
11 Reviews
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Paths to Freedom (2000–2001)
If you havent seen it, see it
7 December 2021
This is probably one of the funniest series ever to come out of RTE.

It has the awkwardness of The Office (before The Office was made) and a similar production style.

It follows two convicts on their release from prison. One an inner city ne'erdowell wannabe rapper called Ratser, the other a once prominent gynaecologist called Jeremy Fitzgerald.

Michael McElhatton and Brendan Coyle give stellar performances with characterizations that are exaggerated enough to be funny yet remain familiar enough as to be people that we might actually know and with whom we can actually relate.

From Ratser's disillusionment with a lack of Celtic Tiger in his personal economy and smug Jeremy's fall from grace and social standing it provides us with clever, well acted humour that executes the mock docu-drama style perfectly in showing the posh side and not so posh side of Dubliners.

Deirdre O'Kane also chimes in with an excellent performance as Jeremy's long suffering wife who happens to like a glass or three of prosecco.

It is funny. Go watch.
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3 February 2019
One of my favourite movies since I was a child, it still amazes me that this movie hasnt been remade, although to do so, would probably do it a disservice. A true classic that any movie buff or anyone trying to find a hidden gem should check out. As the synopsis suggests the story is about a young RAF pilot who narrowly avoids death when his plane comes down. As it turns out, he was supposed to die. Naturally enough an angel comes looking for him. He is the only one who can see him though. And each time the French Dandy appears real time, stops as do our pilots friends. A trial must follow in heaven for our hero's life which happens to coincide with an operation to save his life due to injuries sustained in his crashing to earth. Is the angel real or all in his head? Will he survive the operation, or more importantly can he survive the skilled prosecutor and prejudiced jury? An excellently acted and warm, imaginative piece that is well directed and has some really classic and iconic scenes (keep an eye out for the stairway to heaven). If you have 105 minutes to spare i strongly suggest taking this one in, if for nothing else than to have it in you repertoire of movies seen. Well worth it.
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Big Game (2014)
Worst rating I think I've ever written.
26 December 2017
Some call it fun, I call it nonsense. That's what this is, nonsense. There's a major issue with the finished product here. Well there are several, but let's start with the problem with the concept. This movie is clichéd bullcrap. It's the kind of stuff that was dished out by that purveyor of delightful trash in the 80s Cannon only not as good and not as pure. I say unpure because the clichés in this movie seem like they are aimed at children. The highs and lows about a boy overcoming adversity to cheesy music is up there with Karate kid and Masters of the Universe..and maybe even Russkies (remember that one?). How many times can Samuel L Jaclson actually thank that brave fearless boy before all of the cheesey grins make us start to cheer for the baddies. That's if the baddies themselves didn't seem like they feell straight out of a 'Henchmen book for Dummies' which makes them just as annoying. Anyway, thats the problem. This movie seems to be geared towards kids (half of what is passed as fact here is out-loud laughable). But clearly from the horrific violence and language simply isn't intended for a minor audience. The rating is 13 pg...but honestly, the rhetoric of a boys right of passage story seems meant for younger kids its that cringe worthy. The kind of people would think this is fun are people I would imagine who genuinely have the mind of a child (not a childish sense of humour and not some sort of nostalgic love of bad 80s movies). Its not a throwback to any genre or era. Its not Delta force or American Ninja. It has no depth. This can be made up with action, but when the cheesey cringey subplot kicks you in your sense of urgh every few minutes it just makes this movie fail on too many levels. Its a confused piece of badly written nonsense.. It not a nod to old fune movies, its just a confused, uncomfortable pile of bs. Which is a pity considering the mighty fine cast at hand. I've spent too much time writing this as it is...can't believe I stayed up to watch to this trite. Avoid.
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Dark Skies (1996–1997)
Why did this show disappear?
28 July 2017
This isn't a review per say, I just wonder where this show went? I watched it avidly when it was out and then it just disappeared off TV here in Ireland, I presumed whatever channel just didn't get the rights again. Its not like now when you can find anything online etc.

It only just popped into my head when I clicked on Dark Skies on my TV and it was some movie, not the series I had loved. This series really was good, it rivalled X_files at the same time it was out.

Can't believe they only made so few.
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Dunkirk (2017)
A valiant attempt
26 July 2017
There is no doubt that Christopher Nolan is a gifted film maker and his talents are there for all to see in this impressive and epic piece. Expertly shot, nicely acted, well made, and put together with care and passion this movie hits many of the marks required to elevate it to status of one of the 'All time great War Movies'. The opening scene akin to Saving Private Ryan immediately drops us into the loud and frightening line of fire. The urban scenes combined with pulsating score have us on edge from early doors. The harsh home hitting salvos leave us very much aware of the ominous might of the German forces and the perilous plight of the stranded allied fighters.

It should be noted, that unlike Spielberg's 15 rated movie, Nolan's is rated at 12s and rightly so. Whereas Spielberg relied heavily on amputees blood and gore, the latter doesn't need to flash pointless blood in our faces. Although not short of truly heart flinching moments, there are no head shots here. What there is however, is an unrelenting sense of isolation, desperation, fear, and mortality. Credit for this has to go the director.

For any war movie fans out there, the best way I can describe the narrative to this tale would be to mention 'The Longest Day'. Our story flips between a set of characters of differing time lines. Unlike the older movie though, all of these narratives meet in a crescendo of completion. This story shows us several viewpoints, all at a very personal level and brings them together into one larger more complete picture.

Here lies my first peeve. Don't get me wrong, it is expertly edited and as a story, it is delivered brilliantly. I just found the jumping time lines, although interesting to take in and a novel way of telling a story, a little annoying. Having the same character in two differing time lines leading to one ending I found odd. It might just be my penchant for old fashioned war movies and how they are told that perked my rigidness. In saying that, perhaps this story is better told in that new manner and a linear tale would not have had the same impact. This is the decision of the director and as I say, his work here is excellent.

I should like to quickly insert my second and last peeve regarding this film before I move on to the good herein. As I watched this movie I couldn't help feel that there weren't enough men on the boats. It might sound small, but fleeing warships had men maybe one or two deep on deck along the side. From pictures I had seen as a kid I remembered these boats being packed to the brim, so much so that they might be in larger danger of sinking from being overloaded than from any German bomber or U-boat. From a movie that instilled ominous fear from the start, I didn't quite feel the sense of bustling over burdened ships. I couldn't help but think 'you could fit loads more in there'. Anyway, a minor detail that I'm sure won't affect your enjoyment.

One thing that most impressed me in the movie is Tom Hardy's ability to act with just the expression in his eyes. This is surely a true gift of a talented actor. It can't be long before he tastes the sweet joy of an Academy award? Kenneth Branagh is his usual stoic self while Cillian Murphy is as solid as always. Just as with 'The Longest Day', no actor hogs the screen time as the story bounces between all our heroes. Worth noting further is that you will be so caught up in this movie you will hardly even notice the guy from One Direction. Time will fly by.

So, is it worth catching? Of course it is. I saw it on IMAX 2D and thoroughly enjoyed it, although an older gentleman who most likely may have been at Dunkirk seemed to think it was a little too loud. War is loud however, and Nolan has pulled off a truly great movie with depth, style and emotion. Must See.

ADDITIONAL: After reading some of the so called reviews on here I must clarify that there is emotion in this movie, and lots of it. Real, numb, raw emotion perhaps best seen in the acts that men are driven to through fear and the thirst to survive. Just because they don't cry and tell you their life story or take out a pic of their sweetheart back home doesn't mean it is not there to be seen. It's not a Spielberg, it's not in your face, it's not riddled with C.G.I. and clichéd over acting. I assure you if you have any emotional intelligence you will feel the reality of this movie. If you'd rather see overacting, a three stage play act, lots of effects, and a happy ending, may I suggest you wait for the next Marvel production? This movie is a very good war movie and worth catching.
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It's no Alien, but thankfully no Prometheus.
2 June 2017
This movie has a lot of expectation weighing heavy on its shoulders. With a high benchmark standard to hit of the original Alien movie and a woeful attempt to avoid in Prometheus where does this movie lie? Firstly we should cast our minds to the original movie. Well directed, well written, superbly acted and filled with subtle touches to validate the scene, the scenario and the journey. Alien is one of the all time greatest sci-fi movies ever made. It is a hard act to follow, or in this case precede so to speak. Prometheus, although carried by an amazing cast, the same gifted director and visual wonders to keep the eye entertained, had none of those things we loved about the original. Despite players of the highest standard, the script seemed contrived and the direction seemed lazy. It was almost as if the script was just thrown at the actors and Scott shot the movie in one take. For me, it didn't flow and to be honest wasn't very believable or genuine. Considering that all sci-fi fans extend their beliefs for such journeys the least the writer can do is base their conversations on words what would actually be exchanged in real life. The exchanges seemed clichéd and flimsy. So much so that they made Independence Day look like a real-time documentary in comparison. A real shame considering some of the truly amazing people involved. It's a safe guess that if you liked Prometheus you will love Covenant. If you were sadly disappointed with Prometheus however, its going to be a closer call to make. Is this movie as good as Alien? No. But then perhaps no movie ever could be. Is it better than Prometheus? Absolutely. Although there are scenarios seen in other movies, and lets face it, it's very hard to make an original movie these days especially in a specific genre, this movie moves long nicely and believably. The cast, just as with Prometheus are awesome. This time however, they are armed with a script that avoids inflicting moments of cringe and is backed up with some nice back stories and history. It sets the scene well and allows us to slide into the journey with more investment. The direction too is also more closely guarded I feel. There are no conversations that make you ponder 'why they are in the movie?' or ask yourself 'Who talks like that?'. They have avoided poorly written character building or plot supporting scenes and have just plodded along assuming you have an IQ higher than 85 (its always nice when the movie maker has faith in the viewer). This movie will do Michael Fassbener's reputation no harm at all. He is even more creepy than in Prometheus and has an underlying nastiness that is hard not to like. One wonders if his skills weren't so great would the story of this movie have been written the way it has. That is to say, these movies seem to be written one after the other, as if trying to find out what works like a comedian on improv night rather than having a set path. Granted I like Fassbender and hope to see more, but that's the point. It does have a sense of making it up as they go along. The handling of the extension and ultimate conclusion of the last story is done a little too swiftly for my liking. It was as if they wrote this story and had to insert a few lines about the previous movie to cover themselves and get it out of the way. If what happened is what they are saying happened, that would be a movie all in itself. I felt a little robbed in that regard. Perhaps I'm nit- picking. So the script is better, the acting is better, the direction is better and the story flows more believably, so where does it fail? Well, to be frank. It's been done before. There was nothing new here. There was a revisit to the tension and suspense of Alien (awesome). There was a continuation of the last story (awesome). There was more David (awesome). But there was nothing new. There was not much movement in the story of the Giants. Sure the story handles creation from the Walter and David point of view which, while thought provoking was already played on in Prometheus. I feel I watched a prequel to the next movie in this franchise. Like I have been set up for yet another movie that will fail to live up to expectation. Incidentally, the ending is painfully predictable. But again, and hats off to Scott, it is directed well enough for you to question your suspicions. Also, and I'm really sad to say and don't quote me, but I was disappointed in some of the CGI. I will have to wait for the blu-ray to be sure, but some of the xeno attack scenes well, quite frankly reminded me of lesser movies. I must stress that I'll have to examine these scenes further in the comfort of my own home to confirm disappointment. So all in all, It's no Alien but thankfully no Prometheus. Go watch and enjoy.
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5.5 is a lil unfair.
13 January 2017
While trying to be as fair as possible to this movie I fought my movie goers o.c.d. and my sci-fi snobbishness as much as possible. That being said let's start with the things that bugged me. Firstly, the filters used while on the surface of Mars aren't red enough. Sounds picky? Maybe, but I couldn't help feeling this was being shot in the more yellow Nevada desert than on the surface of the red planet. Secondly, some bad acting. I can't help but feel the director should've just bothered with one or two attempts at certain scenes. Some of the clichéd horror movie quips could've been more palatable then. Thirdly, squelchy sound effects. Let me explain. This movie would be on a par with the Resident Evil series as far as production goes. In fact it has probably better production value than those movies we love so much. It has impressive sets, clearly cost a lot of money and has the potential for greatness. Which is why the use of a squelchy noise during a certain scene involving bleeding annoyed me. It was like the movie had potential for so much but they let someone put it together who really didn't quite realize that potential. That being said, it really isn't a bad effort for a directorial debut (full length debut for Ruari). The unstoppable and brilliant Liev Shrieber is his usual self, oozes screen presence and carries a lot of scenes. Elias Koteas is a seasoned actor who again draws you in and carries a tangible reality to the setting of the movie. Oliva Williams is deliberately unlikable, perhaps too much so, a nod to her fine acting. Romola Garai, carries off her part nicely, pretty and believable. The plot itself is your standard stranded on a planet, enclosed environment, dangerous things out to get you kind of flick. It reminded me of several movies from The (original) Thing from Another World to Event Horizon to The Sphere (maybe just because Schreiber is in it). Those three movies are not a bad combination, but like I said, some of this movie was sullied with clichéd noises and bad line deliveries (in parts). Just as I feel the full potential of the budget wasn't appreciated, the acting talents of Shcrieber and Koteas weren't fully utilized either. In fact I think if you look closely as Liev's face you can see him cringe at some of the lines he offers to us. I should also point out that at no time in this movie did I ever feel scared or even slightly worried, despite the pulsing music or choppy editing. Although in parts the pacing is quite good and flows very well I never really felt connected. Maybe I just wasn't engaging the movie and watching it too critically. As a lover of Sci-fi, I would have no problem watching this movie again. If I saw it on sale as a DVD I'd buy it. But if I was to buy it on Blu-ray it would have to be for the same price as the DVD. If you don't expect too much, you might be pleasantly surprised. Rated it a 6.5 (7 to be fair).
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Enjoyable if a little straightforward.
20 December 2016
From start to finish this movie is fast paced and action packed. It moves along in flowing motion with little dallying or pointless character building. It will leave you wondering to where the time has gone by the time we get to that famous music at the end credits. Depsite fine performances all around, I feel the main evil enemy is lacking any great menace or threat. This is not due to underachievement on the part of the actor, but merely a part that is written without any great nastiness or evil. An unexpected familiar secondary menacing figure was a much welcome diversion, but a true depiction of cruelty was lacking, perhaps relying on the reputations sealed in movies past. With that in mind, the main 'mission' is pretty straightforward enough and a sub-plot is somewhat non-existent. Without going into detail, although the movie moves along nicely there is no great menace within or sense of hopelessness. Perhaps that is because we know the eventual outcome in 'A New Hope' or, perhaps more could have been done script wise, either way, I feel this movie is a little one dimensional and straight forward. However, the ride is enjoyable regardless of the number of dimensions traversed and is well worth the trip.
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More Apples Please
13 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I gave the movie a very kind and generous 7 out of 10. Don't get me wrong. There are some fine performances to be enjoyed. Acting, directing etc are all on par. Luke Perry is surprisingly believable as the former great and Nicholas Galitzine puts in a fine performance as the up and coming talent. But the plot did remind me an awful lot of 'about a boy'...just with less jokes, in fact no jokes at all. This is a movie that wants to take itself serious, when in truth, it was just in serious need of more apples. We are thrust into the world of a young and talented musician unsure of his own ability and a former music great, with a shady past who is wasting his life away. The young student blackmails the legend into teaching him to play like a rock-star. Hence, both grow through each other and reach a climax not unlike the afore mentioned movie. This time unfortunately though, there is no apple flung from the crowd to balance the scene. There is no humour, no contrast, just a movie that says, 'this is about hard core rock and roll and being bad ass'. I can't help but feel that it falls flat of such high goals. This movie tries to reach to provoke emotion and bring us on a journey of discovery through hardship. But I doesn't really think it manages to accomplish that. Just like the over- played, self-proclaimed amazing hit that would make 'anyone a star' simply fails. The song is bland and although slightly catchy it is kind of churned out and clichéd. Which is very apt as it parallels the movie nicely. If it comes on TV give it a chance. I wouldn't go out of my way to see it though. More apples please.
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Unexpectedly Enjoyable.
1 October 2016
I missed this movie when it was out in the cinema. Sometimes I tend to let a blockbuster pass me by. Usually because i don't get the chance or sometimes because the slating it receives in the vultural media is off-putting. Not that i would trust the judgment of most critics, just that I might feel prejudiced and critical myself of a movie that I should simply sit down and enjoy. After picking this movie up recently on Blu Ray I did just that. I sat down and enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting a whole lot...but was pleasantly surprised nonetheless. Now I'm not a comic nerd and can't refer to any story line lineage and thus could not be offended as a puritan. However, the plot was straightforward and well acted. Personally I wasn't overjoyed with the choice of Affleck as Batman. Truth is, he pulls it off. He put's in a believable display of an older Batman a little angry at the world. It had action, humour...and wonder woman. Now Gal Gadot is no Linda Carter...but my word, that's a movie I shall be checking out next year regardless of plot line, and I don't even care if Ben Affleck is in it wearing a cocktail dress. In short, it was a good watch. On a par with the marvel movies for sure. The only personal gripe I had was with Lex Luthor being portrayed akin to Heath Ledger's joker. If only Gene Hackman was younger. Anyway, it was better than I thought and to be fair, should be declared a decent movie in its own right. If you haven't seen it, check it out.
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Ewan and Thingy (2009– )
A parody of Ewan and Charlie's "Long Way Round"
21 July 2015
This series was first aired as snippets post and pre advertisement breaks in small segments on E4. What first started out life as a smirking take on the series 'Long way round', a motorbike journey by actors and close friends Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman, quickly became something hilarious if not cruel at times. Richard Glover and John Willie Hopkins put in fine comic performances with a script that will leave you laughing and cringing at the same time. It may help you to understand the humour if you have seen the original series "Long Way Round". However, all you really need to understand is the relationship between the two leads, one, a famously successful actor, the other, who used to be in his dad's movies a long time ago (cruel I know). This series used to be freely available to view online but has since disappeared. This is a tragedy of comic proportions. One would hope it wasn't relegated to the dungeons of comedy for crimes against the ego as it genuinely deserves to be seen by as many as possible. If you do get the opportunity to see it please do, you won't be disappointed.
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