
35 Reviews
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Wow! Loved it!
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Never have I loved an unrepentant killer more! This show was great! It's weird because at least Dexter killed bad people and kind of felt bad for killing people. Our "Hero" in this show does not. I feel weird saying all that, but the show is so good that you don't care about thinking about what is happening too much. The actors are great, the writing is great, the scenery is great, everything is great! This show better be renewed! I'm not sure how accurately this follows the novels, but at least I can find out what happens next through the novels. She better save him in the next season, but I'm not sure how that would work since everyone knows who he is now.
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Halo (2022– )
Season 2!
15 March 2024
Let me first say that this is still not Halo. However, season 2 is a huge step up from season one, and is actually now a show that I enjoy and look forward to watching. However, it is still not Halo, but damn if season two has not had a few bangers of episodes and you actually care about these characters now, unlike season one. Not sure what changed behind the scenes, but it was a good thing, whatever happened.

I watched season one because of the effects, which were pretty great! Now, I'm watching because of the story too, which is pretty good! I used to watch the old school Doctor Who because of the story, not the effects budget, which was probably about $150. Story is everything, and this show is starting to have both a good story and big budget. Bravo!
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Halo: Reach (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Now that was Good!
22 February 2024
Still not really Halo, but that was really good! Badass action episode that we have been waiting for, but unfortunately not in the armor. This show has been so up and down it's crazy. I keep watching for the effects, which are great, but every now and then there is a good episode. Definitely still far from the actual Halo story. But damn, this episode was a absolute banger! I hope they didn't waste the whole seasons budget on this episode and the rest of the season is just a bunch of talking. However the rest of the season plays out, I cannot commend the entire crew involved in this episode more. It was awesome!
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Lady Ballers (2023)
Pretty funny!
6 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I admit that I was skeptical, given who had made it, but it was actually pretty funny! I fully admit that I am a fan of most of these people in the movie in their day jobs, I just didn't have much faith in their ability (yet) to produce a good movie. Although I really liked Run, Hide, Fight! However, I was wrong. This felt like a throwback to the comedies of old that major movie companies might have actually made back in the day. I laughed out loud quite afew times, and the ending was really hearfelt.

I hope a lot of people watch this movie, because it's good, and it sheds light on the ridiculousness of what is going on in our society right now, in a funny way, not in a mean way.
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So funny that people think this is anything but a game show.
23 November 2023
This is a game show! It is not a tv show! I quite enjoyed it. People complain about how American it is, who do you think is paying for it. Americans! I love Korean movies and tv shows, they're great! However, we already saw a Korean version of this game as a scripted tv show. Most customers of Netflix are americans and those same customers also made a Korean tv show the biggest hit that Netflix has ever had in it's history. So, who cares who the contestants are, and there are also some international contestants. Anyway, as I said, I'm quite enjoying it and will gladly continue watching it and also look forward to the next season of the actual tv series.

Also, 278 is a bad person.
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I really liked it!
17 November 2023
I had a lot of fun watching this movie. I watch a lot of tv and movies, and this was the most enjoyable and quite funny things that I've seen in quite a long time. I really like Andrew Bowser, but I was a bit concerned that his schtick would grow old in a feature length movie. Boy was I wrong! I could watch a whole series of movies based on this character, as long as the quality of the writing stayed the same. Like the old times movies based on the same characters put in different situations, like Abbott and Costello. Anyway, as I said, I had a lot of fun watching this movie and haven't laughed so hard in quite a while! Thanks Andrew!
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One Piece (2023– )
Really good!
14 September 2023
This show has something that is rare these days, the actors and the writing actually make you care about the characters and the story. All the actors are great, but this Inaki kid is infectious. I have never seen him in anything else, but whatever he does after this, I will definitely give it a chance. I don't know what his range is as an actor, but in this he is great! His smiles and enthusiasm make you smile and feel enthusiastic about the show and the story that is being told. It's so good that it makes me want to check out the manga and anime. I read manga and watch anime, however, this did not look too interesting to me after wathing the trailers, but all the good reviews prompted me to give it a shot. I am so glad that I did!
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Gran Turismo (2023)
Not perfect, but really good!
6 August 2023
I really liked it! It had what every movie needs; action, romance, drama and laughs. Proves that Neill Blomkamp can make different kinds of movies. District 9 is one of my favorite movies, and one of the best debuts by a director ever. Elysium was good, and I even liked Chappie. Then he sort of fell off the map and came back with a pretty crappy horror movie that I can't even remember the name of, after making some pretty cool shorts. This movie proves that he's still got it, and can do different genres also. Anyway, this was a really good movie! The rest of this is filler.....................
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The Machine (I) (2023)
I like it!
23 June 2023
I liked it! It's not the best movie ever, but it's funny and has a unique premise, and I mean who doesn't like bert!?! He's so funny and likeable! He's just playing himself, but he's actually a pretty good actor, at least when he's playing himself. Mark Hamill is actually pretty good too! All the other actors are pretty good at comedy also. I like the fact that most of the other actors are foreign actors, which helps with the believability of the scenario. As far as I can tell they aren't americans putting on accents. I recognized the Sponge from other movies, but that's about it. All in all, I enjoyed it!
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19 June 2023
What an absolute steaming pile of garbage. I usually try to be pretty forgiving and try to see the best in all the movies I watch, but I just can't with this one. There was a slight reprieve with Bumblebee, which was pretty good, then back to the garbage that preceded it. People should be fired for this movie. I can't imagion how many highly paid poeople this mess had to go through to actually reach theaters, but they should all lose their jobs. First they ruined the transformers, but now they have disrespected and ruined Beast Wars, which I love even more than the original transformers. Have some pride in your craft people. Shame on you.
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I really like it!
19 March 2023
I like this show and it's actors a lot! However, I feel really sorry for the actress playing Camille. How many times is she going to walk into another trap, or have her weapon taken from her for doing something idiotic so Niemans has to come save her because she is a bumbling idiot. If I was the actress I would have to a few words with the writers. I would tell them that no one is this stupid, all the time, and also happens to be a cop.

That being said, I do actually like the actress, she is just doing her job, and well! The atmosphere is really nice too. I like seeing the cool little towns and countryside.

Anyway, that's it.
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Walker: Independence (2022–2023)
Pretty good!
24 February 2023
Hard to believe that this is spun off from the abysmal Walker tv show. I watched that show because I'm a Supernatural fan, and a Jared fan, and it was absolute garbage.

However, this show has decent visuals for a budget western, likeable characters and competent writing. You actually care about these characters! I honestly can't think of a single character/actor that I don't like in any way. They're all good!

Cw has a very spotty record, but they've also had a lot of very good shows! While this is not yet one of the best, it has a lot of potential, so, I hope it gets a chance to flourish considering the CW was just sold and they are cancelling all sorts of shows...
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Salvage Marines (2022– )
Cheesy, but I liked it!
30 December 2022
I love cheesy sci-fi, so this is right up my alley. The books are better though, because your imagination is way better than the effects on display here...

However, the combat scenes are pretty laughable. I kept thinking of the shootout scenes from Police Squad, if you've ever seen it, where the people shooting at each other are 5 feet apart from each other and not hitting each other, lol.

It reminds me off all those sci-fi shows that flooded the marketplace in the 90's. Which is fine, because I liked all those shows and they knew they were catering to people like me.

So, I liked it. Yes, it's cheesy, but it's fun.

And Casper rules!
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Emancipation (2022)
It's ok.
9 December 2022
My biggest complaint is the choice to go black and white, but a really weird looking black and white. It almost looks like it was shot on a cellphone. It's really distracting from trying to actually get into the movie. It was just a really bad choice in my opinion. I like pretty much everything Antoine Fuqua has ever made. Unfortunately, this is probably meant to be the most profound work he has ever done, and it's just not. It's really well made, and well acted, and technically proficient. It just doesn't have the impact that I think it's meant to have, which is disappointing. Plus, Ben Foster is a great actor, but I think he needs to move on from being the go to bad guy. However, the weird choice of the strange looking black and white, or whatever it is I was looking at was what really took me out of the experience the most. Oh well, overall it wasn't bad.
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Franchise ender
27 September 2022
I thought 3 was pretty bad, but it still felt like a Jeepers Creepers film, just with too small a budget. This new one felt like it cost a few hundred bucks. The least they could have done was make the creeper look like himself. He looked like the rubber guy from American Horror Story with sharp glowing dentures. The best thing in the movie was the fact that I haven't seen Gary Graham, Detective Matt Sikes from Alien Nation in anything for years. Maybe in 10-20 years someone will realize the true potential of the Creeper and make a worthy remake, like The Thing or Halloween. For now, I believe that this atrocity has put the final nail in the Creepers' coffin...
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Barbarian (2022)
WRONG TURN in Detroit
26 September 2022
I really wanted to love this movie. I love non-fantastical realistic horror movies, like the original Wrong Turn and the original Texas Chainsaw! However implausible those movies were, they were possible at least. This movie was totally possible, until the final act. That's where it goes off the rails into the fantastical and becomes an entirely different TYPE of movie. Some movies are better when more is left to the imagination, but doing so in this movie just makes it unbelievable. If the ending was a little more realistic, then it quite possibly could have reached the classic heights of Wrong Turn or Chainsaw. Or, it should have gone more fantastical. It just felt like two different types of horror movies to me. I still gave it 6 stars because I actually enjoyed it; the acting was great, it was well made in all aspects, and I look forward to what this director makes next. It just didn't stick the landing for me. Too unrealistic at the end for what it seemed to be trying to be....
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I liked it!
17 September 2022
Chevy Chase is Fletch. Those movies are timeless, and I watch them anytime that they are on tv. Not sure how I'll feel about this one as time goes on, but Jon Hamm was really good in the role, and it was really funny! Everyone was really good in their roles, especially Griz! I honestly hope that they can make another one, even though this one didn't seem to make it into theaters for some reason. Not sure why the distributors wouldn't have the faith in this great movie to put it in theaters.

Not sure why you have to make a review a certain amount of characters to submit it. I said what I wanted to say.
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Ideal (2005–2011)
20 August 2022
Quite simply one of the best series ever made! It's a crime that it is not more widely known and available around the world. I watch everything from all over the world, and this series is great. I stumbled across this because of Still open all hours and my love of Johnny Vegas. It's a shame that it was cancelled by some Tv executive nitwit.
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Pretty damn funny!
17 August 2022
I couldn't find anything else to watch. I read the reviews, which were fairly positive. I watched it. It was surprisingly, really good! All the actors were really committed, the script was good, good direction. Total surprise!
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SCP: Overlord (2020)
Pretty cool
11 August 2022
I liked it, but like another guy said, they definitely need a military advisor. These guys could be taken out easily, the way they move around all bunched up. One grenade or good soldier could easily wipe them out. Otherwise, I really liked the film.
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14 July 2022
You set up possibly the most interesting movie in the series by how the last one ended, with no payoff. I mean, everyone wanted to see dinosaurs in the real world, then they decide to tell a different pointless story instead. One of the biggest letdowns in cinematic history. This was supposed to be what this whole billion dollar franchise was leading up to, then it doesn't. What a copout. Five stars for the great actors and special effects, not the story.
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Love Nic!
24 May 2022
Haven't laughed so hard in a while! Nic and Pedro could make movies together for the rest of their lives and I would watch them. Perfect comedy duo! Cult classic for sure!
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Night Sky (2022)
I loved it!
22 May 2022
I love the mystery! Just pray to god that there is a second season so it gets explained! Great story, great acting! Great effects, what little there were...
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7 February 2022
Thanks for coming back Joe Bob! Your wealth of knowledge on, well everything apparently, is truly astounding. Darcy is great too, love the interactions between you two! My favorite show.
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Reacher (2022– )
One of my new favorites!
4 February 2022
Amazon seems to be finally finding it's grove. Most of the time. Wheel of time was pretty boring. The 3 leads of Reacher are all great! Best show since Patriot, which was sadly cancelled. Please don't cancel this!
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