
16 Reviews
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Pleasantly surprised
14 January 2022
Not much of a Cena fan, and I'm pretty much burned out on all the never ending stream of superhero stuff, but I found myself really enjoying this so far. Glad to see adult super heros instead of pushing for that PG-13 like most copy and paste Marvel. This and Doom Patrol are by far the most interesting and funny superhero stuff around and can't wait for more.

Plus Eagly is awesome.
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Too much CGI, not enough everything else.
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another case of throwing so much CGI at you that it just gets old. There was a lot of good choreography ruined by it and turning the fights into "okay stuff is happening.." scenes instead. Sure some of it looked pretty, minus all the wonky creatures that didn't need to be there. Simu did a good job but the girl named after a brand of water is just horrible and unfunny just as she was in Jumanji.

Not familiar with the comics but felt very unMarvel at the end by adding Neverending Story type dragon and then an overly long Kaiju battle? Top that off with the final boss being defeated as stupidly as the aliens in War of the Worlds and I can honestly say I'm not excited about this addition to the universe, especially with Water Brand girl staying from the looks of it..ugh.

Definitely a low point of the newer entries in my opinion.
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Old (2021)
Good premise..the rest, not so much.
13 January 2022
Started off with a really neat premise and the ending was pretty good but my god...the acting was HORRIFIC. I ended up laughing more than feeling the need to find out more due to the just flat out bad acting.

Also quite a few things seemed missed, like why didn't their possessions age at all? Their leather bags surely would have succumbed to the aging process the same way the silverware had aged and rusted, right? But no they were still perfectly intact.

Worth a watch if you want some giggles with your mystery and are extremely bored. Definitely not one of Shamalan's better films even if it had the potential to be really good.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
If only..
13 January 2022
Pretty run of the mill end of the world movie but doesn't take itself too seriously (or I hope that's what they were going for). Good acting all around even if Streep and Hill were very unlikeable (spot on characters of a certain ex President and his braindead children who got handed places of power though with their megalomaniac ways), which I'm certain will upset more than a few of the red hat crowd.

As they said in the film about the fake disaster movie they were making "it's a popcorn movie". It is rather eerily spot on about how divided we've become and obsessed with our things and money that we will fight each other to the very bitter end.
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Another craptastic Resident Evil entry!
4 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to begin with this mess..first trying to mix the first two games together was just idiotic. The whole Claire backstory was pointless and could have been summer up by her saying she was raised in the orphanage and be done with it. Then on to the HORRIBLE a fan of the games and the books, this is not how the characters act. At all. Leon being a whiney scared guy? No thanks. Jill being..mixed? I get in today's weird age every movie must have different skin tones regardless of source material for whatever dumb reason,but then I realized there were no black people in it, so why do this? Add to that the fact the cast seemed to be full of B list actors that couldn't portray any real emotion if their lives depended on it and you never want to root for anyone, except the zombies. Then the little girl who was upset about her parents being murdered in front of her for all of 30 seconds..yeesh what a mess this is. Trying to throw fans a bone with the keys looking like they should, a rather pointless piano playing scene, and "Jill sandwich" was their attempt to..I don't even know. At first I thought "well at least Nemesis" looks pretty good and true to the character...then nope, they toss a bird dog head on him? I hope this bombs hard so maybe they will just stop..please just stop if you aren't going to do it right.
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Maniac (2018)
I'm not sure what to think, but I like what I think.
22 September 2018
Always a big fan of Emma and it's cool seeing Jonah playing a non-pothead for a change. Pretty interesting story and it has it's very quirky parts. Only on episode 3 so far but it seems to be a pretty good show. Good writing and good acting from our main two. Could become a very well liked show. Also the music is really well done for the scenes, it adds a lot. Since I didn't totally binge I can only give it an 8 at this point, but its promising and if you've got nothing better to do, give it a try.
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Not the best comedy out there but it's unbreakable.
22 May 2017
As a fan of Ellie (aka Kimmy in this) from the Office I might be a bit biased, but it is a cute show with a decent cast. Titus is kinda annoying at times but usually just fun. I love Kimmy though, her eagerness for everything and her naivety of things everyone else just assumed was normal make it a great idea and a great show.

I was surprised to see a new season, watched 4 the first day and 3 the next day. Still charming enough to warrant another season I hope.
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Don't just a spin-off by it's cover...or other reviews.
29 March 2017
Sure, it isn't Supernatural. But if you want more and some other point of views or a bit more back story...and if you like anime..then give it a shot.

It isn't 60 fps like other animes though, it is what I would call 'choppy' and the use of black/white a lot of the time and not being actually 'noir' might turn some people off, I found that bit of animation kinda cool. The fact Sam is actually voiced by the real Sam makes it a bonus and the voice actor for Dean sounds pretty spot on is good enough for me.

Don't expect to be blown away or anything but if you are a fan of SN and aren't going to judge harshly then definitely give this a try. If you like both than you will probably enjoy this show.
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Mary Kills People (2017–2019)
Up and coming show, might be too much for some though.
26 January 2017
We all can watch a serial killer show and not really care about neither the killer nor the victims because the odds of you ever having met one is very low.

But, most likely you've known someone suffering from cancer or some other painful disease. This is where the balance of the show might be hard to grasp for some.

As someone who thinks PETA is really messed up for killing over like 80% of their 'survivors' (look it up), people don't think too much about it. When it happens to be a human life it's entirely different. Maybe that cat they 'put under' isn't ready to go. But if a human being that wants to end it's own suffering from non-stop pain in a sound's not allowed in all but a few select places. This makes no sense to me, but that's another story.

Mary and her sidekick do just that, for a price. They are in some weird way 'killing people'. I'll never understand letting people suffer who really want to just die and stop it all is humane, but that is the nature of our modern world I suppose.

Anyway, this show seems very promising right away. Within 4 minutes I was emotionally effected as this is a very profound ordeal. So far the characters have been great, and I can't wait for more. Mary is not only an Angel of Death, but a very likable person. It's a bit too early to judge since I usually go by the 3-5 episode rule before really getting a grasp on a show, but after this pilot I am excited for more.

It might give people some heartache though. You will always want more time with your loved ones obviously, but maybe Mary could have made it easier for them and let THEM choose when they were ready to pass on to whatever lies beyond this planet.
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Taboo (2017)
This could be really good.
22 January 2017
I have always enjoyed the 1800's London scene so this interested me right away. It has great production values and most every actor is really doing his or her job well. After watching the 3rd episode I have to hope this is going to go far and not be a one season wonder. It has a very authentic feel to the time era feel to it and great production values.

It starts off with enough mystery and intrigue to make you really want to learn about the characters, especially the main (James aka Tom Hardy) to keep you wanting to know more about his past. I won't go as far as to say it's revolutionizing TV as we know it, but it is definitely something I will keep up with and see how well it fares.

With all the crap playing these days it's nice to see a take on such an interesting era and a top notch cast to make it really feel like it should. Definitely worth a watch so far so I can't wait to see how things progress in the near future.
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Kim's Convenience (2016–2021)
Wasn't expecting much but it's very enjoyable
30 December 2016
I wasn't very sure what to expect from this as I don't know too much about Korean culture and their ways, but regardless of that, this show is pretty good.

It won't be the number one show anywhere, but it is funny and and actually has some good ideas (about today's children and people). The rare thing is that I like every main character, even the semi mains like Gerald and Mr. Chin.

As a white guy who really doesn't know more than one Korean person , I can't say if it's really authentic or not, but it is a good show with great characters that you will actually like and care about within 2-3 episodes.

Give it a chance is what I'm trying to say. I always say 3 episodes is enough to figure out if it's for you or not, but at 2 1/2 I was into it and enjoyed the rest since then. Hope they get this show continued because it really is promising.
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Don't listen to the "number 1 review"
12 December 2016
Sure it's not much of the novels we wanted, but that doesn't make it bad at all. In this age of action and either convoluted plots (which, this is, kinda) we are expected to be handed everything in a nice and neat way so our brains stop working at it.

This show is jam packed full of great actors and actresses that really are likable and even dis-likable characters, but they do it so well.

Obviously if you're not a fan of things all interconnected, mind benders, time paradox's, or girls being dogs..this isn't for you. For the rest of us who enjoyed Douglas Adams writings and aren't pretending to be a film critic on IMDb, you'll most likely enjoy this show, a lot.

As an American I wasn't too into the actor playing Dirk, because I found British comedy well...bad. But if you do the normal rule of 3 episodes before judging, he will grow on you, and the curious gets more curious as Alice once said.

Even if have even meagerly liked Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, like time travel, Dr. Who, or anything that is impossible, it's a great show. But if you think it's going to be close to the novels, don't expect it to be. Either way I think it's a great show with lots of WTF and brain moisturizing moments. Also a kudos to Elijah Wood for doing a great job.
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Atlanta (2016–2022)
Very promising, great acting.
7 September 2016
As a long time fan of Glover from Community, his stand up comedy, and even to his rapping (Childish Gambino), I was of course excited to see this show.

As a pale white guy from Ohio, I still found the show to be very enjoyable and with the way they did the first episode, it has a monumental chance to be successful. Darius cracks me up with how he thinks, he's exactly the type of quirky person you need in this type of show (assuming I know how it's going to continue), but he is basically the Daryl of Walking Dead. Everyone will love him and if he ever dies the show may go downhill without him.

Since I've been a fan of Donald since Community I may be a tiny bit biased, but he yet again seems to be a superb actor and I already felt connected to him and wanting him to 'win'.

It's no surprise Donald will turn this into an amazing series because he is a great actor and writer.

Just please don't kill Darius. How will we ever have rat phones if he dies?
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Adam Ruins Everything (2015–2019)
If you want to learn more, check it out.
31 August 2016
I wasn't too sure how this would work but it's a very enlightening show and (although there are corny bits) it's really good. I just binged 4 episodes and gave it a 9, only missing one because some of the corny stuff that makes me want to facepalm.

It's nice to know I'm not the only one on the planet who just takes anything they read or hear as fact. He does a great job explaining why things are total BS and even has a kind of charm and good hosting to him.

I would call it Myth Busters without the gadgets and whatnot, but just pure hard facts. I know people will be offended by a lot of the content sometimes, but if you just want to get a better outlook on some things going around us everyday, realize most of it is dumb, then this is a good show to watch.

I really hope this show gets renewed and keeps going on for a long time cause there is so much of our human society that is just wrong. Also very cool he quotes (well at least lets us look it up) professionals in the subject is nice. Reminds me a bit of Penn and Tellers Bullshit series. Had no idea who you were before watching this but I hope you keep this going for awhile. Always informative and gives me a good laugh or two per episode, which is more I can say for most shows.
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The Flash (2014–2023)
When you expect a bad show and find gold.
25 February 2016
I knew very little about 'the Flash' as a superhero except that he went fast. I saw this and thought I might get half an hour of some cheesy stuff to watch, but instead I got a very great show.

The people who act int his are pretty great, nobody I want to ignore constantly and Grant does a great job at being The Flash. Sidekicks are although average, the show clearly makes up for it with making Barry a cool dude you'd want to hang out with or travel at lightpeed with.

Good enough villains that it makes the show seem interesting enough to keep me watching.

If you are hit or miss on watching this like I was, give it 3 episodes and you are very likely to keep watching.
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Second Chance (I) (2016)
Very promising new show.
30 January 2016
I'm always looking for a new show to enjoy in any genre, so when I read the plot I was intrigued. It may not have a huge budget or a cast full of house hold names, Second Chance is quickly becoming something I look forward to each week.

I always give a show at least 3 episodes before I can make a judgment on it fully, and after the third, I hope this show can continue on for a good span of time. It may not be the most profound show out there, but it certainly has good characters and interesting ideas going on which could lead to tons of possibilities.

Definitely give it a shot if you liked the plot summary. It's in between a crime detective type of story and a superhero novel, among many other things, and I mean come on, who wouldn't want a second chance at life?
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