
13 Reviews
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Knock Off (1998)
Amateur Hour
24 May 2003
A tragic mess of a film.What a waste of money.I couldn't believe how bad this film was.I only sat through it as I am a fan of Ron and Russell Mael who composed the score.The are better known as Sparks.It was incredibly boring and incoherent.Plotless,lots of explosions,extremely bad acting etc.....AVOID!!
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The Horror at 37,000 Feet (1973 TV Movie)
Outstandingly bad!!
9 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I thoroughly enjoyed this film.Everything about it was so low grade.When they showed the plane it was clearly just a toy with a black background.And *SPOILER ALERT* the scene at the end when a certain charactor is blown out of the plane has special effects worthy of the old Flash Gordon serial of the 30's!.Poor old Tammy Grimes.She certainly grinned a lot for no good reason.She was offered the role of Samantha in Bewitched but turned it down in favour of,.......The Tammy Grime's show which was cancelled after one season!.It's difficult to figure out who was the worst actor,William Shatner or Chuck Conners!.This film got more and more over the top and, in my view,more and more entertaining.I wish tv stations here in Ireland would show more old tv movies but alas,they rarely do...
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Great build up
30 January 2003
I first saw this film in the mid 70's one night when I was babysitting.I found it thrilling and deliciously scary.There's something very natural about the girls performances.A shame Pamela Franklin retired from acting some years ago. Great to see it on DVD.Have to get a copy!.It pops up now and then on late night tv.Well worth a look.
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Poorly made and weakly acted.
24 August 2002
This is normally the kind of film I enjoy.But it turned out to be awful.The sound,editing and camerawork were shoddy to put it mildly.Loretta Swit and Stella Stevens are normally competent actresses, but they seemed somehow distracted in this feature.Maybe they realized what a stinker they had unwittingly agreed to appear in.It was also homophobic.Near the end of the film one of the characters reveals that she is "A HOMOSEXUAL!".From the shame and deep regret in her voice you'd think she was confessing to being a mass murderer.But her lovely friends gather round and say "It's ok.We don't mind!".How wonderful of them!.Avoid.
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The Rape of Doctor Willis (1991 TV Movie)
She's great but can't act!
2 August 2002
I enjoyed this movie.It was well made and I always seeing Miss Smith in action. Sadly it's impossible to "believe" in any film she appears in such is her acting, or rather lack of it. I saw her in a new tv movie recently.She hasn't aged a bit.Still can't act tho!..
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Disturbing stuff
2 August 2002
The rape scenes were a bit too graphic.But I thought the film had something about the sick world we inhabit.And the acting was suprisingly good,especially the scene where Deborah Shelton interviews the girls for a modeling job.They were all so natural.Even Miss Shelton!.I would definately recommend this movie.The tension was unbearable at times!
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International Airport (1985 TV Movie)
A very dull affair
2 August 2002
A cast of familiar faces include Robert Reed,Susan Oliver,Vera Miles and Connie Selleca who was,at the time married to the star of the film Gil Gerard.The plane gets off the ground but the tension never does. The script was awful.At one point Vera Miles charactor's age is given as 40.......She was 57 when the film was made and looked it!.And how many times have we seen George Kennedy and Robert Vauyn in this setting?.Too many times.....
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Wet Gold (1984 TV Movie)
so bad it's good!!
1 August 2002
This film is a bad acting fest especially Brooke Sheilds,her handsome dark haired boyfriend and the old coastguard who appears briefly at the end of the film. He was so lousy I can only assume he was the director's dad!!. But it was entertaining in it's own sweet way.Worth a look.
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I enjoyed it!!
29 July 2002
I must disagree with the last reviewer. Yes I concede it was trashy but it was well acted and had some tense dramatic moments. It passed the time for me.Erin Gray looks fantastic for her age!!
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Solid entertainment from start to finish!
29 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many conflicting views regarding this film.For what it's worth I saw nothing wrong with the ending.It had to end sometime.Why not let the viewer make up his or her mind about what happened.Why must everything be resolved or spelled out?. SPOILER AHEAD!!

I found the acting outstanding especially Johnny Depp,The Girl,and the Baroness.Someone said there was no humour.Nonsense!.The movie was laced with black humour.The scenes with the Baronesses secretary are quite amusing and remind me of Hitchcock's Frenzy and the character played by Jean Marsh.The staging of the scene where the Baroness is murdered is very similar to the office murder in that film.I'd give this film 10 out of 10.It deserved to be a smash hit but I guess it wasn't big and gaudy and trashy enough for mainstream tastes.Shame....
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The Women's Room (1980 TV Movie)
First rate tv movie
22 July 2002
This movie was shown last week on Irish tv.The acting and script were outstanding.It was obviously written straight from the heart.Lee Remick wouldn't have known how to give a bad performance,but in this she really excels.As a male I found the film to be in no way man hating.Take no notice of the first reviewer. The romantic teaming of Colleen Dewhurst and Dynasty's Al Corley was certainly bizarre.He looked more like her grandson!!.I hope more people get to see this film.
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Substandard on almost every level
20 July 2002
This movie looked like it was edited with a garden shears!.Did anyone notice how she aged 20 years during her phonecall?.Surely the longest call in cinema history.Heaven help the person on the other end of the line!.I can only assume they dozed off to the sound of her incoherant ramblings.The script was grade z.I'm a fan of Miss Dandridge and am familiar with her story.Those who weren't must have been very confused.Lets hope someday the real story is told,but this time by professionals......
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Why won't he make movies like this anymore?!
14 July 2002
This is one of my favourite John Waters movies along with Polyester and Female Trouble.I don't know what all the fuss was about Pink Flamingos.I found this to be a much weaker effort along with Cry Baby which was incredibly bland.Although I love Devine you wouldn't miss him in this as the rest of the cast are so impressive.10 out of 10!!
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