
5 Reviews
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Gives credit to the old one
5 April 2017
I really wanted to like this one. Although I did read many negative reviews. But I figured I would go there with close to no expectations and have a nice time because all movies are OK in cinema. And this one has good actors and good story and big budget - how bad can it be? Well I actually struggled not to leave in middle of the film.

I do have one fault: I have seen the old movie a few times and although I tried not to, my mind kept replaying the old one in parallel with this new one.But this is because it completely fails to capture your attention. It is devoid of any feeling. When a movie is this bad is usually the director so I mostly blame him but all the other aspects are also bad. The actors have no chemistry (there is no feeling of a relation between beauty and the beast), the objects are indeed creepy from time to time, the scenario has been slightly altered but in all the wrong ways and the movie's CGI is also embarrassing at times. The scenery is also far to shiny, I couldn't stay focused on the characters, you constantly have this feeling that the screen is to small and the 3D is also silly at times (rocks and arrows rushing into your eyes, I thought we left that behind).

I stayed hoping that I will appreciate some parts of it but I actually hated it from the first words (the narration has no magic, it just sound like a bored woman) to the last lines between Belle and the Prince.

The only good thing is that it makes you appreciate the old one. Sometimes we take things for granted and believe that it's easy to make a good movie. I mean good story, good actors what can go wrong, right? I used to see the old movie like a typical beautiful Disney cartoon but I have a lot more consideration for it now.
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Tim Burton classic
28 September 2016
Tim Burton does it again - he manages to create with passion and imagination a whole new world, for those of us who need new worlds. Thus if you love fantasy and dreams made serious and scary go see it in 3d because it's great. If you are more of an adult than the child within and you like films with linear plot and logic and exhaustive explanations you probably won't become a fan and that's OK too. Just don't rate it low just because it's not your type, a movie should be rated for what it was meant to be and for what the team behind it tried to accomplish. Watch the trailer, if you like it you'll probably love the film. It's worth mentioning that it is quite dark and scary so it's not for every child.
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The Legend of Korra (2012–2014)
Good but still ..
4 January 2013
Well the story is good, the characters are good and the plot is original and keeps elements from the past which is also a good thing. But still there is a lot missing. First I think is the common mistake of all new films or remakes: all action no time to breath. It's interesting and captivating but at the end of the season you don't really care and it's out of your mind in minutes. The first Avatar was made for children but adults also loved it. I was actually sad when it ended, I wanted to see more of those outstanding characters who fought so much not in order to win but to evolve. With the second they are trying to much to keep it old and new at the same time and it lacks spirit. And yes, what everyone is saying, there is no time for characters to grow, slowly, step by step, to make you enjoy even the smallest of their success. There is also less nature and way more technology which makes it more of a SF than a fantasy. It made me think that if a third avatar would appear the plot would be on another planet. So it's good for a show, but not so much for the avatar I was accustomed with.
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Wonderful movie, a must see 3D
20 March 2010
I saw the trailer and I enjoyed it but I was afraid that all the good parts from the movie will be there and that will be all, like it was with many films lately. That was certainly not the case. There are way better parts that were left to be discovered and I definitely congratulate the choice.

I didn't read the book, so I don't know the story, witch might have suffered, as stories usually do from books to picture, but I think a writer couldn't hope for a better image, better portraits of characters, especially the black dragon who one definitely falls in love with - the mimic and the gestures and the face expressions, so complex and real.

I agree it's not the kind of movie that makes you keep thinking too much once it's finished bot it's not meant to be. It's just lovely, from the beginning to the end, I really laughed and I was anxious for the characters when they suffered (and I'm 22). The film wasn't too long, it didn't have stupid lines whatsoever and it put to silence the annoying child behind me from the first five minutes or so, which I believe says it all.

I don't know if I will actually go to the cinema but I definitely want to see it again.

Great special effects and, again, a very lovely dragon.
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if you hadn't see it you're lucky so stay that way
7 March 2010
I saw it when I was a child and fortunately I'm starting to forget it so I'm close to pretending that it never existed. I always loved Romualdo, my brother liked Tarabas and I respect his choice because Tarabas is indeed an interesting and captivating character but the other guy... well not so bad but he is far far far from the charm of the other two characters.

I think i agree with another comment from here: maybe we should see the fifth part as another story from another dimension in which Fantaghiro never met the two above, never fell in love and marry. I understand that it was meant to be another sequel so maybe they would have fixed it, or try to anyway but the fifth part had so low ratings (what a surprise) that it killed all future ideas of a sixth movie.

So if there is still time - don't watch it, if you can - forget it, if not take it as a separate story with no connection with the other parts
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