
19 Reviews
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Fleishman Is in Trouble (2022–2023)
Maybe I could have given it four stars?
17 November 2022
I will start by saying this is not for the pearl clutcher set, there's lots of sex randomly peppered throughout. My guess is it is the only thing that will keep some people watching because the characters are pretty dull. Only two episodes are available right now, but I don't like shows that use constant voice over narration, and this one uses it almost more than real dialogue. Why not just rent the audio book then? The narration is better than the dialogue, so maybe I should. People of a certain age will remember a show called Thirty-something, and this is the modern 40-something version with more sex. The only real problem these people have are totally self created; they are wealthy, privileged and successful, everything in life is at their fingertips, but we should care that they are sad right now because....well, I don't know why.
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Claws (2017–2022)
Campy fun
25 September 2022
The first season is the best one, usually is with most TV shows. Second season is still OK, by the third season their incompetence gets repetitive. That's the whole premise of the show, it's a group of people who want to be hustlers and power brokers, but constantly make bad decisions and do everything wrong. Usually for a show to grow the characters need to learn and grow a little too, but they never do, and once it becomes that predictable It is definitely more difficult to stay with the show. But then again you tune in just to see what horrible thing they're going to make these poor women wear.

Carrie Preston and Harold Perrineau where the reason for me to keep watching.
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American Pickers (2010– )
Slow decline
20 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I first started watching in the beginning it was sort of fun, seeing what would pop up on people's land for sale. It was also a lesson in sociology, see how other people live. In a couple of episodes they introduce some amazing folks, like the artist who had the UFO he built on his property, or one who made into the Smithsonian, or the guy who built the castle for his wife. Some of those people were really interesting in their own right, even though they clearly bored Frank silly and made Mike mad for not selling him stuff cheap. But, all these years later and the formula hasn't changed, except Frank is gone.

Other than a few interesting folks, 99% of show is the two guys digging through hoarders stuff almost consistently owned by really old white men, or the wife/children desperate to unload the mounds of garbage a family member left them instead of a reasonable inheritance. This makes Mike and Frank so happy because they can score "rusty gold" for really cheap and take advantage of these people need to unload hordes of garbage. In one episode Mike nickels and dimes a very old man in a wheelchair, constantly pressuring him. It is hard to watch.

Now without Frank, I can't even bother tuning anymore. Mike was always hard to watch, his "I am too cool for school" bull and usage of the words like "rad" and cool, not to mention his demoralizing way of speaking to women, drooling over pin up signs and hula girl lamps (in one episode he grabs a lamp and exclaims SHE'S HOT with way too much enthusiasm) and in the episodes where women are the sellers he feels the need to comment on their appearances. Gross. He absolutely the dorky kid in school who thought imitating Fonzi would make him get in good with popular kids. It's pathetic and cringy.

We get it, oil signs and rusty motorcycle parts. Next.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Entertaining enough, probably would have been better as a movie
4 October 2021
The concept is pretty good-how far would you go to win a life changing amount of money, especially when you have hit your lowest point? I think a good 2 hour movie would have worked just as well; start by cutting out the entire "VIP" nonsense. Everything else was so well scripted and designed, how did that part fail so badly? Also, I skipped the entire first 40 minutes of the first episode and lost none of the story. That tells me it was just a time filler. My only other real issue is the captions, which are pretty awful. This appears overall to be a high value production, great costumes, sets, cinematography, why skimp on something as necessary as captioning?
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Johnson (2021– )
Lots of hype, no delivery
2 August 2021
Bounce TV advertised this non-stop for months- even the commercials were catchy and intriguing. Too bad it fails on all levels. D. L. Hughley is one of the best comedians anywhere, how did he get attached to this amater hour show? The writing and story and boring, and the actors are stiff and...well, just bad. I have seen college students put together more watchable work. I was ready for new, good, watchable TV. Guess I am still waiting.
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That Damn Michael Che (2021–2022)
A Damn Shame, Michael Che
7 May 2021
Most people would probably think I fall to left of left, and I still thought this was awful. I enjoy Michael Che and he is the only person I watch on the modern line-up of SNL, but this is just awful. It's not ironic, or clever, or shocking or in the least bit humorous.
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Tina (I) (2021)
This was more Ike than Tina.
29 March 2021
This was advertised as Tina's farewell to her fans, so I thought it would be all about Tina, like a lot of people. Unfortunately, this was more about Ike than Tina, despite her endlessly repeating she wanted that part of her life left in the past. So why didn't they do her early years and just concentrate on Tina? Or skip to her time after Ike and the music she really wanted to do, or a million other things that we probably don't know about Tina but would like to. Towards the very end they finally got into the "real Tina" but it was too little and they could have used way more live clips. She is one of the worlds greatest performers and musical icons, ever. Just watch one of the live concerts, you will be better entertained.
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Maxxx (2020)
Tuned in for Christopher Meloni
31 July 2020
I think a lot of people will tuned in because of Christopher Meloni, but then be totally disappointed and tune back out. Watching Maxxx is like watching a ferret in bad boy band clothes. The whole thing is formulaic, predictable and not worth watching. I will watch for Chris' new Law and Order series and pass on this.
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Work in Progress (II) (2019–2021)
Not a perfect show
19 July 2020
The reviews are either 10s saying it is brilliant or 1s bashing LQBTQ people, but I don't think it was genius and I am not homophobic. The fact is it is different, but really flawed. I almost shut it off right away when she starts off with an annoying "whaaazzzzzz up". That isn't funny, and not cute from a 45 year old (by the way, 45 isn't old, but she is going to tell you over and over it is). I kept watching because the one thing she gets right is that Chris really is gorgeous, and I was hoping his character would develop and we learn more about him, but we never do. We never get past Abby and her endless issues, which she makes everyone's problem all the time. She wields her never ending list of mental problems like a weapon, and then wonders why she can't find a successful relationship. Her constant mania, drunkenness and loudness gets grating, and I never can figure out why Chris would have given her a second look, or Melody either, but that is because you never find out anything about them. I felt nothing between Chris and Abby and never believed their relationship. Dear Abby, Pat didn't ruin your life, you did. Once Chris finally gets that he's out....and so am I.
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
Perplexed by the high ratings.
31 May 2020
Not sure why everyone rated this so high, especially if you read the reviews. The show is full of stereotypes with no depth to them. Racism and sexism is just laughed off as all in good fun (as well as some serious animal abuse) and really simple and predictable plot lines. Don't worry, nothing serious happens and it always works out with a happy ending, just like any other mindless half hour sitcom. There are some really good lines once or twice every show, and it is mindless entertainment in a world that is full of serious news right now, so it got a few stars from me.
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The Great (2020–2023)
Amusing, but confusing
22 May 2020
It was entertaining enough to keep me watching. I think the trick is to just put it out of you mind that they are even loosely based on historical figures. Pretend they are 100% fictional and it is quite enjoyable. Which makes me wonder why didn't they just make a fictional story and use fictional personas? They are all using British accents anyway (which Dakota Fanning does not do very well), and the costuming and hair are off, so why not make the whole thing a fantasy? Then the folks over wrought about inaccuracy would have one less thing to gripe about.
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Nip/Tuck (2003–2010)
More white male misogyny
16 May 2020
I knew this was popular back when it was new so I took advantage of free Hulu and checked it out. Yet one more show based on misogynistic, narcissistic men and the woman they aduse. In this case the female characters are so repugnant and soulless that you can't actually empathize. The two star are for Roma Maffia because everything she does is gold. Too bad they decided even her "feminist" character would just smile and play into the abuse. There is not one redeeming quality in any of them and it doesn't improve with time. And seriously, do Miami plastics surgeons really get shot at, stabbed, attacked, kidnapped, etc that much? This show defines cringeworthy.
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Rizzoli & Isles (2010–2016)
It could have been something really great
3 May 2020
I can't be the only person wondering how Dr. Isles doesn't get punched in the face more often. No one wants to be corrected and condescended to as much as she constantly does to everyone, but especially Jane. There are some episodes where she actually dominates and controls Jane's behavior that she feels need correcting to her way. It doesn't seem that someone like Jane would put up with that behavior, especially when she already has a bat of a controlling mother. Thankful the other characters are easier to digest, but the writing is predictable and the story lines are weak and formulaic, and those insane outfits Isles wears to crimes scenes (medical examiners don't collect evidence at crime scenes, FYI). The loss of Lee Thompson Young was tragic for so many reason, and a critical turning point for an iffy show because it just declines from there. Frost and Rizzoli were a far most interesting team.
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#BlackAF (2020)
I really wanted to like it.
24 April 2020
I have mostly enjoyed Blackish and some of Grownish so I wanted to like this. Everyone needs good entertainment right now, but this isn't it. Someone needs to break it to Kenya Barris that he can't act and he is dragging this show way, way down. And if he is listening to you please inform him that not all his female characters have to breed like rabbits. Write a woman who chooses that amazing career or only has one or two and her husband actually helps with the parenting. That would make for a good story too.
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Chicago Fire (2012– )
Nothing new to see here.
11 December 2019
It is fine bit of mindless fluff to watch when you want to escape the rest of your day. It is night soap opera-y with no clever plot lines or sophisticated writing so you can leave the room for 15 minutes and not miss anything. They will always rescue the person from the car the second before it falls or burst into flames, they always escape before the ceiling of the building falls or explodes, reminiscent of EMERGENCY!. And they are genuinely kind hearted and decent folk who would do cartwheels and backflips for their CFD family. Nothing new under the sun here. But, I guess after Rescue Me the fire dept needed a facelift.
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What is happening???!
21 March 2019
Idris, what is this?? You were being considered for Bond, but in the meantime you are subbing your income with this *expletive* ? Even your amazing charm and style could not pull this horror of a comedy out of the depths of the dumpster it lives in. It's ok, we can all move past this. Let's all pretend this happen, move forward and never speak of it again.
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Doesn't live up to the hype
26 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the user who said "I think Netflix paid for all the good reviews". If you like This Is Us, and can handle some Halloweenish GCI then you will love this. I don't mind getting investing in the characters, but as adult they all become so dull and so long winded! It was better when they were kids. There is also no real explanation as to who the The Hills were, or why they haunt the house....or The Dudleys either. There is just a random twist with the caretakers at the end that is never really explained. And if The Dudley's knew there was something wrong with the house, why did they let a family with kids move in? That is only one of many plot hole questions I have.

Just to nit-pick for a moment, as a licensed embalmer, the set up , embalming and restoration were all wrong. But no one would really notice unless it was your job, I guess.

This is really about a family and their personal drama and issues...with something that bangs on the wall every now and then. It could have been amazing but they really missed the mark on this one.
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The Bold Type (2017–2021)
Who paid for those positive reviews?
13 June 2018
The only reason I can think of for those ridiculous glowing reviews is someone promised them something good, because this show is atrocious! I guess they were aiming for Sex In The City for young millennials, but this doesn't even raise to the level of that garbage show. There is nothing feminist about three gorgeous and perfect young woman who want to succeed in fashion, that is just playing into a stereotype that we only care about fashion and looks. And where is the challenge? They have a caring, nurturing boss (which rarely exists in real life) and they easily succeed with few obstacles in life- everyone is cheering these pretty girls on. Stupid, vapid and shallow. Skip it.
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They never met a cliche' they didn't like
20 December 2017
First let me say that I am NOT easily offended, but my goodness.....! These writers not only hit every Jewish cliche they could find, they really had the actors lean into the turn. It is painful and cringe-worthy, so I am stopping watching now. I love Alex Borstein so much; she is why this got three stars. I would rather watch a show based on her character than the shlock I see now.
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