
19 Reviews
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A Man in Full (2024)
Who talks like this in business meetings?
31 May 2024
I rate high generally because, even if it is David E. Kelley, making and getting programs aired is a lot of work. So it was written and created by a successful professional with lots of scores under his belt, but possibly not in touch with reality. Is this his world, perhaps? Not mine. It's the script that stuns me, and not in a good way. It's begging me to question whether people talk like this here in the USA nowadays. The degrading vocabularies in this series don't seem necessary to tell the story, or is that just me? In the DC area, I don't know any group of citizens in the business area or at the curb or partners who talk like this. Also, as a lover of Finnish and all 'foreign' series, I've never heard even them address each other like this! But she's Belgian, not Finnish. Only Belgians don't speak like this in meetings, but they'd be closer than the Fins. And as for the role-reversing 'messages,' I won't even touch on them.
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Ripley (2024)
No one listened to any Audible recordings of the books
9 May 2024
He's hard to root for. Entirely unlikable. Had anyone bothered to listen they would have maybe made Tom less mysterious, unlikable, sinister-like, and less conniving for sure. He would've been way more upbeat and especially verbally appealing. His ambience is off. Granted he was down on his luck early on, but he had this over abundance of appealing attractiveness, as it was his way 'in' that's not seen here. He's not likable at all. At least not for me. No wonder everyone suspects him. Granted our lead actor is fantastic, and coming to this with a full lineup of excellent works behind, and in front, of him he does his best under direction. His likability was one of the 'secrets' to Tom's abilities including his friendliness, approachability. His paranoia was there but he hid it well. And while awkward at first, his.buoyancy always won everyone over so they overlooked his dastardly ways and were willing to aid and abet. The production is flawless creating atmosphere, and I personally completely loved seeing no graffiti (anywhere), I would have LOVED to have seen this in color. I'm a huge Highsmith fan so somewhat a 'snob' regarding these novels which were so dear to her eclectic heart. So his standoffishness leaped off the screen at first. Con men are typically exuberant chameleons that lure you pleasantly in, at least that's how they're depicted in the narrated versions of all 5 Ripley books. He does express Ripley's deceptive isolation well. But how can you con if you're not amicable and friendly?
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Reptile (2023)
Show us the country rather than eye closeups next time
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of atmospheric (often too close) close-ups with a brutal murder unbefitting the circumstance found in under a misleading title of an over-saturated tale of longtime 'friends' turned cop corrupted with drugs for profit hidden behind the American dream of owning homes. I rate high anyway. The entire film processes isn't a cake walk. Lead actor, still got his 'it' factor. Other actors performed well. At one point with JT with the light behind him in the far away door arch I almost expected him to break in to song singing SexyBack as it looked similar to his video. Also, the absence of the reveal of who last 'touched' the deceased was missed in the investigation. I feel it should've been covered.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Great instructional viewing with tense moments but some errors
15 July 2023
Apple and Google, and all other apps, should be grateful for promotion. Saying that while I enjoyed the first Searching, saying something similar about the 'how to' aspect of a lot of it, in this one, Siri would call 911 to where it was, which wasn't where they were. Also, how could she not recognize her Dad's voice? These serious issues are out of the way, this is fun filmmaking, and hope to see other stars (like the two veteran male actors and the lovely lead) get on board using this new 'method'. Would have liked to have guns and what happens when they enter the scene, literally in this case, introduced into the story because the better outcome of negotiations is a far more sane way to teach how to end things well. So many are turning to subtitled films in other countries where a gun isn't the answer but negotiating is. I rate high, always, because it's no easy thing to make films and all they entail from start to finish. Also, like the bond developed between the two lead actors. More please.
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A Sight For Sore Eyes While Telling a Good Story
10 July 2023
Never thought I'd head to Hallmark to watch stories, but I have, and I'm glad I did. Where we have explosions, destruction, graphic close-ups, bossy, pushy, overstimulated, angry, mean, rude, and high-wired 'gladiator' women in too many leads, this lovely setting mystery was a welcoming experience. If you're tired of graffiti as art (and globe-reaching wall scribbling vandalism being legitimized by apathy), foul language as normal talk (not in my world at all), eye-popping intimate closeups, and close-ups that are too close up, take an hour off for a good story told well, acted well, written well, directed well, on a lovely island most of us visit but rarely return to, and simply enjoy the ride. A hard-core true crime convert happy to find a soft place to land.
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Prière d'enquêter (2019– )
He's the one to watch and listen to...
23 June 2023
It's a unique idea and one worth giving it time to grow on you, if anyone has doubts. He is the one to watch. She's a rude somewhat classless robo-cop-gladiator female cop that's seen too much today filed under women are the new men. Using that for defining many (far too many) cop partner series these days. I'm at a point of fast-forwarding through their histrionics and clichés for what used to be a man's role only to be replaced by manly women. That triad said, haha, watch him. He's genuine. There's an authenticity to him and his visual messages, as well as audio ones, we (Universal we) need these days. Lovely cinematography, direction, and action, with the exception of the OTT female lead actor. Listen to her when the script and dialogue brings her back to being feminine and less a man. The whole men are dumb grunts who would be nothing without a gladiator woman partner is getting annoying.
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Crime (2021– )
An unimaginable title for an imaginative series
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Chose subtitles for jargon and Scottish humor (lots of profanity yet, how else?) You'll be laughing at the beginning with the comic relief of dark tales narratorated throughout by a multi-addicted junkie, which thought were flashbacks, and feel would've worked better if they were. Great acting, while hard to watch at time since he weeps so easily, a strength not a weakness, we find DI Lennox knows a thing or two about the criminal minds he hunts having been prey himself. His brother has issues from the same past. Yet, we are called to question whether he entered the abyss he looks into, as his little helpers, the second unbelievable aspect of the story, blur his vision. Every contact leaves a trace. The first was most serial killers don't cross-pollinate nor do they allow capture. More research is required. Nice script. The real evil was ugly useless graffiti on historic Edinburg buildings harder to watch than stories of human evil as it reflects an annihilation of the innocent, much like the stories. End thoughts? Great writing, and happy for an S2. Know this. There's nothing as oppressive as a secret.
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The Long Call (2021)
Well-acted, directed, and written adult mystery entertainment
27 October 2022
More seasons, please? I've enjoyed this evenly-paced, adult, sparse, relevant, well-written, carefully directed, and expertly-acted, stunning cinematographic story that builds slowly unravels much in how life pans out. Find it interesting we have straight actors playing Gay characters, but it's standard practice since Gay actors are still stigmatized, which lays the foundation of this tale. There's enough in this for everyone: mystery, landscape scenes beyond compare, complex characters, and story, all delivered with a pace that doesn't give you a panic attack. But mostly, the gore isn't needed. Instead, that's replaced by breathtaking scene cuts that make you want to book a flight.
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Long Way Up (2020)
Up Next: The Long Way Sideways
5 December 2020
Watched then went back to watch from the beginning. Have issues with second which most likely mirror all staff but Ewan, or whomever had final say over timeline, which might be one in the same, hahah, but won't go into that, plus the wife bit that started the friction where anyone was aware of that. What a selfishly jealous human she was, that's all I'll say. [Author's note. I'm in S7 writing this so maybe she wised up and stayed home, although I doubt it. Not even experienced, so just wow. Sorry. It wasn't an easy trip, but after LWR, nearly any trip would have been easier one would imagine? They all might not feel like it, but it would be nice to meet the twain, one final time, by giving Ewan his beloved "tarmac," and Charlie his beloved, if not on a bike at least meeting up (off camera please) as the firmly bonded group go SIDEWAYS down from Wales, lets suppose, then across to some lovely sights of The Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, ending in Iran. OR wherever Rumi is buried. Maybe visit all the poet's gravesites along the way? Something a tad softer on the bums for everyone? Wish to thank EVERY SINGLE person involved in these. No easy feat, any of it. Brilliant idea.
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Hard to watch
24 November 2020
I fast-forwarded through most of it. The film needs a safe word so you can bail, so it doesn't trigger a panic attack. It's well-made educational entertainment film for the posh set of society. I'd say it was over-acted, but instead, it's spot-on how touchy those folks are, for a reason: they're angry-born angry-grown angry. It's the anger that either motivates or disables. Over-the-top visual abuse (even in the form of tough love), folks with no boundaries, most foul-mouthed, vile-acting, cons, grifters, liars, and all this is within the family--in hopes to get you beyond the family. The film is trigger-familiar, so be careful, for anyone who remotely grew up in a "hillbilly" or "redneck" environment. It won't be much fun for them. It's kind of like a train-wreck in that you want to see if the man makes it out alive to break the chain of cycling abuse. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything or anyone who no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy. I'm stumped he returned. I don't buy into the 'family' is everything. One is better off alone than in bad company, especially if they're family.
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Young Wallander (2020–2022)
Lazy Americans ruined something with great potential...
3 September 2020
Lazy Americans! Wow, look at what power we have! We can get a nation to do this! Why? For the love of money!? Guess so. Sad. People wear Swiss police uniforms, but they hired English-speaking people rather than film in their native language. How sad. Why not add English as a language like any other and let us listen to how they would typically address each other, not American-ize this!

Another American-ized downgrade is its predictability (the guy first charged)? Who didn't see that coming? Saying that I watched it because there are enough Nordic fingerprints on it to try to recall how cool it is when they need to speak English in their series and do. Hold onto that, and it'll be okay.

Disgusted American who thinks this had serious potential, but it's worth the watch.
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Little Women (2019)
The most accurately beautiful film directed I failed to be a able to...
26 May 2020
... follow. That said, no complaints. I couldn't keep up. Loved it though.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
Where's the proof Emily was a lesbian?
15 December 2019
Rap music, home-boy tatooes, gold chains, funkadylic hipster jive chat, really? A total rebel? Tossing plates into the fireplace? Really?! It's totally out of the realm of reality. But guess it's not for my generation but for Gen Y to teach them about history by any means necessary. But in S1 E1 we see her kissing another woman? Right. No. Where's the proof she was gay? Or is that the spin of why she never married? Otherwise it's lovely. Sets are beautiful. Clothing perfect. Casting is great. Script is weird. Locations are excellent. Just can't get into it like I'm supposed to, but then I'm over 20.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Needs more humor... off to a revealing start!
13 December 2019
... and Reese needs to revert back to blond. Fit it in. Pronto. Three, maybe, more comedic actors with strong drama skills should never go to waste for any dramatic agenda. Use them well. Series is stylish, real, human, and it cares. It shows us what all goes on while we are sleeping, muddling through our own daily lives. I've tremendous respect for those who do this, operate buses, planes, subways, deliver food, and so on... a very long list, that we have grown compliant with. I like that it's trying to show us they are human with lives, troubles, pressures, scrutinty and family lives they juggle just like us to keep us on top of topics sometimes as close to them as to us. Just amp up the humor... that's a part of life too. Like the lyrics say, laughing and crying, you know, it's the same release...
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CSI: NY (2004–2013)
A humane touch
5 July 2019
Gary did this here then brought it with him to CM:BB which should still be on air. That's an exceptional quality.
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Berlin Station (2016–2019)
It should have been on Netflix or a Prime Original
30 June 2019
11 stars.

Too bad it wasn't on Netflix or a Prime Original but on some obscure station few could have. The wait was worth waiting for. Had it been accessible it would be heading for season 4. Current. Interesting. Intelligent. Original. Well acted. Visually appealing.

Own it. I do.
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Dylan shined but Scarlet stole the show
16 June 2019
Was fun watching Dylan in his prime and as his now self reflected self 40 years later. The face paint never bothered me here. I got it. Unique songs highlighted. The 'in between' songs that are often a backbone to an EP/Album/CD were the highlights on this gift. Yet say what you want as this tries to highlight others, including Dylan who needs it not who comes off genuine, it was Scarlet who stole the show IMO. Don't think this would have been as watchable without her or his tour as successful. JMO of course but she couldn't take her eyes off him. The secret in their eyes. A 'mental marriage' beyond any doubt. If just for this tour. Again, JMO
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McMafia (2018)
Not for lazy viewing--this comands engagement
14 June 2019
It's complex, complicated, compartmentalized. Its locations are where the 'action' takes place. It isn't for a casual viewer at all. Based on a non-fiction book (I'm listening to as I write this) it's not for the faint of heart who don't want any truth thrust in their faces based on what's really transpired. This isn't a Hallmark channel production. That said, when it gets mid-way you're wanting more episodes as you watch, jaw dropped, as what is said in the first episode by his Dad comes to light. By the last episode you're wondering if an education, new location, different circle of friends, can ever dissuade a core upbringing where some things cannot be forgotten, cast aside, shrugged off, no matter how hard you try to walk the straight old line? I just sat there completely shocked, but why was I? I saw it evolving all along. Boils down to father knows best. Listen or not, he tried. He did.
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True Detective (2014– )
All three thus far have something to say about something
25 February 2019
... which is why I'm way more pro S3 than a lot of folks because it has a lot to say. But if you demand the band to follow its first album with the same like before they're going to bulk because they want to say something different. S3 did that in spades. Its script was by far tightest I've ever heard from my side of the monitor. The wise clipped sentences allowed me to listen as sharply as I was invited to watch with a scrutiny only the three main actors demand. How does he write like that? Oh, right, he's fro Louisiana where they actually talk like that... well, sort of I suspect.

S3 is getting praise because NP pretty much returned to form. It's good, but it isn't S2. S2 thus far is my personal favorite. I like different. Same is like how it is when one settles, not that NP settled, but he did show up for bits at the end to re-encourage folks to see beyond what they see. To quote him from elsewhere, "There is deep down power in the solitary man." Keep doin' it. Do it afraid.
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