
6 Reviews
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listless...devoid of tension ... cardboard characters
2 September 2018
Fredrick Forysyth may write "cracking good yarns " ..however even his most ardent fans would have to admit his characters are even thinner than cardboard cutouts .. with zero attempt at character development . And it is well recognised that Fredrick just cannot write dialogue . Alas this film follows these characteristics to a tee . However a little taste of tension and a smattering of suspense in a film can go a long way to over come such failings . Alas the direction is a turgid sluggish disaster ... generating zero tension or suspense in its workman like plodding to a "surprise " ending which was not really much of a surprise either.. .If one then adds a sound track were every piece of dialogue appears to be dubbed in a flat non dramatic monotone you complete a rather dismal affair
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Makes the A team TV show look inteligent
5 August 2018
It came as no surprise to discover that this movie grossed more in its domestic takings than it did n its international takings . ..Europeans tend to seek a glimmer of intelligence in their cinematic entertainment // The movie starts with a bunch of people whom we do not know and with whom we have zero connection shooting at another bunch of people whom we do not know either . The screen is filled with an image of a stranger firing a gun with a never ending supply of bullets ... we cut to an image of another stranger falling over riddled in bullets .. we then cut to another stranger firing another "magic " gun .. .cut again to another stranger falling over ..yes .. riddled with bullets .. etc etc . and then on we go with lame pointless dialogue scene after scene ,,, the initial verbal confrontation with the vegan cop is a prime example of the primitive script .. just in case we get confused the writers have one character say to the other "i do not like you " ... did you get that .. these guys are not friends . this is very poor movie making
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do not watch this if you liked the book
9 May 2018
I really enjoyed the book and was looking forward to seeing how they converted the written word to a visual medium .... the sad answer is ... THEY DID NOT..This movie will be a great disappointment to anyone who enjoyed the book ... for instance the way the first key is found in no way resembles the narrative of the book in the slightest ..the film version is shallow and CGI boring visual .. "who cares " imagery ... the quest for the first key in the book is engrossing .informative .. and intriguing ....setting the scene for what is to follow this quest in the film resembles a road runner cartoon ..only road runner wins out by having more "fleshed out " characters ... ..this is a poorly executed mindless .. pointless waste of time for anyone who knows the book . ...
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Britannia (2017–2021)
a fine British production
20 January 2018
Having read many negative reviews my expectations were rather low ... upon watching I was vert pleasantly surprised .. . I suspect that the low opinions expressed originate from "across the pond " in the good old USA .. this is a British production .it tells its tale in a British way .. and when one considers the title of the series that cannot be a bad thing . is a work of fiction.. it is not history is very entertaining .. it transports one to a separate reality .. .. the early eighties i celebrated the summer solstice each year in the vale of Avalon at the Glastonbury festival ...the first section of the first instalment is set on the eve of the summer solstice and its mood and content transported me back to those days so very full of magic .. has the power to transport one into its realms where magic roams the land of Britannia .. It is NOT Game of Thrones .. may all the Gods be praised that it is not ..
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Potentially good movie spoilt by Angelina's acting
27 October 2007
This is a well constructed movie .. the 'crowd' scenes are very well done. The feel of the film is naturalistic and people react in an underplayed manner with one exception Angelina Jolie !! I am a European .. Angelina is not .. she is meant to be a french national with Cuban extraction .. she supplied the movie .. her accent is very good.. however her lines and her movements are American .. no one outside America would find her character in any way believable .. she is (over) acting .. the other players feel like real people .. she is like a ham actor in a village production. I can understand why they needed a 'star' to get folks planting their bottoms in the cinema seats .. alas their choice ruined this as a believable drama.
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The most involving movie I have watched for a long time
12 October 2007
This is the very first time I have made a comment on a movie. If this superb production had received the excellent reviews that it so richly deserves then I would not have bothered. I can not recall the last time I was so engrossed by a story so well told. Each of the characters become real people encouraged by by a script which appears so simple and natural but yet allows all the superb players to add depth, feeling and emotion to the flawed yet heroic individuals who inhabit this tale. After watching this I felt as if I had just finished reading a novel ( a medium which usually allows greater empathy with well drawn characters). I found that the 'crowd' scenes both extremely funny and yet deeply poignant. Each extra has an 'over the top' tom an jerry role to play yet each character is a parody of real people in real situations that are played out on the towns and cities of Ireland every night of the week. As W.B Yeats said 'A Terrible beauty is born'. As you may have guessed I am Irish .. I could recognise the character of Ireland in this drama. The strenghs, weaknesses and joy of our nation are evident in this production. I presume John Boreman is an American. I salute him for capturing the soul of our nation and not once mention little green men with a crock of gold. Well done.
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