
11 Reviews
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Nothing much to see here
11 May 2024
If you have seen Ticket to Paradise I will recommend you just ignore this movie, if you even heard about it to begin with. The press surrounding this movie almost didn't reach me until I heard how much it was copying Ticket to Paradise. Only thing is, it lacks a majority of the charm.

The cast is decently stacked with Miranda, Brooke, and others. They don't really shine here though and labeling this movie a rom-com would be inaccurate. There are few jokes in the movie and even fewer laughs elicited as a result of them. The writing was just rough and hard to sit through. I kept wondering when will this movie end as I watched, and it really was not even long compared to a majority of movies these days.

The chemistry between Brooke and Ben is basically non-existent. They never seem right for each other throughout the film and lack the history required to accomplish the "lovers reunited" storyline theme many Rom-coms strive for. Miranda is likeable but her husband to be has little character development in the story, and he too shows little chemistry with her. Therefore the romantic part of the Rom-com title also fails to develop.

Overall an easily forgettable film that fails to create any emotional attachment and only shines in the scenery it was made in. Without scenes of Thailand it would be fair to give this movie little to no positive credit. Your time will be better off spent elsewhere.
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Madame Web (2024)
Hardly a superhero movie
21 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this I did not have huge expectations. The trailer did little to garner interest for myself and I assumed it would be just another fade into the background superhero movie. Well I can say it did at least stand out a bit, but not in a good way.

The acting was just miserable. Dakotas jokes made were cringy a majority of the movie, Sydney's character lacked any trace of intelligence, and the rest of the characters were just kind of... there. Emma Robert's additionally did not even need to be in this, her role served little to no purpose besides further plot expansion in the late part of the movie, which could have been written in a much more natural and believable way. Whoever wrote the script for this movie needs to make sure they put someone else in charge in the future.

Since it's a superhero movie we can always look forward to what we came for, right? Wrong. Cassie's primary power is premonition. This is somewhat cool but definitely is not very showy. She lacks the basic Spider-Man powers of super strength, climbing on walls, or slinging webs. Basically she's a very downgraded version of Spider-Man. Late in the movie she awakens a second power, which was honestly so laughable the entire theater cracked up seeing it happen.

The girls that accompany Cassie are seen as having some unique costumes and powers as well though so at least she has some backup, right? Wrong again. They only have these powers (which potentially could have saved this film) during a vision near the beginning of the film, again near the end of the film in another vision, and lastly in the credits. They never possess these powers during the actual film timeline. At this point advertising the movie with them as having had powers just felt like a lie. You could say we will see these powers awaken in a future film based on the ending, but I don't need to be a superhero to have enough premonition to know this won't be picked up for a sequel.

Then comes the worst part of it all. The villain. He is just so hard to watch. His acting is cringy at best, his voice was hilarious and felt like it was dubbed at many times of the film, and his motive never even was explained. He said he wished to take revenge for what happened to his family but he never commits to that route. He never takes revenge on those who wronged him, makes a difference for someone else in a similar situation, or sees the error of his ways in how merciless he is in self-preservation. Also he steals a cutting edge government program to hunt down the three girls and has it for the entirety of the film being operated by his side kick at his home. Does the government just not care about getting this back..? The movie is riddled with plot holes and bad decisions by character that lack any true justification.

All in all the movie is a good popcorn flick but holds little to make you want to see it in theatres, and even less to justify a rewatch or a sequel. I will give a shoutout to them sticking true to the timeline and having the old fashioned Pepsi branding on Mountain Dew and the Pepsi soda cans though.
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Wish (II) (2023)
A shallow experience
6 December 2023
As an avid Disney fan who watches nearly every release title, I can say this was a bit disappointing. My expectations from the trailer were not too large but this felt too much like a combination of too many Disney films into one film with a more shallow plot. While I can't say I can relate to main characters in other films, such as Elsa, Ariel, or Mulan, I can say at least the motivation behind what drove them was clear. The main character in this was not strong enough to deliver the concept, and it felt like a carbon copy of previous titles. The villain was essentially just a combination of Maleficent and Jafar, his name was Magnifico as well so even the name was close. The concept of the conflict additionally was a bit weak and not delivered in the most effective way. Asha is incredible at singing as per usual and I am a huge space/star fan so I gave an up vote for those things. I will say for kids this will be a fun film, it just doesn't hold any rewatch value.
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House of Villains (2023– )
A train wreck you CAN look away from
26 October 2023
While the concept of the show may sound entertaining, it actually plays out very pointlessly. The first 50 minute episode truly dragged. The only somewhat fun drama was Corine getting snubbed then threatening the wrath of bachelor nation upon her snubber. Otherwise it felt like a diluted version of big brother. The competition was not fun to watch the way it was edited (or maybe just period), and really failed to add much of anything to our entertainment. It did however reveal the secret lair aspect of the show (HOH Big brother position essentially) which was mildly entertaining, but did not hold nearly the level of excitement the show clearly expected. During the many takes explaining what the show is to the contestants even they seemed bored with this already. What especially did not aid in the show was the preview of the season literally spoon feeding us the words "this show is definitely getting a second season" at least 5 times by characters in the show. We don't need to hear that it is getting a second season, we need to like it enough to want a second season. I am checking out after one episode and the only reason I would return is for the guest who appears on the show at some point from our favorite dance drama set in Pittsburgh.
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Halo: Inheritance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Low budget Tatooine production
20 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Kwan Ha is easily the worst character in this series. She has nothing to do with the plot other than detracting from it and everytime I see her I brace for another round of painful dialogue. The previous two episodes (5/6) were brining us back to a place we needed to be then this one happened. The main villain looks like he's trying to be a Matrix character in his costume. This so-called rebellion script needs to disappear. If anyone has seen the multitude of Star Wars series the other episodes are The Mandalorian or Andor or the Obi-Wan series. This episode however, is the Book of Boba Fett at its worst. Kwans character needs to either vanish or die and it's a shame it didn't happen prior to this episode where I at least could tolerate her. Soren adds little to nothing as well besides the occasional good shot. I would advise any and all to simply skip this episode and save time, it literally adds nothing to the plot. Give us Master Chief or give this show death.

Also can someone clarify who this rebellion plot is for? I see no rebellion and almost no one seems to be on board for it. Scrap this plot and please just give us main faction content.
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Andor (2022– )
The Return of the Star Wars Franchise
28 January 2023
This show absolutely astonished me with the depth of characters and exciting storyline. The plot was so well put together and multiple Episodes had me near the point of either tears, rage, or shouting from the top of my lungs in all the best ways. I have watched all the Star Wars series such as obi wan, mandalorian, boba fett, clone wars, and I can safely say this one was by far the greatest. Every episode adds to the series in the best ways and how human these characters feel allows you to really empathize with their plight. No way out may be one of the single best episodes of any series I have ever seen and the writers had multiple other episodes in this season that came very close to its level as well. Would recommend to every Star Wars fan looking to reconnect with the series.
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Maybe I Do (2023)
Why does this movie exist
27 January 2023
Give us our time back. The writing was terrible. Almost no one had any chemistry whatsoever. This is especially true for Emma Roberts and Armie Hammer want to be. I was so bored I was counting the minutes to get out of the theatre. I could see it being entertaining in a play but it did not work in a movie. The music did nothing for the film as well as we could not connect with anyone due to how shallow and boring the characters were. Bringing the stories together usually evokes interest and lots of laughs but all this did was bring a chuckle, then it was back to watching paint dry. Frank Gallagher playing Frank Gallagher was the only entertaining part of the entire thing. Diane Keaton gets a shout out too as she was fun to watch. I wouldn't recommend the film to anyone, besides recommending to avoid. An A list cast that would have better spent their times promoting the movie than actually being in it.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
A trip down memory lane
16 January 2023
After hearing so much negative commentary around how this show would turn out prior to the premiere I must say I was astounded. The casting and emotional toll you feel in the first episode which captures the start of the first video game is very intense. They did a great job building tension and it mimicked the events of the first game so well even knowing what happened it was exciting to see it unfold without actually being in the pilot seat playing it. The setting they made for Boston and Austin felt like we were all back there seeing last of us unfold in front of us again with much better graphics. The last of us 1 had one of the best video game stories of any games I have personally played (PlayStation 1 games to current gen) so this season should be phenomenal. Really hoping the episodes After the first hold up to this level of quality and thank you for making this series happen!
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Matilda: The Musical (II) (2022)
A flop in all regards
26 December 2022
Honestly what did I watch. It did not need to be 1hr 57 min and that was obvious 15 minutes in. The movie starts off looking impressive and promising but quickly disappoints. The musical numbers are not particularly memorable besides the main girls and miss honey. Every other musical could have gone and Emma Thompson were especially horrible. Half our family left the room before getting through it all and I regret not doing the same. The scenery was terrible and the part of the movie with the kids running the course practically avoiding mortar fire was alarming and hilarious, but not because it was meant to be. I regret watching this and recommend that others avoid this title. The original was magical while this version was disenchanting. It's hard to like any of the characters as the back story for everyone with the exception of the main character is lifeless or absent entirely.
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Monster (2022– )
A midwestern journey
7 October 2022
Evan peters is truly Dahmer. His acting is so well fit to the role of exploring his own self to become Dahmer you feel it everytime you watch him. The supporting cast does a fantastic job enhancing the experience as well here and overall it is a great time exploring the life of a prolific serial killer. While hard to watch with how dark it can be at times you do also feel for him and it's something you keep wanting to return to after every episode for just one more binge.. but then the cycle continues again. Overall this was a great educational experience and Evan Peters was cast so well in this role. Great to see the facts gathered together too which made the show and I'm very glad this show was made.
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Don't waste your time
7 October 2022
Words arent enough to describe how painful this first episode was to get through. The show really struggles to find whether it wants to be a seriously terrifying experience or just plain humorous. The effects are so bad children could make a better effect with crayons. The plot was so dilute of anything with substance it truly was a struggle to survive 35 minutes watching this episode. There is literally nothing happening the entire episode. I don't know how this was signed off on as a show but please, just stop. There is a difference between bad tv and trash tv. Trash entertains. This is just simply bad. I would rather watch a 24 hour repeat of the Frozen Yuletide log offered on Disney plus than rewatch this episode or continue on to any other episodes.
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