
170 Reviews
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1923 (2022–2023)
The Sheriff from SOA, to creating the greatest modern western over 3 series.
18 December 2022
And the first time Harrison Ford has tried in along long time. And his first TV series. Just like Taylor Sheridan has gotten Stallone to act in his first series in 'Tulsa king' which so far is a perfectly paced crime drama that isn't too heavy and still keeps the cowboy feeling to it.. there's never been a crime Mafia series set in cattle/cowboy country like it and it has Stallone like Ford, putting his all for his age, into the performance. Even tho many shots are obviously not Stallone with the character he's talking to, but using doubles. 5his has become significantly more obvious since the pandemic... actors wanting less interaction with lots of people makes it easier when his driver is talking to him and you can only see a half back of the head of Stallone. This happens in many conversational part of the series with him. But he chews the scenery everytime he's alone and has admitted in interviews doing a tv series is the most demanding and tiring he's ever felt working. Which from the guy that played Rambo.... that says alot about what Mr Sheridan expects from his lead cast. I highly doubt he'd hire Harrison Ford if he was going to play bored old man like he has for 3 decades of film. I feel like he's going to leave this series as his acting legacy. And with James Marigold directing the new Indiana Jones, the same guy that made Logan and got the best performance from the two older leading cast members. I mean since then, is sad so see Patrick Stewart in the newtrek destroyed by A.kurztman...nwith his acting being horrible compared to Logan.

Explains how just after one episode I trust it will be a 8-9 out of 10 series. Just the amazing effort by one of the top 3 female actors in the world alive. Helen miren. And then seeing Harrison Ford not only acting for once, but so far doing it really well, Compared to the lead Dutton in 1889 he's killing it with his performance. And this is only after a single episode... but they both play the same character and that's a very hardened man, from loss and hardship.

The incredible achievement by Mr Sheridan with yellow stone, then 1889... followed by Tulsa king and 1923 with such a incredible cast. Even if you somehow found this first episode too slow placed, I'd say give it 4 episodes before you make your mind up. I put off watching yellow stone until it's 3rd season... after trying to get into it... but one day I had nothing to do and gave it another shot.... I'm so glad i did. The saga Taylor has created, will live on as the greatest modern westerns. Since around tombstone eara, westerns then had a big decline. Eastwood stopped acting in them with his last one in the 90s that I can't recall the name of... perhaps redemption ?

TL;DR This is another feather in the cap for the greatest show runner currently alive, with hands on witting and directing 3 currently running series. With one in its 5th season... never in the history of TV or film have extremely high production prequels with star cast members ever been put out so fast? 3 more series within 6 years.

Mr Sheridan, I hope I'm spelling that properly You've done something incredible with your 4 series within 5 years.. from SOA Sheriff to being up there in the top 5 best tv show runners of all time. I can't imagine how busy you are.

If the series goes bad I'll update my score and review. But I highly doubt it will get worse from here.. just only get better.
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Please don't ccenel this masterpiece
3 December 2022
Large screens should be all around that Mona Lisa with new bevis and butt head clips playing around it.

As someone who's dabbled in sculpture n painting 3 decades ago but hasn't done anything for 3 yrs now creatively.. Mr Judge pulling out a renewed version that wasn't a cash grab like he did when he did I think 1 season in 2013 and it was like watching tosh.0 with bevis n butt head as commentators and never funny. But Mr Judge proved me wrong that great old series can come back , and if they find a studio for a second try then I'll be over to moon heh heh heh* imagine I'm bevis laughing so I can fill the qwota limit.
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1899 (2022)
You can't even leave positive reviews anymore
18 November 2022
Since the 1 billionardollar bomb I haven't written a single review that's been accepted...... maybe I use some vocabulary that's now banned???

To summarise the much longer detailed review I wrote.

Watch this not dubbed. The multi language aspect is part of the entire story!!!! The fact almost no one understands eachother.... It's not dark. But it's proving to be just as mind bending... dark was not a 10/10 series on its first season... unlike most series it only got better with each season.

I expect the same.

Now to fill 85 more characters to make mod happy on this site I used to rely on so much.....
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Primal: Echoes of Eternity (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
Please prove me wrong. Please
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's too early to move on from spear.

I just hope that final scene was to mislead the audience into thinking he's dead. With all the supernatural elements in the series, I really thought miras healer would pull off some magic. But alas not from what we see..... but I hope it's a bait n switch for next season with spear training his teenage child/children and have a less adventure based season as spears last one if the plan is to stay with this family/genetic origins (maybe where that odd ep with the escaped murderer) but move on from him and fang... if spear is truly dead.. I have not let that sunk in yet at all.
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Prey (I) (2022)
I gave predator 2 a 7/10... so I feel this one takes the cake as the second best predator film.
6 August 2022
Unexpectedly great film. I was expecting a mess. Very pleasantly surprised. Tho It deserved a theatrical release.

But it's the Best film since the first one. No shoving biased bs down our throats with a diversity message. We were given a strong female lead and her skills are well told through the story so she isn't a merry sue. Very rare in a female lead scifi action film in recent years. And I loved the short run time, bringing it back to how many 80s action films kept their run time to. Not useless dialogue or empty scenes. My complaint would be they could've fleshed out the side characters a little more so their deaths impacted my viewing experience, they were all a bit empty except for one which I won't spoil. But this along with wasted screen time in the first act knocked 2 stars off for me and a couple other pretty insignificant gripes.

This is how we want to see women represented. And alongside male side casts without the fear of needing to shove In a couple more female 'warriors' just for diversity sake. By not doing that it made it realistic that a cunning hunter warrior - woman Indian, would not be a common thing at all. And made me suspend my disbelief completely. Rare thing for me these days with new scifi films especially.

Also it seems this film is a good indicator of actual misogynist Incels. I hate actual woke crud but reading reviews about how this film is 'taking away from the manliness of the first firlm'.... somehow? I dunno. But a lot of 1 star reviews read like 12 year olds learning about identity politics through their brainless 21 year old teacher at highschool and principle YouTube as the homework.... man we are screwed.

Idiocrasy come to life.
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Primal: Sea of Despair (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hope it never gets canned. The best non comedy non anime animated series I can ever remember in the last 20 years. It's faultless. If that's not a indicator it's good, check my rating history for an idea of my taste in film/series.
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The Rehearsal (2022– )
This series should be called "Nathan: Drives people insane"
16 July 2022
Uhhh my mind feels a little broken after this. But the people Nathan "helps" might need therapy for awhile... and this is just after my first impression of the first episode.

Nathan for you was more, Laugh out loud comedy.

This series... well i can see him getting psychologically dark with this one way more. Possibly braking people who clearly have social anxiety is good tv. I say this as someone with social anxiety. If you fall into Nathan's show without knowing his background..... you're bait.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Revenge and standard motives
2 July 2022
Seen some of this before, but the execution was very well done.

Chris, when he's not restrained by Jurassic Park crud. Has pretty decent range of emotions for a modern actor. I'd like to see him take on some very heavy subjects that are not just action.

He could pull off a great role in the right type of indie horror film from A24 productions.

Much more respect to him after this series.

I won't go into plot, but it's Chris's show. He executive produced and obviously had a lot of say in this. Not making it politically biased like so many films are now.

Great escapism for 7hr It's shot well and the military aspects seem well researched so a squad moves tactically and they shoot properly. Not John wick style.

I think I saw 1 score votes purely for being too dark in some scenes..... adjust your tv.... far out people. Contrast and brightness are changeable....
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The dialogue
1 July 2022
The dialogue Was unfortunately very predictable

I was saying lines before or as characters said them.

No stakes. The one death was trying so hard to make you care... sorry duuude but i didn't.

Weakest season so far, this episode had no reason not to be a 2 parter except hype value....'oh it's like a movie' the creators said... it sure wasn't written like one. Instead a ep that could've ended mid way and continued on without effecting the quality.

Many parts of the show are still 10/10 like vfx was incredibly good. The actors seemed to try with the bad writing they were given.... but the creators let them all down by writing b movie dialogue half the time, mainly in these last two drawn out episodes.
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What is wrong with these low reviews
30 June 2022
One of the most cerebral of all the shorts to come from the entire series. And the animation....... just wow. So beautifully different and the cgi animation In the same way they're trying to do some anime series.... this made them all look like highschool projects. Anime cgi has a long way to go, but rotoscope mixed with 90% cgi - not super realistic is something I can't ever remember seeing done so well. I'm sure this was rotoscope, if not. It's 10x more impressive just from a animation stand point.

This was not my favourite story of the season and not close to best of the series, 3rd favourite for this season tho with a couple stiff competition, the rest was mediocre but great animation mostly. Was incredible enough animation with this story with a simple yet cerebral plot... maybe the poetry came off as pretentiousness to some. I didn't find that. It worked.

BUT PLEASE GO BACK TO 15+ EPS... you have to have some winners and losers. The seasons are too short now, causing more hate easily on well produced content but maybe not 'aquilla rift' level.

That's still the best of the season, tho "phhhaayydeeen island" is my second now with pop squad a close 3rd.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
30 June 2022
So for someone that isn't pro children under 18 being given hormones and surgery... I started off very sceptical and expect a terrible episode like the 3 or 4 from the previous season... tho in many ways that mimics old star trek so well... so many filler eps. I wish they'd give a show like this 20-22 episodes like most 90s scifi shows got.

Just like trek in tos and next gen and even voyager got a lot of unwarranted hate just because they chose a bad ass female character called cpt Jane way. This episode won't leave much middle ground for most reviewers because their reviews are based the plot revolving completely around a very very touchy subject to even life long 'left' people (I don't even no what that means anymore to say I'm left politically.. seems like a split party in here in the usa)... tho changing kids gender as babies or young teens etc... that is lightening in a bottle for a tv series that shouldn't show complete bias....

Now back to the plot... they made a interesting statement about babies being changed without permission... an issue we are dealing with in reality. People seeing their 2 year old liking pink so they're not a boy anymore... bad parenting.

I think the subject was handled well but was less trek like in how it told the story compared to previous eps this season that gave me old trek vibes more than previous seasons except a couple episodes, (I enjoy the Orville for what it is mostly, but I like to see eps that are clearly written in a trek fashion..) Anyway It was like a season 2 episode put in and felt like filler.... but I think even tho topa isn't 'of age' we are talking about an alien race that changes genders of children at birth. So I suspend my disbelief and got a 7 out of every element of the episode put together. But I find it the weakest ep of this season, not really due to the gender swapping but how drawn out and abit boring this ep was... for a short season this didn't really feel like a story that needed to be told until you've got 12+ ep seasons... so you've got 3-4 fillers or bad eps you gotta deal with. But this isn't the case. I hope it was a one off filler ep.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
The last ep s2
14 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Almost kills the series for me. It's like it was written by someone who never watched the first season. Tho first Is superior to s2 imo

Stealing a car..... the badly executed character shift was absurd by the final ep with Oxford. Is she on the spectrum? She can't seem to talk about real feelings when its important, but this is hardly considered by season 2. No issue if she was, would've made the end of s2 make sense emotionally for the audience.

We are just supposed to accept what she did on the train or why walkens great character doesn't show he's developed regarding family over 2 seasons. He's told to bail so he just does? Rent a house on the same street to be near your family, at his age she's treating him like scarface..... We were supposed to get behind his fight to be back in his family's life. He just bails and no growth?.... OK. Some writers should've been fired.

If you love Christopher walken, check out the significantly more enjoyable "Severance". Best new show in a decade. It's 2022 as of this review. Forgt this and go watch Severance. You'll thank me later after its s1 finale will blow your mind.
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Outer Range (2022– )
About to watch... * edit after watchinging a strong 7 so far. A lot of opportunities for unrelated genre of scifi and western. This is not Yellowstone.
15 April 2022
But when I see initial reviewers complaining about pacing issues.. I Have to wonder how bad their ADHD is.... supposedly I have that maledy... but I manage to not judge a first ep on pacing problems. In face when picking a new series to watch... that is far from a decider in the first ep... the 3rd to 5ht? Of a 10 ep series? Sure. Analyse pacing then... but writng, direction, editing, acting and many more things over shadow pacing if the series or film is trash from the get go.

I'll come back for a proper review after a couple eps since I've been waiting for this series to release ill give it the benefit of doubt.
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From: Oh, the Places We'll Go (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Least waywardpines had a good first season till the end.
10 April 2022
This similar style series seems to be heading no where.

A shame. Lots of potential and would have faired much better in the age of 20-24 ep seasons. But then unless thing rapidly improved 10 more eps of pacing issues would follow. These feel like amature wrighting mistakes that the showrunner should be ironing out with the individual writer that contribute to most series.

I still think they could turn it around but unless there's a stellar s2 coming then this will be a fail among many series lately.
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Severance: The We We Are (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
9 April 2022
Please never cancel this series until it's told the story it needs to tell. I'm lookin at you Apple. This series the most but also Ted Lasso should go 6 seasons each or more if they need the time to finish even better than they started.

Mind still blown away by this ep.
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The Last Kingdom: Episode #5.10 (2022)
Season 5, Episode 10
I cried some.. but Im very content with this end.
11 March 2022
Really satisfying but sad ending, the reflection of all the great characters that died over the series.. I just hope the final movie doesn't mess up this perfect ending to a series. I may not like Netflix in some capacities.. but without them series like the last kingdom and dark... two of the greatest series of there genres in history. Both knew how to writer perfectly right until the end. Very Rare not just these days, but throughout history of television/series.
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Power Book IV: Force (2022–2024)
It pains me to see this "Ghost Universe" continue like this when Starz killed Ash vs The Evil Dead
2 March 2022
One of the greatest comedy series made in recent history and the best continuation from a movie series into a long format tv series that felt like Army Of Darkness continued.... Gets canned because the big wigs at starz thought an acclaimed series with no negative reviews wasn't worth going past 3 seasons... But power.... And its redicluious amount of sequels.. Sure the first series had a couple good seasons......... Thats it....

Years later I still can't forgive starz for their stupidity.

Enjoy more power and not growing actual long time fan bases like genre Tv/movies do....
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Peaky Blinders: Black Day (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
I have missed you Peaky Blinders
2 March 2022
I remember still going in blind to to the first episode of this series when it aired. Only because it looked a bit like boardwalk empire and had Cillian Murphy in it, one of my favorite actors going all the way back to 28 days later. He among others like Madds Mikkelson, Ben Mendelson and Joaquin Phoenix.. true actual great actors who should be given all the best roles, only Phoenix of those three truly is recognized for their great talent. I'll watch anything all 4 of these men star in, they draw me into whatever im watching and unless the script/direction is awful then my suspension of disbelief is at 100% because of their acting.

This series, from episode number one was something special. The style, the sets, the acting and writing.. I can not fault any of it. And it's been consistent through the entire series, I went for a rewatch for the 4th time. Two days full on. And it's gets better each time, I watched with subs this time to make sure I didn't miss anything and picked up on a couple small things I had missed before with character interactions and why they end up the way they are by season 6.

I applaud everyone involved in this series. It's now among the greats that never had a bad season with, the wire, the soparnos, breaking bad etc.. Unless this one of peaky blinders turns out bad? I doubt it.
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1883 (2021–2022)
I finished it. I hate woke crud, this isnt
27 February 2022
I'll be brief.

I see a bunch of 1 reviews complaining about the central character being a strong well written woman, for once... she's portrayed as a Tom boy... something the new generation doesn't understand. I grew up on a farm, my best friend was a Tom boy girl and had similar artibutes to Elsa in many ways.

Sure the show isn't entirely realistic with a couple parts (that's what suspending your disbelief helps enjoy things...when its not required every 2 seconds like a marvel film you should be more forgiving in my opinion, this is fiction remember?). But for any guy who had teenage friends who were girls before this woke gendering stuff happend that turned Tom boys into non binary Aliens with this current generation. Then you can see her character isn't some Mary sue... most of these reviewers clearly haven't seen the end. Or lived outside a city.... Very few winners in this series. Loss is the biggest and most heart felt part of this journey/series.

I'm glad I hoped on the wagon train. Even if you haven't seen Yellowstone which is a seriously good show as well. Both are not 10/10 but both are solid 8/10s for quite different reasons besides incredible cinematography they both share as 10/10 Very different from each other tho story wise, enough that you can start with 1883 before Yellowstone without any difficulties.

Check it out.. High recommendation from me.
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Severance (2022– )
This could be the start of something great. **Update, from 8 to 10 by ep 9. Next big hit show if sanity still prevails these days.
20 February 2022
Edit* Episode 9 S1 is one of the greatest TV eps I've seen from a serialised show, still telling the story but it shines so much brighter. Ben Stiller directed it personally. And deserves awards and recognition for it.

Only two episodes are out. So I'm going to keep this very short for now and update with a full review at the end of the series.

All I'll spoil, because I went into the plot blind before watching. Only going by the actors/director, stiller is still one of few unique film makers in hollyweird that can pull in great actors and decent budgets. This is series unlike anything airing and has great potential to be considered one of the greats of offbeat irreverent dark comedy series ever. Can't wait for the world building.

Just give this one a chance, so far it's not political or effected by the real world. It's a universe unto itself. And I love it so far.
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I guess sony keeps the mouse in check
16 December 2021
I'm not sure this would have been the same type of film if it was total marvel control...

But thankfully we got something special. I was not a endgame.. and none of of the other marvel films or series since.. Shang Chi is probably the best before this film, and that one sits in the lower tier of great marvel films ever made... This one is up there right next to infinity war, the first iron man and other great marvel films.. I wish Stan Lee was here to see this film. He would have loved it.
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16 December 2021
Half of this special was calling NFTs ponzi schemes. As someone who's been in cryptocurreny for many years I see NFT's for the 90% scam they are. Trey and Matt certainly have an opinion on that too hahaha

The special was done really well, It had so many southpark easter eggs in it to. No one was skipped over except mr hanky, jesus or santa.. (satan is dead now in southpark lore i guess, sad days)

All the people getting fussy over the first part and thinking it was biased in some way... If you still think that after this then im not sure there's much in helping you. Southpark is still just as great as it's always been.

I hope it comes back in a series format tho, the episodic earlier seasons were my favorite, but i still enjoy the serialized ones in a different way.. but its been played out and i hope this TV movie way of continuing doesnt leave us with just a couple hrs of southpark a year. Both is the way to go. We need real comedy right now.
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The Expanse: Strange Dogs (2021)
Season 6, Episode 1
Last season, facing pacing issues
10 December 2021
Just like the season before did, half of it was well done and the other was to much time spent on rather pointless dialogue and melodrama on characters such as Naomi, Flip or Marco, in what felt like filler way to often.. A significant change from previous seasons.. Marcos over acting, repetitive talking points and many other things were no executed well last season, only 3-4 great ap Well I truly hope things pick up significantly next episode.. But with only six 40 min episodes I get the feeling of being slow and then rushed or being left on a cliffhanger is very likely...(the rest of runtime is around 7-9 mins of recap, intro and credits.) And even in this slow episode with the precious time left for the entire series since its getting cancelled and clearly with a only 6 episode final season.. The Prime masters who did save the show but hardly advertised it..

.... we could've used a lot less tantrums from Filip. He's also not a Great actor in my person opinion... Unless he's always supposed to look slightly confused

Having not read the books, but watched the entire series 4 times.. And knowing the time skipcoming up (no idea what happens after the jump but its been impossible to avoid coming across this in any report of the series being cancelled.. Again.. , They should have recast Alex just for this season and then recast him and all the crew post time skip. As much as I think Amos is currently perfect for his role. Same as bobby or Drummer.. etc. With a great casting department they could find people who look the parts and could act them too. But instead, one of the greatest scifi shows ever made is getting canned.. I hardly use Prime, I might just give it up after the expanse is done.

I truly hope this season is masterful. And that amazon come to their senses.
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Arcane (2021–2024)
Holy Mother of every genre I love combined with good writing.
9 December 2021
I don't give a cr*p about the video game series. And I've been a gamer since the Sega and original Nintendo. Had a friend I knew who played leagues back when it first started. A Korean dude who barely spoken English. So I never got into it. Choosing WoW as my mmorpg long ago. But these days it's just single player games as I get to old for dealing with online gaming communities now.

But just watch this series. A couple characters could be more grounded in the world this is set. But that might be my only complaint. For a CGI series it's fps is far beyond any anime cgi attempts. It was a blend of the West and East in design and tech and I thought it was stunning on 4k.

I will give no plot away. Just enjoy if you enjoy 'genre' type series/film.

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True Story (III) (2021)
10 for snipes
1 December 2021
I'm so glad to see him being taken seriously again after that tax mess up. More Wesley snipes please! Bring back Blade!

Thanks to Kevin for not giving up on him! Eddie Murphy and snipes in a leathal weapon type film with retired cops should be next up. Get on it Netflix!
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