancing scene too (except the ugly mask). They all have contributed their best to their part. The color and the beautiful cinema-scope widescreen are really nice too. Nowadays even big Hollywood productions do not use such sharp beautiful color anymore. Films of today are like shooting in a basement. So I give it 6 stars for respecting the actors/actress and the dancers.

To make it short, this film could be made better. However I am afraid this is exactly the way how the West wants to make Eastern oriental background films. Have you ever once seen a real good Hollywood production on such Eastern oriental background films? No, right? Exactly, you know what I mean!
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