
47 Reviews
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The Passage (1979)
Predictable and lack of authenticity
24 June 2024
Although the cast was excellent, Anthony Quinn, as usually was very good, the story was quite predictable . I found that Malcolm McDowell was overacting and a bit silly. His uniform was the old black SS full dress parade uniform, complete with dagger and a sloppily worn Luger holster on the right side, which was hardly ever worn and replaced by the green/gray unifrom (the Luger was already outdated and most officer wore small pistols like the Walther PP & PPK). His armband was not correct. The writers seemed to think the SS were treated like royalty wherever they went and could give orders to other branches of the military, which was just not true. Had McDowell been portrayed as a Gestapo Officer in plain clothes his status might have been a bit different. Anyways, James Mason and his wife seemed a bit old to be parents of the two children, The clothing they were wearing would be totally unsuitable for a crossing like this and what about their footwear ? A very predictable story where you can always guess ahead what is going to happen. The part where Anthony Quinn (who is unarmed and yet has had access to many firearms on this journey) entices McDowell into shooting an avalanche is just ridiculous. I basically enjoyed the movie but it could been much better.
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Triple 9 (2016)
Horrible, Stupid Movie
28 May 2024
This had to be one of the worst police dramas I have ever seen.

None of the cast were outstanding or believeable. What a waste of Woody's talent. Casey Affleck, as usual, mumbled his way through the show and chewed gum to add to the mumbles. Of course like all these police shows they are churning out, Casey doesn't look like a cop. Act like a cop or like any of the other cops--long hair, unshaven. Perhaps if he was an undercover officer, maybe??? Guns worn out in the open, foul unprofessional language, stupid plots. It was one of those shows you keep hoping it will end. Just a "junk" movie all round.
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Berlin Station (2016–2019)
Okay but flawed.
12 May 2024
I have found the series so far to be entertaining. What I don't like is this continuous image of the CIA having authority in other countries where they have none. In Germany they are there through their embassy and at the blessing of the German Government. This show, like so many others, like to make one think the CIA can do whatever they want in other countries. The series shows that the CIA are leading the investigation over their German counterparts--not true. Anyways, I get tired of this myth with most of the American Shows. What I really disliked and it was totally unnecessry, was Robert Kirsch with every second word out of his mouth an "f" word. A typical little man trying to act macho and tough, which was totally uncalled for. Other than that the show was okay to watch but again, tired of the first two flaws that kind of took the enjoyment out of the show. It could have been written better in these areas.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Downhill Fast
2 May 2024
The first episode was good and got my attention. After that it seemed to go downhill. Too much senseless talking that take up most of the episodes. Amy B. Is not great in this series. The part where she announces that she wants half his money---give me a break ! The daughter who is so confused about who she is--the CIA would never have even hired her after a background check and would have found her real name and who her father was. The endless "meaning of life" dialogue between her and John Lithgow on the jet--grrrrr! How stupid . John Lithgow walks into a room filled with debris and records and within a minute finds the correct file he is supposedly searching for. Right !

The flashbacks to Afghanistan get confusing and boring. A Deputy Director of the FBI gets on a jet not knowing where it is taking him???? The girl would not have been allowed to come with him. Anyways, I totally lost interest in this series and will not watch the last two episodes. The series just lost its way with too much senseless dialogue, too little action, too confusing and drifted into the realm of totally unbelievable nonsense. The dogs were the best actors !
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Very Bad
12 April 2024
I started watching 48 hours in Barcelona a city I know well and enjoy. I found that Richard the host is very hard to look at and actually weird . No-one wants to hear his stupid opinions and comments and silly facial expressions. Paired with Cathy I think they thought this was a comedy gig. Anyways, I always wonder why these shows have to have the hosts acting like comedians when they are out of their league and not funny. Stick to the beautiful sites and the city itself and save the stupidity. I think the people of Barcelona would be embarrassed by their presentation. I will not be watching any more of this series. Can't believe they would waste money flying a host like this around to different countries.
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Much Better After the Daughter Left.
2 April 2024
The first few episodes were disappointing and with a repeat theme these days ---"here we go again"------- -- a single law enforcement officer with a spoiled brat teenager in tow. It seems to be the trend with crime movies these days and is getting tiresome. Once the daughter, who is a terrible actor and has no screen presence and talks like a 7 year old baby. Once she moves on the show really picked up. The actors were a bit over the top to start with but became much more believeable as the show progressed. Enjoyed the series once the daughter finally left, which should have been much earlier. The villain is a bit much and hard to believe. The writers could have fine tuned this a bit more. Overall well done and worth watching.
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River Wild (2023)
Not Believeable and Stupid
27 March 2024
Nothing much good to say about this movie. Stupid conversation with the characters at the start off camp. 2 phones that don't work and the professional guide doesn't check them himself. He also allows liquor in the camp and lets everyone drink. The villain twice works the slide on the Glock which would eject a live round. The bullet would in the abdomen doesn't stop the guide from climbing back into the boat, surviving the rapids and fighting with the villain. Ho Hum !!!!!! Could have been much better but drifted into the realm of totally unbelieveable and very predictable. Not a great movie and a lacklustre cast. Glad I got it free at the library and didn't pay to see it .
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48 Hours (1988– )
Unload Susan Spencer
14 March 2024
I do enjoy this show and watch it regularly. There are two things that I do not like about the series and one is the return of Susan Spencer.

I don't find her pleasant and her facial expressions and demeanor are unpleasant. Always appears like she is challenging the person she is interviewing. Her voice is not great for an announcer. The second of my dislikes is that they tend to focus far too much on the grief of the victims family and have parents and loved ones upset and crying . Some of these poor people have horrible voices and there participation should be kept to a minimum. They really over do it with this. Just stick to the story and the investigation.
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Not Great
24 February 2024
Everyone is angry, shouting, talking loud . Stanley is a police captain, which in NYPD is a uniform, management or administrative rank, not a plain clothes detective. Taking on Chinatown alone when he doesn't speak the language is just not realistic. Stanley meets with the police comissioner, a deputy chief and his boss, another high ranking officer, way above a captain's rank, which would not happen. One scene where way more than six shots are fired. There is nothing about a smart cop in this one as the hero appears to be a bull in a China Shop and nothing is thought out. The hat does nothing for the hero either and looks ridiculous. Too many time fillers with Chinese Culture Events going on. Overall just not a great movie and rather trashy.
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Annika (2021– )
23 February 2024
I looked forward to watching this series as I like Nicola Walker and the other shows where she has played a police officer. This show starts and ends with her narrating and it becomes very annoying. Then there is Morgan the daughter--it seems that most of the police shows now have to have a troubled child under the care of a single parent police officer. This show was no exception and the entire show seemed to focus on Morgan and her spoilt brat problems that I am sure the audience was not interested in and sick and tired of. Then we have the female police officer who dresses like a slob and has no presence or identity of anyone who would even be a police officer. The show moved slowly and the acting was just okay, nothing much more along with the plot. I found the show disappointing and after the first disk won't be watching anymore if there is any.
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Some poor acting and unbelievable situations
5 February 2024
I started liking this movie when it first started but after seeing the "same old"---- an American Detective throwing his weight around where he has no authority whatsoever with foreign police forces and wants to be the smartest cop in the room. He would never have been taken on the investigation scenes by other police forces. Jeffrey is miscast as the NYPD Detective and I thought his acting was not great. The police officer from Munich keeps showing up in other cities when he would have no authority to do so. Jeffrey shows his NYPD badge to gain access to a hotel room in Sweden -"hello". After all this time tracking his daughter's killers he just lets the girl get away saying "there is no where to go". Really stupid. Of course she should have been apprehended out of courtesy for the other police forces involved. I could never figure if Jeffrey was a retired cop or an active one with NYPD. If retired he would not have had his badge. This whole story just disconnected and became quite unintersting.
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The Killing (2011–2014)
Well Done
13 January 2024
I started to like this series after watching a few episodes. It became quite interesting once you got to know the characters. What I didn't like was the continual exit of the heroine--when you put your papers in you are done--not having your position dragged on and on. The other issue with me was the gum chewing--the main star has an unattractive mouth and watching her chomping all the time became quite annoying. I did like the fact that the "F" word was not used (or I might have missed it) which seems to be the standard with American movies these days and is not necessary and adds nothing to the story. Overall a well done series.
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Wojenne dziewczyny (2017– )
Great Story
7 January 2024
I am enjoying this series. The uniforms, the vehicles and the conditions reflect well on a WW2 occupied city. The acting is very good . A few things bothered me (being a historian) is that you are always wondering who is next to be arrested and then helped to escape ?? The most ridiculous scenario was when Marysia becomes a chocolate vendor and ventures inside the prison complex . Warsaw was much tighter controlled and far more restrictive than depicted. Gasoline was restricted and vehicles were taken by the Germans-so trucks being available for other than normal activities is just not real. Food was always in short supply, so hearing "Are you Hungry" "You should eat something" is really ridiculous as people were always hungry. The death penalty was frequently handed out by the occupiers and escapes from custody would not likely happen. Witold wanders around everywhere with not a concern and yet with most Poles being sent to Germany for labor it is amazing he has not been fingered. Warsaw was very dangerous for everyone living there. The women seem to have no end of clothes to wear inspite of moving around with one small suitcase. Anyway, I realize it is only a story and overalll quite well done.
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Outlander (2014– )
Excellent Series-but-Then there was Bree !
19 December 2023
I enjoyed the first few seasons of this series--the acting is superb.

The facial expressions and the emotions. Top marks for the costumes, the scenery and the music. Later on after they arrive in America things start to slow down. Too much time on the lovemaking scenes(here we go again) too much time on pointless dialogue as if they are trying to fill in the time. What really turned me off is the main focus now seems to be on Bree. This actress (Sophia) is totally miscast in this role. She always looks like she is reading off a monitor. Her voice is horrible and she has a surly facial expression that is not part of the act. The lines that she is speaking are just very bad but could have passed with a different actress. There is absolutely no spark at all with her and Roger (who is also getting tiresome) Anyways it seems that some series just go on for too long and the writing starts to suffer.
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Crime Beat (2020– )
Excellent Series-Poor Presenters & Music
8 December 2023
I really enjoyed watching this series as it is about crime in Canada.

What I didn't like is the horrible music that starts the program. Some of the presenters on different episodes are very bad and have terrible speaking voices. If these two dislikes were eliminated I woud give it 9 out of 10. It seems that the series is done on a low budget and thus the terrible music and poor presenters. Good that they have a show focusing on Canadian Crimes for a change without all the "drama" on the usual on all of the standard American TV crime shows. Anyways it is certainly worth watching and I do hope they will continue the show .
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A Hidden Life (2019)
Long and Slow
25 November 2023
I did enjoy this movie and appreciate the horrible times that people in Germany lived though under the Nazi Era. The film was very long and slow moving but the photograpy was outstanding with the beauty of the area well shown. I did not agree with the execution scenes as prisoners facing execution always had their hands shackeled behind their backs and were under close guard. The clipboards being handed out for the prisoners to write something has to be fiction. Also, the prisoners being lined up outdoors awaiting their turn at the guillotine ??? Usually prisoners at Brandenburg Gorden Prison were brought from a holding cell near near the execution room by the guards and turned over to the executioners after having the sentence read out to them. Anyways, it was well done for what it was. Overall a good film .
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Market Cornered on the "F" Word
9 November 2023
This is really a bad movie. Amateur acting, stupid characters and the "F" word in every second sentence. I quit watching it after the first half hour. So glad that I got the movie free at the library and didn't have to pay to watch this trash. Funny in the British shows you rarely hear the "F" word and if you do it has some meaning, not just throwing it out in every sentence like in this movie. I expected better from Grillo and Simmons but the other actors--so bad ! Amazed that writers and directors can not come up with anything better than this. However, there seem to be more bad movies than good ones these days from Hollywood.
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Whitstable Pearl (2021– )
Kind of Boring but okay.
29 October 2023
I liked this show because there was no swearing, which seems to be the standard with American Shows. It is actually a good family show. I did find it boring and slow moving with no depths to the characters. The police detective is just a total bore and must have a personality disorder. No facial expressions, no brilliant thoughts, no spark at all. How could any woman find him interesting ? The private detective hero seems to take on silly assignments where she never seems to get paid and can just up and leave the restaurant at anytime. I am sure the police would never need any input from her and she would not be allowed at crime scenes. She comes across as a simpleton. And no, the mother is just funny to a point and they overkill her part. Anyways, I decided not to continue watching it after a reshash plot that resembled "James Stewart" in "Rear Window". Surely they could come up with something better than that !
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Boring & Dull
25 October 2023
So, the star of the show is a barrister and supposedly has some intelligence, so she keeps returning with wide eyes to the man who is a stocker ?? I didn't think she suited the role of a barrister. Ho humh! I also, could barely understand her as she speaks in a very low, almost a whisper of a voice. I thought that good diction was part of being an actor? Anyways, I immediately got tired of the flashbacks and the slow moving scenario, which became very boring and dull. Too bad, as the title is not what it seems. Some of the scenes seemed to carry on far too long as if they were filling in time. Very disappointing; the actors, the story and the plot. I don't think this could have been salvaged as it is just too bad overall to make a difference.
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Assassin Club (2023)
So Very Bad !
23 October 2023
I thought with two great actors like Sam and Noomi that this might be a good movie to watch. Was I ever wrong. Henry is not a great actor for this type of role and it became difficult to watch him as the movie seemed to drag on an on. The dialogue was just plain stupid in a lot of the scenes. The plot, if you give it some thought, is just plain "out to lunch" and totally ridiculous. This seems to be a rehash of scenes from other movies, car chases that are not believeable, wounds that don't seem to be that serious, girlfriend is pregnant. Give me a break ! Nothing new here, just same old , only very poorly done. I was hoping the movie would end. The final scenes in the bathtub and the action surrounding it were just about as bad as you could get. I am so glad that I did not pay to rent or see this movie and got it free from the library. I assume it never hit the theatres.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Had to Quit Watching This Show-So Bad !
8 October 2023
The first episodes were good but after Brian gets out of prison and wanders around like a zombie everything went downhill for me. The acting was just terrible and the show dragged on and on. The crime boss and his wife are horrible miscast and not believeable. Then the black criminals who talk jive and act cool just like a repeat of every other crime show on tv. It would seem that the writers had no idea what was to come next or how to keep things moving. I was very disappointed and just quit watching this show out of frustration. Cranston is a very good actor and speaks well but the later part of this series wasted his talents.
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Supposed to be funny ???
23 September 2023
I watched the first episode and then into the second before not watching it any further. I didn't find this series to be funny and it is just a lame excuse for a supposed comedy. I had enough of Kaley in the Flight Attendant and here again. The same facial expessions and nonsensical talk from her that make this series just plain ridiculous.

No depth to this series at all and not a real comedy either. I was very disappointed and expected better. The writers these days just don't seem to know the differfence between comedy and plain nonsense. Very glad I didn't bother to watch the whole series.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Went South after a few episodes
16 September 2023
Everyone loves agood western--right ? This started out to be a very good series but after a few episodes it became boring, predictable and moved into the realm of fantasy. Too much talking with the main actors as if it is to fill in time. Everyone of the men carry two guns, which was a rarety in the old west. Guns, holsters and ammo are never picked up from those that the heros have shot;they cost a lot of money in those days--also, their horses ? Thomas's cartridge bandolier never seems to be missing any bullets inspite of all the shooting . He still wears his Union Army shirt with Sergeant's stripes 18 years after the Civil War ended ??? The immigrants are treated as the dumbest people on earth throughout the show and only the Americans are the heros. The immigrants are considered too stupid to learn to ride or shoot. Open air gunfight with the six bandits is just not believeable in that the heros, inspite of having dozens of rounds fired at them by men on horseback have only minor wounds. On and on it went like this. Far too much screen time on Elsa and her conversion to native life--eating the buffalo's liver and dressing in a ceremonial native blouse--hello !!! Anyways, I started to lose interest in this movie with all the predictable moves and the poor decision making with the caravan organizers. Sam Elliot is as good as he could be in this role, while the others don't have much depth. The gypsy girl doesn't look anything like a gypsy and could pass for a model. This could have been a very good movie with a bit more attention to detail. The scenes where they were rounding up wild horses is just rediculous--where were the extra horses from the men they shot ? Friendly Indians and a handsome one that speaks perfect english . I don't think so. Could have been a good series with more attention to detail and less focus on a teenager.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Merged into ridiculous .
27 August 2023
The first season was okay but then the show seemed to be focusing on the main character who got more and more silly, ridiculous and unbelievable. I go so tired of hearing her say " I am really sorry".

She would never have been retained as a flight attendant . Anyways, I realize this was supposed to be a comedy but it just became senseless and difficult to watch. The writers could have done a lot better and so could the main characters. The plots and situations got to the point that it was painful to watch, so I quit watching it altogether. The main character became tiresome with her expressions and silly talk. Not great !
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Missing (I) (2023)
Cops Could Have Checked Passports ?
6 August 2023
I liked this movie but not completly. I found the click, click, click of the internet tiresome after while. Let's face it the acting was very mediocre. All the police had to do to help find the missing Mom was to check the passports of the travellers on her flight. It would have been noted that she did not travel. I found the plot very confusing and actually quite silly. Where did the ex husband get the money to hire these people and why did he need to if he just wanted to kidnap the wife ? Many questions to think outside the box that the writers seemed oblivious to. Anyways, I am glad I got this movie free at the library as it certainly was not worth admission.
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