
50 Reviews
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Frasier (2023– )
Oh dear
14 October 2023
The ONLY good thing about this is Kelsey Grammer. Everything else is just abysmal. Nicholas Lyndhurst, while funny in OFAH, just doesn't sit well in this. The rest of the acting is just plain dire. I have no idea who any of these other actors are, but they're bottom of the ladder bad. As is the script. It just isn't funny and comes across as a cheap stage play with the worst kind of canned laughter thrown over at every opportunity. No Niles, Frasier's sidekick and who the majority of humour was bounced between in the original series. I really was hoping for good things with this reboot, but sad to say it belongs in the bin and it taints the memory of what was an excellent sitcom back in the day.
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Amateur hour
14 July 2023
This is a pretty bad film trying oh so hard to be a good one but missing the mark by a country mile. The violence is needlessly gratuitous and completely ott. In some films it has a place, but here it's just added for the sake of it. The dialogue is riddled with cliches and the story itself is so predictable with scenarios that make little to no sense whatsoever. It plays to the lowest common denominator in the hope that some have forgotten what makes a good film (and who can blame them with the majority of drivel we've had to put up with from cinema over the last 20 years), and it appears that some here with their scoring have. What's sadder though is that in the hands of a competent director this could actually have been quite good.
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The Outsider (I) (2018)
Ruined by Leto
2 July 2023
Leto's appalling acting 'skills' were the main downfall of this movie. To draw an analogy, a good movie is like a fine meal. You need a great recipe with the right ingredients, you need a good chef to piece it all together properly, and you need a solid team to bring it all together. Here we have a mediocre recipe that has all of the right ingredients but in the wrong proportions and a chef (director) who doesn't know one end of a wooden spoon from the other. So the script is clichéd and below average with bits that just make no sense whatsoever, and this all comes together in some half-baked mish-mash that seems to have been thrown together on the back of a fag packet. There are two standouts in the kitchen though - the cinematographer and the editor, both of whom do a great job in bringing atmosphere to the film. By far the biggest turd in the soufflé though is Leto. The man can't act, and those praising him on an amazing performance in other reviews here need to understand what makes a good actor, because it certainly isn't waltzing through 2 hrs with an expressionless face and soulless eyes. I've seen dead cats with more personality and sharks with more going on behind the eyes. How on earth he keeps on getting leading roles in anything outside of local theatre is a mystery. He may have a 'look', but his acting, if you can call it that, outright stinks. A slightly generous 5/10.
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Fast X (2023)
There's bad, bad on an epic level, then there's this!
17 June 2023
Review (600+ characters): Fast X is an absolute cringe fest, burdened with a cheese-soaked script, appalling acting, and a director who clearly lacks the qualifications to direct traffic, let alone a feature film. While the first few films in the franchise were watchable, the latest additions are nothing short of a complete joke. It's bewildering that whoever finances this garbage has more money than sense. One can only hope that this insufferable nonsense meets its demise here.

It's understandable that C-grade actors like Diesel and his cohorts want to squeeze every drop of profit from the franchise, but it's disheartening to see esteemed actors like Helen Mirren attach their names to this debacle without a hint of shame. It appears that the allure of a hefty paycheck outweighs their artistic integrity.

Fast X is a painful reminder of how a once-promising series can devolve into mindless cash-grabbing. The over-the-top action sequences and contrived plot twists further highlight the lack of creativity and depth in the storytelling. The film feels like a hollow shell of its former self, trading substance for cheap thrills and gimmicks.

In the end, Fast X is a prime example of a franchise that has lost its way, sacrificing quality for profit. The cringe-worthy script, subpar acting, and inept direction make it difficult to find any redeeming qualities. Let's hope this is the end of this insufferable nonsense, allowing the Fast and Furious franchise to be remembered for its earlier, more enjoyable entries.
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65 (2023)
7 April 2023
There's the bottom rung of the ladder... and then there's this. One and a half hours of utter drivel. Adam Driver is no leading man, but I'm guessing he came cheap, same as the non-sensical script writer and the talentless director(s). There's actually so much wrong with this film it's difficult to know where to start or fathom how someone in the film industry thought junk like this was worth financing. Well I hope you lose your money because you deserve to for making the viewing public suffer through it. Like most films today I'm guessing the bulk of the budget was blown on the mediocre CGI in the hope that would pull the whole thing together. Those of you rating this garbage more that the 1 star it deserves are part of the problem. Don't encourage them!
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Utter drivel
13 March 2023
Does anyone actually take any notice of the Oscars anymore? I've been trying to recall the last time anything noteworthy won, because for the last few years the winning films have been absolutely awful. I don't know if it's Hollywood virtue signalling or the fact that someone, somewhere really thinks that these films are worthy of anything, let alone the supposedly most prestigious award the film industry has to offer. EEAAO is a prime example of this. It's a terrible film and you'll do well if you actually manage to suffer your way through the entire thing without the urge to pull out your eyeballs. Don't be fooled by the awards, it doesn't deserve any of them. Hollywood, take a hard look at yourself in the mirror!
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Bullet Train (2022)
I wondered why it was so bad...
9 October 2022
... until I checked on who the director was and discovered it was the same person that created the equally awful John Wick 3. Someone needs to stop giving this guy funding! It's no secret that the quality of films has steadily being getting worse over the years. Once upon a time films were made with a solid script, brilliant character development, excellent cinematography and a great plot. Now you have utter turds being made like Bullet Train with zero thought to character development, no plot to speak of and a style reminiscent of a budget music video made with a three year old waving the camera. These 'movies' seem to appeal to the current generation, probably because no thought is involved and they've been brought up on a diet if drivel so know no better. Bullet Train is bad. REALLY bad. John Wick 3 bad. Can someone in a position of authority please stop green lighting this crap!
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Top Gun (1986)
25 August 2022
I watched this film at the cinema when it was first released and must admit I thought it was okay. Man, watching it again after 36 years though and it really hasn't aged well. The script is a terrible cringe-fest with cliche after cliche. Sign of the times I guess. Next up is the new one and I really hope it's a big improvement over the original.
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Ambulance (2022)
Bay tries to do 'Heat' - fails miserably
29 April 2022
'Ambulance' is a terrible montage of vomit inducing camerawork. It's pretty much unwatchable because of that alone. If the camera isn't too close in, it's either waving around erratically in a poor attempt to make scenes look like they have action, at some absurd angle that makes no sense (i.e. On the floor looking up people's noses), or a sickening FPV drone view flying down the side of buildings just because it can. It's bad, and I mean really bad. It's like watching a 2+hr pop video on steroids. The end result is a jumbled mess with zero viewer engagement. Bay should be ashamed of this mess. His cinematographer more so.
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Spencer (2021)
Where to begin with this one?
14 January 2022
Terrible acting from the lead. Dreadful music in the background that at times sounds like a band tuning up, other times it's either a monotonous violin or piano. So much pointless dialogue and long, boring shots. A director who seems to of tried to create an art film out of factual drama and it just doesn't work. Bad and dull at every level. Even 1 star is generous!
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For those with a sense of humour
9 January 2022
A million miles better than any of the dross that tries to pass as comedy these days. They just don't make films like this anymore. If you like Laurel & Hardy you'll love this throwback to slapstick. Lemmon and Falk are superb!
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Old (2021)
Where to start with this one?
22 October 2021
This writer/director has been on a downward plunge since riding high on The Sixth Sense, and yet somehow he still manages to get funding to make films like this. What's most frustrating is that the ideas behind the films are solid and you can't help but feel that in the hands of a competent writer / director it could have been good. Instead we end up with non-sensual, poorly acted rubbish. Please, someone, stop M. Night Shyamalan from ruining good stories.
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Squid Game (2021– )
An updated take on an old idea
19 October 2021
I recall a book from the very early 80's, 'The Ludi Victor' by James Leigh, which is pretty much the same idea repackaged here. Squid Game is quite well done. No real surprises, even the person behind it all wasn't too difficult to guess once you connected some of the dots. In an endless sea of bland series though this does stand out so it's worth the watch.
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CSI: Miami (2002–2012)
Ruined by Caruso's terrible acting
6 October 2021
Could've been a good series if it wasn't for Caruso hamming it up to the limit in every single scene, actually to the point of becoming laughable. Terrible actor. How he ever ended up with such a leading role in a series like this is a mystery.
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Now THIS is comedy!
9 September 2021
Finally, FINALLY a quality comedy series! Years and years of utter dross that tries to pass itself of as comedy (Mrs Browns Boys is a fine example) and eventually something truly worthwhile comes along. All of the characters are brilliant and the humour is spot-on without being over the top like so much of the American rubbish. Anyone who doesn't find this funny has had a humour lobotomy.
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Another level of BAD
30 July 2021
I've never been keen on these films tbh, but my wife likes them for some reason so I suffer in silence. I can honestly say that this was the most painful one, achieving a whole new level of bad. Who funds this garbage? Does anyone actually read the script first? Why do they keep giving Vin Diesel work when he's arguably one of the worst actors ever? So many questions, so many illogical decisions. Someone, somewhere thought it was a brilliant idea to make 9 of them. I can only pray there isn't a 10th otherwise a divorce may be in the cards!
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Utter junk
20 July 2021
A clear example of style over substance, and pretty poor style at that. Poorly directed, clearly taking reference from the unbelievably overrated John Wick series. Whoever keeps giving the green light to rubbish like this made please please PLEASE STOP!
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Lacks any originality
1 June 2021
More proof that Hollywood is struggling to come up with anything original. This is just a rehash of Escape from New York with zombies and a change of city. It's not even particularly well done and the acting is pretty subpar. But, as is the common tradition these days, just throw a load of CGI at it and hope that no one will notice. The American Werewolf in London nod in the opening act was a nice nod - just a shame it wasn't placed in a film worthy of it.
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Orphan Black (2013– )
2/10 for lost potential
18 May 2021
A prime example of how a terrible music score can ruin something. The music in this is nails-down-a-chalkboard bad. The premise is interesting but the script is 3rd rate. The whole thing wreaks of amateur hour unfortunately.
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Bloodshot (2020)
Very poor
27 March 2021
Bargain basement script, absurd story and a multitude of continuity errors. Scenes supposedly shot in London clearly weren't. Just another CGI fest will little to no thought about content. Vin Diesel being in this sort of rubbish is no surprise, but Guy Pearce must be really hard up for work to stoop this low.
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Bloodlands (2021–2022)
Poorly written
15 March 2021
Treats the audience like idiots and wraps up everything up with a whopping great cliched bow for good measure. Average at best.
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Bank Balance (2021)
Painfully bad
26 February 2021
Overly complicated, far and away too much waffle back and forth, annoying contestants and Ramsay at the helm. What's to like??
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Wrong Turn (2021)
On EVERY level this is terrible!
14 February 2021
Laughable script, appalling acting, terrible camera work, bargain basement direction... There really is absolutely nothing to recommend this film for. It's bad. I mean it's REALLY bad. Even on the scale of bad this is right there at the bottom. Avoid it like COVID, seriously.
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The Warriors (1979)
It's a classic!
10 February 2021
Millennials will hate this as can be seen by some of the negative comments on what is a classic movie. I guess anything that doesn't require the attention span of a goldfish or come with a controller can be confusing for some of a certain age. For the rest of us, those that appreciate a fun (now nostalgic) film with a great cast, it's wonderful entertainment. The rest of you, best stick to your John Wick 'films'.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
S3 - what a disaster
1 February 2021
I quite enjoyed the first two seasons of this, but S3 was SO bad it's dropped my overall rating down to a 3! Appallingly bad and the ending felt like it'd been written by a 3 year old. Please don't make any more. It's pretty clear the well has run dry.
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