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Dark Matter: Worldless (2024)
Season 1, Episode 5
Worldless? - Headless!
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After the series began like The Fugitive, although a halfway adult conversation between Dr. Kimble and his colleagues could have resolved the situation after 5 minutes, I have now struggled through to episode 5.

The fact that Jennifer Connelly (Superposition) dies relatively quickly in one of her incarnations was a real highlight for me.

I don't believe her role in any of her incarnations, that's how badly she acts. Or she acts very well and the script is very bad. Both are probably true.

In episode 5 now, Jason Desse (in superposition: Joel Edgerton) tries to dissuade his friend/enemy Leighton Vance (in superposition: Dayo Okeniyi) from going into the box, whereas in episode 4 he did everything he could to convince him to come into the box with him.

And now? Do the scriptwriters not read their own scripts or have they been in the box themselves in the meantime and therefore can't remember anything?

I can give you a spoiler: Amanda Lucas (in superposition: Alice Braga) is actually a criminal from Mexico, known as Teresa Mendoza (Queen of the South). If only she had stayed where she belonged!
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Fallout: The End (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Idiocracy is the better Trash Fiction
28 April 2024
I've only just started watching the Fallout series after hearing a few raves about it. I don't know the games, so everything is new to me. But I had to force myself to finish watching the pilot episode because everything about it just annoyed me. It's well known that American immigrants were and are trigger-happy. That they still are in the year 219 after The End may not be too surprising, since the survivors seem to have been recruited exclusively from Republican voters. That also explains why people haven't evolved any further. The only explanation for the goggle-eyed girl setting off to find her father is that she'd rather get pregnant by him than by her cousin, right? I don't think this series will get me, but I'll give the second episode another try.
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True Detective: Church in Ruins (2015)
Season 2, Episode 6
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There were some things in this episode that I can't believe. Freelancer prostitute Ani Bezzerides is the only one to get so high from a single pump of Liquid Molly, which all the women - like chickens on a roost - had received at the same time as her, that she commits a homicide. The drug was administered for a good mood. So now we know what Ani Bezzerides does when she's in a good mood. Did I just say "the only one"? That's not quite right, of course, because the "missing person" is also so groggy that she can't do what she's there for. Ani Bezzerides tries to get the substance, which has been administered orally for absorption via the oral mucosa, out of her stomach through forced vomiting, which, absurdly, seems to work, then - barely out in the fresh air - she can run again as if nothing had ever happened. Needless to say, the "missing person", who just had to be carried, is also fit again outside and can keep up the pace Ani sets. What a difference a little fresh night air can make!

Why use performance-enhancing drugs at all? Incidentally, this also applies to Ray Velcoro, who has just inhaled a quantity of cocaine - the size of a medicine ball - in a scene that precedes it, but after the next cut can clearly make a phone call to his ex. He was probably out in the fresh air for a moment without us being able to see it. Have I already complained about the fact that Paul Woodrugh could obviously open the window of the orgy house with a letter opener as if it were the gazebo in an allotment garden? No? Then I'll do it quickly now. In my opinion, the whole thing can only be explained by the fact that the screenwriters, the showrunners and the actors have conspired with each other.
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Westworld: The Mother of Exiles (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
William One Hand
6 February 2024
At this point I would like to address a few inconsistencies that have been bothering me about this series for a long time: 1. Why do actions not only continue in WarWorld (there virtually, which leads to the - Pentium III? - processor being overloaded) but in the Wild West in the real world with maximum damage, even though only HOSTs take part in them? This is uneconomical, wastes resources and offers no benefits for Delos Inc.

2. How is it that one HOST (Akecheta, Zahn McClarnon) can go without maintenance for 9 years while others lose cortical fluid after a short period of time? Is the series variation that large?

3rd and most annoying: How is it possible that William, who owns the entire store, is walking around with a missing right hand when he has the technology to grow ten new ones on each finger?

If it happens for reasons of "self-punishment", wouldn't it be possible to explain this or would the "self-punishment" then no longer be effective?
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Travelers: Ave Machina (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just wow!, as foreshadowed in this episode 9/11. There are even details about escaping via the stairwell and that there were two planes that crashed into the towers one after the other. I mean: how do the writers do that? Do they take Spice from the desert planet Arrakis like the Guild Navigators in Dune? All that's missing now is that this season predicts the outbreak of an epidemic and a global pandemic with a dangerous virus and that the Capitol in Washington DC will be stormed by travelers from the faction. You can't say that it will have been boring. (I will now count very slowly to 40 because the input mask tells me that there are still 40 characters missing. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ...)
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Travelers: Protocol 5 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 7
If this episode were a stage in the Tour de France
20 January 2024
If this episode were a stage in the Tour de France, I would call it a transfer stage. The drivers (er, the Travelers) shake their legs, eat and drink unhurriedly as they drive at a leisurely pace on the flat. The reporters talk about one or the other's family background. We look at castles and landscapes and talk about cheese and wine. When driving over a pass in the third category, you have the opportunity to list who has led the mountain classification in the past on the tour. Because there is nothing else more exciting, doping is discussed using alcohol and drugs. Then it goes leisurely down into the valley and not even the finish line creates any excitement because there is not a single change in the classification. There anre'nt any spoilers, because nothing happens in this episode.
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Travelers: Room 101 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 5
If you had to save the world, how would you go about it?
19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I mean: there is more than one option. For example, you could (A) put on a mask and a cape, walk across rooftops and hope to encounter criminals.

You could also (B) become a member of a political party and try to change things through legislation, or you could (C) form a terrorist cell and try violent actions.

However, the most successful route seems to me to be one that the Travelers have not yet taken: You could (D) infiltrate political leaders and run things from above. Of course, someone always has to die before you can take over their body as a HOST.

But: - hey, what do they have their arsenal of weapons in the big suitcase for?

BTW - One little thing in Episode 5 that bothers me is how stupid David behaves while shopping: Because he can't decide, he buys two meals at the same time, goes home and only then calls Marcy on his cellphone to ask what she wants to eat. Why the hell isn't he already doing this in the shop? It could have been that he would have reached them before the truck rammed the car (which of course he knows nothing about), so that he would only have had to spend money on one meal and only have to carry half of the food home. Or is this intentional because David's IQ must now continually decrease to compensate for Marcy's increase?
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Fargo: Bisquik (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
A man hates biscuits and doesn't even want them for dessert.
17 January 2024
A man has seen all episodes of season 5. He is at home across the ocean. He had dinner with rolls and salmon and avocado and beer. Now he's full and doesn't like lemonade. A man hates biscuits and doesn't even want them for dessert. A season must end with the last episode. There is no doubt about that. The boats of oblivion set out from the shore of the lake. The reasons for this are yellow flowers under the duvet. A man no longer pees in bed, unless he is a very old man with a weak bladder. Anyone who does not honor the penny is not worth the thaler. Morning hour has gold in its mouth and constant dripping hollows the stone.
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Devs (2020)
Who was it?
16 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What I didn't quite understand is why we saw the crucifixion of Jesus and then, after another jump, the cavemen and the cave paintings. Couldn't they have made another stop in the year - 0.9 BC. Then it could have been clarified who the father of Jesus was.

In addition, Maria could have been given contraceptives so that she would remain a virgin - oops, she remained that way anyway. But you could have knocked the apple out of Adam's hand so he would have used an Android smartphone. Many chances were missed. But what I least understand is how Lily and Forest were reset (no matter how it technically worked) but retained their memories from the future.
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