
37 Reviews
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
22 March 2024
Felt like I watched three hours of previews for what should've been a great film. The bouncing timeline was confusing and did nothing for the story.

I expected to see something, anything, about the devastation these bombs caused to innocent families, woman, and children. The low budget movie; Einstein and the bomb, was much more informative and entertaining.

Casting Cillian Murphy as Oppenheimer was an insult to even novices of history. Robert Downey Jr and Matt Damon delivered uninspiring performances that felt more like cameos offered up for friends of the producers.

The exhausting, strewn out Nuremberg trial scenes seemed like an after thought and reeked of "dramatic interpretation".

The attention this film got followed by the praise given by nervous critics afraid of offending the Hollywood elite was a perfect example of the "King has no clothes." Take a pass and watch Barbie, it, at least, won't take two nights to finish 🤷‍♂️
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
The Melodrama Show with Jennifer Hasbeen
23 October 2023
This is Hollywood hasbeens trying to be clever and failing. No, the social commentary is not poignant nor is it even interesting. Over acting on the part of, mostly, Jennifer Aniston, Steve Carrol and Reese Witherspoon is nauseating.

The only purpose for this show is for these actors to remain relevant by tapping into much too exhausted topics. The emo melodrama of Anniston is particularly over the top. It just doesn't work and is too tiring to invest in.

Martin Short? Really? Is this really Apple TV competing with prime time melodramas?

Production quality is good overall, but it feels like a prime time drama aired in the 90s on NBC cuz CBS and ABC wouldn't have it. My advise is to not have it either. Nobody cares how much these hasbeens can fake cry 🙄
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Silo (2023– )
Belongs in the silo
27 August 2023
While most of the cast does an OK job the characters are two dimensional and the script is lackluster and seemed a lot like I've seen this movie before, but a better version of it.

The biggest issue I had with it was the really lame, and often repeated "go outside and clean" scenes, you'll know I mean if you decide to suffer through it. This is steampunkish, dark and NOT exciting. Towards the end it was too easy to see they were setting it up for season two.

The main character Sheriff "what's her face" slipped in and out of character as if she wasn't entirely sure where the scene was going, at least that's what I sensed. Long story short, too late, after finishing this season I felt like WTF was that?
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Significantly Great!
18 February 2023
I found this to be highly entertaining with great dialog and containing many poignant messages about marriage, relationships and the trappings of a dysfunctional family. And...all wrapped up in a clever sci-fi horror with excellent cinematography, sound and acting. What's not to like!

Jack Lacey delivers his usual excellent and convincing performance paired with perfect chemistry with Maika Monroe. The two are great together and offer an interesting view of modern relationships

The movie flows quickly and offers many surprises in a well written story that leaves the viewer wanting a sequel. Try not to expect too much, it's a movie, and you'll have a fun conversation with your viewing partners once the credits roll.
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Goodbye to Hello Tomorrow 👎🏼
18 February 2023
Watched two episodes and left wanting NO more. I was excited about a modern Jetsons type soap opera with a message about technology but was disappointed in the lack of creativity, plot and substance.

It's actually, ultimately, depressing and relies too heavily on steam punk like "technology" that's simply not clever and indicative of a severe lack technological concepts, as if their focus group was a class of kindergartners. Amazingly NOT inventive coming from Apple studios

The use of 50s noir is overdone and unoriginal, as if somebody had access to a warehouse full of overly clean classic cars that seam to be the center of too many scenes. Boring, we've all seen too much this.

I will give credit to the main character for decent acting on his part but no amount of quality acting can rescue a dead script. Shame, the streaming drought continues 😞
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Theatrical excellence with Liotta
2 July 2022
The narrative here may evade viewers but it's strong, powerful and well played with all around excellent performances, and all the circuses; music, direction, etc.

Ray Liotta shines as "the family man" and he will be missed. Happy to have watched what may have been his final performance. Never a dull moment and the point this film is making is an important one and its delivery is clever and subtle.

Those who know what it means to suffer PTSD as a result of being in the service may find this film a troubling experience. For the rest of us this film presents a beautifully crafted message and it's delivered with the best of Liotta.
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Atlas of the Heart (2022– )
Who is this suburbanite and why do people listen to her?
19 April 2022
Sophomoric and repetitious, and boring. There are no epiphanies here, just a Brene talking her same old nonsense. Just please go away, the people who like you are really just liking themselves a little too much and probably are also from boring suburbia.
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King Richard (2021)
Slaps aside, great, true story, must watch
1 April 2022
Even if tennis bores you this film goes beyond the sport and presents a true story about conviction, dedication and challenges. The struggle is immense for the Williams family but against all odds we get a big payoff.

The story telling, production and cadence is all good and special call out to the actors playing the Williams kids who really made the film. Will Smith was also deserving of the academy award IMO, tho not sure he completely captured the essence of Richard Williams after watching the actual video of him in the end credits, but he definitely brought a strong, memorable performance with genuine chemistry with all the characters.

No comments on the academy slap as it has nothing to do with this film cuz IMDb is about movies, not character assessments of actors 🙄
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Super Pumped (2022– )
Not Taxi, just Uber
30 March 2022
Does anybody really care about how Uber became an app? Super bummed more like. Total bore and should hurt a few acting careers, deservedly so.

The main issue here is the story, there is none. Main characters are uninspiring and simply, nobody cares about your business and why am I asked for a tip every time I ride an Uber? Doing Lyft now, better value and more interesting than this pile of rubbish.
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Bravery and truth, and fun!
4 December 2021
Simply the best coming out show I've seen. And truth is stranger than fiction, and more entertaining.

Throughly enjoyed this learning experience and I'm very proud to live in the same state as Colton. This took a lot of courage and it couldn't have come from a nicer guy.
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I'm not normal, I'm Nirmal
30 November 2021
If you're into survival stories for inspiration this will satisfy.

Nirmal Purja should be a household name up there with sir Edmund Hillary, any real climber will agree.
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Sold Out (I) (2021)
Talentless and dull
24 November 2021
Seriously amazingly bad and so bad it's not good. The music is bland, characters cliché and some seriously low budget shots. As a musician I stuck threw it based but just for a good laugh

Even the dog couldn't act.
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Boring, stupid, dull
2 July 2021
Collection of washed up actors in a story about as dull as they come. Once again critics get it wrong, and they know it, but allegiances in Hollywood are profitable.
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Awake (III) (2021)
Instant called classic
11 June 2021
From start to finish you are on the edge of your seat. No, they don't explain why but you that's besides the point. Great watch, never boring, quality direction and acting

The critics, again: missed the point.
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Tale of exploitation via low budget exploitation
10 January 2021
Movie attempts to tell the story of the sex trade apparently without knowing anything about the sex trade. But with bad everything; writing, acting, photography, sound, you name it, they manage to convey the simple truth that not everyone is cut out for Hollywood. Not even pandemic grade viewing. AVOID!
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Southern Rock n Roll Must See
4 January 2021
Truly great show for a truly great man. Excellent vintage video of some of the greatest musicians of the time. Finding out they they liked Jimmy makes me like Jimmy even more.

Excellent quality production from CNN and leaves one wanting more.
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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
Trying and failing to make light of 330k dead people
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just not funny, not clever and not appropriate

I'm all for a good laugh and I'm not easily offended but after the 10th joke about Biden's age and so many other bad juvenile jokes it's clear this was an idea formed on a napkin over a couple drinks somewhere in Malibu.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Bubblegum, peanuts and soap
29 November 2020
I don't remember what show or movie sparked Hollywood's fixation on the comedy-thriller-action-romcom formula doesn't work and this flight attendant proves it admirably.

Basically Kaley Cuoco is simply cookoo in endless, never ending scenes of being annoying while apparently sexy with that guy from GoT who seems out place and actually bored with the writing, like I was after 10 minutes.

This is bad but well produced by the technical artists behind the bad writing.

No Hollywood-HBO Max, bubblegum and peanuts combined suck and Kaley only adds soap to the mouth. Pass on this one
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Former employees complain
20 September 2020
...and offer conspiracy theories that your life is being controlled, stolen and manipulated all cuz grandma sent you a like.

Just another long and sophomoric theory exaggerating the evils of the internet with ridiculous dramatizations and bad acting. Yea, we know this already, thanks, anyone have a usb charger?
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Ozark (2017–2022)
No wonder Netflix dumped it
19 September 2020
Probably the most unconvincing role Bateman has played. Far fetched, bad writing, and full of stereotypes. Take a pass
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Away (2020)
Houston, we have a love problem
9 September 2020
Away is more about being away from those you love and little about the first mission to Mars by human mankind.

Whoever wrote this junk knew nothing about space travel making it just a laughable melodrama failing even at that. Terrible chemistry between all involved.

Lots of tears and bad acting and long, drawn out scenes detailing the lives of a crew who are anything but astronauts.
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Lighten up, this is classic Will Fun
12 July 2020
Funny, musical and touching. Blades of Glory meets Spinal Tap Nordic Style. If you get Will Ferrells' genius you won't be disappointed.

Great fun and impressive, hilarious musical performances. Covid19 perfect
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Forensic Files II (2020– )
Marred Just a Little by Bill Camps Narration
28 February 2020
EDIT: I was probably too hard on Bill Camps narration. After a few more shows I realized I was comparing him too much to Peter Thomas. Camp is alright and he'll get better. This is a THE forensic science show just as it always has been.

I loved Forensic Files when Peter Thomas narrated it and still do and I was really looking forward to Forensic Files II only to be massively disappointed by the campy voice of Bill Camp. You can just picture him holding one hand over his ear talking into a large diaphragm microphone wearing a scarf with a feature in his hat. It's as if he thinks he's got "THE" voice.

Camp does NOT have the voice and pales in comparison to Peter Thomas's quality and moving narration. Camp would be better suited reading children's books to preschoolers somewhere far from a microphone!

Other narrators also damaged the original FF once Peter Thomas passed but none were as bad as Bill Camp

Otherwise the show is great in terms of content, they just need to fix it by finding someone who can actually talk like an adult to adults interested in forensic science
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The Outsider (2020)
Better than Cujo, so far...
28 January 2020
But not by much and with e4 it's getting close to Thinner, another "scary" story King wrote while on the bidet. If you liked Pet Sematary you might give this a ten but maybe you liked Cujo.

So far watchable but slow, melodramatic and guessing just a matter of time before the hooded scary man is accompanied with really loud noises.

This is not The Shining and lacks luster in a very drawn out way. Six for good acting with a poor script. Maybe bingable once it's done. Praying to el Coco it's one season
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Shazam! (2019)
Holiday Garbage
25 December 2019
Repetitive and exhausting animations accompanied with bad child acting in a 2+ hour pointless and unoriginal time waster.

I thought this would be a clever "The Boys" like super hero comedy but I was fooled by the preview. Don't be fooled and look elsewhere.
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