
17 Reviews
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Branching Out (2024 TV Movie)
Wonderful, fun movie!
28 April 2024
I really enjoyed this movie from start to finish.

What a great story line n wonderful characters who really looked like they were family.

It was a believable story n relationship problems felt so real.

Ruby is so cute n adorable, very talented for her age.

She was so natural n very funny too.

Loved the male character n he could really sing!

Loved the songs in this movie so many of them.

The farm setting was beautiful as well as the entire loving Cruz family.

The friend was very caring n loved her advice.

Loved how no one forced anyone to do anything but gave space to come together.

The ending was perfect 👌
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Crew (2024)
What a fantastic, fun film!!
15 April 2024
Omg! We watched this movie today n absolutely 💯 enjoyed it from start to finish.

It was so funny we had many laugh out loud moments 🤣 The actresses were amazing in their roles.

At times it kept us laughing n at the edge of our seats lol It was better than the all female cast heist movie, Oceans 8.

The scenery was great to look at as well as the fun music.

I loved all the airplane scenes.

I think this is the first Bollywoud movie of this type.

I don't understand the negative reviews.

This film was fun even though it's not your ordinary same movie that they do over n over again.

Watch something new n fun for once with an open mind.
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The Way Home (2023– )
Such an exciting series on TV, The Way Home!!
25 March 2024
I have been watching this new series with such excitement n I'm almost done watching the second season.

I love the cast n love watching the past n the future in their lives.

This series gives us both in time travel.

I'm hoping there will be a third season...will Mama Del meet Jacob at last?

Each episode is so fun to watch.

Every cast member does an amazing job.

It shows their relationships n how heart break 💔 can be handled differently by each one.

I really love Alice (Sadie) her acting ability is way over the top.

Each episode clarifies the story more deeper.

Del (Andie) is magnificent in her younger n older portrayel.

I look forward to watching the next episodes n tape them so I don't miss it lol I love the small town n love seeing what the past was like.

Elliott is so cute!!
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Fit for a Prince (2021 TV Movie)
Loved this movie!!
24 March 2024
I loved 😍 this entire movie, it was so relaxing n fun to watch.

This is probably my 3rd time watching it as it comes on TV.

Both the actor n actress are good looking n fit their roles, the story was easy to watch without all the nit picking from negative reviews.

The dresses were beautiful n I loved the grand mother who was supportive. Loved the late night chats with the lead characters.

The castle was beautiful n the movie had a fun vibe to it.

Movies like these are meant to be fun n not being negative.

These days so much negative in the real world so why not relax n just enjoy.

These movies are meant to be a treat at the end of the day n take away the stress.

I have watched both actors in another royal movie n also enjoyed those films.
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Total garbage show.
9 March 2024
This show has no morals.

I thought it would be fun n interesting but it lacks character.

I watched 2 episodes n in one Chrissy Teigen talks about waking up in a hotel room, drunk n she doesn't know who left "cash" on the nightstand?

I really like John Legend but his wife has no morals at all.

In another episode she was talking about John's parents being religious while she was laughing about being an atheist.

I remember reading how in the past she would bully people online n tell them to take their own life.

How can someone say such things?

This show is not much about the restaurant or the food they prepare but mostly swearing n nonsense.

Such a waste of our mind watching something like this.
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Bollywed (2023– )
Absolutely delightful to watch!
9 March 2024
Omg! How I love this new Bollywed reality show!!!

It's my new guilty pleasure lol Kuki is so so sweet along with his wife Sharab.

I love his kids especially the beautiful daughter n daughter in law.

I love the amazing fashion n how close the family is.

Each episode is so much fun to watch.

They are all so humble n down to earth.

Hope it continues for many seasons.

Best part is they get to go to the clients weddings.

I enjoy watching the wedding parties come into the store n showing their culture n sharing their stories.

Some share stories of loss of a parent n how they want to honor their loved ones on their special day.

I have been to their store multiple times in the past n it's exactly 💯 how it is in the series.

Thanks for a fun watch.
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Never Too Late to Celebrate (2023 TV Movie)
What a beautiful n fun movie!!
2 February 2024
I absolutely loved this movie!

It was perfect in every way. The married couple Alexa n Carlos are gorgeous, talented and natural.

Every scene was beautiful, the location, the cast, the beautiful Spanish songs.

The story was unique n realistic.

The chemistry between them is so natural no wonder they are together in real life lol Actors from a young age with Carlos having musical talent from his childhood.

Now married with 3 kids n one on the way!

Yet so young and perfect onscreen.

Please make more romantic movies with these two.

I love these diverse movies, the entire cast esp the mom n best friend were amazing in it.

Loved the birthday party!! It was perfect.

The speeches came from the heart.

We need more family movies like these.

Where can we get the songs from this movie?

I will watch this over n over again.

Great talent from 2 very talented actors :) Humble n down to earth.

We enjoyed this very much.
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I love this new show!
20 January 2024
I started watching the Good Stuff with Mary Berg from the beginning because I like Mary and have watched her other shows n learned a lot of easy, delicious recipes. And she always makes me smile no matter what my day is like.

To be honest, I didn't watch Marilyn Dennis show because I found it boring.

It was the same old everyday.

Mary is sweet, kind, funny n really knows her stuff.

I make everything she makes on the show.

My friends all love her, she is young, beautiful n energetic.

She has great guests on the show n I love watching her cook with her mom.

It's a beautiful bond she has as Myra raised her kids as a single mom.

Please give Mary a chance, you can't learn everything at once n time gives experience like other hosts did.

My neighbors who are seniors also love this new show, it's easy to watch.

I watch the whole show n sometimes rewatch it.

She is a breathe of fresh air unlike the 40 something women on the show called the Social which I turn off after 5 minutes.

Mary will beat Marilyn Dennis after a few seasons because of her personality.

Even her guests get her high energy!

I hope this show continues for many years.

Mary is an expert with many different shows But this one is the best

Just watched today's show n I think Mary is catching on.

I tape the show n watch it because I find it interesting.

I met other people who also think the same.

Great show Mary!

Keep it up.

Don't mind the negative reviews as us young generation find you adorable.

With more experience you will be #1!!
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A Scottish Love Scheme (2024 TV Movie)
Beautiful movie!!!
20 January 2024
Wow! Loved this entire movie!

Everything about it was beautiful.

It was like we actually went to Scotland and met these people.

It was natural n the characters were perfect with their emotions.

It didn't seem fake at all.

Storyline was beautiful, relatable.

Loved the scenery and the stores, buildings, bridges made out of stone.

The lead characters n the boy Finn were great in their roles.

I really want to go to Scotland now, soon.

Loved the accents, the delicious foods on the table.

Please make more movies in different countries we really enjoy them.

So nice having actors from different countries making it more real.

Was a very fun movie to watch.
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Meghan Ory rocks this movie!!
17 January 2024
This review is far overdue but I watched this movie over the holidays n found it absolutely delightful.

Everything about this movie was fun.

It was heart felt and beautiful.

Meghan Ory is absolutely delightful to watch, beautiful n always has such a kind smile that lights up.

I have watched her in Chesapeake Shores n I loved her in it!

I must have watched that show a hundred times n it never gets boring.

The clothes that Meghan wears are absolutely gorgeous n stylish.

I loved all her coats n dresses in this movie.

I hope she does more series and movies like this.

Her and her real life husband John Reardon are kind and cute couple.

He's in the show Hudson and Rex, Meghan has also guest starred in it.

Hope Meghan does more movies like this for Hallmark.

She's sweet n kind and a very good actress.
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Mr. D (2012–2018)
This show is hilarious 😂
17 January 2024
I found this show Mr D on TV and started watching it not realizing the show had ended.

I was hooked and started watching different seasons.

There are a lot of funny moments from the entire cast, they all complement each other.

I loved watching Little Mosque on the Prarie n am now really enjoying this show.

I can't believe it's Canadian!

Gerry is a very good actor n very natural in his scenes...not bad for a second generation Canadian. His daughters also act in this show!

I love all the actors in this series.

It has good moments too where you learn a thing or two about relationships n friendships.

The custodian Malik is too funny. Lisa is such a natural every episode she makes me laugh as well as Simon who still lives with his mom lol

I'm not sure why some are rating this show so low, I mean this show really grows on you each episode. I just really enjoy it.

Not everything has to make sense some shows are just comedy.

Gerry is doing pretty good for himself from being a real life teacher to acting n hosting shows.

Dreams do come true.
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Love on the Right Course (2024 TV Movie)
Best movie for the New Year!!
12 January 2024
I absolutely 💯 loved this movie!

Everything was perfect, the leads, the scenery, the story was so natural.

It wasn't rushed and the other characters in the movie were so original. The dad was natural with his grieving . The male leads parents who were Hungarian were down to earth.

It was nicely paced. Very believable story line.

I love how the Hallmark movies are now in different countries with added language n culture makes it so interesting.

I enjoyed watching the golf game.

The food n the clothing added extra fun.

The scenery is so beautiful you actually want to visit.

Watching these types of location movies takes you away for a bit.

I don't understand the nit picking of some negative reviews. It's just a movie.

It's meant to enjoy not to show us how actual golf is played.

Someone mentioned the real estate pricing, I was just enjoying the movie n didn't care that some small stuff was not perfect.

Both the leads were extremely natural in their roles n both very good looking .

I loved all of Whitney's dresses n her warm reaction n her facial expressions.

Please make more movies overseas.

Pls add more culture, more languages, food, clothing in future Hallmark movies.

Budapest is beautiful n very colorful 😍

Truly enjoyed this entire movie n whole cast was amazing!
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A Midnight Kiss (2018 TV Movie)
Loved this movie!
7 December 2023
I think this movie was great!

So many negative reviews about Carlos Panevega, he was actually better than the lead actress who has years of experience. Most of the movie she looked angry even though they didn't have much of a past.

Carlos was so natural. Not only is he good looking but that's how many guys are happy n energetic. I have watched his other movies n even with his wife Alexa, they are a perfect couple and bring so much to audiences that like something diverse.

Honestly I watched a lot of Hallmark movies, with the same actors some of whom are boring n just do it for the money it looks like.

As soon as there is a different actor or with a different diverse background people assume these actors are boring.

Keep an open mind when watching movies.

It's nice learning about their different customs, food n background in these movies.

When you have traveled the world, you love seeing different actors/actresses instead of the same old year after year.

Some of them are aging now n still they offer them same roles instead of trying new actors.

His ideas about the party made it unique n saved the party esp food, flowers n theme.

Her ideas were same old boring that hosts do to keep it safe.

Their chemistry was fine can you fall in love n be lovey dovey in one week s what most of these movies portray. It's not realistic.

Please keep making different movies with diverse actors n actresses, it's fun to watch.
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Chesapeake Shores (2016–2022)
Beautiful 😍 family show!
14 August 2023
I don't usually leave reviews unless I love something so much lol I love this show so much that I often go back and rewatch it. It makes my heart so happy n takes me away from the real world stresses.

After Treat Williams passing its a bit sad.

Every character in this family drama is flawless in their chatacter portrayel-like how families should be.

The parents, the siblings, the grandkids all show what life is like n what we all go through.

It shows the fun side of things n also the pain they all go through, the challenges I think we all can relate to.

The love between the sisters when they go through heartbreak 💔.

I love the location such gorgeous views, .

It's really breath taking.

Those who don't like the show because of small nit picking of things on the show, if you just watch it with a clear mind, you will enjoy the show as it's very light-hearted.

Many complain about the grandmother's Irish accent, it didn't bother me. I just loved her so much and her love for the family n her grandkids. We would all love to be cared by such a loving Nan.

I grew up with different accents maybe that's why it didn't affect me.

The boys were their own unique person. Some complained about Connor being too childish n irresponsible but every family has a carefree child like that.

He did love his siblings and I guess the parents divorce affecting each one in a different way.

The great granddaughters were perfect in their role.

Love how everyone cared for them n played with them. Making a playhouse for them n playing in the fairy garden.

These small things makes it so real.

We need to turn off our over thinking n sit back n relax after a long day n unwind with this family show.

It's a clean show not many you see these days.

Love Sally's and the cottage and the different wardrobes.

Love watching Mick fly his plane and fix the boat with each family member helping.

Love the siblings finding love.

So many great things about this show.

Every rewatch I find something new!

This show has made me laugh n cry in each episode.
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Love's Greek to Me (2023 TV Movie)
Loved this movie!!!
12 June 2023
Wow! What an absolutely fun movie to watch.

For those negative reviews, I think you have to be from another culture to understand this movie completely.

The main female lead did an incredible job trying to relate to the culture n showed exactly how differences can creep up.

The male lead is incredibly handsome, just like how boys are back home with their mothers and their role in the family.

Most cultures have traditions but always it is with love that moms and elders try to enforce.

The mother in law was "on the spot", she was doing what she thought was best not knowing how it affects the kids.

This movie showed how marrying into another culture is bit complicated and takes time to understand traditions.

The scenery and location so beautiful.

The sister in law was perfect in her role as was the bride's mom.

Thank you for this movie, nowadays everyone is mixing into different cultures and it showed us that with love and compassion we can all form a happy family.

My friends and I loved this movie because we can relate to it. Large families, traditions, cultures, different languages, food, customs, it's different with every country.

If you have traveled to different countries I'm sure you will better understand this type of movie.

Pls don't compare with regular Hallmark type movies. This movie is a work of art to get it right!

I found it perfect and incredibly happy that Hallmark is changing things up!!

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So Help Me Todd (2022–2024)
I Love this show! So Help Me Todd!
11 March 2023
Omg! This show is superb! I look forward to it every week.

All the characters are great n so funny. It is such a light hearted show.

Clean, light, just enjoyable to watch.

The mom is amazing and who doesn't like Todd??

Come on he is the perfect character for this show!

Each episode is different and makes you want more.

I love the sister too, she is so unique in her own way.

Not many shows are likeable these days.

I hardly write reviews but honestly after a long day I feel relaxed watching this show.

Hope it has many seasons.

I laughed so hard at Todd n his mom's dialogs lol The staff in the office are funny too.

Todd's ex is so cute 😍 hope they end up together.

Thank you for bringing a positive show :)
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The Love Club (2023–2024)
Awful movie!!
18 February 2023
It was boring from the very first few minutes.

It was unbelievable the story and the cast had no real relationship with each other even the friends.

It was a lie movie.

But not only that it was not interesting to watch.

The plot was awful, I kept on hoping to enjoy it even a little bit.

I think they tried to copy The Wedding Veil 👰 Series but not even close. I loved the entire Wedding Veil Series but this deserves only 1 star for trying.

These are 30 year old actresses why were they trying to act like teenagers??

They looked so bored lol

Sorry but I never hated a movie so much.

I was looking forward to this.

Don't waste your time... Just awful in every way.
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