
4 Reviews
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7 May 2024
He is incredibly talented and he's not your typical rapper! He exceeds the title rapper. He exceeds the tittle musician. He's a revolutionary artist and poet before his time. I don't believe there's ever been anything or anyone comparable to Kendrick Lamar. Taking 2 years off from his craft obviously rejuvenated his G-D given talents. His music has become better in time. I'm so glad he's not attempting to please record label producers demands. He's a true artist and doesn't compromise his convictions as a performer and musician. The Poet with foresight is before his time. I plan to catch him in the future because hard to know if he's planning to tour anytime soon and I'd like to cross off one of his concerts on my bucket list.
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Fallout (2024– )
Walton Goggins as the ghoul the perfect fit
25 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After playing the game and besides a wonderful cast of the best actors; Walton Goggins, Aaron Moten, and Ella Parnell, I don't think I have enough space to write it all. Definitely better than I imagined and love how they portray the game. Bethesda created a timeless product with FALLOUT SHELTER so many years ago. The timing today is sublime, the Ghoul is probably the attraction of the series, because Walter Goggins is a genius, (my favorite character in the series JUSTIFIED) Ella and Aaron also perfectly casted. Aaron captures the lost boy, wanting to fit in and the PTSD from his childhood well. Ella is a convincing naïveté, although she's a bit too cute still, but that adds to the gaming experience because there's so much sarcasm in the game. Can't wait to see how the next season looks. I hope they continue to frame this around the game experience. I never took the theme of the game serious because it was just a fun way to pass time. After seeing the series; the theme for the game Fallout Shelter now seems pretty dark and evil. It's fun to watch. Some of these reviews are stupid and I realize it's not to be taken as an accurate depiction of the game. I played all versions of the games. But at the end of the day, I watch this stuff because I'm killing time between the drudgery of day to day. Just take it for what it's meant to do and that's entertain. It's not a documentary about the apocalypse or real life. It's a game dammit.
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Argylle (2024)
DUA LIPA? Rated up top as an actress? Serious
3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You have a list of talent such as Samuel L. Jackson, Henry Cavill, Sam Rockwell. Henry Cranston, Cathrine O'Hara, Sofia Boutella. Richard E. Grant - and you cast lipa as actor? Lol. Okay I get the Kingsmen movies. I like the movie. Except for the extra extra long ending. Hilarious. And I think this was shtick"ish comedy maybe; I get it. Everyone else and minus lipa, the 3/4 of the movie good, She was horrible. Movie too long. Was funny for a good while. Then the last 15 minutes was too much. Dua lipa is not an actor. It's almost insulting to use musicians like Lipa and styles as actors. The real actors went to university and you put some pop star on cast, and it no longer has meaning. Thank goodness we only had to watch lipa for 3 minutes, maybe 5 the most. Lipas acting made me cringe. Her depth was limited. Please don't make the world have to watch lipa just to get a certain demographic for the movie again? Just make a good movie. Period.
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Inclusion? It's a Highschool in Philly.
25 November 2023
If you watch the whole movie; there's a group very diverse group with Asian, Mexican Jamaican and African American. How more diverse should it be for you? So refreshing to watch teachers who actually are passionate about teaching. Watch the entire documentary and you will understand it. Otherwise if you don't watch the entire documentary, you will miss the whole point. There are schools that are fortunate to not have budgets cut off from the arts and up-to-date curriculum. The fact that these teachers were willing to come in and give them an opportunity that they had to voluntarily put forth is amazing. Not a lot of privileged people are willing to put their time into the urban areas and young minds to show them the way to alternative opportunities. These teachers deserve our support. And Until you are voluntarily contributing; stop bashing what you don't understand from personal experiences and stop being a sideline critic. What if you help others with your time; instead of wasting it complaining?
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