
26 Reviews
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Cry Macho (2021)
Pretty awful
23 September 2023
A once excellent director and decent actor needs to hang it up now.

It's painful to see a 90 y o playing the lead role as if he were still a ladies man and virile cowboy capable of doing more than taking an afternoon siesta.

Nothing believable in this contrived story with a decrepit lead barely able to walk let alone be seductive and attractive to middle aged women. Had he given it to a fit 70 y o actor we'd at least have a believable premise to build the story on. As it is, it's beyond the stretch of anyone's imagination. Nothing against geriatrics - there's a place and a story for those genres - but not in this one.
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Dreadfully boring
6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Self obsessed lead actress does the now predictably fashionable "time travel" of endless storyline flashbacks, presumably to explain to us why she's so messed up now.

Who cares when there's no charm or interest as to why she got here?

I've never not liked Hahn but for the first time I'm completely disinterested in her story and choices.

And. To really stretch our willingness to participate - why is her younger pregnant self around 20 yet in the present her 15 year old HS daughter would make her 35 yet we repeatedly hear she's 49. Same with her husband who actually looks younger in the present than she and is far taller than her in the present yet is her height, barely, in his 20 y o past?

I admit I watched only 3 episodes but this self indulgent disaster isn't worth more of my time

Did I mention their therapist? No, I won't.
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The English (2022)
Middling effort
14 November 2022
The English is an ambitious undertaking but a middling effort in the end. Great visuals but the plot driver as it is revealed feels hollow. Of course the horrors of the Indian Wars and the raw carnage of all against all is nicely laid out in long form. Glad I saw it but left me lukewarm at end.

The acting by all is excellent which adds to the disappointment with a story that falls flat in the end. Also unfortunately needed to turn on the subtitles (and I'm an English speaker) as some of the accents were hard to understand and in some cases there was bad enunciation. A trend that seems to be growing.

Not sorry I saw it but I can think of several ways to have made this a really top flight yarn.
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Preposterous show
4 October 2022
I stopped at S7. Had fairly high hopes first 3 episodes and then it slowly started devolving into one impossible situation after another. Suspension of belief is always required to some degree in most shows and particularly K Dramas but this one simply requires you to live in and believe an alternate reality.

I then started reading some of the spoiler reviews here to confirm my thought and felt relieved that I didn't waste any more of my time as they proved a level of fantasy involved in the script that puts to shame a good manga.

Don't waste your precious time. This is a pure soap opera of the worst kind.
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Run On (2020–2021)
should have been reduced to 10 episodes
2 September 2022
Actually most K Dramas run way over the necessary length and you just end up watching endless repetitive filler convos as the writers desperately try to fill up 16 hours.

There has only been one great K Drama that also required the full length to complete the story satisfactorily, and this one was definitely not it.

Initially I found the male lead to present as a high performing ASD person. His movements around people, his lack of reaction and empathy, his plastic features were disconcerting to say the least. As the show progressed I saw some progression but the character revelations of the story did not support his acting choices so perhaps he just is a bad actor? His future girlfriend was much more animated and expressive but over time she got a bit annoying. Not to mention as stated, the endless convolutions of their romance, unecessary dialogue, issues and false starts. At least we were lead to assume they actually had sex, which in general is something you rarely see in these prudish K Dramas.

The second leads were more interesting and had much better chemistry, but once you actually tried to figure out the gibberish passing for romantic illusion and intrigue, it became a lot of eye rolling bunk.

Just writing this review I get irritated as to the time I wasted on this show. All the frineds and family of the main characters were ok but often superfluous. The one interesting plotline that involved the male lead was the violence in Korean sports programs seen in the mistreatment of athletes and finally the oppressiveness of the system that keeps that dynamic going. Unfortunately it kind of petered out and got subverted by the machiavellian machinations of the pater familias. Not to mention some pseudo plotlines that come and go within a few episodes, again filling time and giving false anticipation.

Honestly, if you have to, watch the first 8 episodes then skip to the last 2. You'll get the whole show without wasting too much time.
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Breaking Awful
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Starting off I thought this would be a good Breaking Bad ripoff with a mix of Ozark, with potential, but rapidly realized after the first few episodes that it wouldn't even be in the ballpark.

The "hero" professor is a pathetic sniveling spineless idiot, too dumb to ever take advantage of his original windfall, too stupid to realize that hiding the evidence is rule #1 in a crime, too spineless to be anything other than a tool to be used by others.

The criminals are depicted as typical violent sociopaths, torturing and killing others for no apparent reason other than for gratuitous violence and brutality. The lead "bad guy" goes from a seeming smart conniver to becoming a tool as well, in a few short episodes.

The police and their mole are so formulaic as to elicit yawns.

The model family title is obviously a joke but to hammer it in we have the typical kids, one an angel, one rebellious, because she sees the hell of her parents' relationship and wants nothing of it.

I would have liked to see more of the wife because she seems to have potential and could hopefully do some real damage as she seems way smarter and capable than her dolt of a husband, but frankly the show is so unrealistic and full of potholes I could care less.

Shlock explotation formulaic trash.
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Spoor (2017)
a very welcome surprise
14 August 2022
I was not expecting much from this movie, in spite of knowing and liking the director's previous work. But I was completely drawn in to it, warming up slowly until totally engrossed.

Intially it was extremely difficult to see the brutal depictions of death and torture of animals but as it was the driving theme of the movie I stayed with it, and the reward was worth it. The ominous and deadly sounds of gunfire percolating the soundtrack added to the suspense and disgust, along with the chapter headings as the movie progresses.

One gets inexorably drawn into this "crazy woman's" life as she draws her neighbors into it too. Turns out she's one of the few sane people in a village of hunters and poachers, who slaughter wildlife indiscriminately and abuse women as a matter of course. A few exchanges with the village priest only serve to highlight the spirit-less and twisted views of man's dominion over nature, as interpreted from the Bible.

The acting overall is excellent, the cinematography and director's pacing is wonderful. The story unfolds organically and deliberately and we get to know the characters as the protagonist discovers them, as we do in life itself. The lead actress delivers a tour de force performance, without which the movie would suffer.

My one quibble is the very end, a little too pat and easy, marring the otherwise wholly believable story and delightfully satisfying revelations of this murder mystery. But in a way this story is also a fairy tale and as such, why not believe in a magical end? As with our ongoing destruction of the planet, if we move into our higher nature and capacities, our course can change. Believe, and then, as our heroine does, take action!
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way too long
1 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The show starts off fun but one quickly gets the idea and the plot by the time the first episode is done.

And that's a problem because now you have 15 more episodes of endlessly repetitive and obvious scenarios before boy kisses girl. Except he doesn't.

The supporting characters are silly and gimmicky. The male lead's friend is there for comic relief and he's not funny. Unless you think an infant in a man's body is funny. His love interest, the female lead's friend, is the same.

The lead's parents make a statement for stronger and harsher abuse laws. The wife beats up the husband so much and so hard if he's not bleeding he's trembling. And the final episode this is underlined by the lead saying how his parents love each other and how great it is. Huh? This is a codependent abusive relationship that should book the wife in jail. I guess in Korea this is comic relief and normal. Fun times.

As the show struggles through the now seeming endless episodes to get to the forgone conclusion with a few fun evil parent machinations throw in, we watch still. Why? Because the female lead is gorgeous and spirited, giving a great performance. The male lead is cute but blander and clueless, taking all that time to realize his rich older girlfriend is out of his league and uninterested in him and that of course he really loves the new young female employee. That there is a class difference he will never surmount because he has no ambition in the rich girlfriend's world. His false sense of honor / love keeps him with her for way too long. And stupidity. But then his parents role modeling show him that disinterest and non communication is standard relationship procedure.

Speaking of class difference, one of those sublots is what lead him to run the convenience store. Only he is terrible at it. He makes no sales and his family is useless helping him. It is only when his future new girlfriend starts to work with him that sales magically jump up. She has all the skills not him. What skills are those? Who knows, its a convenient plot line, is all. And then he goes back to work for the corporation that he left due to that subplot but soon realizes he rather not be corporate and rich and a bourgeois, but a lowly store owner and happy! Why? He's useless at it! Why then? Just a stupid facile way to tie the bow on a forced happy ending, showing his admiration for his nutty parents and waving goodbye to evil rich corporate executives.

So yes, it finally it ends with their long awaited kiss. Except no, it doesn't. The scene is blocked by the prudish hands of the actors and they wave goodby to you and the cast and crew.

Who knew Korea is so uptight about PDA? In fact all the shows I've seen show barely a kiss and no apparent affection.

Silly stuff. Glad I could fast forward through the show when necessary.
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He Who Can't Marry (2006– )
season 2 took a nosedive
27 July 2022
Season One was entertaining but the gimmick does wear thin after a while. Also seems painfully behind the times - featuring single women who pine desperately to get married and talk about it all the time.

Still, as it was a unique show, with some good actors, we go along with it. The lead male, and architect, is a what we would say now, "on the spectrum", a high functioning autistic character who has difficulty dealing with all people and thus spends most of his time out of work - where he spends most of his time - alone at home entertaining himself.

He first goes to the hospital as he has a stomach malaise, and then proceeds to go almost every day it seems to consult with a femal Dr there, who he gradually seems to like. In spite of his uncensored blurts of often extremely blunt speech, extremely unJapanese I might add, he seems to make an impression on her. I should note that his speech gets him in trouble with everyone, at work, in restaurants etc.

If this sounds like a thin plot, it is. Basically a series of inept interactions and apologies, interspersed with women getting together and whining about unfulfilled love lives. Kind of pathetic to see working women so infantilized in this show. His family is not much better, with his mother deperately trying to matchmake him at all times. The Dr is one of the few to hold her own and keep her character intact and mature, dealing with the architect and her patients and friends.

Season 2 is more of the same, but the lead male is older with much less of the little charm he had in S1. Frankly he spends his time openly sneering at people and any niceties he acquired in S1 seem to have been lost. This makes all the essentially copied and pasted plot line from S1, with new women of course, redundant and frankly unappealing now. Who cares about a well into middleaged bachelor with no redeeming social values, with half the show devoted to people talking about him in frustration behind his back?

Not I.
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The Gray Man (2022)
waste of time
24 July 2022
Five minutes in to this "movie", I knew it would be a dud. The wooden acting and horrible wigs worn by Gosling and Thornton, along with the clunky dialogue, gave it away. As it continued and the new actors appeared, it just got worse. Some really terrible performances. The only one who rose above a little, was Evans. A little, in a slightly camp performance.

Still, I kept watching, over 2 days, breaking it up due to lack of sleep and boredom.

I call it a "movie" because it is more like various extended videos pieced together with the occasional connection to reality added. Fight scenes could have been good if one could actually see what was going on. Low light in many of them along with jump editing made them hard to watch but maybe that was the point due to bad choreography?

No character development made any of the "loyalty" exhibited between characters just say so. In fact the final third of the movie depends on just that, making it all so hollow.

The ending was so hasty and unrealistic as to be laughable.

3 stars instead of 1 because I actually watched it all. Rating myself, haha.

Wish I had those 120 minutes back.
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Hacks (2021– )
sharp drop off S2
28 June 2022
I enjoyed the first season, even if it took a while to get into it. Jean Smart is amazing and Einbinder, her co-lead, did a good job keeping the ball rolling. Why? Because the script was well written and balanced. The supporting crew was also good and drawn out well enough.

Then, Season 2 happened. Suddenly it's 80% Smart and Einbinder becomes a 1 dimensional punching bag, with a goofy look, minimal lines and no plot to go by other than the weird idea hatched up by the "creatives". The rest of the cast also seem frozen in monochrome and become annoying. We get a wasted Carrie Metcalf for a couple of episodes for good measure.

Again, Smart is great but a hugely disappointing season 2. HBO should bag this before it gets completely ridiculous.
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If you enjoy watching paint dry.....
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Such a disappointment after the stellar My Mister by the same writer.

This slice of life drama that never takes off, meanders with little direction, has mostly uninteresting characters and mediocre acting for the most part, leaves you wishing you never invested the time.

Although the story centers around three adult children living at home in the country near Seoul, the youngest child commands more of the plot, to the detriment of the story. She has little presence, a wooden expression, the least interesting story and a complete bore. Her older sister is a ditzy romantic who complains about her love life but is a good actress and holds your attention. The middle son has the most interesting life and goes through the greatest turmoil and results. Thankfully he is also a very good actor and pulls it off well.

The parents are pretty much just set pieces, typical worrying mom and taciturn dad who stuggles to express any emotion he may have. Their absence as the story progresses is not missed, even by their children.

The potential wild card is the alcoholic, mysterious, perhaps boyfriend of the youngest daughter, whose heavy drinking seems accepted without any concern for the most part, particularly by her. His schizophrenic life is revealed halfway through the story but makes no sense and his subsequent revelations do not support his appearance from the beginning. The last episode reveals a violent upheaval on his part that apparently will never have consequences. So the potentially most interesting storyline also fails.

Finally, the namesake of the series, an office diary club formed by a few office misfits (one being the youngest daughter) who struggle to confirm to societal pressures but want out, this plotline and character arc abandoned halfway through the show, only to be resuscitated in the ultimate episode, but to what purpose? We learn they did not change and did not continue their diaries but, oh my, perhaps they will continue to meet and start again. Only saving grace here was that one of the best actor in the series was one of the group. We saw too little of him.

This story could have been told in 8 episodes maximum. Watch My Mister instead. Twice. It's as good each time.
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I don't get it
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Went from lol to melodrama

Also, the fact that nobody in production, from producers to writers, to staff, to actors, crew and fact checkers, knew that Croatia (the place Maisel was supposed to go for a show) did NOT exist in the late 50s and was part of then communist Yugoslavia, is a shande. Nobody from the US or Western Europe was going there to do a comedy show. *facepalm.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
waste of time
4 September 2021
A ridiculous vapid fabricated fantasy.

I enjoyed most of Sheridan's movies but this is unbelievable.

And talk about being completely out of tune with the times. White landowners fighting Indians? Gimmeabreak.

Watched the first 2.5 episodes and realized it was a white supremacist fantasy. Just pathetic.

If you want to see a great Westerns series, Hell on Wheels is the show to watch.
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Cop out or Zen?
22 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Life before and life after - that is the question?

Do we accept our fate or do we rail against it?

Our protagonist rails against it, until suddenly, at the end, doesn't.

He is successful, and along the way he meets deaf people who assist him in acceptance and growth. And he learns and grows with the experiences contained. Yet, he wants his old life back. And so he goes through the steps to do so. And yet when he succeeds and attains his previous life, he changes his mind and decides that deafness is perhaps, better?

Quaint notion, that barely takes in the possibility that his past life may have changed too, and could adapt along with him. Like, you know, life does? Gives nobody a chance when all along his aim was to reunite with his supportive partner. Who is seemingly dismissed.

Good acting but a let down in plot.

Isn't life about change and recovery and growth? And if science is helping, why go back? We don't see anything of a past life to make the decision acceptable, other than a "cool" movie choice.

Seems contrived.
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K-Soap masquerading as a gangster flic
19 April 2021
This is a 20 minute short dragged on for 135 mins of endless boring drama, if boring can describe endless glorified violence and retread tragedy. It certainly describes a hackneyed plot and endless filler scenes that only remind us how boring the film is and how unoriginal anything about it is.

I want those 135 mins back.
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Les Lyonnais (2011)
cliche on top of cliche on top of....
4 January 2021
It's like the writer/director decided to cobble together every tired rags to riches criminal gang story you ever saw, throw in an obvious double cross or two, add in a police subplot or two nobody with a brain could ever believe, and couple that with endless boring flashbacks to relieve the tedium of the present time, so the lead actor Lanvin can stop suffering a little from the walking hemorrhoid he seems to have decided would be his main character's trait.

A complete waste of time, with usually interesting Karyo sleep walking through the movie like he wanted to be invisible so as not to have the producer ask him for his salary back.

Note to casting: if you want to cast an actor as younger version of the lead, try to at make them at least have the same hair texture and facial features.

Utter waste of time garbage film.
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Killing Eve (2018–2022)
don't bring belief and logic to this party
24 August 2020
I had heard so much about this series for over a year that when the opportunity came to watch it I was all in.

For about 5 episodes.

As I continued to watch it I realized I would have to leave any semblance of critical discernment at the door. Don't get me wrong, I'm ok with a little bit of plot impossibilities but an endless and growing stream of it left me with only being able to watch actors acting. And that got old too.

Much as I like Sandra Oh, her approach became monotone. The other actors are all good but we are watching a complete fantasy world that bears no relation to reality. And I lose interest if I can't connect even a faint thread of possibility. If that's your bag, go for it. But I won't waste any more time with it.

A great series depends on enough real possibilities and events to get the viewer involved. Otherwise it's better to watch a cartoon, which this show is.

After 1 season and 2 more episodes of S2, I pulled the plug.
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
how America was built
21 August 2020
This show grabbed me from the get go and never let up. Most shows fade away or lose their way but HoW goes full steam ahead for all five seasons.

I always thought it was inspired by Once Upon in the West, that Sergio Leone classic that is also one of the best movies of all time. Here we get a chance to see every character and plot line explored and digested, a Dickensian page turner set on film.

Set against the background of a recently post Civil War America, we see a country of freed slave and immigrants, Southerners and Northerners, minorities and the wealthy, all fighting to assert themselves, reshape their identities and their fortunes, as they unite and are carried along around the building of the first transcontinental railroad.

And what characters they are - hero and anti hero, side kick and damsel, villains, evangelicals, charlatans, criminals - all competing for attention and giving as good as they get from beginning to end.

Loosely based on real events and people, we see the Old West of our fantasies opened up and explored, as we drink it up to the last drop. It's often ugly, horrible, but also beautiful and satisfying, as we see people grow, do terrible things, run away from life yet face it every day, and redeem themselves in the panorama of experience and time.

Truly one of the most satisfying TV series I have ever had the pleasure to watch.
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Stray Dogs (2013)
like watching paint dry
9 May 2020
Like watching paint dry, in the rain.

no reason to make, no reason to watch.

even if you speed up the movie it's still interminable.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
started off well, then took a nosedive by mid season
3 October 2019
Finally surrendered to the hype and started watching S1. I found it interesting at first, and fun. Soon the plot, not believable in the first place, decided to up the ridiculousness and lead us down a rabbit hole of absurdity.

Of all the performances, Malik was the best but his monotonous delivery went from interesting to 'I'm not watching anymore". Nobody else was worthwhile, but what can you do with empty dialogue. Slater was his usual self.

A good pilot melange of ripped ideas that never made it past the starting gate. I gave up towards the end of the season, as insult amounted to injury.
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Fortitude (2015–2018)
Great first season - 2nd season a waste of time
11 December 2017
I'll give this show a 9 for the first season and a 2 for the 2nd. That's how terrible the drop-off is.

The first season is creepy, weird, scary and especially, intriguing. You want to know who these people are, what their back story is and what will happen to them and to the town. Very good acting for the most part combined with bleak landscape and ominous music made me feel compelled to watch this season obsessively and with interest. When it finally ends you feel exhausted, as spent as the characters seem to be. Great season!

In fact, so much so that I hesitated to watch the 2nd season, so weary in a way was I of the grim happenings I had witnessed. But watch I did, or rather, the first 3.1 episodes only. A horrible let down, a story line that holds little interest, a seeming rehash of the first season with no compelling story line and characters that were good initially given nothing to work with and the bad ones given enough to show how bad they are. Awful! Skip season 2.
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Aruku, hito (2001)
Japanese social drama
3 October 2017
An interesting movie at times, but some endless scenes of walking through snow to the same place makes one glad to have the fast forward control.

Although forced at times the movie held interest during intense and uncomfortable interactions, as well as more romantic ones. It feels like an insight into a culture that often seems opaque. Here we get a glimpse of hidden feelings as well as that opacity that can create the disconnect and dissatisfaction in a society. Here we have the expression of feeling, without filter.

Does it result in change for the main characters? Perhaps. At least, the veil is withdrawn and clarity is established. Characters now seem to have chosen their path, rather than blindly moving within it, whether by rejection or conformity.
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Semishigure (2005)
disappointing snooze-fest
2 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(no actual plot specifics are revealed)

I had high hopes for this and was quickly brought down to earth. And interminable movie, made longer by an interminable preamble that did little to enhance anything with the meat of the movie.

Based on a book by Shuhei Fusjisawa, who's Twilight Samurai novel was so masterfully adapted by the talented Yoji Yamada, this is a glorified Harlequin Romance of love interrupted. And interrupted. And interrupted. The whole movie could have been cut by 40 minutes, including some scenes which were repetitive and others that made no sense. Perhaps it was even longer and the editor was at a loss?

Without revealing anything specific, suffice it to say that this chanbara movie builds up to the one big sword fight scene, doesn't even do it justice after all that foreplay, then falls back to more love interrupted. You feel like hurling your dime store romance paperback at the screen.

A few nice camera shots don't make up for endless preamble of furtive glances and halting touches. In fact, I don't think the two lovers touch more than three times their whole lives together. Any allusions to traditional Japanese customs in feudal Japan is bogus, because marriage and divorce was common then, especially in the samurai class.

Skip this and watch Twilight Samurai 2x instead to see how a real movie should be made.
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Ray Donovan (2013–2020)
don't waste your time
22 June 2017
I made it through the first 6 episodes and it actually kept getting worse. It goes from bad to terrible, with zero plausibility to begin with. And do we really need to see another show about family dysfunctions, but with zero humor?

Sure the acting is good, but to what purpose? An awful plot?

Skip it.
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