
11 Reviews
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The Menu (2022)
Sour, with a Little Sweet
19 November 2022
Me and my cousin's interaction after seeing the movie:

Me: Wait, did that movie just steal its ending from a "Parks and Rec" episode?

My Cousin: Very similar ending to "Midsommar" as well.

Me: Haven't seen it. I assume though, it has an ending where Nick Offerman beats Rob Lowe in a hamburger cooking contest.

Me again: Also, even MORE similar ending to "Ratatouille".

My Cousin: Lmao. True.

Me: Am now seriously considering editing Ego's flashback at the end of "Ratatouille" into the end of "The Menu".

My Cousin: That sounds amazing.

Me: Maybe THAT'S what I'll do over Thanksgiving break.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
Groovy. Groovy Movie.
24 October 2022
I saw this the other night in a theater full of people who applauded and laughed and cheered at every line. So you can see why I had a good time.

It's refreshing to see a movie that takes itself seriously while also allowing it to be super fun. For example, there are multiple pretty effective jump scares, and also multiple really effective laughs.

Sam Raimi's directing skills shine and it makes me think about how much the Daniels (directors of "Everything Everywhere All At Once) were probably inspired by them It makes me want to watch "Army of Darkness".

Also, by the way, when Bruce Campbell says, "Groovy" I couldn't help but think, "This is cinema."
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Better The Second Time!
26 August 2022
I didn't like this movie the first time I saw it, but re-watching it I kind of appreciated it for what it is. I had actually a pretty good time! Obviously, the often meandering story line is the worst part, but I think the great performances (particularly Himesh Patel and Lily James), great music (obviously), believable romance, and creative editing and transitions make it a fun, worthwhile film! Also, this is kind of a small complaint, but Jack should really sing 'Wonderwall' and 'Yesterday' in the final performance. It's not a deal breaker, but it would have been perfect. If he had done either one of those I would bump it up one more star.
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The Big Sick (2017)
Quite Possibly My Favorite Rom-Com Ever Made
20 August 2022
When you think about your favorite rom-coms, chances are that somewhere on that list is "When Harry Met Sally". And one of the things that makes that movie so great is that it's believable. The way the characters talk to each other is believable, the decisions they make are believable, and their relationships are believable. And yet, it somehow manages to still be really funny.

The reason I'm talking about this is that everything I just said is great about "When Harry Met Sally" is equally (if not more so) great about "The Big Sick". For many of the same reasons.

Watch this movie. And think about how it pulls off so much so seamlessly. Because that is most definitely what it does.
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Police Story (1985)
Jackie Chan: Master of Comedy, Action, and Sliding Down Fifty Foot Poles
20 August 2022
Yeah, I know that some of the policing stuff doesn't hold up super well in 2022. And I know that some of the jokes are kind of easy, but I also know that this movie has some of the greatest action/fight scenes I have ever seen and that kind of makes me forget about all that other stuff.
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I Had a Good Time!
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, I know, this movie's not perfect. And yeah, I know, they let Jason Statham into the family even though he killed Han. But who cares?! This is also a movie were an evil techno lady drops a bunch of cars from the sky on a pedestrian street, The Rock throws a torpedo with his bare hands at a giant submarine, while Vin Diesel drives his car off a mountain! I have a hard time focusing on that other stuff while all THAT is happening.
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Really Fun!
15 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The sometimes predictable plot and at times meandering story line is all made up for in the last twenty minutes when they all get to see The Beatles! I have to admit, when that one girl gets out of the car and ditches her fiance saying that she's gonna see The Beatles I got a little choked up.

It also makes up for those things with a good cast of characters. All of the characters have concise motives and all know exactly what they want (or THINK they know).

If you're a fan of The Beatles you're sure to have a good time! Even if the movie doesn't offer the most challenging of content.
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13 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've been kind of upset with Laika's dependence on CGI in their more recent films (specifically "Missing Link"), but this film somehow manages to have the CG elements and the stop motion elements to perfectly exist together in harmony.

My main criticism is that for the majority of the movie Kubo, Monkey, and Beetle are on a journey to find the armor, but they never really say where they're going specifically. They're just kind of like wandering around and occasionally find a piece of the armor. So it feels kind of aimless in some bits.

Great Beatles cover though.

Also, props to this movie for being a PG movie marketed primarily at children that at the beginning kills off both of Kubo's parents, then reveals that they're alive later on, and then kills them BOTH again!
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Good, But a Little Long
13 August 2022
Cut 20 minutes and you've got a pretty good music doc.

The director clearly wanted to include all of the celebrity interviews, but they seemed kind of unnecessary and when stacked together, repetitive. Those are probably most of what you could cut.

Otherwise it's an enjoyable film with really cool archival footage.
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Patrick H Willems delivers in a wonderfully fun film about friendship
6 August 2022
Better than I expected! The acting's probably the worst part, but it's not terrible. It has a great score, generally funny script, and gives a satisfying conclusion to the channel's story.

I hope he makes another feature length film relatively soon!
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Great Original Sequel
30 July 2022
It's really cool how this is a "legasqueal" that does something completely different from the first one, but at the same time not just completely disregarding it.

Obviously, it's not as good at the first one (not much is), but it's way better than two and three, it has great performances (especially from Jonathan Groff), it's a lot of fun, and it's really sweet!

Wish it didn't flop.
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