
118 Reviews
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Clinical (2017)
Too many flubs
14 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a trained professional psychiatrist, I found it odd how she responded to India Eisley's character attempted suicide.

Then she decided to take on a PTSD patient and he allegedly sleep walks from wherever he lives to her kitchen. A, why weren't her doors locked and A part two WTF he do, sleep drive to her place.

This is followed by this supposed ex-patient guilt tripping her into taking him back after the break-in. Not too smart this one, and she's supposed to be the smarter of the two. Plus the SOS with her refusing to follow the advice of her psychiatrist and continues with the what's the dumbest thing that I can do scenario.
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Losing Ground (1982)
What in the Hell???
10 June 2024
Okay I've read reviews and about Kathleen Collins, but some of her directions leave me wondering "What the Hell", like the sleazy way the male student looked at her after the lecture.

And especially with Duke and the cape when he interrupted her reading in the library, and which I found farfetched, forced and unrealistic.

Plus it's summer time and who in the Hell wears a cape, much less during the summer in a glaring bit of bullmarlarky. Oh and what was his reasoning for being in a library in the first place? Plot holes that a cement mixer couldn't fill.

I'm glad that Kathleen Collins was able to produce this movie and as an African American I will admit that it has it's flaws. But I can't rate it as a bad drama, but it is also not a good drama due to the scripting of this old fart and with a younger woman who wouldn't pay him noind if it wasn't written into this movie. It would have been more believable had she been more age and looks appropriate.

I'm not even going to finish watching this as it follows the same lame avenues of old white men and women too young to be bothered.

So it went from a 5-6 to a weak 3.
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I just don't get it
10 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What I don't get is how people rate this movie so highly when it starts off so cliched? A weird gratuitous shower sex scene to begin with and that leads to a loan shark harassing this woman who is later abducted by so fool in surgical gear.

Really now, and I'm to believe that this is normal, and why did the woman go to a closed restaurant instead of home? Six minutes and 3 seconds in and I'm already having doubts about what will be awaiting me should I choose to follow through watching this.

Question, how did he know that she was pregnant and where did he get the training and equipment for the surgery?

Now in session for the first time and he states that he does construction work and odd jobs and alludes to not being well educated.

Okay, here we have a educated psychologist who just the night before saw similarities between a recent murder and a client that requested her assistance. Now while in her first session with him, he repeats what was written where the murder victim was found.

Total Bull Excrement, there is no way that this would happen in an office building and especially with the security systems that are used.

26 minutes and 20 seconds in and I'm tired of this unbelievable garbage. What next, Hannibal Lector beating up twenty FBI agents and escaping? Realism isn't something applied to movie making, or they should at least label this a fantasy flick.

I have come to the conclusion that to continue to watch this monstrosity will be determental and just plain ruin my day. I would have been better off watching Bugs Bunny.
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Autoerotic (2011)
Written by Misogynistic R us
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a pointless mess being passed off as art. Each and every male character in this farce bore the resemblance of a spineless insecure incel.

This would have served better as a PSA/Comedy for what type of men/immature boys women should avoid.

Granted the picture for the most part was clear, but the male actors should find another occupation because they sucked in this farce.

And the last story was total cringe, but I would say realistic of the characteristics of certain spineless needy males. And now I have that god awful vision stuck in my head of his creepy attempt at seduction.

If the objective was to upset people's stomachs, well they hit that mark, other then that this was nothing but trash.
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Cassidy Red (2017)
The Writers failed
8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It would have been better had not for the cliched Bull Excrement added to pad out the run time.

She comes into town on a suicide mission of vengeance and waste time asking questions instead of killing the intended antagonist. So she gets beat up, thrown over the banister to the saloon floor.

Jailbreak and they spend way too much time yapping instead of hightailing it out of town.

And the final shoot out when she does the dumbest thing imaginable, when she doesn't make sure Tom is dead and he miraculously recovers enough to shot her in the back.

And all of this could have been avoided by the two of them just leaving town after bumping ugly when she revealed why she was going to marry Tom. But that would have shot this movie in the foot and finished it in 35 to 45 minutes.

This is a One and Done affair.
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Morgan (2016)
As much as I try to like this
8 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The usual BS script writers and the weak gratuitous fake romantic interest. The sleazy cook (Skip) shows zero appropriate behavior when he first meets the woman (Lee Weather) from corporate and flirting with a woman who he has never met and is there to evaluate the situation.

This Bull Excrement is followed by more reprehensible behavior from the same clown during dinner. Let's not even get too deep with the sexual harassment by drunkly kissing the woman, who should have slapped the taste from his mouth.

Now the cook is sent for his convenient hunting rifle and spills all the shell on the floor and only loads one round. Plus there's no way that Lee Weather would be a match in hand to hand combat with the cyborg. It is only getting worse as it goes along.

But this is what we get from weak AF screen writers, in combination with stupid incomprehensible directing. It's a shame especially when you consider the acting skills of the cast members.

One and done for me.
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Doing Money (2018 TV Movie)
Big Plot Hole from the start and not that good of a movie
24 May 2024
A Big Ass WTF Plot hole right at the beginning of this film. Okay wherever she's was first located in Ireland and the apartment was raided and she was arrested and jailed overnight, why did she calmly walk back to her kidnappers outside the jail? And I don't want to hear the BS about the fake threat on harming her family, when she could have told the police everything including who she worked for and where she was kidnapped from.

Now I get the first tidbit of information when she explained why she didn't scream in the car, but she did have opportunities to pop the lock on the door and caused a scene from where she was kidnapped and even in the airport.

This woman had more blown opportunities to escape and have these sex traffickers arrested and that weak "We Know your Family" threat is tired and overused.
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Twenty minutes in
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
And I'm already calling for Ethan Peck's character to meet Jason or Freddy Krueger. FYI Ethan Peck's acting chops are completely non-existent. Wooden doesn't go far enough to describe how he comes off like a block of concrete.

And how does he leave for a three hour drive in the morning or even midday and reach his destination in the foggy dark of night? And instead of waiting for the realtor to come with the keys, he opts to pry the door with what might have been a jack handle.

Oh and it gets better on the stupid decisions side of the coin, when Ethan enters the house with a flashlight, but never thinks about turning on a light! Or when the realtor shows up to an open door and doesn't call out to him or better yet call the police about a possible B&E. And she wandering around also with a flashlight only to later turn on a light.

Only twenty minutes of foolishness and I'm aching for this meathead to meet his maker and the movie to end. Now I debate should I continue to the end of this folly or count it off as a big fat swing and a miss of a Brothers Grimm tale.
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Kite (2014)
Could have been better
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read other reviews where they second guessed India Eisley's ability to fight the villains, but you have to remember that this is a action thriller movie and being as such small women like Scarlett Johannsen are written in with the skills and agility to dispatch thugs like the one here. Now if you want to harp on something that is a hard sell, that would be the character played by Jaco Muller who must have implanted a Lojack in India Eisley's derriere to be able to find her anywhere in the city, and able to carry her all the way to the roof top of the building and after that up to his little shack on the roof. And what's up with the forced and unbelievable bond that allegedly came about between the two. And his only dealings with her past was to ring the door bell setting up her parents killings, so I don't see that as a positive, but I am not the writer of this drivel, therefor I see no need to splain why she would be attracted to him period, plus he comes off as a stalker. So I have some issues with how these character are developed, and sleazy slimy stalkers seem to be the norm to a degree with more than a few movies that I have watched, and Jaco's character fits right in with the rest of cinematic stalkers.

Not necessarily a movie that I would see more than once, although I like some of the movie India Eisley has acted in, like Nanny Cam which she was quite devious. As I said from my perspective, this is not too bad of a movie, but with the right tweaks, it could have been a lot better .
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A Passion (2001 TV Movie)
11 May 2024
It was worse than they thought it was, with cheesy line, wooden actors and some of the most ridiculous simulated sex scenes this side of the equator. And if Stephanie Benton thinks that this fiasco displayed some of her best acting skills. My suggestion would be to find and profession. And let me not start with Robert Knowlton, because he needs to just quit, because acting is definitely not his forte. The boy just sucked and it's a good thing that fast forward is a extremely good option when you don't second guess the observation skills of some of these reviewers. The quality or lack there of with these thespians was so bad that I couldn't even contemplate whether there was a viable plot to follow. My advise would be find something else to do, like watching paint dry, taking out the trash, raking leaves in the middle of the night. Anything but wasting your time watching this poor excuse for a soft porn movie.
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Addicted (I) (2014)
Cliched BS to the Max
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Too many implausible scenarios to mention and let's not start with misogyny 2.0 with her first encounter with signing the artist, after that I totally dismissed this adaptation of the book as complete and utter BS. Staking their hopes on selling sex scenes as a filler for poor scripting as well as changing the artist ethnic background for selling points.

I take it that this artist has a tongue made of gold that she would have to take the rest of the day off, first with guilt and the shower to wash away her sin of adultery, only to further fantasize about him as her son comes home from a soccer match.

IMDb really needs to allow zero and below ratings for some of these pitiful excuses for entertainment being produced.
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Because the SOS different day garbage
21 April 2024
As usual these weak AF writers can never be original. Typical BS with a swarmy mouse of a boy Tom having a woman who under normal circumstances wouldn't give that boy the time of day, falling in love. Same Old Shittaki different day garbage which totally kills the entire movie.

When we will have a female protagonist that doesn't have to follow the same dumb arse path? How about her just saving the day and going about her business without some weak boy glammed to her?

The only reason for the two stars, the photography was on point, even though the plot sucked.

Would I recommend this tripe for others to view? Hell no, unless you are into stupid movies that are all alike.
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Mommy wow look at all the pedophiles
16 April 2024
So I'm supposed to believe that this story involving a grown man and an underage girl having a relationship is something to cherish????

Just when you thought that the depraved minds of dirty old white men couldn't get worst, this movie trailer has some old white guy acting as though this type of horrid behavior is something to admire.

But ala, old white men are extremely limited in their ideas beyond subjugating women and treating them like property no matter what the age.

Just a completely revoking scenario and ne that has been played out on movie screens without accountability for far too long.
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Why old white men need to be castrated
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie about a talented ballerina and weak mother who knows that the step father has desires for the child. The mother catches the step-father in bed and in other sordid situations with her daughter but does nothing to stop it because she values a roof over her head and not the safety of her daughter from a perverted pedophile that she is living with.

While visiting and staying with a friend as she practices for a performance, the girl meet a young traveling performing artist who is also in town for a festival. They begin talking and hanging out much to the dismay of the stepfather.

The stepfather tries to keep the two apart, but finally after much thought and consideration, the mother steps up to the plate as they are leaving town and has the driver stop the car thus allowing her daughter the chance to escape this lecherous pedophile and leave with the young performing artist.
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Mogambo (1953)
Hollywood Misogyny
12 April 2024
Clark Gable did not get along with director John Ford during filming, and at one point walked off the set in protest at Ford's treatment of Ava Gardner. Ford also made several remarks about Gable's age and weathered appearance.

Clarke Gable was 28 years older than Grace Kelly and 21 years older that Ava Garner

This in itself explains why I say that indoctrination is a reality. You have an older than mud Gable dating a twenty something woman and seducing the bored wife of a couple there to shoot a documentary.

Both of these scenarios I find highly dubious, but par for the course when it comes to the elderly white male ran Hollywood studios.

This type of chauvinistic piggery is enough to make me not watch this movie for a second time and the only reason why I saw it the first time, was because I was too young at the time to realize the garbage Hollywood was putting out.
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Shogun (1980 TV Movie)
Hated it the first time
12 April 2024
Just face it, Hollywood cannot write a movie involving a foreign nation without some white guy having sexual relations with a native girl. So tired of the white supremist misogyny that plague the scenes of these ill-contrived flicks.

They could have written this without the gratuitous sex scene and definitely without this woman sullying herself with people who think that they are gods gift to this planet.

Why couldn't these writers written in a white woman onboard who sleeps with every Japanese man that she meets to even it out? But Nooooo we are stuck with the same manure different day routine that has grown stale in Hollywood.
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Raincoat (2004)
Okay Movie
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie pretty enjoyable if you can stomach nearly two hour of a whiny little man lying to his child hood sweetheart who moved on with her life. It was a study of weak male egos and a combination of chauvinistic manipulation of a woman who had private issues of her own.

I read one review which tried to place this "You tell a Lie and I will tell a Lie, and let's see who can tell the biggest Lie" with Neerja being placed in the same boat as Manu. I strongly disagree with that assessment of this movie, and from my observation of the goings on during that rainy day.

Neerja might have kept her personal marital issues private, and I don't blame her. But she was far from the outrageous embellishments laid out by Manu. Here you have a man who claim six foot in height, but is less than two inches when it comes to being a real man. So the scripting did a good job of presenting Manu to be the weak conniving little boy that he is.

As for Neerja, she showed to be the bigger person by giving what she had to help Manu's sister even with all the lies he laid upon her and how he took her on an emotional rollercoaster ride in his weak attempts to pull her away from the life she at the moment choose to live.

The best part for me would have been the letter with her jewelry which said if God had wanted them to be married, it would have been so. As it ended with her remaining in Calcutta and him sleeping at his best friend's house was the icing on the cake.

This definitely didn't follow the typical Hollywood format where women are portrayed as weak minded and easily manipulated by misogynistic men. So I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of this Bollywood production.
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Six Weeks (2022)
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
More like disrespectful/ignorant/childish, which boils down to spoiled, self absorbed and taking out her frustrations on those closest to her.

I saw two people who took advantage of a immature child trying to act grown. Showing pure disassociation with the newborn child even as she deliberately caused unnecessary duress to her mother who was left to support her without the aid of child support.

The adoptive couple came off as sleazy and conniving. So this movie left no-one to root for as the child protagonist was not likeable and continued to self destructing until buyers remorse set up with time running out.

The ending was muddled and vague with at least myself wanting the child to go to the state, and not the birth mother or the deceptive couple who took advantage of her.

The dialogue was decently written, but the plot left out why was this child so hateful towards her mother? Or was it the cliched teenager who for reasons only known to herself showed pure distain towards those closest to her?

The mother's character was not totally developed as to why she allegedly drank herself out of a job as a beautician, other than last of child support for the oldest belligerent daughter.

Nor did the writers develop the connection between the sleazy adoptive couple, other than show two manipulative people and one ignorant self destructive child.

Although I am not overly familiar with Hungarian laws, I would have thought that her being a minor would have had her mother being more involved with the decision making process and when she changed her mind. Oops, cliched everything is not a steep uphill battle that wasn't explained prior to signing the papers.

Which brings her back to the funfair that she wished would stop coming around earlier in the film, leaving people to wonder the final outcome of the newborn.
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More (1969)
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I see Stefan and his relationship with Estelle as about as unrealistic as can be, unless Estelle is into being beaten and abused.

He's a slimy stalker who started out by helping his buddy steal from her. And with all these character defects, she still carries on a relationship with this immature loser.

So I don't agree with the assumption that this portrays a realistic relationship.

At this point in the movie, I am itching for this bonifided a-hole to get his comeuppance in a extremely bad way.

Some reviews relate this to hippie culture, but not from my recollection growing up in the 50's and 60's. Hippie girls weren't into violence or getting slapped around by a chauvinistic yardape.
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Loulou (1980)
10 April 2024
Anytime a director uses dippydoo as a sexual object, You can plainly see the writing on the wall. "Unrealistic to the tenth power squared". I can understand leaving an abusive husband, but to take a dozen steps back of the evolutionary scale and choose a Sloped headed backwards facing knuckles dragging across the pavement Neanderthal, is not a selection that I would see this woman taking.

I don't recall seeing comedy in the description pf this farce, but it is not like I haven't seen worst in the casting department. But to try d turn dippydoo into a sex symbol is totally ludicrous and unbelievable.
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Three Secrets (1950)
A fair movie
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is a bit wooden with a large dose of misogyny to boot.

You can't help but notice how Eleanor Parker's character is weak frail, but also show a limited range of emotions.

Whereas Patricia Neal's character has a bit more of a independent woman which causes Frank Lovejoy's character to get his feelings hurt because she won't cater to his desire to dominate and control her. "Typical chauvenism that defines the republican party" Hence his pity party complete with tail between the legs as he skulks off in search of a weaker woman who will stroke his pitifully weak male ego.

Now enters Ruth Roman character who gets physically abused by yet another Sloped headed backwards facing knuckles dragging across the pavement Neanderthal. With the typical grabbing the woman's shoulders to restrain her.

Now Ruth Roman's character has a criminal background and shows a tougher side of feminism with a dose of substance abuse to cliche the part.

Both Eleanor and Ruth speak in hushed tones with little variance.

One thing about these older movies, stereotypical male chauvenism all over the place.
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Positively Stupid
8 April 2024
The CGI animation was decent with the aliens and the space crafts. The special effects with the car blowing up with the tall alien, not so much.

The lighting wasn't bad, and you could actually see the aliens quite well, even in the night time scenes.

Not too much with dialogue, but the direction and the extremely stupid decisions took a lot away from the movie.

I just don't get it how script writers can't seem to be able to write in characters who have some semblance of working gray matter between their ears.

Also, what's up with the crawling around instead of running away from danger? Or the blank stare of an imbecile as the monsters or mind controlled people spot you and take chase?

Yeah yeah, some people suffer from shock, but she had already killed the first alien, so all the rest of the gaped mouth "I'm in shock" was over the top.

And the corn ball ending was utterly ridiculous.
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Was good up until the end
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a better movie had it not flopped with a totally unbelievable cliched pairing of Kristen Stewart's character and Eddie Redmayne's character. Granted she's only 15 and inexperienced, but she was also creeped out by his immature and abnormal behavior. So anything past plutonic sympathetic friendship would be a stretch.

The plot and sequencing of flashbacks played out well. With the only twist that I did not buy other than the odd pairing of Gordy and Martine, would have been the maturity and the emotional development of Gordy from a adolescent with mental health issues to suddenly a well adjusted mature teen overnight.

I would have rated the film higher if these glaring discrepancies weren't part of the final product. Worth a onetime sentimental viewing, but not too much interest at least from me to warrant a second viewing.
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Fugue (2018)
Well written and directed movie on mental health issues
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite surprised that there were virtually zero cliche's and was a well thought out plot for Fugue.

I was impressed with the acting ability of the female protagonist as she slowly regained her lost memories. I was also impressed on the interactions of the husband and wife as they navigated to various idiosyncrasies of her mental condition.

The scene at the beach did however leave me a bit perplexed with how the son vanished while right by her side, and she spent the next minute wandering around in a circle on the beach before heading up the path to the area where I would guess the vehicle was parked and found husband and child.

The best part of this for me would be when the revelation of what set her off in the first place dawned on her and the action that she took, was far from the usual cluelessness we have seen portrayed in past and present films.
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Addicted (2002)
Farcical mess not a drama or mystery
2 April 2024
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This should be labeled as a fantasy flick, since it deals with supposed reincarnation, although the other brother didn't die.

And why is it that women in these movies lack braincells and fortitude? It's not like the older brother didn't tell how he met his wife to his younger brother, or the younger brother watched them do table sex.

But I take it that stupid people will miss the obvious plot holes. And now the girlfriend and sister in-law are going to play along with this Bull Excrement as if soul transference is a reality.

And as I suspected, the older brother confided with the younger brother his intimacies with his wife. But it was the girlfriend who sent the wife the original neckless and jewel, to which the wife was able to ascertain that she has been duped, yet the ending doesn't show her acting upon this revelation.

I didn't watch possession, so it's hard to say which one is worse. As for me, a Big Fat Failure.
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