
2 Reviews
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Hanna (2011)
Here's how the movie got created
2 August 2011
The Chemical Brothers made a couple of songs which were nice. The Camera guy had a few interesting ideas to share about different angle techniques and the writer had a one-liner saying "I just missed your heart". Then they got together and made this movie without adding much more to it.

I will admit, I was going to write a more serious review but due to the fact that there were too much of those already I chose not to. The movie deserved a 4 or 5 out of 10 realistically but I could not dare to watch the current high rating of it anymore as it was misleading. Movies such as Cypher,Phone Booth and even Repo Men have a rating about 7 and this movie doesn't come even close near them. (If i can of course make a comparison amongst them)

There is no point of criticizing the cast or the holes in the plot as they were really many as described in other reviews (don't get me started on those things). What I would suggest for someone who hasn't watched this movie is:

If you have a lot of money to spare and don't care which movie you are going to watch - go for it.. watch it in the theater (if you are one of those people you wouldn't be reading this anyway)

If you don't ....well ...wait for the DVD release and if you would like to see an odd movie with a lot of plot holes and moments that will make you wonder why you are still watching it but on the other hand a movie with interesting camera work and entertaining music(although i enjoyed it without the movie better as i got my hands on to the official soundtrack before watching the movie..imagine it even spoiled the descent music) then totally go for it but do not expect it to be a GOOD movie or one that is at least filled with a couple of fresh ideas because it is not.
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Troll Hunter (2010)
The Troll Hunter for foreigners?
29 March 2011
At first when I saw the cheesy poster of the movie I was wondering if I should take my time and watch it. I saw the high rating of the movie, so I started reading some reviews about it and they were 99% positive.In the end I downloaded it and watched it.

Most of the reviews stated that the movie is funny. In contrast, I thought that the movie is everything else but funny. It doesn't deliver humor in any way. As it was stated, there are some inside Norwegian jokes which foreign people can not understand. For me - I couldn't understand any of the jokes.

The actors tend to do a good job, except the girl holding the microphone , she is just awful. As you probably have read, the movie is filmed in a similar way as Cloverfield, so that would mean that you have to expect acting "off the radar". You should not be able to tell if the actors are acting .This is not the case whit the blond girl and the thing which was most irritating about her performance was the unusual facial expressions she made trough out the whole movie. There were some other cases which the acting seemed not natural but some of them were because of the script and not the actors.

Speaking of which, the script seemed very bizarre. I expected to see a humorous movie (reviews), if not an action/drama (as stated next to the title) but in the end I got just an adventure movie (also stated there). It takes in one way and ends up in to another.Unlike Cloverfield , you get to see the monster and in fact you get a lot of answers about the movie at the very beginning and as you move on , so this is a very different approach , which although new to me was a bit boring because there was nothing left to hang on in the end. The drama happening in the movie isn't that moving to keep you watching it and in fact it's not a big part of the movie .The characters are seriously undeveloped , so you basically don't care about them. There was some action at times but even the shaky camera couldn't intense me that much to say that it deserves to label it as an action movie.

There were some other mistakes in the camera/effects. The movie was represented as a "documentary", yet there is footage from other cameras (except the one the characters hold in their hands). The night vision effect seemed unreal because it wasn't. You can clearly see at times that there are really dark spots when they turn it on , and others are really light , even though there is no light turned on in some of the scenes. There are a couple of other mistakes as well but I do not want to get in to detail.

Finally, the movie delivered a great representation of Norwegian landscape. I was thrilled by the footage I saw and how beautiful it is there. It just feels like an Adventure movie,if I have to label a genre to it.Don't expect massive gore,action,drama or humor. Many Norwegians liked the film but I didn't know what to expect, a disaster movie or a great movie. In the end I didn't get either. I got a different movie which wasn't a masterpiece. Although it had a bunch of flaws and it's not that interesting to watch,It's worth checking out and I do not regret doing so but keep in mind that if you are not from Norway you could have some trouble with it and it's representation (reviews/rating and so on).
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