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Dodgeball Academia (2021 Video Game)
This game had no right to go this hard
6 July 2023
I downloaded this for free from PS Plus because I adored the art style and I casually found myself loving the heck out of this game. It's the perfect length for me, taking about 10-15 hours depending on how many side missions you choose to do (or how good/bad at the game you are). Art style is fantastic, the writing and characters are super charming, and the gameplay is simple but fun and I never found myself bored because they are constantly able to implement new mechanics without the game feeling bloated nor repetitive. The story is simple but executed pretty well, and I found myself laughing at plenty of lines and little character quirks. Each dodgeballer feels unique and caters to certain play styles, and I could easily see myself replaying and going for platinum. My only real issues are that some of the equipment pieces feel significantly better or worse than others and sometimes it feels like characters aren't punished enough for their actions, but those are really nitpicks and the latter may actually be to the game's benefit because side characters can be expanded upon. The story definitely leaves itself open for more, and I'm excited to see how they can improve upon their already great base game.
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Campy 80s fun
12 June 2023
As a kid in the 80s this was probably the coolest and most awesome movie ever. As an adult in 2023 with few previous experiences with the Transformers franchise this movie is just campy 80s action, and it is a blast. This movie is like 80 minutes long, and at least 60 of those minutes are giant robots fighting in space and you can only go so wrong with that. The voice acting is over the top in the best way, and there's a lot of talent including Casey Kasem, Frank Weller, Scattman Cruthers, and Orson Welles. Having no knowledge of Transformers, I didn't know any of the characters names except for Optimus, Megatron, and Starscream for some reason and I didn't know or care what the story was because I was just having a ton of fun. Also the soundtrack is awesome, filled with sick 80s songs and badass instrumentals. Both times The Touch came on I was grinning ear to ear, easily one of the most underrated movie songs ever.
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Missing (I) (2023)
Give my boy Javi 5 stars!!!
13 May 2023
This movie had no right to go this hard and be so entertaining. I'm likely the demographic for this type of movie, as it takes place entirely on screens and the lead is just a bit younger than me, but I typically find "fully online" movies to be boring, but this movie was exceptional. The clues are laid out but in a way where they are not super obvious, though the reveals with the clues later on are believable. The acting in this film was also much better than I was anticipating. An issue with movies like this are that there is no HD camera, so the visual aspect of acting is difficult to pull off, but the voices alone make the conversations work, and the visuals aren't too bad either. The movie works so well because of its emotional core and because of Javi, the best character. He seems like a genuinely nice dude who was played expertly by his actor, and I was rooting for him and June the whole movie.
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Pleasant Surprise
6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Doll episode is good. It's a joke that's pretty amusing that takes up 11 minutes; entertaining if a bit forgettable. The Geoff episode though definitely is the highlight. What seemed like a pretty run-of-the-mill plot is done in a way that feels fresh and incorporates a few interesting elements. It was nice to finally meet Jeff, a character seen in the background who was hinted to be affiliated with Jeff for a while, and the reveal at the end of the episode was everything I wanted. I was also pleasantly surprised to see Jinx this episode, as she is hinted as a major villain for the season and she wasn't seen until now. Her appearance was very interesting, as she seems to be playing the long game and waiting for hee moment rather than outwardly opposing Scratch. It makes her an interesting villain and I'm excited to see more of her.
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Give me more!!
29 April 2023
These episodes made me very excited for what's to come. I want to Dance with Some-Ollie is probably my pick for the best episode of the season so far: top 3 song in the season, character/plot development that will 100% change the status quo of the show going forward, and just an all-around great episode of the show. I also really like Davenports on Demand, probably the most underrated episode of this season as I have seen NOBODY talking about it. While not on the levels of the episode before it or a Soda to Remember, it still brings a lot to the table and develops the capitalist subplot of the show well.
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Great Pair of Episodes
29 April 2023
There isn't too much I can say about these episodes that haven't been said already. I'll start with Its Always Sunny in Sunnyland, an episode that while enjoyable is probably my pick for the weakest episode in the season so far: I could tell how it was gonna end and while it was executed well, it doesn't stand out with season 2's slew of episodes. In other words, it feels like a remnant of season 1 hijinks while season 2 has delved deeper into personal characters and their morals. A Period Piece is the clear standout and has probably been talked about and spread more than any other episode of this show, and for good reason: it represents periods in a realistic way that you get audience members can relate to and learn from. Also it has probably my favorite song in the season so far, probably top 5 in the entire show.
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Oh. My. Gosh.
18 April 2023
This is definitely the standout episode block of the season so far. Faint of Art is a great episode that focuses on Sharon for a change, and it's nice to see her continue her pursuit of art established in season 1. The song is really catchy and representative of the quality of music for this season (which is a step up from the already amazing season 1 soundtrack).

The truly amazing episode though is A Soda to Remember, which has to be up there as one of my favorite episodes of this entire show. The idea of Darrel, Molly, and Libby teaming up for a heist was already fun, and it was executed greatly; both of these are really funny episodes. The true standout moment comes at the end of this episode, and I will not spoil it, but man I haven't forgotten about that moment since I watched it a few weeks ago. It makes me so excited for what's to come next.
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Exactly what I want from Season 2
17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
TGAMM is a breath of fresh air in a wave of Disney shows that present a large-scale adventure plot; I really enjoy the show for having ample amounts of continuity and world-building without having some epic quest, but rather developing the characters and setting of a small town. Season 1 set up this town very well, leaving breadcrumbs of lore to be built upon, and these episodes did just that while keeping the same charm and style the show set for itself. I enjoyed seeing the bookstore setting again, and the story sprites were a cool idea with a great design. I also enjoyed seeing Darrell, a character with minimal presence in the show thus far, get development while exploring the wraith plot line from the season 1 finale.

The standout of these episodes is definitely the song "Ghosts Aren't the Enemy," which seems to be the definitive song of the Chen arc for this season. The shot composition, lighting, and Ashly Burch's performance all make the song truly special.

In general though, these episodes were fun, explored previous settings and plot lines, and kept the charm from season 1. Season 2 is off to a great start.
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The best episodic Disney show since Phineas and Ferb
7 April 2023
The Ghost and Molly McGee is something truly special. This era of cartoons has been dominated by story-driven content, and while that has given us some of my favorite shows and cartoons of all time, I missed shows more akin to my childhood, something along the likes of Phineas and Ferb or Regular Show. The Ghost and Molly McGee have me everything I wanted and more: it's the type of show I know I would have loved as a kid and gone back to time and time again as an adult. Even as an adult viewing the show for the first time, this show has great writing, voice acting, music, animation, and I could go on. Ashly Burch and Dana Snyder were perfectly cast and have amazing on-screen chemistry. Each episode feels unique, and doesn't feel like a typical "stock plot" that you see in other shows; there are many episode from this show that fell truly, 100% unique. Although I love shows that have a set formula for each episode, The Ghost and Molly McGee doesn't, which helps keep the show as a whole fresh. It also has ongoing continuity between episodes, which makes each episode feel significant and the world feel loved in. The animation style might be my favorite I've ever seen: characters are cartoony and stylized, but still look appealing and fun. They're extremely expressive in their facial and body animations. The music is also amazing, and the only show that holds a candle to Phineas and Ferb's soundtrack. The show also touches on some important themes like capitalism and poverty really well, and has a few emotional moments that hit you like a truck. Overall, The Ghost and Molly McGee is a must-watch show if you like animation or comedies in general.
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Good Start to the Season
5 April 2023
The Ghost and Molly McGee is an amazing new show, and this episode does a perfect job of setting up the entire season, which is definitely its biggest strength. I was already looking forward to this season, and now I'm even more excited seeing the new situations presented in this episode.

The New (Para)normal is 10x better than Season 1's opening episodes (The Curse and First Day Frights). While those episodes are fine and set up the show's relationships well enough, this episode uses its 22 minutes fully and definitely does a better job setting up the ongoing continuity of the season to come.

Despite everything good I have to say about this episode, I cannot rate it a 10 (yet). The humor and music of TGAMM are some of my favorite aspects of the show, and while good as per usual in this episode, I do not believe they stood out as much as many previous episodes.

While I wouldn't put the song(s) in this episode in my top 10, and the episode wasn't the funniest of the show, the plot and setup for the season elevates it completely.
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
A Modern Masterpiece of Animated Cinema
22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My god where do I even begin?

Animation: Stunning. It doesn't necessarily blow you away today, but it still holds up incredibly well for a 14 year old movie. Character designs are memorable and unique, movement is fluid, and the backgrounds range from appropriate to downright beautiful.

Story: Perfect. I would not call the story of this film anything groundbreaking, but it tells a worn story in a way that makes it feel not only fresh, but enjoyable. You know how it will end, but not how it will reach said ending, and the character development in the film feels natural.

Characters: Amazing. Po is a relatable character, and his growth in character and power feel earned and believable. The Furious Five have their own distinct personalities and serve their purpose as side characters. Tigress in particular is the most interesting of the Five, seeing Po as a rival when said feelings aren't reciprocated by Po himself. Master Shifu and Tai Lung are perhaps the two most interesting characters, and their relationship is central to the movie's plot. Tai Lung became evil because of Shifu's mistakes, which creates an interesting dynamic throughout the film. Tai Lung, as well as his mistreatment of Po in the first half of the film, make Master Shifu a sort of secondary antagonist in the story, and it is only when Shifu learns from his mistakes that he grows into his role, and truly becomes "The best kung fu teacher in all of China." Aside from these characters, my personal favorites are Po's adoptive father Mr. Ping and the all-powerful Master Oogway. Mr. Ping is the undiscussed MVP of this film, as he is the one who raised Po, encouraged his son when he became the Dragon Warrior, and taught Po the meaning of the Dragon Scroll. He's also voiced perfectly by James Hong. Master Oogway is an Uncle Iroh-esque character who serves as the antithesis to Shifu: with his immense power, Oogway is calm and goes with the flow. He ascends to the Spirit Realm not because of any fatal injuries, but because he knows it is time for the Dragon Warrior to take his place. Everything about Oogway is perfect, and the cherry on top is the scene where he ascends, as it remains one of the most beautiful scenes in anything I have ever seen, animated or otherwise.

Misc.: The music is exceptional; Hans Zimmer is a master of his craft. The movie is actually very funny, with some good slapstick humor and lines throughout. The action is extremely well-done and detailed. Each character has their own distinct fighting style akin to what animal they are, and it is a perfect little detail. The voice acting is perfect. Po is the perfect role for Jack Black, and it may be his best acting performance ever (and that's saying something). Angelina Jolie and Dustin Hoffman give great performances as Tigress and Shifu respectively, and the rest of the Five, though in minor roles, are great as well. Aside from Black, James Hong as Mr. Ping, Randall Duk Kim as Oogway, and especially Ian McShane as Tai Lung are perfect. Tai Lung's voice is just as powerful as the character.

In conclusion, Kung Fu Panda absolutely one of the greatest films Dremworks has produced, and is underappreciated by the masses. It's a great motivational story with a great lesson for the kids, with some great comedy and action both kids and adults can enjoy.
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Gravity Falls: Soos and the Real Girl (2014)
Season 2, Episode 5
12 August 2022
I'm currently on a Gravity Falls rewatch, and this was BY FAR my favorite episode so far. I liked the spooky elements akin to Doki Doki Literature Club and FNAF, but the comedy really made this episode soar. Gravity Falls has great comedy throughout, but I was cackling and belly-laughing throughout the entire episode.
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Flawless Finale
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This finale did everything it needed to and more. It showcased Scratch's growth as a character throughout the season, showcased the top-notch character design with Jinx and Wraith Molly, gave us a better look at the Ghost World, and ended with perhaps the most badass moment in the show so far, with Molly "killing" the chairman and releasing the ghosts from the Flow of Failed Phantoms. As both episodes went on, I genuinely did not know what was going to happen next, and that kept me really engaged throughout. I'm excited for season 2 and to see how these events change the status quo going forward.
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Nice Pair if Episodes, Excited for the Finale
2 July 2022
These were nice episodes. Good laughs, animation, and music (as per usual w/ this show). I really liked the character dynamics and interactions in these episodes; they felt both fresh and in-character. Overall a nice pair of episodes.
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Sweet, Emotional Pair of Episodes
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Out of House and Home represents everything I like about this show: fun character interactions, expressive and vibrant animation, good humor, and a soundtrack full of bangers. The reveal at the end caught me off guard and worked perfectly. It felt like a punch to the gut, and stellar voice work by the entire cast really made the emotional ending that much more impactful.

This continued into Home is Where the Haunt Is, which is right up there with Festival of Lights as my favorite episode of the series. The entire episode feels so real in a way: Pete not wanting to break the hard truth, Molly struggling to accept the new reality of being homeless, and even Andrea's reaction of seeing Molly's family in the woods felt so genuine and realistic. The emotional ending felt earned because we personally saw all the good the Mcgees brought to Brighton in the previous episodes, and you can look at the crowd and point out how Molly and her family helped said person (and vice versa). Also, confirming Scratch is no longer cursed is a great shift to the status quo that perfectly sets up the rest of the season.
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An Underrated Gem
2 July 2022
Around the beginning of Covid, I saw this show was on Netflix. I loved it as a kid, and thought I'd see how well it's aged; safe to say, pretty well. The fist few seasons can be a little rough around the edges (mediocre humor, iffy animation) but the characters kept me on board. Though the enitre show is great, I think it really elevates itself around Season 4. At this point, the animation has improved, characters are more three-dimensional, and the lore is ever-growing. Give it a shot if you haven't already.
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Amphibia: True Colors (2021)
Season 2, Episode 20
The Ozymandias of animated television
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
True Colors has got to be one of, if not, the best episode of any Disney Cartoon I've ever seen (hell, maybe of any animated show I've seen). It's about as perfect as you can get.

Everything about the episode works: the action sequences, the comedy, the dialogue and interactions, and especially the reveals. Anne's reation to Sasha is believable, Marcy's reveal is heartbreaking, Sprig's near-death is masterful and the emotion is earned, and when Anne uses her calamity powers, you can feel the raw power and emotion with the blend of amazing animation and voice acting. The biggest complaint I hear about this episode is the pacing and that it should have been a 44 minute episode; while the pacing is fast, it works perfectly, and the constant sense of action and emotion is what makes this episode truly special. I felt on the edge of my seat the entire episode, and that likely would not be the case if the episode was double-length.

Overall, this is a masterful episode in a great Disney Channel series.
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Best episode of the show
29 June 2022
Almost every character is at their best, the story elevates it above a normal episode while still retaining the charm and feel of Phineas and Ferb, and the episode contains some of the best songs of the show (City of Love and Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls being a few standouts). What more could you ask for?
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