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Midnight Mass (2021)
What's really scary about Midnight Mass
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What's really scary about Midnight Mass is how actual Biblical scripture was used/interpreted to validate pure evil. And how so many don't understand scripture and give themselves over in trust believing that others do moreso and find themselves following and idolizing other people instead of the will of the LORD. Like sheep being led to slaughter. And the madness that occurs when people can't differentiate. "For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction." A road paved with good intentions.

When this happens you end up with cults the occult and events like Jones Town, where a total of 981 died most of which drank cianide in a communion suicide pact. Those who became afraid and refused to drink were executed at gun point.

What's really scary about this movie is not the "Angel" but the will of man, and the horror man is capable of given Free Will. The same horrifying Free Will we see day to day in reality.
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Abandoned (2010 Video)
I Abandoned this film before the end
11 July 2023
I didn't realize this was actually the last film Britanny Murphy was in before her untimely death which was surprising given how young she was. I hardly recognized her due to her collagen enhanced lip enlargments which painfully seem to be a cringe focus point of the film time and time again with the overblown kisses and mouth closeups.

This movie has no substance, horrible acting, terrible paceing, and even worse directing. It's really sad this was her last film to her credit. I feel like there was a golden era in Hollywood where we had amazing film and movie productions of what are known as timeless features made by the what are now known to be the GOATS of actors and actresses. Now Hollywood has turned into this cheap movie mill producing cult that hasn't had an original idea in decades.

All we get now is a bunch of pin up puffed up ass stuffed like a holiday Turkey looking Barbie and Ken's that have about as much substance and personality as their less plastic doll counterparts.
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I know it sounds crazy but, I've seen this thing... it's real.
25 May 2023
I was born in 1975. Long before IMDB, Youtube, Facebook, the internet, or cable television. I've been seeing this thing since I was a child. It would on rare occasion come to me in the middle of the night and stand in my bedroom doorway. It was a darker than the darkness figure of what looked like a huge man in a trenchcoat or cloak with a hood or hat.

I was always scared damn near to death from it's presence. But on the rare occasion that I would see it, it would always just stand there in my doorway. I would literally be paralyzed with fear. I couldn't move, speak and it would feel like I couldn't breathe and felt like it was going to kill me or waiting for me to die.

When I got my first apartment it moved with me. I'd wake up, paralyzed it be standing there in the doorway. There was nothing I could do, but seeing it was terrifying.

It still comes but I choose not to look. I rearranged my bedroom so I can't see the door from my bed. But I can still feel it when it's there, I still wake up paralyzed and afraid, still helpless to do anything about it.

I don't know what it wants or what it means. It never occured to me that someone else might have seen that thing. I never talked about it until social media. I watched this religious fantasy series on Netflix and a lady had one come to her in the night on the show and I was flabergasted because I didn't know it was an actually phenomenon people all over the world have experienced and there was a name for it. I started googling what I'd see and then all this information came back and I was just blown away. Then I found this documentary and some of the images from other people's account of seeing the same phenomenon.

They call it the "Hat Man" I've researched it further it's actually called a Jinn from ancient times. It always appears in my doorway and it just stands there. It's huge, it fills the doorway it's a dark sillhouette of a man with what sort of looks like a trench coat or cloak and something resembling the shape of a hat. But it looks like something in the darkness that's darker than darkness in the form of a man. I've never seen it waking up during the day always in the middle of the night.
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House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
When family gets a little too familiar
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give it an A for effort on the shock value.

I'm really not liking the huge time jumps and I feel the character develoment so far is minimal. I would have like to seen the development of Lady Alicent getting married, becomming Queen and more of her struggle in that new role as she didn't want it for herself.

>>>>>SPOILERS<<<<<< I was a little taken aback by Rhaenyra's eagerness to engage in sexual congress with her uncle. I never picked up on her having a crush on him or any raging hormones having been ripe to jump out there like that. I lost a little respect for her character. And the Knight she ended up going to bed with kind of reminds me of a John Snow character type.

The King is weak and really needs to lay down the law but is quite lacking in cracking the whip. I felt the Hand, while self serving, yes should have known better than to be the one to tell that the king about Rhaenyra's night out.
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Archive 81 (2022)
I'd rather be audited by the IRS
15 January 2022
This is a super slow burn, very boring and the actor chosen for the lead needs a lot of work devloping his chosen craft. He's stiff, bland and only has one facial expresion. The video perspective Blair Witch style thing is so over played that here it is just a pointless lame attempt to hold a weak story together. Not scary at all unlike dealing with the Internal Revenue Service...that's horrifying.
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Entertaining modern western
5 November 2021
The opening scene had me invested thru the end to find out why that happened. And a lot of new quotable one liners along the way.

I used to watch these boring ol' Westerns with my dad as kid. Only the Clint Eastwood one's were memorably entertaining. This one I wonder if my dad would like it compared to his black and white favorites.

I was satisfied with the answer and the ending.
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Creepy and in a way most didn't realize or comment on
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Raymond's mother was pretty much more than likely a pedophile. She was obviously in love with her son in a sexually attracted way which is obvious in their first scene together. Then it's confirmed when he recalls how she ran off a woman he was interested in and how she got emotional at the thought of him with another woman. And then the bathtub scene??? If she was bathing him like that as a grown man, imagine what she was doing as a child.
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Hollywood must think we crazy!
7 May 2021
And that's all I have to say.

(I had to type this part because I couldn't submit my review if it was too short)
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Still missing Aaliyah, props to Jet-Li
14 May 2020
This is a fun film. Gotta be the most light-hearted gangster film I've ever watched. Even though there is plenty of murder and treachery, there is a lot of good humor.

I never get tired of looking at Aaliyah. She was a rising star fallen too soon. Jet-Li was awesome as usual watching him kick ass is always good entertainment.

Anytime this movie pops up I re-watch it. One of my favorites in my DVD collection.
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1/10 it that bad out there in Hellywood right now???
9 April 2020
Watched the trailer don't need to watch the film to know it's bad....just bad. I value what little time I have left in my life not to waste it watching this garbage.
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The Recall (2017)
Snipes has hit rock bottom
6 March 2020
I knew from the movie cover this would be garbage. I just started it to see just how far he had fallen from Hollywood grace. It doesn't get any lower than this.

Wesley go for TV sitcoms anything but this garbage!
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The Outsider (2020)
Pacing is killing it for me
24 February 2020
If it's Stephen King count me in.

But this really could have been accomplished in a 2 part series. I'm fine with dialogue and cinematography but there is so much time wasted in lingering scenes with no dialogue, I keep dozing off.

I'm 7 episodes in, and the villain has had about a total of 60 seconds screen time total from a far shot distance, not a single clear closeup.

They should have just released all the episodes at once and let the viewer decide to binge watch. People will loose interest with how slow the story progresses having to wait a week for just another crumb of advancement in the plot.

And with only 3 episodes left, and still barely scratching the surface of whats going on 7 episodes in. Either all hell is going to break loose these last 3 episodes or there is going to be a second season in the series. If it is, you can more than likely count me out. The ice age came and went faster than this.
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McMillions (2020)
Get to the point.... it's already ready already
6 February 2020
Half this documentary will be of this FBI Agent and his gloating banter. This documentary doesn't need to be a series. Just get to the point.

I knew back then the Monopoly was a scam, whether or not McDonald's was in on it. Just glad as a teenager I had enough sense to not let that sway me to spend a dime more on any of the food McDonald's sells which hasn't been fit for human consumption for years.
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When something is too good to be true....
17 January 2020
It usually is.....

Nice to see "Claire Huxtable" again. "It's a different world then where (she) came from". I'm sorry, when ever I see Phylicia Rashad I will always think

Enjoy, I know I did :)
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You (2018–2024)
I've never rooted for a serial killer so hard!!!
15 January 2020
And been so conflicted with my own obvious dark side at the same time ... lol
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Dracula (2020)
I thought I was watching a Bram Stoker's remake....
5 January 2020
Then I wasn't sure what was going on, pleasantly that wasn't the case. I found this to be quite entertaining. I could have watched a few seasons of this. Loved the vampire Dracula's charisma. The only disappointment was that it ended after 3 Episodes.
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Sweetheart (I) (2019)
Stupid Movie Title
26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get the title at all... the word Sweetheart was only said once in a sarcastic way and pertained to absolutely nothing.

The name of the movie should have been called **** spoiler alert*****

"Rarrrhhh I'm a blimey Krackon of the sea"...JUNO.
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At first I thought this was a title mixup on Netflix not an actual remake
23 December 2019
After the first 3 minutes I stopped watching this film to check IMDB just be sure. Nope, it's an actual poorly contrived attempt at the remake of a great film.

Hollywood hasn't had an original thought in decades. How they got a budget and approval to proceed is mind blowing. I don't know which is worse, the fact that that actually happened or the film itself.
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An absolute HILARIOUS delight.
21 January 2019
Fonda was absolutely brilliant in this movie, this is my favorite Jennifer Lopez movie and the Poncho she is wearing @44:00 minutes is to die for. Wanda Sykes was perfect as a comedic supporting actress.

Definitely one for the DVD collection. A total chick flick though, but a good one. Did you know there was a plant named Mother In-Laws Tongue??? Reason being hardly nothing can kill it and stop it from growing lol.

Another totally under rated movie, like Madonna's Swept Away.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
Scary but not for obvious reasons to sheeople
18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to lie, I've tried watching this multiple times and dozed off on it, within the 1st 2 episodes, but I would always get into bed to watch something that ends up watching me anyway so a slow burn pacing is likely to yield those results.

The intro music was very creepy and unsettling to me and I won't say that it was over the top, but very disturbing so I'd always fast forward through it.

I had a feeling this was going to be good and it's one of those type deals where you have to play close attention to everything and that's exactly what it turned out to be. A lot of people won't appreciate this thriller for what it is because of their programming.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSPOILERSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx If found this series to be scary in a more horrifying type of way because I personally believe there are things along these exact lines the government has done and will do far worse than that. I know when you sign up for the military that you become government property but what most people don't realize is that there is no differentiation in that very concept for being a civilian. You are still government property or "stock".

Most people can not grasp this concept and have no idea of the Matrix we are all living in here. When some people wake up to that truth they see the world from a completely different perspective. That random code becomes a readable agenda and is quite upsetting.

What's sad is the main character Walter, is how most of us feel by the masses. We want to believe in the concept of what this country is supposed to be and that our government is here to protect us and help us but that is most certainly not the case.

And what we see here is there basic exploitation of Walter in drugging him without his knowledge, with the intention of recycling him like plastic through a second horrific tour and when that fails discarding him like trash while sabatoging his military record. They didn't even have the decency give him a clean discharge and he was completely expendable. No consideration for his time served, faith in the program and having put his life on the line.

There is no end to government and corporate greed. We are all expendable...just like Walter. And when you look at the declination of what passes for society here, in the wake of the effects of social media and technology has had on people making them completely apathetic, mentally and physically unhealthy by eugenic design. We are all little soldiers on deployment, big brother watching your every move thru your own apps and devices putting god knows what in everything from your food to the flu shots all sanctioned by the good ole "Food and Drug Administration,

Because I am awake....I found this series to be more than a thriller, for me it was completely terrifying.
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Disobedience (2017)
The title makes sense
15 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to see this movie because from what I gathered it was going to be about a conflict with traditional values vs homosexuality in a devout religious setting and how that would play out.

>>>>>>>>>>>>Spoilers<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< So basically what I took from it was that a woman would rather be in a lesbian relationship based on flesh driven desire than stay with her husband and provider and take their child, his child, just as much as it is hers, his only child and break the home, dissolve their marriage for selfish self serving hedonist reasons, rather than be a mother, home maker, wife and rib to her husband.

My favorite part in this movie is when the husband grabs her and shakes her and asks "what's wrong with you?" Because I was wondering the same thing. When she had an affair on her husband with that woman wasn't beautiful, it was revolting...especially the part where she dripped saliva into her mouth like semen or something.

One thing I did take from the movie that the husband said, we all have the right to choose, to choose to serve our flesh or serve God, rather than try to force her to be with him and do the right thing by the vows she took, the child she was carrying, she chose to serve herself and her selfish abominable desires. It was the right thing to just let her go and wish her well....God only knows at what detriment that would be to the child.

I didn't think this film was beautiful, or poignant, but rather about the sad demoralizing dismantling of a family. People don't stop and think how their actions and selfishness affects others because they are so focused on achieving their own happiness and their only thought is "I want happiness". But if you remove the selfishness from that concept...."I" and "want"...what are you left with?

There is more to be gained in serving others than in just serving your own selfish desires. Sometimes you just have to tell your flesh NO! And not smoke that cigarette, and push away from the table, and deny lust. She would have gotten more out of serving her husband, and child in a family unit.

And what's really insane to me is that in 2018 people will say this is a hateful way of thinking and absurd, where not 10 to 15 years ago, the majority agreed in the concept of a real family unit as Man, Woman then child in that order. Society is crumbling in to a state of degeneracy due to the dismantiling of the family unit and ruining future generations by falling into a state of chaos.
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Camp X-Ray (2014)
Barely scratches the surface of what went on there
10 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie didn't even begin to scratch the surface of the crimes against humanity that went on in Gitmo.

How can you be detained for 8 years without ever being charged with a freaking crime? I personally think 9/11 was false flag and done in-house by the U.S. government that murdered over 3 thousand of it's own citizens to cover up money laundering the likes of Bernie Madolf and other "Wolves of Wall Street" coke whoring and flat out stealing american tax payers investments and retirement funds.

Then you gotta have a scapegoat/boogie man. Propaganda and lies told by the "powers that be" that amp up the people to wage war on people wearing head wraps and flip flops. The thousands of soldiers that went over than and died over lies to support an agenda that basically is that wars generate revenue a last ditch effort to distract the people from an up and coming economy collapse and modern day depression.

When the American version of a horror story is told there's always a spin to it making them look like the good guys amidst the horror. Like "Dances with Wolves" A story about the indigenous people who were slaughtered and their land stolen, but you always have the one good "so called white man" who has the bleeding heart because he knows that its all wrong so that makes everything ok.

The depravity and the cruelty these "detainees" were subjected to for almost a decade is not displayed here in this movie by a long shot. Though I find Kristen Stewart entertaining as an actor I had to give this movie low rating because of knowing the truth behind it.
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The irony in the
23 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I was going to be watching an Omen type typical horror movie. Couldn't really tell from the wardrobe and the way cars and things looked what year it was...looked like it took place in the 90's since no one had a smart phone at any point.

Anyway.... I digress.... LOL. Overall I found the movie entertaining. Some questions weren't answered. The pacing had me super anxious for the story to unfold...what the hell was up with Kevin??? What did he do? The soundtrack was unsettling to a little annoying. There were no jump scares or horror movie music hat tricks that let you sense what's about to happen or take note of something. Aside from random folk songs here and there the movie is utterly quiet. spoiler time.

At some point in the film i'm like okay... When TF are they going to have the "we need to talk about Kevin" conversation???? And then I laughed to myself,.....and thought..."ah-ha! Never happened" therein lying a huge part of the problem.

One reviewer wrote, that he thought it was stupid because no child is born evil, and no parent would have handled a child who behaved this way so poorly. I beg to differ and offer examples such as Jeffrey Dahlmer, who was quoted as saying, "I had a normal loving childhood, my parents are not to be blamed for what I have done.... I am just evil." And don't even get me started on what could lead a child to execute any number of the mass school shootings that seem to occur monthly here in the United States. A child, aside from being exceptionally smart, can be atypically cold, unsympathetic, calculating and cruel but the question is why?

There was definitely some serious and obscure hard to pin point problems with Kevin. He wasn't autistic, but it was something not to far off like maybe Asberger's Syndrome. His mental problem apple didn't fall far from its tree. When this movie ended I turned around and watched it again looking a bit closer for the answer to my unanswered questions.

Quite frankly, there is such a thing as poor parenting due to lack of experience, common sense, priorities, coping skills, selfishness and denial. Newsflash... just because a person is capable of producing a child doesn't necessarily mean they should given certain circumstances. It was clear that the mother was not thrilled with this pregnancy. They say normally a pregnant woman glows, it is an amazing experience yada yada yada, but this clearly wasn't Mommer's experience. The birthing experience didn't seem to go well at all, and immediately after Kevin's born, she appears to be suffering from postpartum depression which develops in a lot of women after child birth.

It seems while Kevin was a very tiny baby and small child Mommer didn't cope well with or ever bond with Kevin. In Kevin's defense, a baby can't have a personal vendetta against someone.....or could he???? LOL.

Honestly after rewatching this movie looking at it again I noticed maternal anti-social personality traits in the mother. Mommer was definitely off a little herself as far as having the same traits that Kevin exhibited which were lack of emotion and sympathy, also she herself was also reluctant to communicate. No normal person could have dealt with the aftermath the way she did. Mommer completely failed Kevin as there was at no point any outreach for help, therapy or intervention of any kind. She had the money, which meant she could have easily obtained those resources for Kevin.

Mommer and Kevin both seemed to resent each other but it seemed to me she began to resent him starting from when he was an unborn fetus. Maybe those feelings of resentment during Kevin's early life stage as an unborn child played a huge and detrimental part in Keven's early childhood development. Maybe that's when those seeds were planted before he was born. Maybe his behavior was a little payback for never feeling loved.

Kevin at an early age was very intelligent and calculating having the upper hand on Mommer. No parent should let a child assume the role of telling the parent what to do and the parent be looking to the child for direction and approval. That routine proved to be a huge disservice to Kevin and everyone else in the wake of his final epic act of detachment. I think there are a lot of little "Kevins" brewing in today's society from a combination of any number of anti-social personality disorders be it from poor genetics, subjectively poor environment or poor parenting skills.

The only thing I didn't quite get was why the community with the exception of one wheelchair bound kid from the neighborhood had no sympathy for Mommer in the the aftermath. The story wasn't developed enough to know why they felt she was directly responsible for Kevin's actions aside from giving him the opportunity to be born. I mean hay, I would assume that any kid that does what Kevin enacted was somehow failed by his parents, but I don't know, maybe people would react this way?

Maybe that's something we could never know unless we found ourselves being in a perfect storm situation like Mommer. No one really knows what it's like for the parents of these kids who have committed these types of atrocities after the 10 o'clock news has moved on to the next big story. These people may still have to live in their homes, go to their jobs, deal with looks, whispers, assumptions and accusations from their neighbors and locals in the community who haven't so quickly forgotten. Especially survivors, friends and relatives of the recently dearly departed victims.

Anyway....this was definitely a march to the beat of a different drummer type film in a lot of ways, but it was an interesting piece of entertainment.
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The Ritual (I) (2017)
Done better than the Blair Witch but not as scary
10 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Blair Witch was just a little scarier to me in a nightmare not making any sense sort of way. But this movie reeked Blair Witch done better.

*****Spoiler Alert******

When it was apparent that there was a real monster, a deity of some sort hunting and killing people I was intrigued. At first I thought it was maybe some sort of Yeti, or Big foot, but then it turned out to be an ancient for lack of a better word or understanding Minotaur. I was hoping for more development on the story behind it's origin and the development of the ritual.

The way it ended was a disappointment unless there is going to be a sequel. I saw a vehicle drive by in the distance so I assumed the guy made it. Would he tell a story people find to be unbelievable, would there be a search party for the remains of the others, would he have been suspect of foul play? I mean, for time sake I guess they would have to end it there.

I did wonder as to why out of all the others in the group he was chosen, marked and spared. I guess that's up for us to imagine.
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Love, Loss, Longing, Loneliness
9 December 2016
This is an excellent simple film based on raw human emotion. No trickery or CGI needed. This is by far Cage and Ryan's best film of all the films they've ever starred in my opinion. This movie is a total sleeper.

I have watched this movie at least 20 times and it still has the same effect on me. It makes me shed tears uncontrollably and that says a lot for a film because I'm not an easy cry in film or life.

This film should touch you at a level of humanity and frailty because it's something we all have in common no matter what walk of life you come from. Loving someone, loosing them, life and death is something we will all experience if blessed with that much time.


For some, time is not on their side as you saw with the child in the beginning of the film. For me the first tears flowed with the loss of the husband/father and how unexpected it was for the doctor let alone his grief stricken family.

And then for an Atheist arrogant doctor to finally realize that she has no power to save life given all her education and hard work, that it is not up to her for someone to live. All she can do is the best she can do by her profession and let God's will be done is quite an interesting revelation.

On a side note last year I was in a house fire and flat-lined within minutes of being handed off from the ambulance to the trauma unit. No pulse no respiratory...nothing. And in that moment the last thing I remember thinking was, i'm going to die and I'm not ready. After being resuscitated and awakening from a coma nearly 3 days later, I talked to the arrogant surgeon who felt I should acknowledge that he saved my life.

If that were true by his account, then no one should ever die in emergency rooms. Like Seth's character says "people die when their bodies give out" and the good doctor Maggie replies "it's my job to keep their bodies from giving out, what am I doing here".

I know that doctor played a small part in my still being here, but not in the way he thinks. He feels he intervened and restored my life. And that is where he is arrogant. It was God, who intervened and restored my life giving me more time. Had that not been God's will that flat-line would have been permanent and no amount of education, skill or technology would change that.

That is what I like most about this film. "Some things are true whether you believe them or not". And when Seth finally reveals himself to Maggie she within an instant physically assaults him without even thinking about it. Her reaction is violent and typical given human beings fear and reject what they don't understand. For me, this was one of the best scenes in the film, though there were many.

I don't know how I would respond if a man I was interested in dating,but had become suspicious about, (not because he was a cheat, a liar, a womanizer, but because of his awkward innocence and inexperience and questioning of the simplest things), like "what does a pear taste like". I don't know how I'd react if he revealed and proved himself to be an Angel of God that was in love with me.

I'd probably feel ashamed, and wonder why something so perfect would have any feeling for something so flawed and tainted. But I can't honestly say whether or not I would have been afraid or reacted out of fear and become violent. I may have had a similar or worse reaction, like Maggie's character even more so because I do believe in God.

For Seth who longed to be with Maggie and gave up eternity as an Angel/Messenger of God, for a short time only to end up being a weak, frail and vulnerable human being. Which so many things about being human are wonderful, like the sense of color, taste, touch smell, orgasm etc.

And then for Seth to only have one night with Maggie before being alone in the world, in an lonely existence having no parents, siblings or "human" friends (With the exception of Messenger of course, who was a former celestial body himself).

All things being equal and having there opposite/negative side their is much pain in the existence of a human life, mental, physical and spiritual if one is enlightened enough to know there is a spirit. We are not just the lump sum of micro organisms that evolved from pond scum and we are more than just physical cells under a microscope.

There is more to life than the limitation of one's flesh. The spirit and the flesh are two separate things. Every time a body dies, a new body is born for which a spirit must reside.

This movie touches me on so many levels and I hope it does for you as well if you are open to it. It is definitely a keeper, re- watcher and one of my top 10 in the DVD collection.

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