15 Reviews
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Chill Lawnboy This Show is Fun.
18 June 2022
I love watching Melissa McCarthy in anything comedic. She is always funny and It's nice seeing her work with her husband. Obviously their chemistry is great. Love all the office banter and I do find the series it funny. The rest of the cast was great as well. And Leslie Bibb as Satan? She is great.

But Lawnboy needs to relax. It's perfectly fine not to like an actor. What is not fine is to assume nobody else should like that actor either. And then go on to bash that actor, and the show, claiming they are getting a pass because you find them unfunny. (Now that made me laugh all over again). Bless his heart though. Really.
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Finding My Daughter (2018 TV Movie)
Would've Been Better If
30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kind of appalling that they gave the brother a sudden stutter and used that to make him look like a nutjob out of the blue. People with stutters are not lowlifes. And the father was so concerned about the appearance of his family? And never notices his son has psychotic issues? Nor did the brother/father of the baby? And then they kill off the friend and people barely care? The poor girl was only there, and didn't even want to be, because of the daughter. With just a little bit more effort this could've been great. The acting was fine from the two leads. I enjoyed it as I usually do with Lifetime minus the ridiculous parts. I guess they do it on purpose since it's definitely there schtick. And clearly it works.
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Behind You (2020)
Aunt Beth Kept the Mirrors Because
10 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think Aunt Beth kept the mirrors, rather than throwing them out, in case her sister could come back. Just to respond to a few questions people had. I enjoyed it but then I do like mirror movies. It's free so why not?
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I Believe Within Reason
27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I do believe her to a degree. The recordings alone prove he was manipulating her and her mother. I thought it was a good documentary and really sad that he blew all of his victims' money and her money gambling.. However, she should've been honest with the Employees and told them what was happening. All his crazy, wacko, ideas and all. This I agree with. And she also should've confided in her family.

But to doubt her because she is white and privileged? Or you don't want to hear what she has to say because it's ridiculous? Some people are that gullible just like some people are criminals. I can relate having dealt with abuse myself and also having been robbed by a close friend. Not all of us are equipped to deal with criminal narcissist's until it happens. And I believe the people who hate her just have never experienced it. Because if they did they might feel differently. The signs are there and they are obvious.

Since she also lost all of her own money it leads me to believe she was not aware he was gambling the money away. And the guy that asked for her passwords admitted to doing so and was also semi-scammed by him. Then his Ex Wife provided examples of his thievery in support of her. The restaurant workers knew he was using her phone to text them his lies. It's enough to tell me she was not willingly complicit. Why would she give up her beloved restaurant in NYC to work at a gas station? I don't buy it.

There are many things she should've handled better though. Starting with the firing of the guy who confronted her. That was a mistake on her part and didn't help her case. And when the Staff all showed concern about Shane she should have listened. All of this made her appear guilty. I don't blame them for being angry and suspicious of her. And the name changing definitely didn't help.

I am not even going to go any further into it due to the recordings clearing her part in it. She certainly was not perfect and handled many things incorrectly. But criminally I just don't think she had a conscious hand in it.
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I Liked the Original and Have only Minor Issues with This one
26 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In comparison to the OG they have the same title and a somewhat similar plot. But everything else is just a new story and that is fine. I would prefer it that why. I don't really know any of the actors but that's fine.

Someone said, in their review, it's not woke; everything that goes on is what kids do today.

Well, they did that back then too but just to a different extent. Drugs weren't as mainstream and sex was usually more private. When the original was made it wasn't the 1960's where all of that was groovily happening. Kids still did drugs and had sex but it wasn't practically everyone. And it wasn't broadcasted because super strict parents were also a thing back then.

America had taken a small detour back towards "innocence" in the late 70's- early 2000's. But it has now returned to a free for all again. Best part is it's good to be different now. You can be who you are. So if that is Woke then good.

But I have to comment on Lennon being Valedictorian?? Sleeping with a teacher here and there is not going to put your GPA that high. It's next to impossible to achieve Valedictorian and even Salutatorian even IF you are in the top 5 of your class. No way was that girl applying herself in school to that degree. I can suspend my disbelief a lot but that is ridiculous. And look for the missing girl already there is a Killer on the loose.
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I Do Love a Good Scarecrow Movie
19 March 2022
It was fun and it was interesting and for some it would even be scary. I don't want to be mean and say the acting was bad because I would love to be in a Horror Movie. And I fully support film projects. But come on guys. If you really want people to watch your film give it an honest high rating. Even the Godfather isn't 10 Stars.
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Katie is a young college student studying Piano
14 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Katie is not in High School as many of the reviewers, who gave low stars for the "Plot Hole", think. There is a serious issue with people not paying attention. If you are going to review something so negatively (1*) you should at least make sure you are correct.

I thought Sandra Bullock was great albeit Ruth was a little too depressed. Especially once I found out the truth. It made me wonder why she wasn't more relived once released from prison. It was more understandable when I thought she simply had regrets over her crime.

As far as her sister, of course she would be desperate to find her. With or without the truth of what really happened I would feel the same way. I do wish she had more respect for herself and pulled herself together when going on her treks for the truth. Maybe blend in a little better to avoid conflict.

I think they could've done without the nutty brothers. If anything made the movie go South it was them. The younger one seemed so level headed until his cheating, trashy, older brother manipulated him into being angry. As if he should talk about being a bad person when he is sleeping with his baby brother's wife.

All in all I definitely think it's a great movie that could have had a little more light heartedness. My roommate was in prison for 25 years and he came out like a little kid who was just discovering the world. Along with his new struggles he also had an amusing naivety. A lot changes in two decades. But he definitely had a hard time adjusting to the hatred he experienced and like Sandra he was not 100% guilty. He flipped flopped from very depressed to excited to be free to wanting to go back in to his tiny manageable cell.

Having experienced someone like Ruth so closely I can say they did a very decent job of portraying life after prison.
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Love it But some Thoughts
30 October 2021
It's a little hokier than Property Brothers. I think the guys are more carefree, which is good, but sometimes it's a little silly. Also in regards to S4 Episode 4 "Buying Mom and Dad's House": Just to let Jonathan know that the couples' parents were born in the 60's. I highly doubt their homes are Old Fashioned. If you grew up in the 70's or 80's you are very cool individuals lol. And also, what do they think Mid Century Modern is?? That is a decade earlier than their parents were even born. As in the 1950's; and the Brothers LOVE that style. So not sure what they were talking about with old fashioned. How old do they think their parents are?
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Had Potential but Not Believable
24 October 2021
There is no way the Amish mother would've let that child leave with the doll. If she wanted to be polite: She may have suggested leaving the Doll at their home and she could play with her when there. But even that is very implausible. Shunning is a huge deal and they don't willy-nilly break their Amish laws. Especially one that is so frightening to them.

The episode really makes the Amish out to be naïve. We all have our beliefs and it doesn't make us stupid. It's insulting.

And I agree that the fake Amish women were unrealistic as well. Although the one girl did have normal, unplucked, brows. So who knows. Maybe she is Mennonite. She would not be filmed on Television otherwise.

My landlord in FL was Mennonite and I lived very close to the Amish neighborhood. And I still know very little about them. But the things they suggested on the show are obvious nono's.

I could definitely see some people enjoying this episode for the scare factor though. I love Doll themed horror. So therein lies my 6 rating.
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Eighth Grade (2018)
If You Hated Middle School
26 September 2021
This is way too realistic if you hated middle school and were semi awkward. It was so hard to watch. I wanted to go back in time and tell myself not to act like her. And I don't think I was thaaat bad. My parents got separated right in the middle of 8th grade and it ruined my entire year. Ugh, I feel depressed now. However, it got much better in High School and then especially in College.

So if you are having a cruddy time it's only temporary. Even if everyone ignores you or hates you. You will probably never see these people again. And if you do, they aren't even the same. They change too and most of them don't even remember middle or high school. Some of them do stay horrible and you just have to feel sorry for them.

Life seems like forever until you graduate 12th grade but then it flies by. It's almost worth the misery you may have experienced. Lastly, you don't want your high point to be High School. That is more depressing than being a temporary loser.
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Thunder Force (2021)
Sticks in the Mud
2 May 2021
This was light hearted and funny. I can listen to Melissa McCarthy talk all day long. Jason Bateman and his crab arms?? Octavia as the straight guy? Her cute kid added to the mix. It was good.

It's painful to read these reviews. Come on. You should know going in what you are watching. That is what Trailers are for! And you do not have to continue watching a movie you don't like. Imagine that! No need to put it on 1.5 speed. And those 2 hours you lost? They are going to be gone anyway.

I really don't believe half these people even watched this movie. Everyone on here sounds miserable. Give it the 4 or 5 it deserves and stop with the ones. And sorry but just because you don't like Ben Falcone movies does not mean Hollywood has to stop greenlighting them lol. Funniest thing I have read all day.
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Dateline NBC: Scorned (2017)
Season 26, Episode 1
Frustrating Episode
23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Do not read unless you have seen the episode:

It was completely obvious who was behind everything and we were dragged along for an hour. Why was Liz not interviewed by the cops? Clearly when the boyfriend changed his phone number, and "Cari" kept leaving texts anyway, it had to be someone who knew the number was changed. A missing woman is sending threatening texts and her phone is not being pinged?

Usually I love Dateline but it annoyed me how they kept acting like their audience was naive. Were we really supposed to believe Liz was a victim? Especially with the semi spoiler in the beginning where Amy (Mother of his children and the 1st of the 3 women in love with him) said Dave Was emotionless hence his cheating ways. Plus, Cari never once called or showed her face even to her mother and son? Clearly Cari was dead.

Since when do the Police not suspect the ex girlfriend, or current boyfriend, of foul play? Because if she truly just wanted to disappear and be left alone why the hundreds of texts to so many people? Even if they thought it was due to her bipolar disorder wouldn't that be all the more potentially dangerous for Liz and Dave? Since she was already acting erratically and making threats? How is this safe for the children or even Cari herself? Why were they so lax with their investigation? Somebody unhinged was behind those texts. Someone who knew, again, that Dave's phone number was changed multiple times. It took a fire to Liz' home to jumpstart a real investigation?

Lastly, how stupid was Liz? She could've gotten away with it if she had just stopped after the first few texts. Or at least after she and Dave grew closer again. Killing her pets was so unnecessary. And why was Dave so sought after? That was the most perplexing part of all...
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Better than the 1 Star Reviews
9 October 2020
My expectations were super low based on the reviews so how could I not like it?! I went in expecting a Charlies Angels reboot and that is what I got. Not nearly as campy (which I loved) as the 2000s versions but still entertaining. The girls are gorgeous of course (for who I wonder?) and I prefer their look to the original 70's so for me it's a win in that aspect. It is definitely a little edgier and less of a lighthearted comedy. I mean it is Charlie's Angels not Tomb Raider. People should know that going in. My review could end here but: Before I go on to address the unfair 1 star lowball ratings: I DO agree they should not put down guys OR girls in films but that IS Hollywood for you. And we ALL have to deal with it. I also agree feminism should JUST be about equality and not bashing men. Nor should patriarchy be about bashing women. As a girl I have spent my life watching predominantly guy action movies, guy sports on every TV while in almost any bar, and here in America EVERY President has been a man. (I will stop there because nobody wants to hear it). So, for me it's refreshing to not have women just be eye candy or the ditzy side kick. I get that guys want something different. Which leads me to the next paragraph... I know guys hate when the reverse happens - where they become the brainless people in female films and/or the Bad Guy. But if you watch many action movies most, if not all, of the villains ARE guys. This is not unique to Charlie's Angels. But for some reason in this movie it is a problem. Hence the extremely low ratings. In addition, it has been mentioned that there may be a couple of feminist points made but aren't there chauvinistic points made in male dominated movies? Are we really going to lie to ourselves and pretend that it's not the same for both genders? Have we not all been in this world for a while? The Godfather is my favorite movie and the women are nothing in that film. Yet I gave it a high rating. I just feel like when it comes to girl movies some people have no tolerance for the reverse of what happens in male movies. Can you imagine if we 1 starred EVERY movie that put down women? And if you really want to know what being a woman feels like take your wife's name when you get married. If that doesn't show you that we live in a male dominated society I don't know what does. So maybe throw us a bone once and a while and let us have some fun at your expense for once. If not for the RIDICULOUS amount of 1 Stars I would've let this go. I am not even a feminist and 5 or 6 of them I could see but there are hundreds. (Which, actually, doesn't surprise me lol given the men I have lived with but I better not say that... Here's looking at you Dad).
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The original Boy wasn't as original as you think
5 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bad Ronald anyone?? I liked Bad Ronald as a kid but it wasn't horror to me; it was just unsettling and creepy. Which is why I was not happy when the twist occurred in the first one. I wanted a scary Supernatural story. Not some backwoods-esque, overgrown, boy/man inside a wall....again. (Plus, I can just turn on the Crime Channel for that). He even looked like something out of the People under the Stairs even though his parents were proper and elegant. However, if you didn't see Bad Ronald I can see why you were pleasantly surprised. And using the Boy as a way for him to still feel a part of the family was a good, weird, idea. But to me it was more of a bizarre Criminal Minds episode rather than a Horror movie.

Which is why I was happy about where this production was going. I do think it was done well and the acting was good. But yes it was slow and not a lot happened. It could have used more scares, atmosphere, and a kill or two. But I enjoyed it. Including the back story. It kind of reminded me of a 1970's horror back before things got gory. The ending was predictable but most horror movies end that way more often than not. Its rare to have a unique ending this far into the game. It's just something we have to accept with the genre.

My suggestion is rent it from Red Box or your Library once they open again. Don't pay full price if you don't want another Supernatural Doll movie. I happen to love them but I get why not everyone does.
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Rating this movie so high was not the best idea
7 April 2017
I am all for the little engines that could. But the people rating this so high made a mistake. They should have went with a lower score or even a 6.0 max. Now they have screwed their little gem up and are getting bad reviews. Had this been a 5.9 I would've still watched it with some reservations and probably liked it a little better. But I went in with extremely high expectations. I actually got excited to find a Horror movie rated so well. I have already gone through over 10 films this week, on Netflix and Amazon, and all were bad. But at least those had ratings of 5.5 or 4.5 and reasons for why. I wanted to like those films and therefore gave them a try but did not expect much.

Anyway. I don't think this was terrible. The acting was not bad and the story was interesting. It was dark and slightly creepy. Had I been home alone on this stormy night I might have even been a little more scared. I don't think I even need to go into detail as everyone else has done that already. But due to all the other reviews I can't out right say go watch it. Because I think it is almost too late for that.

If you do watch don't expect much and you will enjoy it more. Turn out the lights, open the windows, and set the mood. It will help.
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