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Hello Fellow Humans
18 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well another Anime were people are taken away from earth and sent to another world. However in this world they forget their old world and knowledge they had. Which is a kind of pointless. The nice thing about Isekai animes is that you know who you are and bring your knowledge with you. Well at any rate the group you follow is the weak group. While the string group heads off and becomes good.

First problem I have with this anime is how dumb these people are. They aren't really smart and they don't work together well at all. Guess that's why they were the weak ones and not places in the strong group. Look this is standard but in their group they should have had a minimum two healer types. One healer who fights. Maybe casts buffs. But at least can heal. The other a ranged fighter maybe magic and debuffs. But does the bigger heals. This would have saved their only healer / leader. This was a stupid move. Had I been their. I would have been a healer/figher. The women would be ranged, so one healer and one magic user. The men would be fighters. One Hunter. One shield and sword fighter. Maybe another caster or fighter. But seriously two healers always.

The story in this show is decent. Apparently they didn't know you can hunt for food. I mean you have fish, rodents, etc. I have always wished Isekai was real. I would love to be in a world with magic and have abilities and skills and levels. It would be so much better than our reality. All we do is work and eat and sleep and die. Life in this world is boring. Hopefully AGI will let us upload or at least full dive soon. Then we can be main character in Anime and Games. This would make life so much better.
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Humans. Am I right?
15 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

First off animals don't kill just because. Humans are the only creatures that kill for fun. Also in a hurricane alligators are cold blooded so they would not be active like they show. They would still be dangerous but they would be slower. When it gets cold they don't move as much. Just learn to respect animals and don't think you are immortal. Fact Alligators can swim around 20 MPH and Humans can swim at most if your an athlete 5MPH. Most people swim at 2 MPH. So she is not even close to being faster than the alligators.

Well another movie about idiot humans doing idiots things. Why do you as a human think you can beat an apex predator? These people are idiots. They deserve to feed the alligator. I mean seriously. First humans should not be living in places like Florida. Let animals have some space without humans. Seriously all of Florida except maybe a small part of the coast should just be a natural reserve and left for the animals to be animals. Humans don't need to be everywhere. Humans are serious worse than cockroaches.

We destroy this planet without caring at all. We build everywhere and think we can conquer nature. We can do a lot but some things we need to let go. Like New Orleans which is what 20 feet below sea level and is surrounded by water. Just move the humans to a smarter location and stop letting people live their. It is ridiculous. Again humans don't need to live everywhere. This movie is just a perfect exayas to why humans are idiots and should not live in certain areas. Florida is something like 15 feet at its highest above the ocean. So yeah global warming will make the entire state go away soon. So again we should start moving people to other states that don't have swamps and flood constantly.

Also why on earth would you stupidly go into a flooded basement in a hurricane. Again survival of the fittest. We need as a society to let idiots die. We have to many humans already. If someone does something stupid like try an rob a place in the middle of a hurricane and gets stuck. Well let them drown. Don't risk people's lives to help idiots. I personally am rooting for the alligators and loves how the thieves got what they deserved. It was hilarious.

So the part were the dad kills the alligator with a shovel. This is a joke. Sorry but a 10+ foot alligator skin is armor. You would not be able to hit it and get through it's neck on the top. Do you think animals get snapped up by alligators and say you got me. No they fight like hell. They are use to being hit and kicked and bit. It would take so much force to cut through an alligators hide. And then when she gets her arm bitten by an alligator and shoots it with the gun in her bitten hand. Seriously really? When an alligator grabs you they have so much force in their bite your arm would snap and thus you would not be able to use your hand to pull the trigger. It's a nice thought but no. I get as humans we want to win and see humans winning. But if I made this movie. I would have all the Humans die. No one would survive except the dog because the dog is smart.

Also just another observation. Blood doesn't dry up and stick to you while under water. It would flow out as it is liquid. So not sure why the director had dried blood on her as she swam. I love the line "let's get to the car" because seriously you thought you can drive away in a hurricane while the roads are flooded. Just stay in the house and go upstairs if you need to. These people are the worse. If you stay when your told to go for whatever reason. Fire , hurricane, tornado whatever then you deserve to die.

Is this woman a super hero? She had her leg biten, her arm bitten, her arm in a death roll and she survived. What in the heck. This was a joke movie. It pisses me off more than anything. But whatever it was a cheesy creature feature. But seriously she and her dad should have not survived.
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Under Paris (2024)
Humans, am I right
15 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

So first the first scene was pretty much how we treat this planet. We trash our only planet and don't seem to care at all. This scene could have been better and more impactful. Missed opportunity to tell people we need your help to clean up this planet. But at any rate apparently 4 men were easily killed by this one chark but this one woman was to tough for the shark. Plus she apparently is part mermaid. Because some how she survived going like 200 feet down and she just swam back up. This sets the tone of this entire movie.

Then of course it's set in Paris so the river is nothing but trash and filth. Guess French people enjoy dirty water. But again another hippie blue haired girl dives into the water and this man eating shark apparently attacked a sunk car and swam past her because girl power. The shark is a female so or course it would not attack her. Sharks don't randomly attack cars just because. It is a low budget movie but it was fun to watch. Look not every movie is going to be triple S tier. Watch it for what it is. A silly low budget French film about sharks in fresh water. Because the shark and this woman have a connection or whatever. The best part about the movie is all the idiots dying. The Blue haired girl dying was amazing. She was ripped in half. So hilarious. This is what happens when you are an idiot. I love animals and I would help them but I am also not an idiot.

Now we need to clean up our trash. We need to stop trash going into the oceans. We need to stop thinking we are this amazing species that's aboive all others. Also don't think you can beat apex predators just because your an amazing human. Their isn't a reset button or a god that will magically fix everything. We need to fix our destruction. But you got to love the ending with tons of fresh water sharks all wanting to eat humans. However they should be eating Asians because they are the ones who eat shark fin soup. But it would be nice to see animals attacking humans in large numbers. Nature needs to unite and take back this planet.

Side note. I get police and firefighters are supposed to save people. But seriously when an idiot is swimming with a shark and thinks they are not going to be hurt. Don't jump in and try and save them. Let them get eaten and save your team. I felt bad for the police who got eaten. But all those idiots. They deserves becoming food. It's like those idiots who take pictures with buffalo and get horned or pictures with any wild animals and get hurt. The problem is humans allow idiots to be alive. We don't have survival of the strongest. We have survival of the idiots and they breed more idiots. Humans probably should have about 2 Billion less people on this planet if we got rid of those with an IQ of 100 or less. We should want smart people breeding not idiots. Otherwise we will end up like the movie Idiocracy.
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The 8 Show (2024– )
Hello Fellow Humans
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Well I watched the first episode. Thus far it seems like an odd show. I have to say in Asian cultures people are way to polite. That greedy idiot girl if rules didn't exist as this show seems like they don't. Well she would have been beaten. She seems like she will cause a ton of issues and that's what the show people want. What I do t understand is why not beat her and take her room key. What is stopping them from taking a key? I didn't see a single rule that said you are forced to stay in the room you selected. This again is why I think certain cultures think outside the box while others stay in it. Sorry but I would have taken her key and tied her up and tossed her in room 1. Made the guy in room one go to 2. Only because he cant walk. Although I would give him 8 if he was able to make it. But yeah that one girl needs to be dealt with. Our society lets to many idiots run around and say whatever they want on social media like MTG the troll. As humans we should value education and people who are smart. But instead we seem to value idiots on Tiktok or whatever. This show seems fun and I hope the next episodes are good. Hopefully they do something about the idiot spoiled brat. I know I personally would tie her up and make it so she doesn't cause any issues. Because we all know she is going to be a pain in everyone's butt. I would definitely buy a crowbar for protection. The rule said until someone died not if someone has a broken arm or leg.

Okay below this is give aways. So episode 5 and 6 are nuts. First off in this situation I would have already had weapons. However the broken phone can become a shiv. The phone cord a weapon as well. The pee and poo weapons. Pens and pencils are weapons. Seriously what is with these people. Also the horrible girl and guy break their knee caps. Simple. Or at the very least buy 3 handcuffs per person. Why? One for the feet and one for the hands and one to put both feet and hands together. Hog tie them. They do not deserve to be shown kindness. That one older lady is going to mess everything up with her insanity and seeing people that aren't their. She is going to get someone killed I know it. Because she will let someone free and that person will hurt a ton of people. The guy floor 6 and girl floor 8 are psychopaths. Seriously how has no one thought of first buying food with floor 8s money. Also taking their cards and switching rooms. The rules never said you had to stay in the room you selected. So toss floor 8 and 6 into 1 and 2 and give 1 floor 8 and 2 floor 6. That would be the best thing for the show. But it's a Korean show so I am guessing floor 6 will get free and end someone and really hurt others. Because Korean shows don't show fantasies. They show reality. Like how most people sheep and submissive. They will do anything and be okay with it.

This show is really good. It pisses me off and makes me mad. Because I feel for the lower floors. I was t them to take out those who hurt them. But they are such subs and wimps. But then again it's probably why they are in this situation. But seriously they need to grow a pair. At the very least put all the poop and pee in their rooms. And use their money to buy food and clean clothes and whatnot. I mean seriously they asked floor 8 if it is okay to spend some money on an item. Really? You ask the person who started the torture. If this isn't a show about Asian society. I don't know what is.
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Worthwhile show to watch
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Brynhildr in the Darkness is about a species of aliens who take over girls or this mad scientist puts them into women. Not really sure. But this heartless scientist is killing girls and using them. They are called witches but they are science experiments and have powers from science it seems like. It has funny moments and happy moments and annoying things as well. First I have watched a ton of anime. I would probably be considered very knowledgeable. So I know this is a cartoon and not real life but when people draw cartoons they put real life into it. For example men in Japan if you look at anime are for the most part extremely shy and either nice or mean. Women in Japan are either smart or idiots and they fall in love with anyone quickly. Apparently women are super desperate and sexual while men are not sexual and run away. Again I know this is a cartoon. But with all the anime I watch this main male character is just a run of the mill anime male. He is of course super scared of girls and embarrassed when he sees them naked. I know when I was his age I would never have looked away especially if I was told by the girl to look. I mean in the USA 14+ year old boys are horny. It seems in Japan they aren't or maybe they just hide it better then we do. These girls are 16 years old so not children. But they have been kept in these horrible lab conditions. This guy helps them and whatnot. But for some reason he is extremely rude to some of them. Like the pink-haired girl he says she is flat as a board even though she is putting herself out there and offering herself to him. He is an idiot. She may not live for much longer and she just wants a date and a kiss and eventually wants more. But seriously would it kill you to take her out and kiss her and not say she is flat? During the swimsuit episode again he could have said you are so beautiful and yet he says she is flat. I don't get it. He is just a rude idiot and honestly doesn't deserve these girls. The large chested one ends up dying at the end and the guy never did anything with her. Seriously kiss her and take her out at least once. Give her a happy day she can cherish. Even if you aren't in love with her you can still be nice and give her something she desperately wants. This anime was twisted as these poor girls melted and died a ton. But I see humanity in this anime as well. Both with greed and doing anything you want to get what you want but also sacrificing for those you love and supporting others. So it has pros and cons. Also what is with Japan's fear of nudity with men? They all have public baths yet in Anime either the men are extremely uncomfortable seeing a woman or they can't stop looking. With the women they either like being looked at or they beat up someone looking or scream. It's just a body, don't freak out. If someone accidentally sees you don't beat them to a bloody pulp and if you see someone then take a mental photo and then without making a big deal look away and say sorry. But don't make a big deal of it. It's like with children you make a big deal when they bump their head they cry but if you don't they don't cry. Overreacting doesn't help anything. But yeah this show has your sci-fi and magic or technology that acts like magic in it. It has your sexy girls who are naked all the time in it. It has your stupid male character who is overly afraid of girls in it. It has enemies to defeat and you lose some and win in the end. Or so you think. But yeah it is a good anime for the most part. But it is frustrating at some parts. So it is a worthwhile show to watch.
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DearS (2004–2005)
Nothing great nothing bad just Meh
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

First things first the main male character is a complete and total A-Hole and a garbage human. He is rude, disrespectful, annoying, angry, etc. He makes a big deal out of everything. He honestly makes this show hard to watch. I am fine with the nudity and whatever. She clearly needs to be taught how to do everything. So getting mad at her for trying is horrible. He tells her to do something and when she literally does it he yells at her. Like when she gets wet from the shower and has her clothes on. He says get undressed so she does. He yells at her because he is standing there while she undresses it makes nonsense. She is doing what he asks but literally. She hasn't grown up in human society so she doesn't know things like get undressed means what he wants it to mean. Also it's a body don't make.it a big deal. That's the issue is people make the human body way bigger deal than it.needs to be.

DearS is about a species of aliens who got stuck on earth. They of course are attractive and for some reason they landed in Japan and no other country seems to mind. Because the USA or China would never do anything if this were to happen. It has funny moments and happy moments and a lot of annoying things as well. First I have watched a ton of anime. I would probably be considered very knowledgeable. So I know this is a cartoon and not real life but when people draw cartoons they put real life into it. For example men in Japan if you look at anime are for the most part extremely shy and either nice or mean. Women in Japan are either smart or idiots and they fall in love with anyone quickly. Apparently women are super desperate and sexual while men are not sexual and run away. Again I know this is a cartoon. But with all the anime I watch this main male character is just a run of the mill anime male. He is embarrassed and rude to the alien girl. So much so in episode 2 he yells at her to go away and doesn't even bother to look for her until way after he was rude. I truly hope men of Japan aren't like this. Because that's just sad but maybe it is why Japan has the highest rate of marriages to the USA. If their men are so shy they can't talk to the women and they can't share their wants and desires and they are either mean or submissive then I get it. It seems that anime is a way to express cultural issues and things they want changed maybe. I just personally don't get it. If a beautiful alien or human woman fell into my life I would never be rude to her. I would help her and I would not yell at her. Also what is with Japan's fear of nudity with men? They all have public baths yet in Anime either the men are extremely uncomfortable seeing a woman or they can't stop looking. With the women they either like being looked at or they beat up someone looking or scream. It's just a body, don't freak out. If someone accidentally sees you don't beat them to a bloody pulp and if you see someone then take a mental photo and then without making a big deal look away and say sorry. But don't make a big deal of it. It's like with children you make a big deal when they bump their head they cry but if you don't they don't cry. Overreacting doesn't help anything. But yeah this show has all the classics in it so the show for me is just okay. It isn't anything special but it isn't horrible either.

This show reminds me of horrible parents who yell at their 3 year old like they understand as an adult. It's like seriously they are 3 years old they don't understand what you are saying. This guy needs to treat her like a child and help her. Dress her. Bathe her. Show her how to do the basics. You don't have to be a creep and make things weird. Just be helpful and not make things like her running around naked weird. Just say on earth we wear clothes in public. Then show her what clothes are. Again the show is fun to watch but the main male character is just so so so so so annoying. He makes this show hard to watch.
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Great show
5 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

So this show is rated TV-MA. It says Violence and Nudity. I get the violence as some monsters are killer and they show blood. However I watched this and their is zero nudity in this. Unless they are talking about the mer people. I really don't know and my kids are 7 and 12 and they both love this show. I actually had no idea this was MA until episode like 8 and I randomly saw MA on Netflix. But seriously this is a kid show. I mean maybe because they are cooking and they dress the dungeon monsters. I really don't know at all. I would honestly rate this may e TV-14 because yes technically there is blood when monsters are killed. But seriously in today's society we see way worse. With anime it is odd because some times they rate something TV-14 that should be MA and they rate MA that should be 14. Honestly I just watched every Anime before letting my kids watch it. Then decide if it is appropriate for them. So if you want to believe me then honestly kids around 6 years of age are fine watching this. Especially if you live in a farm or around nature or are honest with your kids. Because dressing a monster or animal is how we get food. So it should not be super shocking for people. But I see how some people may freak out seeing a dragon being taken a part like a cow. My kids are not those people. It is a fun show and you actually will learn things. Lots of new anime seems to like to teach kids. Unlike us Americans who are addicted to Tiktok and YouTube.
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Girls Bravo (2004–2005)
Just another cheesy anime
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

So this anime is just another cheesy anime where some how the weak pathetic loser male gets a ton of women and yet he is so afraid of them he breaks out into hives. I have watched a ton of anime and honestly their is a pattern and patterns sometimes show truth. So are men in Japan just afraid of women and that's why their population is declining? Because as a male from California if I randomly went to a planet that had a 1 to 10 ration if men to women. That would be literally heaven. Think about it you would never work because you would have to have to mate day and night 24/7 pretty much. I mean think about it they said only 10% of the population is male. Meaning you have to have at least 10 wives for every male. You just couldn't have it any other way. One can only dream of this type of heaven. Maybe for once there will be an anime with a real man who stubbles into this situation. I would watch that. Because I am so tired of watching these weak pathetic excuses of men that get all these women. Maybe it is because the ones drawing these animes are these men. Seriously though try drawing an anime were the male acts like a normal male would in that situation. Extremely excited and happy to have been transported to this amazing world filled with women wanting him. But it is funny and worth watching. Just annoying because the main character like always is just so annoying and pathetic. But that's anime for the most part.

So my biggest issue with this show is how much these girls abuse this poor guy. Seriously I know it's a cartoon but their must be some truth to anime. If anime has just a hint of truth then Japan has a lot of hidden issues. Like women who hit first and ask questions later. Or men can't talk to girls. Or just bullying in general as a lot of school animes have extreme bullying. If anime has just a hint of truth then Japan has a to of abuse in its culture. Sorry but that next door neighbor would piss me off and I probably after the second or third time hit her back. It isn't even like live taps she is straight up knocking him out. Most of the time he is just ha I g something done to him and she still hits him. If you are a girl then maybe ask before you jump to conclusions. You know that saying use your words before your fists. I get what the anime is doing and a few times is funny but it was just ridiculous. I think she would knock him out like 3+ an episode. Then other girls would as well. I mean heck the poor guy was shot at a ton as well. It is absolutely insane. This guy needs to stand up and put these girls in their place. Especially that neighbor girl. Or at the very least stop being friends with her. Oh and that one girl who just randomly showed up in his bath. She technically was trespassing yet she decided to break a ton of dishes and other items tossing them at him and then runs away and gets into more trouble. Listen first don't be one of those girls who throws things that's just annoying. Second if you are lost don't automatically start running away especially when people are trying to help you. That has to be one of the dumbest things a person can do. Oh I have no idea who I am. Maybe I should randomly run around away from the nice people in the rain. I have no clue were I am or were I am going but whatever I am going to run around. Honestly I would have just let her run away and not deal with her. Especially after she broke everything in my dinning room. Well if she was an adult. A kid I would help. But the problem is the writer made the girls way to emotional. Clearly the writer is a single male who maybe had sisters growing up.
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Goodbye Earth (2024)
Very powerful series
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

This show is pretty realistic. If a disaster happened a lot of this would happen. For example the prison scene just shows you why if this were to happen you have to just eliminate everyone in prisons. When a earth wide disaster happens you can't be politically correct. Let's be honest here the only valuable people are women who can have kids, medical people, farmers, STEM people, those who can work with their hands and have massive knowledge. In this situation you would have to eliminate anyone over say 70 years old. As they would be more hassle than they are worth. Those in the military would have a hard job because they have to put feelings aside and do what's best for society as a whole. I hope this never happens but this show shows how people would react. This would require all humans to truly work together but to many people are greedy and evil so it would create a lot of troubles. It is funny how in a culture were they believe mostly in reincarnation and karma that they had Catholic Church instead. Then the Catholic Church main priest was corrupt and stole all the gold. It is pretty much what people in these situations would do. The greedy and corrupt will try and survive while those who should survive will not. Humans are doomed if this were to happen. Humans are capable of great things but we are capable of horrible things. Churches take from the poor and you have mega churches with priests that have private jets. It is a joke.
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Archer (2009–2023)
Best Show Ever
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
1. The epitome of entertainment!

2. The pinnacle of television!

3. Unmatched brilliance on screen!

4. A masterpiece of the small screen!

5. Top-tier television at its finest!

6. The ultimate in showmanship!

7. Prime example of television excellence!

8. The zenith of entertainment!

9. A true gem of the TV world!

10. The cream of the crop in TV shows!

11. Superb showmanship at its best!

12. A beacon of excellence in television!

13. The gold standard of TV series!

14. Unrivaled in its brilliance!

15. The epitome of small screen perfection!

16. A masterclass in television production!

17. The quintessence of television greatness!

18. Unsurpassed in its quality!

19. The crème de la crème of TV shows!

20. A shining example of TV brilliance!

21. The apotheosis of television excellence!

22. Peerless in its entertainment value!

23. Simply unparalleled on television!

24. The quintessential TV experience!

25. A tour de force in television!

26. The standard-bearer for TV excellence!

27. Second to none in the TV world!

28. The embodiment of television genius!

29. A work of art in television form!

30. The crowning achievement in TV!

31. The hallmark of exceptional television!

32. A beacon of creativity in television!

33. A dazzling display of television magic!

34. The epitome of small screen greatness!

35. A showcase of television brilliance!

36. The unrivaled champion of TV shows!

37. The paramount of TV entertainment!

38. The ultimate television experience!

39. Unbeatable in its TV glory!

40. A true testament to TV greatness!

41. The apex of television perfection!

42. A shining star in the TV universe!

43. The zenith of television achievement!

44. The unrivaled titan of TV series!

45. The top contender for TV excellence!

46. The embodiment of TV supremacy!

47. The standard of excellence in TV!

48. A true marvel of television!

49. The definitive TV masterpiece!

50. A dazzling triumph in television!
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Good show so far
19 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Well another good anime worth watching. It is only 2 episodes in for Dubbed as of writing this review. It is about a sorcerer in a world that seems to have not just humans but also your typical humanoids like elves, dwarves, gnomes, animal girls, etc. As he is a sorcerer clearly magic is in this show. He is a loner who has no people skills. So basically he is your typical Japanese male. The gorgeous elf girl is also your typical Japanese girl well at least portrayed in anime. She is beautiful but quite and meek. She also has this collar that is very dangerous and hard to get off so she has to have it on until he can figure out how to take it off. But if course he is not able to communicate very well so he can't just say his feelings for her and says a lot of just dumb things. Honestly I can't believe how many animes show this. Clearly this has to be a thing in Japan. Is talking to women really this hard for them?

Listen when she asked how shale I die. He could have said I bought you because your beauty struck my heart and shattered it. I want to give you a better life and so do not worry about ever being in da ger with me. I will do everything I can to remove that collar. Until then I would like for you to help me around the castle and to help me get this place presentable as I just moved in and haven't gotten rid of the previous owners stuff. Hence why you see torture devices around. Or he could have said I bought you to make you one of my wives. So do not think for one second I want to end your life. Anything would have been better than what he said. For her room he could have simply said I wanted you to have the room with the best view so you can see the beauty around you. We will fill your room with a bed and furniture that will make you happy as soon as we can.

Men it is easy to talk to women. Just tell her what you feel. Be honest. But not to honest. If you are for example shopping with your wife or girlfriend and she tries something on you don't like. Simply say I like it but how about you try on this, so we can get a few options. Know her size so you can dress her. Women love it when you pick something out for her and you know her sizes. It shows you are paying attention to her and you care about her. So hopefully this anime will be a show about him growing into a man who can talk. I look forward to this show as it seems like a great show worth watching.
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Spice and Wolf (2008– )
Worth watching
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Well this Anime is a good anime and worth watching. It isn't a typical Anime which would be like someone dies and is resurrected in another world or robots or super amazing fighters or magical dungeons or highschool. So that's a nice relief from those constant styles of show. But once again you have a man who is afraid of the women. This must be a cultural thing I'm Asia where men are afraid of women or afraid to ask for what they want. Also he is quite rude at the beginning. Sorry but if I was him and a gorgeous naked woman with wolf ears and tail appeared in my cart or car or whatever. My first response would not be to yell at her and scream and be afraid. My first thought would probably be please be of age and I am so lucky. Hollow is absolutely gorgeous and I have no idea why he acts the way he does but I am from California so I grew up differently than men in Japan. I am watching this again because their is a new series and I wanted to remember this show again since it's been so long since this show has come out. So I am excited to see the new series after watching this series again. It at least is wide screen so it's not so old it is box screen at least. But the anime is noticable older looking. But hopefully someday AI will fix that and hopefully it will also auto translate every single anime in the original voice but in whatever languages you want. No more subs or subs needed ever would be so nice. Well enjoy the show it is good.
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Physical: 100 (2023– )
Hello Fellow Humans
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So this is a good show. Not amazing but worth watching. Shows how humans can over come so much. My issues with this show are just that for one they talk so much. I thought it was going to be amazing feets if endurance and strength but it seems like 70% of it is just talking and bowing and drama. Like it's a drama game show more than a feets of strength show. Like survival how they talk to the camera a ton. I honestly don't care about everyones back story. May e when they get to the top 10 or something then tell us back stories but all 100 is just way to much. The next thing is they allow men vs women. Listen I am all for equality but in Asian culture they more so then western culture are afraid of women. They take it easy on women. If I was out against a woman in a wrestling match I would not just let her win because she is a woman and I didn't want to look like a woman hater. I love women they are works of art. But I could easily if for example my kids lives were on the line pick a woman up and toss her across the room. Sorry but men are just extremely strong compared to women. In a wrestling match I would have done what I would have done to a man and just picked him up and slammed him/her down the. Choked them out. Unless that's against the rules. If it is then I would have just picked them up and slammed them down repeatedly. Forcing them to release the ball. When you are a large man you can do this. But in society of course as a man I would never do this to a woman. So it is not fair to out men against women especially in a society where men have a hard time even talking to women. You could see them not sure what to do because if they did go all out they knew they would hurt the females. So is this a real test of strength? I mean maybe it should be top 50 men and top 50 women and have them go against their gender.

If you are a woman and you truly think you can go up against a man. Then you are delusional. Men always even in competition hold back. If they had a good father then they know not to ever go all out on a woman. To let them pretend to pin you. I don't know it just seemed odd to me when watching the wrestling and whatnot when the males and females went against each other. But it is a good show over all.
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Chicken Nugget (2024– )
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Not sure what to say about this show. So much to unpack. First you have aliens that have been on the planet for 200+ years. Then a crazy scientist. A man who is 22 years old but looks 50 years old. A guy who wears yellow pants and works at a machine shop who becomes this famous singer. 3 men who work at the machine shop and randomly laugh. Then a woman who turns into a chicken nugget. Oh and a nerd fight. This show is extremely funny but odd very very odd. It is a comedy and mystery show and nerdy show and sci-fi all put together.

One thing that was clearly for Korean people is the aliens said the Korean alphabet was perfect. So perfect it was better than their alpha meaning the aliens alphabet. Sorry but if you can't put your alphabet onto a keyboard then it is not at all perfect. Lots of Asian alphabets are flawd in this way. The joke back in the old days was that a type writer with Chinese on it would be as big as a building. Meaning their was no possible way to fit the entire language onto a typewriter. Korean is this way as well. Luckily we have computers that can auto type things out based on context. But if you ever notice on Asian shows when they type the characters change constantly.

Humans need to all just pick one language and teach that. We ha e way to many languages on this planet.
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Are you prepared for this?
10 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Leave the world behind. Well lots to unpack here. So let me make a list.

Learn random facts. Like, do deer migrate together. No they don't. If they are in mass more than say 30 then something is really wrong. Get outside your bubble and learn basics like how a loud noise is not from a sonic boom or how a satellite phone works and a radio works.

Don't be a racist. We are past this in society. Well we should be. A dark skinned person can own expensive things like a house they rent out.

Know how to do basic things like cook and use basic tools.

Don't be ignorant or an idiot. Have back up plans and at least emergency things like certain things in your home to help you in case a disaster happens.

Don't be a snob and think you're better than someone else.

Learn English. You're in the USA, learn the dang language. Of course anyone reading this already knows English. But that lady was yelling in Spanish and she wondered why he left. Seriously I would have left her was historical and yelling in Spanish. How would I be able to trust her to not hurt you?

Know your surroundings. Meaning if something tragic happens and you need to go somewhere, know places that you can go that are away from cities. Cities are the worst places to be when a disaster happens.

Don't be 100% reliant on technology. Know analog things.

Safe spaces don't exist in nature. So don't be a baby. Grow up and be an adult. Have a thicker skin.

If.you are stupid enough to wander off then you deserve being lost.

Don't be a crazy woman. Calm down and don't do everything based on your emotions. It doesn't help at all.

First if a cyber attack happens. The military and government have backup satellites that the civilian population don't use. So the military will work. They can also use other communication methods as well.

Next the attack we saw well again this is why you don't live in cities. They are prime targets.

If we did end up in this situation as Americans. Well then you better realize one thing. Your place and worth in society. Sorry but in this situation Doctors, Nurses and vets are highly priced. Farmers, engineers, electricians, people who can work with their hands are highly priced. People with vast knowledge are highly priced. Women of a certain age are highly priced. People who can grow food and cook are priced. Everyone else doesn't matter at all. A big time lawyer, well you're worthless. Are you a CEO, well you are definitely worthless. Accountant? Worthless. So many humans can't do basic things and thus are worthless or labor or cannon fodder. You need to realize if civilization collapses women are back to making babies and cooking and cleaning. Men are back to hunting and fighting and building. If you can't do this then you will be in the way and honestly should be let loose. If you can't work with people to survive then why should you get food or protection.

Ants don't complain about work and they are very successful in nature. Humans do nothing but fight and cause problems for the planet. This movie is exactly why I prepare. I am pretty sure one of three things will happen in the next few years. Either Trump loses and his cult rises up and we enter a civil war. World war three happens. Or we are attacked covertly like this movie showed us. Because ask yourself how useful would you be if your phone and Internet were gone? How prepared are you? Do you even have tools and weapons and solar panels and batteries and whatnot?
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Amazing anime
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

This is a great anime. Well worth watching. Of course you have your classic boy is smart and not into anything but studying and 5 identical girls that are all dumb as doornails but all fall in love with him. You know your typical Japanese awkward boy meets herom story. But seriously it is about stepping out of your comfort zone and not judging a book by it's cover even if that cover is really stupid. It is a fun happy and silly anime and worth watching.

But the elephant in the room that bothers me about society. Why do we force monogamy on everyone? Who said you can only love one person for the rest of your life. Besides the obvious that these are all identical sisters these are girls in love with the same guy. So if the guy is fine with it then why can't he marry them all? I mean seriously think about it two can stay home and cook and clean and raise the kids while the others all work. They would all be adults and they would all be happy. It makes zero sense why some religion I don't believe in forces all people to only have one significant other. No mammal on this planet is monogamous except us and we in the USA have something like a 70% divorce rate so clearly it isn't working out. Maybe small groups would be more successful. So be open minded and maybe someday you can marry quintuplets haha.
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Parasyte: The Grey (2024– )
Great show
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Great show and well worth watching. I loved the Anime and thus was a great extension of it. At the very end their is an amazing twist I will not give away. But the anime and this show merge together somehow. So clearly they will be making more which is great because this is an amazing series. However like all police or military dramas it has flaws. I mean it's cool to show you shots and it makes things more intense. But for example the music festival when she shot randomly at the cars that would not happen. Police especially task force police are trained extremely well and would never shoot randomly. Plus the city or county would be liable for any damages and injuries. Bringing me to my next point if this was to actually happen the military would have taken over instantly. Actually if this really happened The USA would have taken over 100% and many world militaries are interchangeable with the US military. Well or they are able to be used and taken over. So if this happened you would have the US military involved and I wish they included this as it was a global event. Thus a global task force would be working to take this parasite out. But besides my personal annoyances with those issues it is a great show and I truly hope they make more.
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Amazing show
7 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

I have watched a ton of anime especially starting around 2016 when I became permanently disabled due to Bone Cancer. It is mainly what I watch. For example I watched all of Naruto which is something like 1,000+ episodes if you include Shippuden and Boruto which is still going on. I watched them in a two month period. So needless to say I watch a ton of anime and I don't discriminate. I watch adult anime but I also have kids so I watch children's anime with them. However I watch everything first to make sure it is appropriate.

This show was one of the best animes ever. I never give 10s or most specifically very rarely. This show was amazing and you can watch it with your kids as well. However I would wait until they are mature enough to understand the show. But it is full of magic and battles but told from the perspective of an elf. Elves as we all know have long lives and in this anime they are essentially immortals but scattered all over and thus they don't have a main town or city or whatever. So they meet randomly and it could be 100+ years before they run into each other. I love this because she was the only main character sort of. It showed parts of her life over a large time frame. Which I love. Because we always see elves but never after the humans die. We always wonder how they move forward after the hero dies. This anime answers this question. It is also 28 episodes and most animes are 12 and some less than 16. I can't wait for season 2. This anime was worth watching and I will buy the manga / short stories. It is an amazing story with amazing art work and great music. I love how she is all powerful but lazy and time for her is meaningless. She will say things like let's stay for a short time like 20 years or so. But the humans are like that's way to long.

It would be so amazing to be immortal. Hopefully before I die we solve death the disease. Then I can escape this broken body and have my life back. I would do so much if I could. I also hope we have full dive technology so most people who become immortal just do it virtually. This way you can be the main character in a story or movie or game. I will definitely pick this anime as one of my stories I escape into. I have a list of animes I would be the main character from or at least a character. Obviously I would not be Frieren but maybe a male elf who is with her over the centuries and the story adapts to me being in it.

No matter what happens in the future. This anime is well worth the watch. It is an amazing story and really well told. You grow to love the characters and feel sad when the pass on. You grow to get frustrated with Frieren and yet you love her and want her to enjoy her life. Even if she is lazy and has no concept of time or money. But then again if your thousands of years old then things like human medals or rewards are meaningless. Like she pulled out this mage trinket and only the old mage new what it was because it was so old that the order that it belonged to was gone over 500+ years and he just happened to know it's importance because of a book he read or something. But to her she just got it not to long ago so why does she have to get a new medal proving she is a mage of great power. But think about how say a mouse feels when they see humans. They live what a few years while we live for 80+ years. Even if each mouse lives for 5 years that's 16 generations of mice. So humans are like mice to Frieren. We are insignificant and just here. She is fine with us but she doesn't really get attached to us. Well hope you want ch the anime and enjoy it. Have a great day and be kind to others.
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Amazing show worth watching.
2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

This show is a typical Anime. Magic and middle ages technology. Adventures guild and a heroes party. It has love and demons and typical humanoids like elves and whatnot. The main character decides to quit the heroes party and move to a small village. However a princess follows him and they fall in love. He and her try and build a life together. But the heroes party falls a part and the hero his sister ends up alone. Eventually she comes back to her brother. But this means a new heroes is chosen and this hero is not a good person. He is your typical Anime description of a Christian. In Anime Christians are seen as evil mostly or a cult. Which by definition is true a religion is a cult. But this new "Hero" is a typical zealot who sees only black and white or good and evil. He does not distinguish between a person who made a bad decision and a psychopath. He does not see the difference between a demon king and a monster that doesn't want to fight and just wants to be left alone. He thinks they all should be slain. Thus the main character has to guide the new hero or stop him. The main character must come out of retirement and his simple life and deal with this evil brainwashed hero who has this fairy who seems to be more of a devil then say Tinkerbell. Let's just say she is not at all who she looks like. But the anime is great and it has all the classics anime has like bath scensles, beautiful women falling for the main character, over powered magic and skills, demi humans like elves and whatnot, your general distain to western religion and so much more. It is worth watching and I truly hope they make more seasons.
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Overlord (2015–2022)
Amazing show
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

I have watched this show many times and can't wait for more seasons. It is a wonderful show. All be it some episodes are a bit slow and not really needed. But it is an amazing show. Being that I am permanently disabled due to Bone Cancer I dream about this happening to me all the time. I desperately want to rid myself if this prison that is my body. So a show like this just lets me have wonderful dreams at least. I also hope someday soon may e before 2030 we have Full Dive Technology and we can upload anime like this and manga and other games or shows and make ourselves the main character or a character in the world of whatever show or manga. Of course I would change two thing if I was Ainz Ooal Gown I would first have some type of flesh even if it is a demon or whatever. Because the adults know exactly what he is missing and with Albedo and Shalltear and the maid's and even other races like elfs he is missing out on one really fun part of life. Second of course based on the first I would not harm females like those elf girls who entered his tomb with that bad guy who abused them or the purple haired elf. I would simply add them to my maid collection. My motto would be gotta catch them all haha. But seriously this is a great show and worth watching at least once. I love how he becomes less human and he is technically the villain but we root for him because he is the main character. Not many shows makes you root for evil.
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Worth watching if your an adult
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Well another fun ecchi anime. So the story is simple boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. Girl is from another planet and a princess. Girl has to go back. Boy follows. But the twist is he ends up having to save her world as a ring bearer. He ends up with 5 wives. Which is amazing. Out away your typical human society norms. Think of it logically. What species on this planet is solely monogamous beside humans? You could say a few penguins and Albatrosses but honestly that's not really true. Yes the mate with the same mate year after year provided they return. But they are away from each other for 8 months out of the year. So not 24/7/365 monogamy.

All predator mammals are either solo like bears or jaguars or tigers. But most are in packs, prides, clans, groups. So humans really should be what I call Poly Monogamous which means small family group. This group can be made up of any number if adults. But typically it would be 1-2 males and 4-6 females. Think about it things like chores would be easy because so many people would be able to clean. Or maybe two adults stay home and take care of the house while the others work. You would have more money to spend and save so you can go on more vacations. You would not be forced to be with one person forever. We need variety and maybe you and one wife enjoy horror films while another wife and you enjoy sushi and another wife and you enjoy football. You would be able to have a much more fulfilling life.

Honestly I am all for having more wives. This show is adult but it is also funny and has a decent story for what it is. So if you like adult anime and silly storylines and don't mind a bit if nudity then this show is a good show to watch. It isn't amazing but worth at least one watch through. Take care all and have a nice day and remember to treat others with respect and kindness.
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BUCCHIGIRI?! (2024– )
It's okay worth a laugh
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

I have watched a ton of anime ever since I have become permanently disabled due to Bone Cancer. I don't know if it's that I have seen so much anime or what but this show just isn't that great. I will watch it just because I am running out of anime to watch. Yes I have seen thousands and thousands of hours of anime. This anime is just nothing special. It has your typical idiot main character who just isn't smart at all. He finds a genie and makes a wish to lose his virginity. Seriously you will lose that eventually.

If you are ever lucky enough to make a wish. First ast if their is any limit to the wish. If yes then what's the limit if no then you ask for one thing and one thing only. To have all of Dr Manhattans powers and abilities. You will become immortal, nothing will ever hurt you, you will have all the knowledge in the universe, you can travel anywhere, you can walk on the sun or sleep in the darkness of space. You will be able to make as many copies of yourself as you want. You can grow infinitely small or infinitely big. You can create life or take it away. Anything you want to come into reality will. So with that in mind you could for example create the infinity gauntlet or Star Trek space ships or entire planets with entirely new species like elves and dwarfs and whatnot. You would literally be a God.

But this anime does what so many animes do. They wish for something so stupid it ruins the show. I mean are people so dumb they would wish for basic things like a million dollars or strength. Being Dr Manhattan means you can just create money or become the ruler of earth or the universe if you wanted. You can travel through time and see dinosaurs. Basic average wishes are boring and make shows lame. Take the show That time I turned into a slime at least he ended up being a ruler and demon king. That show is worth watching. But this show the guy wishes to lose his virginity and to make it worse every time he does it back fires and makes the guy trying to beat him up fall in love it seems. The girl he truly wants hates him and he knows it and yet he still wants her. Again if he made a real wish he would not have to worry about not being liked or his virginity. I mean at least wish to be immortal meaning never aging past 24 years old and always healing from anything. Nothing will hurt you not the sun or a black hole. You can travel through any pressure or temperature. Make sure you are very specific so they don't make you immortal but you are so old you turn into bones or something.

But the show is funny and stupid enough to make you laugh. You know those shows that are kind of good because they are so bad. This is this show. It just is t good but is funny because of how bad it is. So watch for a laugh it will not be getting another season.
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Ragna Crimson (2023– )
Worth watching if your not religious.
17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

Well this anime is another anime about how much Asians despise Christians and Muslims. Which I don't blame them at all. Religion has done nothing but cause war and death and suffering. This anime follows a group of dragon humanoids that follow and angel who follows "God". God if course is a child who has no idea what is going on and like a child doesn't know anything beyond themselves. Like a child they don't know the difference between death and life.

This angel who to me represents religion as a whole does whatever she wants. She covers it all up in "Good" like destroying an entire city. She asked "God" what it wants to do about this city and "God" was playing with blocks and knocked them down like a typical child would. This angel thinks "Oh. God wants me to destroy this city". Which is total stupidity. Again like all religions, she misinterprets the meaning and twists it to her own desires. She then pretends to care and doesn't want the humans to suffer. Even though she literally is murdering something like 100,000 people.

So this human who meets the dragon lord when he dies from this angel. The dragon ends up sending him back in time to finish the job. This human is really powerful in magic and is able to kill dragons with little to no effort. This dragon lord wants this insane angel to die and stop killing humans and their civilization off.

This anime is a massive metaphor for humans and our hubris. Humans think they are the ones out in this planet by some God. Seriously if a God made life then why in heavens earth would God make humans? We destroy the one planet we have. We war with each other. We eliminate entire species and ecosystems. It anything we are a plague on this planet not a divine being. Humans have potential but until we shed religion and greed we will never get to be a type one civilization. Let alone a type 2 or 3. Humans need to do what's right not what's profitable. We need to think of others not just ourselves. As this anime portrays the main character tries to save all human kind. While the Angel aka the good one tries and kills all humans off. Which is a perfect metaphor for a wolf in sheep's clothing. Which is messed up to insult wolves. Really she is a plague just like we see today with certain groups. They do way more harm then good but they cloak themselves in the illusion of justice and virtue.

If your hardcore religious then this anime is not for you. You will be offended. Because a cartoon attacks your beloved God who sits on a cloud and watches you poop. This anime shows religion for what it is. A disease and plague in society.
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Really great show
14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

This show is extremely great. It is about a man who is summoned to a world but with a skill they don't understand. The online shopping skill. Being midevil they have zero clue what online means. However I am surprised the other people summoned didn't understand his skill. So he set off on his own adventure. He soon realized he can buy anything from online and it comes instantly to him. He then meets two powerful creature that becomes his familiar. They only care about food. However all the creatures they kill to eat end up making him a ton of gold. He also sells cheap goods to us like salt and pepper for insane amounts of money. It is a very entertaining show.

My one big complaint is he is very timid and weak. I would be so happy in his shoes and I would not be a weak pathetic person like he is. He has blessings from 4 goddesses, magic, healing potions, two SSS rank familiars. Yet he is the biggest coward. I am also not sure why he didn't buy things like camping gear and cooking things like a smoker and deep fryers. He has unlimited funds and an unlimited item storage vault so he could buy large items like BBQs and restaurant sized deep fryers. It would have made his life easier as he cooks 3 meal a day for himself and his glutenous familiars. Also why did he not buy things like weapons from the store. He could have bought all kinds of tools and weapons as well. He just seems like a simpleton, who is just not very smart.

However the show is amazing and worth watching. I personally would have told the goddesses I can get you daily items but I need a coin pouch that produces unlimited funds so I can buy your offerings. I guarantee you they provide him with something. Also I would remind them that if I die or grow old then they would no longer get offerings. So it would be in their best interest to make me immortal and never age past 24 years old. This would get him Immortality and infinite funds. But that is what a smart person would do and not many humans are that intelligent. Well enjoy the show it is really great and you can watch it with any age kids you have with you as it has zero nudity or violence. Well okay a little violence from monsters w being taken down by the familiars but they don't really show much at all.
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The true nature of Humans
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Devilman: Crybaby

This anime is about demons and humans and half breeds. But ultimately this anime is about humans and our nature. Humans are the most destructive species on this planet. We have destroyed more than any other species on this planet ever. The only thing that has eliminated more species are the 5 mass extinction events in our planet's history. We are the 6th mass extinction event. Humans may have intelligence but we don't use it the way we should. Humans are greedy, selfish, destructive and violent. The one thing humans are good at is violence.

The definition of Cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object. Thus all religions are cults and if you look back on human history religion has been the number one killer in the world. Religion also tortured people because they didn't believe in their religion. Religion brings those who are fearful together and gives them an excuse to be horrible to others while simultaneously absolving them of their evil deeds. Do you rethink a God wants you to hate other humans or kill other humans? Do you really think you're going to heaven with hate in your heart? I am a huge history nerd and I can safely say religion has started more wars and killed more people than anything else combined. The only other thing humans go to war over is resources. However religious wars are 2-3 times more than resource wars.

I truly hope someday we evolve and become a society like Star Trek. However this anime shows how most people are. Evil and quick to blame and quick to kill in fear. Just because someone is different doesn't give you the right to judge and destroy them. You think you are correct because you think your God is the one true God. However everyone who believes in their God thinks the same thing. You fight over whose God is better or real. Yet God is not real at all. You want to believe God is real because you feel insignificant if there isn't a purpose to life. You will have to look at yourself and ask "am I doing the right thing" instead of just saying God wills it. God is just a justification for people to do evil. This Anime shows 60%-70% of humans true nature. If this anime came true what it shows is exactly how humans would react. They would kill anyone different than them. Anyone who isn't their religion or skin color or whatever made up bias you have. Just like how Christians killed over 10,000,000 women because they claimed they were witches and since these women liked cats. These people killed cats as well. Cats who eat rodents. Rodents that carry lice and ticks. Lice and ticks that carry diseases. Diseases like the plague that took out almost 80% of Europe. All thanks to Christians killing women and cats because they called these people witches because they didn't believe in their God.

Religion as a whole has set humans back over 1,000 years in technology. We could be populating the stars by now. However religion has destroyed so much and has kept technology and innovation down for so long. The dark ages are called the dark ages for a reason. Compared to Roman technology people were primitive and forgot basic things like sanitation. Sure the dark ages had some advancements but so many things they discovered were actually rediscovered from Roman times. So if you're a human then do better. Be better. Act better. Be respectful. Be kind. Be open-minded to differences. We don't have to be all the same. This anime shows our true nature but I hope we can change that nature someday. Maybe after world war 3 we will change.
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