
17 Reviews
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Franklin (2024– )
A well produced historical drama. Good but not great.
23 May 2024
Very well produced with wonderful costumes and sets and great historical story about Franklin. However, it seems like there were a lot of ideas for storylines that didn't really seem to get developed or completed. Many side characters had small plot lines that didn't really feed into the main plot line and sort of fizzled out. Perhaps in the original written material there was a lot more development of the side characters and side plots, but in the TV series, it almost seems like wasted screen time for some of these characters and plot lines as they don't serve any real purpose in the main story, or in gaining a better understanding of the main characters or their motives.

I really love historical drama so I have no problem watching this. It's good enough, but it didn't really move me the way some great historical dramas do. The acting is very good and the series is very watchable. It just seems to be missing some intangible element that really makes some series great.
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Star Trek adventures! Yes please
30 July 2023
So pleased with this series. Great adventures every episode. Love the characters and the writing is great. Cinematography is unbelievable. This series is actually so good its hard not to watch them all in one binge session. My only disappointment is the seasons are only 10 episodes, and I really wish there were more being made faster. I miss the Next Generation where we used to get new episodes every week and there were over 20 episodes in a season, but it's understandable that they have made a huge investment in production quality. This series feels as polished as the new Star Trek movies. So good! Can't wait for more.
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Fun easy watching B mystery tv
4 June 2023
I love these kind of shows and Wong and Winchester is great! Doesn't take itself too seriously and has a little fun each episode. Not a super high production quality show like HBO or something, but perfect easy viewing when you aren't looking for anything too serious. Like Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys for adults. Reminds me of a lower budget Remington Steel or Magnum PI or Monk. Nice and simple series about private detectives solving mysteries usually with a few funny twists. The characters are great and a bit more adult themed than some shows so maybe not for watching with young kids. Main character and her sidekick are funny and have good chemistry, like a very off beat Holmes and Watson.
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My Pack Life (2022– )
Heart warming show for animal lovers
5 May 2023
I love this show so much! It is absolutely wonderful to see someone devote their life to saving and caring for animals. I really can't wait until the next season. I have already watched the first season twice. I love the scenery and the visuals and the animals and the stories. It's all absolutely beautiful. The main guy in the show is very inspiring and an incredibly kind and gentle person. It's really great to see the work he does to make the rescue animals feel right at home. He clearly loves animals and would sacrifice anything for them. Definitely keep some tissues around as you will need them.
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Great period detective adventure!
22 October 2022
Well written, well acted and beautiful sets, costumes and designs. Love this show and hope they make many more seasons! If you love period dramas and detective shows you will really enjoy this. I have already watched the first season twice :).

The show is very much in the theme/style of Sherlock Holmes but is a different take and with a woman lead they touch on many of the issues of the time, in the background of the stories which really gives the historical aspect an authentic feel. I love the main character and she is a great heroine but also quite funny and has good timing.

Shows like these are fairly common but aren't always well produced, written or acted and this one really scores well In all areas.
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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
Superbly produced historical drama
1 October 2022
I love the genre of historical dramas so I am a bit biased, but Marco Polo is one of my favorites. The production quality is absolutely top notch in every respect. Beautiful cinematography, along with great writing, stories and acting make this series one of the best historical dramas that has been made. My all time favorite series is Rome (HBO) but Marco Polo is definitely in the running and is a phenomenal series, right up there with Vikings and the Last Kingdom. It is hard to believe the quality of the show it is so outstanding. For fans of this genre, or even just fans of adventure, i think this is a must-watch series. The only disappointment I have is that it is only two seasons and I wish there were more.
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Becoming Elizabeth (2022– )
Great historical romantic drama
30 June 2022
Very beautifully produced series. For those that enjoy period drama with a historical backdrop this is a wonderful series. After watching the Tudors I was hoping for a drama about the rise of Elizabeth and here it is. Extremely pleased with the casting and writing. Well done.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Excellent series, great production
6 June 2022
If you enjoy spy, action type films and TV, this is a really good one. Very high production quality. As good or better than any of the Tom Clancy films. Hard to beat Harrison Ford in the role of Jack Ryan, but the guy from the office does surprisingly well. As far as acting and storylines go, they are great, if you like Tom Clancy type material. Some people might be let down if they were expecting more of a Homeland level of seriousness, but they are really different styles. This is more action type entertainment. I greatly enjoyed it. But I also loved Homeland and the Bourne films. Just a sucker for any kind of spy action type of stories. So happy to see really great quality productions on the small screen. It's the quality of experience you used to only get at the theater but now this level of quality is streaming right to your living room. I love it.
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For Life (2020–2021)
Incredibly good series. One of the best legal dramas out there
20 April 2022
I am a huge fan of legal dramas and have seen just about all of them. This is one of the best out there. Well-filmed, well-acted, well-written. Lots of truth throughout the story line which is based on a true story (although it is not the actual true story, but it it is based on it). I really enjoy when a series exposes some of the big and complex issues in our society, especially around the system of justice and corrections. There are so many issues and so much injustice that it breaks your heart, but there are also no easy answers. This show does a wonderful job of telling some stories of justice and injustice and systemic issues and manages to thread in some hope and optimism that maybe it can get better. One of the great things about this show is that it entertains but also really makes you think about justice and the legal system we have.

I heard that the show has been picked up for season 3 and I can't wait. This show is great!
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Beckett (2021)
Good movie, lots of intrigue
17 August 2021
Very good production quality, pretty exciting, not the best movie ever, but definitely better than many reviews indicate. We really enjoyed it. At moments you're on the edge of your seat. The main character is definite I Jason Bourne, so it's frustrating to see him making bad choices in the movie and trusting everyone, but it just gets you more into the story. Give it a shot, not bad at all.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
Beautifully crafted and layered series
2 September 2019
I didn't think I would get hooked as the show started, but the more I watched, the more I was hooked. Stunning and beautiful to look at, the series also has layered characters and story lines that intertwine. Surprised at how much I am enjoying it, only wish there were more.
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Tully (2018)
Meh. pretty boring film
30 December 2018
Film might be ok for mothers who can identify with the character but there really isn't much going on in the film. It's long and not much happens. Kind of depressing. Really makes a person think twice about ever becoming a parent.
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Downsizing (2017)
Not the comedy the trailer implies, but a great story
29 December 2018
Bad reviews are mostly coming from people who were expecting a comedy because of the trailers and were disappointed that this is not that kind of movie. Understandable.

But I liked it way more than a comedy. It's a story of self discovery and growth, lots of funny moments and sad moments. Very touching and thought provoking.
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Samantha Bee = Hilarious Political Satire!
2 April 2016
Great political satire! Samantha Bee is as good as any of the correspondents from the Daily Show and better than most. Her show has a great cutting edge and has great production quality. If you loved the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, you will probably love this show. I definitely do. (Damn I miss Jon Stewart). This show is on par with John Oliver's Last Week, and I would say a step above the new Daily Show with Trevor Noah (hopefully he gets better).

To those who complain that political satire disproportionately picks on the right, I say get better candidates. Political satire does not lean left or right, they lean into fools and their policies exposing them for what they are, especially hypocrites. This is an incredibly valuable service to society and even if you are on the right you should be happy that someone is calling out your candidates on their ridiculous behaviour! Don't complain you are being picked on...just get better candidates and policies and you won't be the target of political satire.... or just double down on your current policies because it makes for hilarious satire.
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This is a really good show that has been unfairly criticized
6 December 2015
After reading the reviews posted here I probably wouldn't want to watch this show. Thank God I watched it before reading these reviews. This show is good. It's a sci-fi cop show. Its really enjoyable and compares very favourably to anything else on out there, particularly in this genre. I love this kind of show and hope it runs a long time as it is enjoyable and easy to follow at the episode level with some interesting story arcs that extend to the season and series levels.

The people who have been overly critical are trying to compare it with either (a) the movie; or (b) top notch TV series (such as Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad, etc.). I happily admit this show is not nearly as good as the movie or those top end TV series.

However the show is really enjoyable and better than many shows in this class of regular TV series. And it has great special effects and sci-fi as well as the hottest leading actress on television.

If you want some simple, enjoyable sci-fi cop stories with great visuals, give it a try.
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Raising the Bar (2008–2009)
Excellent concept and improves with each episode
10 October 2010
This show is well thought out and succeeds and falters simultaneously in the early episodes, but gets stronger as it continues into the second season. Although the writing and acting are a bit disjointed at moments, the fundamental plots are excellent and very well put together. Most people's expectations of a legal drama will be exceeded. The series touches on many moral and ethical issues that face western societies, particularly the United States. Every episode provokes thought and discussion about issues that do not have simple answers and which the American system of justice is ill-equipped to resolve. The acting and writing are not perfect, and there are cheesy/campy moments, but there are also moments where you can see that the acting and writing could really click. Having been a fan of Boston Legal, the Practice and The Good Wife, I feel very comfortable recommending this series to anyone who enjoys legal drama. The series is more serious than Boston Legal but less fun and sexy; and is more fun and sexy than the Practice but less serious. It also has a distinctly different aesthetic than either of those shows and outcomes are less predictable. The cast is strong and there are many familiar faces from ER. I hope the show continues. Not perfect. Not a 10/10, but it is thoroughly enjoyable.
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Fantastic show...extraordinary production quality
22 September 2009
This show is incredibly well thought out and inspiring. I rate this as the best show on television, possibly ever. Certainly competitive with the HBO/BBC production of Rome and Purefoy is just as brilliant and engaging as Rist as he was as Mark Anthony. The show is inspirational and provocative. It incites lively discussions about current events in the positive light of what can be done to make the world a better place. The episodes cover all types of events and remind everyone that the biggest differences can be made by individuals who do what they can to help when the opportunity arises. The soundtrack/score is extraordinary and does a fantastic job of bringing emotions into many of the powerful scenes. I hope that this show will continue as it truly is worth watching.
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