
4 Reviews
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The Strays (2023)
Seen better, seen worse.
24 February 2023
This was a pretty intriguing movie from a psychological point of view and not at all boring. I at first thought it was going to be similar to "Don't worry Darling", after viewing the trailer. It's not.

At first, you can almost predict the plot but then start to change your mind. But your first instinct is correct. At least mine was. Is it perfect? Absolutely not.

Unfortunately for many of those, life isn't all roses and sunshine, and some people are just horrible human beings. My only qualm was it ended in a cliff hanger, and that's the most infuriating thing when watching a movie.

To sum this up, it's about a selfish woman who wants materalistic things regardless who she hurts. There's obviously much more, so give it a watch. Turn it off if it's not for you.
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January 6th (2022)
Seriously, watch this.
5 January 2023
This was a harrowing, yet fantastic watch. I've watched many Jan 6th "documentaries" and they would play the same tired clips we've all seen over and over again. Jan 6th though, had never before seen footage and interviews from both unbiased Republican and Democrats who were inside the Capitol that day. This isn't "fake media", or Antifa. The footage doesn't lie. It's astonishing that there are people who use mental gymnastics to defend this.

Halfway through I thought they should definitely show this to older middle/highschool history class students. My son is only 10 but when he gets a couple years older, I absolutely will.
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Shadowland (2022)
Uncertain how to rate this.
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I look at Shadowland from a different perspective as the other reviews. This documentary is definitely not glorifying Q. If anything, it's a warning. Showing the different perspectives from those who believe in the far fetched conspiracy theories and the way their mind works, to the grifters who want to use the maga movement to their advantage, as well as those who've lost loved ones from violence or otherwise to the "modern day cult". It's too long, sometimes tedious and other times will make you incredibly sad and angry (to put it mildly), putting blame on them for why America is so divided. To each their own how others want to form their own standpoint on it, that's just my take on it. While it's certainly not for everyone, I'd still say give it a try.
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Great watch for both kids and adults. Parents in uproar over season 5.
23 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As cliche as it sounds, I created an account solely to write this review. It is the first time, and will most likely be the last. My 9 year old loves this show and looked forward to every season since the first one aired. I wasn't around to watch the "controversial" season 5, episode 9, but my husband was. The moment he told me, "Welp, that show is going to cause a lot of peeved off people." (To put it nicely) and explained why, I rolled my eyes, knowing it would as well. The last 5 new reviews back to back in a row on here cemented it.

Let me say this. I can 1000% gaurentee without a doubt that if a kiss were exchanged between Darius and one of the main female characters, there would be crickets. Literally no one would care, or they'd think it was adorable. My 9 year old was only surprised because all he sees is straight people kissing on television. That's very telling on its own. Other than that, he's been taught well and knows better than most bigoted adults. Also, being attracted to the same gender isn't "woke", seeing as it's been around before anyone of us on earth right now have been alive, and I'm genuinely baffled at the parents who can't explain to their children about it. Your children are going to find out eventually, regardless if you like it or not. In the meantime, educate them and teach acceptance. Please.

*Actually as I was writing this review my son was watching the last episode, and Kenji and Brooklyn kiss. Where's the outrage? Again, crickets. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
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