
90 Reviews
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
Awful boring drama about losers
6 May 2024
This British drama feels like some bad episode of an awful British kitchen sink drama.

A woman ex lawyer stalks a very boring and pathetic possibly closet gay. And God was she desperate, he thinks himself as a comedian but his jokes are so puerile and cringy non starters.

The only interesting persons in this whole mess are his ex and a trans who fell in love with him. Obviously He has some pulling power that I fail to see. These are also some of the best moments in this drama It is supposed to be a true story.

Some said it is raw drama. I say it is puerile drama. For some real interesting drama about British lowlifes one should watch Trainspotting. Now that is something.

The actors in this drama are very good though especially Martha the stalker. And that is the only positive thing.
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Incredible Mess
29 April 2024
I simply could not believe this mess that Kenneth Branagh directed. It feels like an inferior type of B movie of the sixties full of oblique weird angles of photography and close ups of actors, thunderous and repetitive bouts of music and a falling lady. The dialogue is nonsensical and Kenneth Branagh makes Poirot sound like a parody of the true self, definitely not to be taken seriously. The dialogue is laughable and sometimes unintelligible (especially when the young boy speaks).

I stopped and restarted the movie three times to give it a chance to grow on me, but could not make it to half its running length. Felt like a total waste of time. Maybe the film is not aimed at my demographics but more toward young teenagers or pre adolescents.
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Reptile (2023)
Gritty Very Good Crime thriller
29 April 2024
It has been ages since I last saw something of this calibre. Benicio Del Toro leads a team of cops trying to solve the murder of a realtor's girlfriend who was found gruesomely killed in her boyfriend's house. Several weird characters become suspects like her weird ex boyfriend and another one who has grudges against the realtor's family. The proceedings as shown in the film take time and during this period, the director shows what a close knit community this team of cops are introducing us to several of its components and their families. Despite the friendly nature and support of the team, Benicio's character always remains aloof, keeping his thoughts to himself and exposing them only where necessary. He trust few people, the exception being his wife( played by Alicia Silverstone, who despite the limited dialogue marks her presence remarkably). So one has to pay attention to detail, the proceedings and sparse dialogue otherwise one feels there are some loose ends by the end of the movie (there are not! ) This movie requires a level of commitment and attention Just when the culprit seems to be caught, the scope of the investigation suddenly becomes more far-reaching embroiling anyone we have seen in the proceedings I consider this a well crafted film with an incredible and arresting performance by Benicio del Toro as a non-trusting cop consumed with his work and his wife . Highly recommended.
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As fake as they can get
18 April 2024
This film is as fake, so predictable and pedestrian as they can get.

This concerns the story of a young girl who was abandoned by her mother and siblings due to her alcoholic father's violent nature. He even abuses her after before deciding to go away himself leaving her a small lovely house (sic) by the marshland tastefully done. Despite her origins and the fact that all the whole town seem to ostracize her, despite the fact that she has no income to sustain herself except selling some seafood to a local small store run by a black family who act all benevolent towards her (this film desperately tries to appease the woke generation), despite the fact that she has no education whatsoever - she manages to grow into a well mannered, educated and intelligent lady, manicured and spotless as if she has just come out from a college finishing school. She even manages to catch up on all her lost education with a couple of lessons from her university educated boyfriend (do we need to guild the lily more?) and go straight into naming the birds and molluscs she sees with latin names. At this stage I stopped caring and it is obvious that this good looking trash is aimed at those airport dime a book easy and hopeless romances.

The only saving grace of the film is the cinematography, the ending shows some cracks of cleverness and the acting David Strathairn as her defense lawyer was only the most believable thing.

Definitely not for me and a waste of time.
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A borefest with a couple of highlights
16 April 2024
I had no idea what this film was about except that it was scripted by. David Mamet. What followed is a bloated, boring scripted dialogue about a group of sales persons trying to outdo each other in selling shares or leads, after a (wonderful, maybe the highlight of the film) good telling from their new boss (Alec Baldwin) It may be interesting for people in the know but the dialogue is so closed without offering any insight into the business for the unitiated that I soon lost interest. And this the excellent rendition from a good cast of A listed actors.

This is no Wall Street. The actors argue continuously without respite, leading not to tension in my opinion but nausea and detachment for the viewer Despite all this, one can see that the actors are at the top of their game.
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Poor Things (2023)
Total waste of time
29 January 2024
Reading the reviews here I believed I was going to assist to a groundbreaking event though having formerly watched 2 Lathimos movies I was holding my breath It started with breath taking beauty absurd and grotesque notes. These were continuously held throughout the film, but what I remember is absurd silliness, constant sexual exploitation covered into pseudo intellectual babble and a feeling of being lobotomised. It would have benefitted me greatly if my brain was taken out like it was done to Bella I like arthouse movies but this is trash made to appeal to those on hallucinogenics. I couldn't endure watching the whole lot and thanked the world once I managed to get outside the cinema.
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17 January 2024
This film started as a slow burn 'Shutter Island ' variant kind of film, where this time a qualified detective goes undercover as a patient entering a mental asylum, conveniently diagnosed under paranoia . The detective's aim was to discover whether a purported suicide of the son of a famous doctor was actually so or a camouflaged murder. Interspersed with the linear narrative are what seems to be flashbacks of what had actually happened and which enlighten us as who can be trusted in this mental institution or not it is not long when our detective's cover is blown however and events began to take one twist after another all the time making us questioning of what we are seeing and understanding. Suddenly minor details or events take an important magnitude.

This film turns out to be a powerful by building a sense of paranoia that leaves you questioning events long after. It contains a solid story and a solid mystery. The characterization is very solid and you feel you know the inmates well. Recommended.
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Hypnotic (2021)
Nice enjoyable thriller
14 January 2024
A good Netflix thriller with beautiful houses and upper end living. This is an uncomplicated easy to watch thriller where one just enjoys the going ons rather than being bogged down by some proceedings The perpetrator is revealed early in the film so the tension arises not from a whodunit type of thriller but from who is controlling your mind at any given moment. There are some twists but not earth shattering revealing moments. Of course some disbelief into how hypnosis works has to be made and sustained to enjoy this thriller.

I found this small thriller enjoyable with decent acting throughout and believable characters.
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Mean Comedy Drama
8 January 2024
This film concerns the rehabilitation of people who suffered severe disabilities in their lifetime. They form a support group under the guidance of a council worker who tries her best to keep them thinking positively. I felt the premise threaded similar ground as to Someone flew over the Cuckoo's nest - this time however with the patients having their comeuppance.

This group try to influence a quadriplegic new comer who is filthy mean, rich and most of the time intoxicated!

By the end everyone is sort of changed by one means or another but not by positive thinking! Hence the title.

I found almost all characters having a mean streak in them and somewhat egotistical in nature that impeded me from warming up to this film. Having said that the characters are well drawn out and very well acted. It is not predictable and the film is about the journey that the protagonists undergo.
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breezy wonderful film
7 January 2024
This film aimed to pre teens mostly but appeals to all the family makes for some fun watching together. Cartoonish type of violence, double entendres and no swearing, the film centres on the exploits of Mario and his brotherly love for Luigi This film never lets go and is full of action, established lovable characters and tropes and full of colour. It leaves you with a smile most of the time and with a feel good factor The voice actors imbue the characters with charm and depth and are able to create a world with the limited dialogue they have recommended as a fun movie with no worries, for all the family.
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Stylish thriller
2 January 2024
A stylish thriller about a teenage girl who gets admitted in a fashion academy. She has an obscure history which comes to light when trying to be friends with her roommates which she found unlikable. Therefore on trying to find an alternative lodging, where she succeeds under the tenancy of an old and jaded lady who seems to have a history of her own, our young protagonist starts having hallucinations - time travelling between the somewhat sleazy world of Sixties Soho and present day What is real, are the happenings part of her imagination ? Is she suffering from a mental illness?

This film pays homage to 60's films like Repulsion and Carnival of souls, as well as to 60s culture of the nightclub scene. I enjoyed the stylishly crafted and visually arresting scenes which actually feed the narrative rather than act as filler or director showing off his talents.

The films seems to change genre towards its ending from a psychological drama/ fantasy thriller into a slasher movie, which I found jarring, but which was consistent with the subject matter.

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Sweet and Smart
26 December 2023
This small film about children acting as detective sleuths is sweet, good fun and a perfect film for Christmas without it becoming cheesy It still has those core family values about being together, working together for justice to be made, kindness etc The children act good enough and come off as sweet huggable smart kids. The adults act with respect all throughout towards each other and towards these little sleuths, even the criminal comes across as a decent person with issues.

The film never feels long, holds your interest throughout and the written characters are true to their form without any red herrings thrown in.

All in all a nice and smart film.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Whimsical story that grows deeper
26 December 2023
I was not sure I wanted to watch Barbie being a dude and thinking this is aimed at Kids or whoever liked 'Frozen', that Disney cartoons. But I gave it a try and by the end felt merrier about it. It has that feel good factor running all along that makes you appreciate the Director's and Writer's talents considering the story is about Barbie and her diaspora of dolls and the plastic world they inhabit Yet the films manages to illicit emotions, fun and merriment all along while still keeping true to the Dolls' origins and without it being preachy

I liked the world it creates both for Barbie and the Real World and the interactions that go in between, it acts as a satire

needless to say the actors are amazing and keep true to their characters. Well Done.
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Entertaining and Suspenseful
24 August 2023
I enjoyed this film which stands on its own 2 feet independent of the previous 2 films. It tries, though not in an obvious way, to somewhat tie in what led to the monster attacks in these films, but the journey there is what this film is about I liked the setup, the twists, the group interaction and the general atmosphere created where anything on the spaceship becomes so unpredictable. From the bickering crew who may or may not hold secret agendas, to the play of fear, to the spacecraft itself which seems to have a mind and texture of its own after brushing with an alternate reality. It seems the crew is after preserving itself irrespective of other consequences to another alternate reality.

Sometimes the going ons especially when the spacecraft enters or hits another dimensions are not clearly explained, but this does not lead to the detractment of its enjoyment There are a couple of scenes which remain in your mind, like the way the Australian astronaut was.found and the Russian astronaut.

The final scene is very telling to what might have actually happened and this makes you rethink the whole movie.
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Poker Face (2023– )
Enjoyable from start to finish
6 June 2023
Thoroughly enjoyed this unique and peculiar show where Natasha Lyonne always seem to get involved accidentally in some murder mystery or drama which she manages to solve in She brings her comedic.skills and imparts her signature of an akward soul in the middle of surreal mayhem in America's outback and destitutes whether they are paupers, slick criminals or just people trying to make it to the top my favourite episode was the one of the heavy metal band which completely captures the false hopes, simple minds with talents and some rock!

I liked its formula where the first 10 minutes or so the murder happens with the killer exposed and one's interest is then piqued 'why did this happen?' and how did Natasha Lyonne's character get into this.

To top it all the characters are superbly drawn and acted by veteran actors

Loved this show.
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Waste of time
29 May 2023
The film follows the rather confusing and co incidents happenings that befall Joe Ross following some written process he came up with that could earn millions for his employer.

What really follows is a flat and lifeless story of a most uncharismatic and wooden character as played by Campbell Scott as he is being conned around by strangers or bullied by his boss. The several twists try to hide the soulless and uninspiring direction that by the end (if one has reached that far) no one really cares about the outcome. The whole story feels fake and occurrences totally improbable .

Rebecca Pidgeon tries to imbue her character with some intrigue but is totally lost in this mess.
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The Menu (2022)
A thoroughly Involving Thriller
16 January 2023
This film is a stylish satire in the form of a thriller about the high end restaurant scene and the people and workers who populate these surroundings We get to know about a group of people who are invited for this dinner.

As usual all is not what it seems not only with the guests but also the chef and all the present servers who want to dish out the ultimate menu. Secrets are revealed along the way with some shocking consequences, where one just doesn't see it coming!. Infact this is one attribute of the film - its unpredictability. Add to this the fine cast of actors and the continuous suspense running throughout that begins on an individual basis and ends up involving all the group.

I believe it is a modern take on Agatha Christie's - And then there were None.
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Cold and lacking a Heart!
12 January 2023
This film demanded attention with actors speaking or better (most of the time) whispering stilted, stagey dialogue (supposedly 19th century) in some remote military Academy where it is always snowing.

Everything seems to be moving slowly in this film whether it is the male actors in stuffy clothing, the proceedings, the investigation etc There is no depth to the characters or even their surroundings accept an occasional insight and then it is reserved towards the very end of the film proceedings, that makes everything seems so uninvolving. I stopped caring who is missing, why and where somewhere in the middle, such that when the 'big' reveal occurred after the false ending I felt grateful rather than shocked or surprised.

In a film where cadavers of missing men were being found with a missing heart should have made the director think more about providing a heart and an accessible one at that for the film.

This is no slow burn where the ending rewards the viewer for tenacity and upends anything that preceeded it like the majestic The Power of The Dog. Nor does it have manage to build up the right atmosphere and hysteria despite the queer dialogue like the superb The Witch. No this film ends up feeling like a trudge only made bearable by the good acting and filmography.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Multilayered delightful film
1 January 2023
This film is different from the first one with more tongue in cheek moments, breezy and not as hard hitting . It can be described as playful and not as earnest or as deep as the first film.

It takes its time to delve into the characters and initially it only presents us with seemingly disjointed instances of their lives which towards the 2nd half is put together to present us with a different view of what is actually happening. I found this ingenious.

The acting is good the setting on a Greek island with the trappings of a billiaonaire pallazzo are all well done and satisfy our need for entertainment in a rich man s world. The satire on what it takes to make it to the top, the hangers on and how one labels oneself to achieve this are brilliantly done.

Recommended. Fun to watch.
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Enjoyable take on Greek Mythology
26 December 2022
This 2010 take on Greek Mythology is both exciting and spectacular without it ever becoming boring This time around the Supreme God Zeus is taunted by his God brother to punish humans for their rebellion against the Gods . This results in a series of calamaties besetting upon the humans and which Perseus fight together with a bunch of courageous warriors and bounty hunters picked along the way the Special effects are spectacular and realistic. The story line in essence follows the 1980 film but with battles set on a big scale and more fights. The acting is good and the storyline beleivable to what it is set to do Recommended.
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Colourful mess without a heart
17 December 2022
This film is teeming up with cgibeffects and spectacular battle sceness but left me indifferent to any of the fates of our heroes, villians or any of their people It is one of those films where villians die indiscriminately but all the heroes survive , maybe it is aimed at pre teens.

Also it tries to be funny by making fun or trying to humiliate Thor ,... Which in the end results ina a pathetic silly mess Not without its worth but don t waste your time with this if you have anything to watch or do.

Also it tries to be funny by making fun or trying to humiliate Thor ,... Which in the end results ina a pathetic silly mess Not without its worth but don t waste your time with this if you have anything to watch or do.
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RuPaul's Drag Race (2009– )
Some Queens fate is set up
11 August 2022
Quiet enjoyed this series except for the continuous production obvious support and blatant favouritism towards Kandy Muse. She was always the weakest in lip synch, yet she was either saved or chosen over the better one. Her talent was over emphasized many times when it was just mediocre compared to the other contestants.
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Cliches abound
18 June 2022
Got bored watching this pastiche. A little bit of this, of that. Writing by numbers or lazy writing? Or maybe aimed at teens?

Every cliche is written here. Bulkying at school, blonde bullies and tgeir innocent victims, useless expressions, a lot seem angry... No real heart.
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Solid Mystery Thriller
11 March 2022
A solid thriller where a young mother is in distress after meeting her friend who was holidaying in Croatia, goes missing. Several plot turns and twists reveal that there is more to what the eye can see or the ear can hear, this though without making the plot overstretched. (The type of twists that a typical Jessica Fletcher episode entails) Acting is fairly good and the locations are superb. I enjoyed it very much.
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Tense thriller with a twist ending
19 January 2022
Top notch performances and a tense story about an alcoholic woman who may or may not be seeing things. The film is honest all along and there are no red herrings but there are clues all along to what actually was happening I really liked this film and appreciate the short but important role that Julianne Moore played.
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