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Elemental (2023)
Elementals Fiery Animation is Watered Down by its Awful Story
20 June 2023
Elemental is bad, it's as simple as that. There were a few key issues that are easy to pinpoint, but overall the reason this failed is much more abstract. I think the main issue is that Pixar got in way over their heads. They had this story idea but no real means to animate it, so once they figured out a way to animate it (using 151,000 computer cores), they then had to work around the confines of this massive animation project. And by all means, you can tell this was an issue; cutaways and transitions are awful throughout, and you can tell that the script is majorly rushed to get past this factor; It seemed lazy. Not one character takes a breath in this film before moving on to the next rushed, poorly-written line. Scene after scene with no real meaning and every story element (pun intended) that was supposed to elicit some type of emotional response was given to you in an unsolicited flashback that made no sense. And this created some cringeworthy backstory scenes and dialogue that came out of nowhere. It was quite possibly one of the worst films I have seen in a long time, and it's more heartbreaking that it came from Pixar.

Now to be fair to what they've done here, the animation is beautiful, they created a really good-looking animated film, but there was no time to appreciate it due to quick cuts and pointless filler scenes. Once again, Disney and Pixar prioritized the wrong things, taking away from this beautiful feat of animation to create a sloppy pointless story.

The voice acting was also sub-par, to say the least. Most of it was average and doesn't make you think twice, except for Ember (Leah Lewis), who really shined, seeming to give real emotion in her lines despite the awful writing. But Wade (Mamoudou Athie) is a different story. His voice was heartless, in my opinion. And again, this may be the script's fault more than the voice acting since Wade was such a boring character who wasn't given a name until halfway through the film (which is insane to think about). We were given a few glimpses of Wade's emotional backstory that could have potentially had some importance to the story, but then the credits roll, and you feel the same way about him at the end as you did in the beginning. He was annoying, and his arc was flatter than the voice acting given for him.

I didn't go into this film thinking it was going to be good, but I thought it could be fun. I was proven wrong in a big way. Overall the only redeeming part is its animation which is overshadowed by its story issues. It's worth a watch for the animation alone, but should not be glorified for any other aspect of it (which seems to be what many are doing.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Fun To Watch, But Hard To Listen To
27 February 2023
I don't like to be negative, and I usually try to give movies the benefit of the doubt, but Cocaine Bear was just simply not good. Now that's not to say I didn't enjoy it or that there weren't any good parts either. For example, the gore was probably the biggest star in the film; Cocaine Bear got brutal at some points, and I liked the somewhat unhinged violence. But almost every other aspect of the film came up short. All of the acting was bad, the writing was hard to listen to, and not every joke really landed for me. Cocaine bear succeeds in entertaining but fails to create anything memorable.

Something I've never had to complain about before was the actors' voices. One thing I couldn't help but think about throughout the entire film was how bad the casting was. I think the most off-putting performance was from O'shea Jackson Jr. His character was just awfully written, and every time his plot was on the screen, I could only sigh. He simply did not fit in his role, and that's how most characters felt (except for the children). Everyone felt out of place, fictional, and offputting.

The writing certainly didn't help with any of the performances either. I know this is supposed to be a "funny" movie, and there were some funny parts, but listening to some of the dialogue throughout the movie was tough at times. The writing made it feel like an indie movie written by a 12-year-old. The script also failed to create any attachment between the characters and the audience. For the most part, I didn't care if any of the characters died or not. In fact, by the end, I was hoping some of the characters would die since the gore was much more pleasant than hearing them talk.

I know I am being harsh. So despite my complaints, I will admit the movie was entertaining; it was fun to watch while I wait for something better to come to theaters. I'm glad I saw it now that it has come out, but I will most likely never see Cocaine Bear again, which is something that I can live with.
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Entertainingly Boring
6 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like many others, I came into this film expecting a twist. So when the twist never came I wasn't necessarily disappointed, but instead just bored. So I tried to separate my expectations from my actual judgment, but this still wasn't a super interesting film. I am knowledgeable of the fact that it was based on a book, and with that knowledge, I believe it should have stayed that way. It didn't translate well onto the screen. The movie was short, so having this interesting plot rushed on the big screen made it feel anticlimactic. I haven't read the book that it is based on, but I can see how a similar plot could work fantastically on the paper medium.

As I said, the plot was interesting, but Shyamalan seemingly made it poorly. It felt rushed with only out-of-place flashbacks to act as a filler for a 45-minute story. If the film was reordered better and had a longer build-up to the events of the break-in; the movie would have felt more filling with at least some character development, but seeing how they're breaking into the cabin maybe 10 minutes into the story makes you feel disinterested. There's nothing truly at stake since you don't really get to know any of the protagonists until a poorly timed flashback halfway through the film. There is no attachment to any of the characters, so once the sacrifice is made you feel empty. In fact, you feel more sorry for the intruders than you do the family by the end.

Not to sound like everyone else who reviewed Knock at The Cabin, but the great part of the film was Dave Bautista. He truly was the star of the whole thing. His performance was strong. And like I said, I felt more connected to his character as the intruder than the victims. I am not usually one to focus on any actor's performance, or to go see a movie for individual actors, but Bautista truly makes a compelling case for why he could fill any role, and do it well. I look forward to seeing what he can do in a more finished movie.

Overall, it was an enjoyable watch. Will I watch it again? Maybe someday in the far future when I'm bored, but It was nothing groundbreaking. Simply put, it was just a short story that had a potentially interesting plot that was snuffed out by a boring ending. I think that films can make great adaptations of books when done correctly, but Shyamalan proved that he doesn't have the know-how to create anything more than a 2 hour "better than nothing" film.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
An Empty Experiment to Learn From
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The most crucial component of Infinity Pool that can help it succeed as a film is within the audience, not the story. You must come into the movie with a critical, artistic, and experimental mindset. If you can't do that: then this movie fails.

Overall, the movie is an experiment made by Brandon Cronenberg. It doesn't follow a story's standard flow; its pacing and ending, while working well with the narrative, ended up being a failure. But when you think about the film in the aspect that it's the demise and decay of a man's psyche, with no resolution, you can see it for what it really is. It successfully dives into the audience's mind and makes you ponder your own actions as if you were there. Its immersion is unparalleled by many films. And while that may not have been by design, its crafting made it able to connect with you deeply. So when the ending comes around, and this character you feel connected to has no redemption, you feel empty too. Part is the void of an unfinished story, but on a deeper level, it's a connection between you and James Foster. When that final scene rolls and you are as empty as he is: you can feel it.

Infinity Pool is one of the only films that can pull off an experimental ending like that, but in the end, the film still comes off as polarizing. I am always in favor of testing the bounds of filmmaking, but the most essential part of storytelling is bringing a group of artists' vision to a broader audience, but Infinity Pool fails to do that.

My recommendation for this film, and every film you see from here on out, is to go into it without expectation and think about it critically. Because then you will be able to get something out of anything. Even something non-traditional can teach you about yourself or the world around you (even from a fictional world). Art is a never-ending amalgamation of self-testing mediums. It constantly wants to test its own bounds, but it's the audience's responsibility to be able to not write things off with a simple mind. It may not be for everyone, but everyone can learn, feel, and connect with films like Infinity Pool with the right mindset.
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Koala Man (2023)
I really enjoyed it.
24 January 2023
I am not going to go too in-depth with the show simply because I am more of a movie critic, but overall I think Koala Man deserves a hell of a lot more than it received. Most people never gave the show a chance before flocking to Twitter to complain. I recommend watching it to the end because the show starts to shine later in its run, and then judge it for yourself.

Here is my judgment, one thing I liked about Koala Man is how it's a tamer and more extended version of a Cusack show which gives it charm within itself. It can be heartwarming and funny simultaneously, which can be a powerful tool in storytelling (especially adult animation). One thing it could work on is hooking the audience sooner. The first two and a half episodes are slow, but as you continue to watch, you can see how Cusack's ability to create an arced story within longer episodes develops and strengthens. This made the season's middle and end very good.

Koala Man is fun, and I hope people stop hating on it so it can get a second season. With even more experience under Cusack's belt, Koala Man could develop into something magically insane.
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M3GAN (2022)
Entertaining Sci-fi With the Occasional Jump From Your Seat
19 January 2023
M3gan was interesting, fun, and overall kept me hooked the entire way. The entire concept of the movie felt fresh despite seeming derivative. Something I didn't expect. They did an excellent job at taking their idea about what a murderous doll could be and changed it enough for it to feel original. And the dynamic between Gemma (Allison Williams) and her niece Cady (Violet McGraw) was heartwarming and enjoyable. I think overall that is why M3gan is finding success with its release. It feels different from its other recycled horror competitors, and created a hooking story that keeps the audience stressed (in a good way) and attentive.

Now while it may have been entertaining, even funny at certain points, in my opinion, the movie felt more like science fiction then horror. To be fair, I think I would have been harsher on the film if it was marketed as "Sci-Fi", but it is worth noting. The film essentially succeeds as a science fiction film but found its identity in stressful and abrasive horror. Although, one thing that didn't help it fill its role as a horror film was its PG - 13 rating. With more leeway and gore I feel that M3gan could have really found its footing and ran. Despite its obstacles M3gan succeeded overall in my opinion.

Something I enjoyed and surprised me in M3gan was the acting of Violet Mcgraw, who played the young niece, Cady. She was the most believable part of the whole film. She blew me away with an unexpectedly fantastic performance. But that's not to say the acting was terrible besides her. Overall, there wasn't any character you encounter that takes you out of the immersion with their acting (which I find happens a lot in new age cheap horror). The casting was enjoyable and puts on believable performance while dealing with such an outlandish concept: like a sentient robot murder doll.

Overall, M3gan was a fun watch that didn't seem like a cheap cash grab. It was an entertaining idea that was put together well with a talented cast to back it up. I look forward to the next step in the franchise. Although, I do hope that M3gan 2.0 takes that final step in making it a more serious franchise by slapping an R rating on the back. To me, M3gan deserved a 6.25 rating out of 10.
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A Step In The Right Direction
2 January 2023
The movie is fun. It felt like the animated movies from my childhood: lighthearted and timeless. It wasn't groundbreaking by any means, but it was one of the first times in a while that I went to a movie for the sake of entertainment and actually was entertained.

The story was also fairly interesting also; I liked the addition of new fairytales that we hadn't seen before in the Shrek universe. Overall I think it added depth to Dreamwork's' filmography, and was a great follow up to the first Puss in boots movie which was such a fantastic film.

The movie was also fairly funny, but I do have to say that Harvey Guillen's character Perrito was annoying to me. The character felt forced and was just overly "cute" which felt tiring after a while, but it is a kids film so its not too big a deal.

So with that said this is still the type of movie that someday when I have kids I won't actually mind showing them despite it being being made in the era of dead art and overly greedy Hollywood execs. It's fun, it's cute, and I think in general a step in the right direction for animated movies that can be enjoyed by all.
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High on Life (2022 Video Game)
Almost Perfect!
22 December 2022
This game was absolutely enthralling and definitely one of the best games I have played in a while. Its hilarious and there's always something to discover or experience. I still believe that I probably haven't found half of the funny Easter eggs/secrets in this game. Despite that the game is relatively small its so massive in its own way. The only reason I didn't give it a perfect score was that it was a little buggy, but overall it didn't effect my enjoyment of the experience; overall the fantastic nature of the game takes you away from the few minor issues. This game deserves all the love its receiving and more, so go check it out if you're on the fence.
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Fantastic in all the wrong ways
15 December 2022
This movie is genius. Masked within safety, I stumbled upon the Yule Log after watching Rick and Morty, and its safe to say that I didn't look away for second. The start of this film is the definition of a hook; it catches you and drags you in, and all you can do is watch as your confusion grows throughout the entire experience. Casper Kelly is a genius and honestly should be given more recognition for his creativity and work. Kelly is so good at creating that classic adult swim confusion piece; the kind that makes you feel like there has to be more to what you're watching, but then once you get to the twist it ends up still not being what you expected. He's like Shyamalan but good at what he does. I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to anyone looking for a strange holiday film.
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Spirited (2022)
Just Awful
22 November 2022
I don't have much to say about this movie except that I didn't like it. The film was painstakingly unfunny with too many musical numbers that were all similar and too long. The expiration date for this film is plastered all over it with social media references, old memes, and pop culture jokes. The modern sexually driven jokes weren't very funny and felt out of place in a Christmas movie. Overall this is an awful movie, but it wasn't necessarily all that bad. The overall moral of the story was nice, but unoriginal. The ending was also dissatisfying, but the upside was that getting to end meant that it was almost impossible for them to do another musical number; which was nice.
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The Menu (2022)
Never Judge a Book By Its Cover
22 November 2022
I know that's a very cliché title, but this film was a genuine reminder to me that is shouldn't fully judge art until I have fully experienced it. I had written this movie off as an unoriginal captivity thriller with a kitchen twist, but I was wrong. The film is much deeper and much more meaningful then what I originally was going to give it credit for. If it wasn't for a spur of the moment decision to take my girlfriend to a movie I may have never seen this film, and that would have been a huge mistake.

I think one of my biggest complaints about the movie was the script, early on in the film one of the characters acted off putting to the flow and severity of the situation; even though it is later explained why the character is like this; I felt as if the approach to that plot point could have been done differently. The script isn't super strong either in my opinion, but the construction and overall plot of the story was fantastically fresh. The over arching moral of the film is also something I think everyone should experience and think upon. Anya Taylor Joy was as fantastic as ever, and the ending was completely satisfying, and despite the nature of it, I think it really tied the whole story off in a thought provoking way.
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Fun But Not Groundbreaking
19 September 2022
The reason I've rated this film so highly is mainly for the enjoyment. I really really enjoyed this film, the humor isn't overdone and Saoirse Ronan's character was not nearly as unbearable as I thought she was gonna be. Her character was a little annoying in the beginning of the film, but by the end I really enjoyed her presence on the screen. Adrien Brody is also a very talented actor who has the ability to heighten every scene he's in. I just absolutely loved him in this film. The stylistic choices where absolutely brilliant, the use of of narration and retro text alongside beautiful sets made the film very palatable to the senses also. The actual plot was a little bland with a kind of dissatisfying twist ending, but overall the rest of the movie made it enjoyable enough to overlook and just appreciate it for what it did correctly.
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House of the Dragon: King of the Narrow Sea (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Not the strongest episode in total.
16 September 2022
Not every aspect of this episode was perfect, but it certainly was great addition to further thicken the plot. The acting and writing was this episodes strong suits for sure (more then the other episodes). The writing was absolutely fantastic with almost know filler lines, each line seemed to belong within the episode. The way the actors delivered their lines was also spot on, they add so much more drama and meaning to the already spectacular script. The story makes me relate to and feel sorry for the king more and more. The struggles between him and his daughter make me feel more and more invested within their lives.

While the drama for the episode was near perfect the sex scenes and nudity lasted a little too long to be considered as something other then fan service. Sex scenes are better when implied instead of shown, the intent is far too obvious. I will say that sex and relationships are an important part of the plot, that's not the problem I have, but once they start sacrificing screen time to create longer lasting sex scenes then needed, its obvious why they're doing it.

Overall a great addition to the show, but not perfect.
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
I want MORE!
9 September 2022
Very few times in my life have I felt a need for the next episode of a show to be OUT NOW! I've enjoyed all the episodes so far, but this has been the pinnacle of good story telling in this show so far. They perfectly balanced suspense, personal matters, and violence all in this one episode. The plot and relationship between the King and his daughter further grows in depth and intensity. The acting and writing was spot on just like the other episodes. I don't have many complaints. Just like I said in my other reviews, I see how the story could go off the rails and start to lack in quality, but so far the show has only gotten better in my opinion.
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House of the Dragon: The Rogue Prince (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Fairly solid follow up to a strong start.
31 August 2022
I wasn't quite as drawn into this episode as I was in the first, but that certainly doesn't mean it was bad by any means. We saw more character development within this episode, which helped me feel even closer and drawn into the characters introduced in the first episode. So far there still hasn't been anything divisive and actually only built upon the very palatable female characters in the show. I can sense the struggle in Rhaenyra, which only draws me farther into my fascination with the show. Her pursuit for acceptance and respect is something everyone, male or female, can relate to. It all feels so natural and not forced. It also further builds upon the King, his struggles in this episode from the events in the previous episode show further humanity in his character. I will say that in this episode I could feel a sense that they were, in the coming episodes, going to paint him as more of a "bad guy" to further build Rhaenyra's character. I hope that isn't the case since the dynamic of a father daughter relationship in this show could be very strong. I feel that they could build off each other while still showing the struggles of the hard decision having to be made by everyone. One thing that gives me hope that this wont be the case is that the king showed his love for his daughter pretty well in this episode.

After this episode my hopes have been further instilled for the success of this show. I will certainly be tuning into the next episode once it comes out.
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Not a masterpiece, but its the best new media I've seen in a long time in a while
31 August 2022
I will preface this review with letting you guys know that this is my first exposure to GOT. I never got into the original show when it was coming out due to not having read the books, but as this is a prequel I thought it the most perfect time to get engaged into the story.

The first episode is the most solid start to a TV show that I've seen in a while, especially for fantasy. I think its a good example of what competent writing and passion for a project can produce. The marketing, from what I saw, wasn't all about "how huge the budget was" or "changing the original story" like many other TV shows nowadays. It's also, so far, not divisive towards any group of people and has a very natural progression and push for a strong female character, which I very much enjoy having the insight of female POV in a setting like that. Its not overly done or toxic either. You can really see the passion within the character that Milly Alcock plays. Something you also don't see very often is a likeable male character. The king, within this one episode, shows a lot humanity that I can relate to, and the hard decisions he had to make tugs at the strings of my heart also. I so far love all the characters and am looking forward to seeing where this story takes them. I hope that the characters aren't spoiled or ruined, but only time will tell.

The sets and costume design is also mind-blowing to me. I'm a sucker for historical realism, this show delivers in a way I have not seen in a fantasy setting ever. I personally believe that there is a perfect way to blend history and fantasy, but most projects don't dare try their hand at realistic fantasy. When done correctly, like this has done so far, it really does stand out. People will relate to and be drawn towards shows that are more realistic even if the don't know it. Its something we don't see often so it can sometimes be the fresh breathe of air that an audience needs to ensure that we stay interested.

The story itself isn't groundbreaking masterpiece, but if it continues in the direction its heading then I believe it could get darn close.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Surprisingly fantastic, definitely not perfect though
15 August 2022
The movie, I'd say, comes out very strong with fairly perfect humor and greatly paced scenes and fights. As you start to get through the movie it starts to show some of its flaws though. It starts to kinda of run on and some of the humor tropes ended prematurely and other overstayed their welcome. I will say, I went to this movie expecting to see a movie I was gonna forget pretty quickly, but it was way better then I expected still. The movie had some really great stylistic choices and was pretty great cinematically too. There were some over the top cgi parts that could have been avoided to keep the movie slightly more grounded, but it was certainly more bearable then a marvel movie. Overall I'd give it a 65 out of 100.
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