
18 Reviews
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Longlegs (2024)
Please do not wach this trash. Such a dumb movie.
7 September 2024
I do not know who first compared this trash to the "Silence of the Lambs"???? This is completely insignificant film, maybe to watch on a Sunday afternoon when you are bored to death. And you like "satan" movies. Nothing new here, we have seen everything a zillion times before. The movie is so boring and slow and empty and uninteresting that I wanted to stop watching after 20 minutes. Somehow I managed to watch through, hoping there would be some kind of "reward" at the end, but alas! Just the same-old, same-old. And pretty average at that. Nothing is explained. Why is longlegs killing families, why he needs help in doing that. And oh, such coincidence that the victim is now an FBI agent, working on exactly that case. Talking about suspension of disbelief. None of that here. Just hype. Trust me, this is as stupid as they get. Ah, did I mention that the lead FBI agent has super powers? Even if you can believe in something that you know is simply false (like the notion of satan), you surely can't believe in two unbelievable things like that the main investigator has precognition or such supernatural power? Total crap. Please do not watch. If you like satan movies so much, go (re)watch the Exorsist instead.
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Well shot but stupid
18 June 2024
I never liked unreal films. I mean, what's the point? You can invent anything at all and follow it from there, but your initial premise is wrong or impossible, so it is all crap. You can claim Greek tragedy all you want it is pure and simple crap. First of all, they all behave as robots. They all talk like robots, completely unreal. I mean all. Whole family, the guy, his mom, doctors, everyone. There is no suspension of disbelief at all. I could even imagine that the world in the Game of Thrones was real even though I don't like fantasy (because it is unreal) but with this film? Totally unreal. Not my cup of tea, sorry.
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Hijack (2023–2025)
Waste of time
24 December 2023
Really, from start to finish, NOTHING makes any sense. Stupid crew, stupid captain, stupid terrorists (kidnappers), passengers, even main character. Totally unplausible, if you are over the age of 12 you wouldn't believe in any of the stuff that is happening. Only one good plot turn, the rest is total crap. Don't waste your time. Only good thing is production and acting is not bad but the plot is real crap.

There is NOTHING happening through most of the episodes. And it is so naive, trust me I read the description and thought it was interesting idea but it was executed so poorly that it is not worth watching.
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Who Killed Sara? (2021–2022)
Boring, don't watch.
29 March 2022
Managed to watch through 1st episode. Barely. It is unwatchable crap. The acting is mediocre and it is extremely slow pacing with constant repeats of scenes. Very unrealistic. I had the impression I was watching a trailer not an episode. I wonder how it got such high mark. Doesn't deserve 3 stars. Spare yourself and don't watch.
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Time (2021– )
Great! must watch!
25 October 2021
Wow! Now this is a great short series! I can't really find anything that I did not like. It is really believable, great acting, characters. Pity it is only 3 episodes. Recommended!
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Undercover (2019–2022)
27 November 2020
I'm like 25 minutes into the 1st episode and I love it! The characters look real (unlike in American series), and has great humor. Really love it. Luckily there are English subtitles. If you're not into American commercial crap and neo marxist propaganda, you will love this one!
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Pretty weak
24 October 2020
Pretty weak even with Kevin... The acting is ok, but the script is pretty weak and the whole thing is boring... watch only if you have nothing better to do :)
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Not worth your time
24 October 2020
I gave up after like 13 minutes. What an uninteresting and dull film... Do something else, go read a book, this is not worth your time.
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Serenity (I) (2019)
6 January 2020
I really can't understand reviewers who say this is "enjoyable" or good... It is so predictable and completely ilogical. I mean, you can watch it if you have nothing better to do... But it is one cliche after another. But hey, it's the 21. century, mediocre people are the majority and this was probably shot for them....
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Traces (2019–2022)
Watchable, but nothing much
27 December 2019
First of all, all the cast except the lead (main female character) is excellent. Molly Windsor looks simply too young. I haven't seen her in any other movies or tv shows, maybe it is only makeup etc, but in this series, her looks is totally false. She should play school girl, not a scientist. Simply looks too young. Second, her character is a mess. No sane person can identify with her. Her character doesn't know what it's doing, she doesn't behave like a normal person. I suspect this whole series is an (failed) attempt of feminist propaganda....
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Criminal: UK (2019–2020)
What have I just seen?
16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw the first episode.... and I must say that this is the most boring british film/series that I have ever seen. The acting and cast is not bad at all... but nothing is happening! Sooo boring. I mean, the guy (the accused one) is saying "no comment" for 23 and a half hours and then he decides to talk all of a sudden? C'mon! And they didn't get him because of something he said, they just go and figure out the possible scenario? They wouldn't even need him in the room to figure out the pattern on the cast....
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You (2018–2024)
Decent but naive
11 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I must say that I have enjoyed this show, just saw the whole 1st season, and it keeps your attention. Ofcourse, it has many flaws, but it is only american show made for general audiences, so what do you expect.

1st of all, how come all notebooks are so accessible, no one uses password? C'mon.... 2nd, the main female character is supposed to be an intellectual type (writer) and she has such friends that are such morons? Rich spoiled idiots who think that the point of life is to get drunk and go shopping (or maybe it is becuae all amercans are so hollow?). So unlikable.

Then the kid... I mean the kid that reads BOOKS?? In 21st century? The character is great, but it is not beliveable. Kids nowdays just play games and watch Youtube.

Anyways, even with these flaws, the series is pretty OK and if you have nothing better to do, you might give it a try....
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White Orchid (2018)
Not worth your time
1 November 2018
Funny how this got such a high rating. This is just to show that nowdays you can't trust ratings... Very B production with very B actors with very C acting... So naive, like a 19 year old girl is investigator, then discovers something without any evidence... looks ridiculous with blonde wig and we're supposed to accept her as Femme Fatale? Oh, speaking of Femme Fatale, this is just someone trying to be Brian De Palma... but failing. So stay away. Boring...
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Roadies (2016)
Watchable, but nothing much
3 August 2018
And it is getting worse towards the end. Just couldn't wait for last 3 episodes to finish, and the ending is totaly stupid.... There's definitely not enough material on this subject to make a series.... so it really gets boring towards the end, even though some characters are ok. I liked the "Almost Famous" so decided to watch this as well, but this is nowhere near... You won't miss anything if you skip it.
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The Tunnel (2013–2018)
Mixed feelings about this, but watchable
8 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
1st season is a reboot of the famous Bron series. And of course it can't be better. But it is OK. Since it is European show, it is not total crap like most american shows. The British detective's character is great, French detective is a little weak, but since they copied Bron, I understand why they had to do it, it is not easy to play a character that has already been played so good.

Season two is great! I really liked it. Original, interesting. But the season 3 is completly dull. First of all, I can't understand why they always have to mix in people of ex-Yugoslavia??? Don't the Brits and French have any other things but they always resort to the conflict in ex-Yugoslavia? I mean, there is a lot of material for Brits all over the world where their "empire" brought peace and justice, they could have filmed something about India. And French too, several places come to mind; why don't the peace loving and developed French film something with Algeria?

And then who checks facts for these series? C'mon! There is no name "Saban" in ANY ex-Yugoslavia country. It could be Shaban, but definitely not "Saban". Khasanovic? Note the "kh" which is never used in slavic lanugages. If it is "Kasanovic" then it can't have "KH". And has "ch" at the end. And what population does this represent??? Muslim? Serb? Croat? His father should be Marko, which is TYPICAL Serbian name, and no Serb in his right mind would EVER name his child Saban, because it is considered a red-neck name in ex-Yugoslavia. When you want to tell that somebody is a paesant you call him "Saban". I can't see Croats having this name as well. So it must be a muslim. Now, there are NO muslims in Bosnia named Marko, so his father must have been a Serb. And give his son a muslim name????

Also when French detective hears the lullaby, she investigates which language it is. THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL she could have come up with "bosnian". First of all, there IS NO bosnian language, only Serbo-Croat language. Second, these 2 "languages" are only different in few words and dialect. And only SOME words differ. And there are NO such words in the lullaby!!! So there is no way she could have guessed the lullaby is Serbian, Croat, Montenegrin or Bosnian!!!! If you had to take an educated guess, you would have to go with Serbian, since Serbs are the biggest nation in Ex Yugoslavia, no way you would have come up with Bosnian (even if that language existed).

All in all, a load of c**p.
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Bipolar (2014)
crap, stay away
16 December 2014
Just started watching.... after 6 and a half minutes I stopped. This is such badly executed movie I am lost for words. You don't need to watch this until the end to figure that out.

The acting is so bad, I wouldn't expect to see such bad acting in amateur movie - i.e. I've seen better student movies. The dialogs are so predictable, so stereotyped...

Do yourself a favor and stay away from this crap. I dunno who gave it such a high rating, this film doesn't deserve to exist, and I don't care that it might have a good idea because the execution is so bad that it is unbelievable. I would give it a minus 10 mark if I could. It is so awful that I decided to spent couple of minutes of my time to write this review so the others wouldn't waste their time on this....
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Wrong Cops (2013)
just plain awful
11 May 2014
I went to see this film after checking the IMDb rating. It had like 6.something which is mostly watchable film. I expected at least light comedy and went to see it with my wife. The warning bell began to ring right after the opening titles started. The letters, fonts, it was all indicating something low budget. I said to myself I must be imagining things and we went on. After 10 minutes of watching this CRAP, my wife just stopped watching and went out. I managed to last until like 25 minutes into this CRAP and it is such a waste of time. I will never understand how a CRAP like this can get such a high mark? It deserves like 1 or max 2 stars, it is just plain AWFUL. The acting is awful, the characters are shallow; they tried to copy Tarantino but failed miserably. The camera is not THAT bad. The music is totally awful, it is like some crap synthesizer music from the 1980's and it really annoys one. This is one of the WORST films (if one can call it that) that I have (started) watching. STAY AWAY, it deserves 1 max 2 stars, the ranking is way too high. The producers must have bribed all friends and relatives to vote for this piece of crap.... STAY AWAY!!!
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The Machine (I) (2013)
Pretty average on all points
12 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS! I saw the poster for this movie which had tag-line comparing it to Blade Runner. Since BR is my very favorite movie I decided that even if this is not as good (not that I believed it would be) that it would probably be worth watching. I expected a decent film, in worst case something along the lines of the new "Total Recall" (quite OK if you don't compare it to the original) and in better case something like "Strange Days". Guess what? It is much much worse. And I mean REALLY much. It is not even pretty decent or entertaining movie that you will forget in a week. It is BORING and you will remember it because you allowed yourself to be fooled by false advertising.

The overall atmosphere of the film is pretty OK, dark as it should be but altogether it looks pretty cheap. Most of the movie was shot in a hangar or some huge hall. The effects are pretty OK, they didn't overdo it, I really hate these new movies that are all CGI and no content. This is a plus point. But that's about it.

The characters are cliché, the main character (scientist) is unbelievable and totally cliché, his daughter is sick and he wants to make an implant to help her but is working on military project which should use the implant for perfect soldier? Seen million times. Deus ex machina. Nothing original. The girl (machine) is pretty well acted and has nice face and body so it is pretty believable.

Script is the film's weakest point. It is totally linear, nothing unexpected happens. From start to end, I expected something to happen, but nothing out of cliché.

Music is definitely influenced by Blade Runner but i much much worse, like something out of the eighties (synths).

This is on level with TV movies, but comparing it to BLADE RUNNER is pretty damn rude! If you are not sure about this movie - don't waste your time. Total cliché, unoriginal, poor script and cheap scenery make it a complete waste of time.

I give it 4 just for effort and not overdoing CGIs.

Stay away, not worth your time.
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