
6 Reviews
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Squawk Box (1994– )
My spine is... wet.
26 November 2003
Oh man, this show was for lack of a better word, amazing. I remember laughing my butt off at every skit. I loved the kids who played hockey in the street and the goalie would yell out something like "EVIL DEAD" or "MELTDOWN" followed by some hilarious sound effects and then "GAME ON!" I was only a kid then but now that I think about it I think I can still appreciate the humor today, they should put this show back on the air. 10/10!!!
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2030 CE (2002–2003)
Pure Crap.
6 June 2003
This series is basically about a semi-post-apocalyptic world in which no one lives beyond the age of thirty. There is a cliched ongoing conflict between normal people and superhumans which in this series are called 'tubers'. The writing is bad, un-original and reeks of amateurism. The f/x can be summed up in one word, SAD. And the acting is some of the most disgusting, pathetic, disgraceful acting I've ever seen. The actors are all teenagers, which is almost always a huge mistake to do in a movie or series that is serious in nature, and they were probably all probably from the same school near the filming location. I can't see anyone enjoying this series unless they are a little kid or some kind of idiot.
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Don't bother, watch Conan.
30 May 2003
Although this show does have it's moments, the jokes are for the most part predictable, and the comedy segments are not anywhere near as funny as what you'll see on Conan O'Brien, which is on at the same time. I recommend for late night television is that you watch Letterman followed by Conan.
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Hackers (1995)
Good movie about hackers for people who aren't hackers.
17 May 2003
This movie is flauntingly unrealistic, I admit it. The interfaces, the CGI, 'tripling the RAM' by clicking a button, but it is entertaining if you don't know that these things are complete fabrications. For those I've met who know nothing about real-life hackers have enjoyed all the pretty interfaces and the characters who are very different from any of the hackers I've known personally in that they are for the most part good-looking, Angelina Jolie in particular, as well as popular, whose on-screen chemistry is the type of chemistry that doesn't exist in real life but a lot of people wish it would. The script, not including the computer talk of course, is good despite the fact that amongst lesser characters the dialoge is pretty stifled. The acting by the leading roles are well-done, with the exception of Jonny Lee Miller and Fisher Stevens' characters, who seemed pretty uninspired. If you look past the flaws with this film it can be really enjoyable, and it did make some of my non-hacker friends jealous of hackers, which is a good change the computer-nerd stereotype jokes I'm used to. And as a side note, I've gotta say that some of the things in this movie that aren't possible I wish were like the RAM-tripling button click. In any case don't see this movie if you want a realistic view into the hacker sub-culture, and your not gonna enjoy this that much if you have a decent knowledge of computers, but if your just looking for a fun movie to watch and you know nothing about computers than by all means, watch it your likely to enjoy it.
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Breaker High (1997–1998)
Great Canadian show
15 April 2003
I don't watch many Canadian shows 'cuz a lot of them are pretty crappy, but Breaker High was a lot of fun with an interesting premise and a talented cast. Ryan Gosling character was so funny, your garunteed to laugh when you watch this show.
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Not as bad as everyone seems to think...
17 March 2003
I find that this movie is pretty standard Jason fare. Bad, but not really any worse than the other films. It's only the fact that it is not actually Jason committing the murders that turned people off of this film, they really should have no other reason. Some people say bad acting, but the acting was bad in ALL the Jason movies so one should not complain about that. The only other problem I can see people having with this film is that it tried to have a serious plot which for many people is the wrong thing to do in a horror sequel, particularly a 5th sequel. The plot was basically trying to explore Tommy Jarvis's psyche after having to chop up Jason's head with a machete. I could have been a good Jason movie but this plot was not executed properly not to mention the fact that by the time there's a 5th sequel to a horror movie nobody gives a crap about the why and how of what's taking place they just want to see people get killed. I'm going to be nice and give this movie 2 stars out of 5.
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