
8 Reviews
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Unusual Musical
22 June 2023
Actually not too bad as I thought it would be (although I did fast forward through the screaming female punk singer near the beginning) and really enjoyed most of the music. The story is a familiar one that always reminds me of those cult religions, where we are supposed to live perfect lives in a paradise, but always ends up looking like we'd all be robots. Z grade budget, of course, but must say that the editing was brilliant and made the movie much more interesting than it would have been. Tried getting the film soundtrack, but no luck, of course. Loved the "Nobody" song in particular. Highly recommended, though, if you like unusual musicals.
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Not Sure How To Handle This Movie
25 March 2023
This UK gay themed film has got me intrigued , especially now I have watched it with subs, as it seems to be about society in general and not just today. I think the character of Mark's father in it, summed it up, when he says to Mark something to the effect that it doesn't matter who you hurt as long as you enjoy your life (what a terrible philosophy) and the characters are all dislikable, except the character of "Pink" and Mark's mother, who has to be a saint to put up with a husband like that. Really didn't know how to take the ending either, which really didn't work for me. However, it's hedonistic viewpoint seemed to be spot on with a lot of people today and always, from experience. Perhaps I'm a bit cynical now , as seems to be the writer of the movie, but I don't think so.
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Male Mental Illness Well Portrayed
6 December 2022
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A very good film about being mentally ill, which can affect anyone. Nice to see that it was a male , who is afflicted ( the only other movie I can think of, where that is so, is "A Beautiful Mind"), instead of the plethora of females, who are portrayed with that illness in movies, , along with showing that illness where everyone involved is affected. Good that they didn't show the mentally ill male as a psychopathic killer, either, which seems the norm. A must see for anyone who cares.

The actors are all very good and all underplayed in this sensitive film. There could have been a slight more emotion from the lead player, but he portrayed his love for the poor afflicted boyfriend, as per the movie title. More films, like this, should be made and interesting to see that it was gay themed with not the usual perfect gay couples either arguing or making love. In these days, a very topical subject.
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Devil's Path (2018)
Gripping Gay Themed Thriller
9 March 2019
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I hate to disagree with someone else's review, but, far from laughing at this movie, I felt quite depressed by the end of it. Sure, towards the end, the story becomes slightly far-fetched but I certainly wasn't bored with it and a brilliant directorial debut for Matthew Montgomery (whom I've always admired as an actor) with both the actors and the great and ominous atmosphere of the film, which is spot on. The actor who plays Noah seems somewhat older than the Patrick character, despite obvious plastic surgery, but both main actors give brilliant performances with their ambiguous characters (not knowing which of them is the bad guy or the good guy, which I found fascinating). It's always hard to write a story which has twists and turns without it being a little hard to believe and I think the screen play was a pretty good effort. Disappointed that sexy Steve Callahan only had a small role ,as the ranger, in it, but always great to see him in anything and, of course,a cameo from Montgomery himself.. Rather a unusual scenario actually, being set in a gay beat in the woods and, apart from the flaws in the mystery near the end, a really good and gripping film and highly recommended, as long as one isn't feeling depressed to begin with, don't miss it... .
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Maytime (1937)
Marvellous Maytime
11 August 2017
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This was Jeanette's favourite movie of all the films she made and rightly so. The third movie of Jeanette and Nelson, firmly making them a musical team in both the eyes of MGM and the public and definitely so, being the biggest box office success of 1937, worldwide !. Again , Nelson doesn't appear until about thirty minutes into the movie and it's more Jeanette's film than his, but he is at his most animated and both of their acting performances are just wonderful. More of a drama with romantic tragedy than an operetta with a lot of snatches of opera, quite spectacularly done. The one duet ,by these two, is probably their most memorable from any of their operettas, "Will You Remember?". They just sing it beautifully and, of course,in the absolutely moving and breathtaking ending of the film where they reprise the song.The song was also featured in Sigmund Romberg's brilliant Biopic , "Deep in My Heart" in 1954 and beautifully sung by Jane Powell and Vic Damone,but it pales compared to Jeanette and Nelson's version. Many may consider the movie sentimental but Jeanette said later in life, "What's wrong with sentiment, anyway ?" and I couldn't agree more and, with modern movies having the lovers jumping into bed all the time,it's lovely to see a true love story where the lovers make love in song. It is sad to see John Barrymore in a supporting role in his last major film appearance and looking so ill looking from his then alcoholism which would eventually kill him in another five years. However he gives a brilliant performance just the same.This really is the pinnacle of Jeanette and Nelson's teaming and all good vintage movie lovers will just adore this movie.
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Rose-Marie (1936)
A Fabulous Operetta
10 August 2017
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There were three movie versions of "Rose-Marie", a late twenties silent version with Joan Crawford, with, of course, just the story and a 1954 version which was the first musical in Cinemascope, but this is definitely the best and most famous version and Jeanette and Nelson's second film together. The music is just out of this world as is the singing again of this duo. Their famous duet "Indian Love Call" is actually sung four times during the course the film. People have often maligned their movies as corn, but as far as I'm concerned, bring it on. It's always been one of my favourite movies of theirs and is the first in a contemporary setting (although many insist that "Sweethearts" was).Jeanette's acting is perfect and, although Nelson may appear wooden, it's actually a good underplayed performance which was rare at the time and their comedy is very well done. The scene at the camp fire, for instance, gives them a chance at some great repartee. They just seem made for each other both musically and romantically. Interesting to note what a big star Jeanette was at the time at MGM as this movie and "San Francisco" accounted for half the box office profits for 1936, when MGM was releasing a movie every week, and that's really saying something.Next to Fred and Ginger, Jeanette and Nelson were definitely the best musical duo in the history of cinema. Someone said that Jeanette has a voice like an angel and I couldn't agree more and, along with Nelson's rich baritone voice, they just are just beyond belief when they sing. Great story line too for those not interested in the music. Allan Jones appears with Jeanette in the opera scenes at the beginning and end of the film (and in 1937 co-starred with her in "The Firefly"), James Stewart, in a very early role, plays the part of Jeanette's brother very well and even David Niven (billed as "Nivens"in the credits)appears as a playboy at the beginning of the movie in a brief walk-on, long before becoming a star. For all those, though, who love musicals of any kind, this is a must.
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A Musical Delight
7 August 2017
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What can one say about Jeanette and Nelson that hasn't already been said. They harmonized so beautifully that anyone that has ever heard them knows what I mean.Their very first movie together is a sheer delight and has not aged a jot. Beautiful photography in monochrome and Jeanette has never looked more lovely.The music by Victor Herbert is just wonderful and shows what real music was like , unlike some of the rubbish that's written today. In fact, anyone who likes good music will just love it. Their duet near the end of the movie to "Ah !, Sweet Mystery of Life" is downright moving and their voices are just out of this world.I may be biased ,liking operetta,but I think that, even if one isn't all that fussy on it,they would still love this movie. Good story too with plenty of humour as well as drama and the audio, for the age of this film, is just perfect especially when they sing. Stalwart comic actor Frank Morgan is on hand in the supporting role, as well as Douglas Dumbrille and Elsa Lanchester. It was actually Nelson's first starring film and he makes an impressive hero and, even though people have said how wooden his acting was, it just seems right for Jeanette's glowing personality. To say that "they just don't make them like this anymore" would be an understatement.Perhaps it seems corny and sentimental compared to today's fare, but I'd prefer it any day of the week to escape reality for two hours away from the world of today. Just relax and drink it in.
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very disappointing , give it a miss
3 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This must be one of the most boring movies I've ever seen.Totally unfunny, unmoving and uninteresting, even to it's intended gay audience. Thank goodness the director had the sense to give it only a 70 minute running time, as the story could have been told as a short film.Even as a time filler, this one misses the boat. Surely , with all the great stories written, they could have come up with something more original with this theme, which has been done to death. As regards the gay aspect of the movie, the three male lead actors are completely uninteresting and the lesbian characters seem to have been thrown into the story for good measure.I was desperately trying to see something funny in this so-called comedy, but found myself being irritated instead. A definite no no.
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