
12 Reviews
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Great start, mediocre ending
3 April 2024
The first three episodes are incredible, and felt like the peak of TWD returned. Absolutely jam packed, great story, and gave that signature walking dead feel that so few other shows have ever replicated. Then the fourth episode is quite literally 50 minutes of only two people talking. Then episode five barely advances the story and is more focused on barely related topics. Then episode six is tasked with wrapping the entire thing up within a single episode after the previous two were essentially wasted. I think I watched Rick and Michonne make out for at least 10 minutes of the last three episodes. It wraps up far too convenient, and doesn't give a satisfying ending. If you like TWD you'll love episodes 1-3, if you only care about watching Rick and Michonne's relationship you'll like episodes 4-6.
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Suits (2011–2019)
The best of the best
8 December 2023
Gotta say, not sure there's any other show that does it like Suits. The plot, the writing, the characters, never gets old even for a moment. Each 45 minute episode feels like it's own separate journey, and there's never any dull moments that make you want to look away. Its strongest point is likely is its representation of relationships, each character feels so real and authentic to themes you see in your own life. What makes suits so different however, is the fact it never falls off. I watched all nine seasons in about three months, and there was never any lengthy bad periods or plot points that I wished ended sooner. Season 9 is just as amazing as season one, just like all the others in between. It's a shame this show flew under the radar for so long, but I couldn't recommend it more. Turned out to be my favorite show of all time.
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High expectations and not disappointed
18 November 2023
First off- the initially mixed reviews on this shock me. I am admittedly a large fan of the first four movies, which is why I was equally as excited and scared to see this film. It did not disappoint. Excellent plot throughout, and it did an amazing job translating the book into a movie. If there was anything negative to say it would be I wanted a little more backstory, but I still thought every character was great and well acted. From start to finish it doesn't have any weak moments, and each scene feels like it has a purpose. This installment connects well with the other four movies, and honestly I just hope we might get a another at some point in the future.
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Mixed Emotions
16 July 2023
Was there ever going to be a perfect way to end a show of this magnitude? Probably not. Without giving away any spoilers, the show had two routes to pick from- tie up all loose ends and make it feel good, or, just focus on the mystery that was Reddington and have him leave with all the grandiose he entered with. They very clearly chose to go with the second. Do I wish they at least gave some definitive endings to many of our beloved characters? Well, who wouldn't- but this still felt like an authentic ending to the show. It's just reality that there's a lot missing, but in my opinion the element of wondering it leaves you with is a lot of what made the show great, and I'm not upset they chose to end it in the way they did.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Gonna miss it
15 December 2022
I usually write a detailed account of things like characters, plot, and writing but with 11 seasons that's an impossible task. I don't think any of the seasons are bad but after 11 years of killing zombies people just got tired after the first 6-7 and it didn't seem to have the same magic anymore. Rick and Negan are some of by far the best and most memorable characters to ever exist and Andrew Lincoln deserved far more praise for his acting than he received from Hollywood. The only major complaint I have is how they handled Carls character in the later seasons but with that being the only one for such a long running show it still easily deserves a 10. Most watched cable show by a mile for a reason and a must watch show.
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Excellent; and if you've played the game it's even bettee
17 September 2022
Overall: 9/10 Plot: 10/10 - Characters: 9/10 - Writing: 8/10

Plot: 10/10 Absolute gem of a concept and show. I expected this to be the usual loose adaption but it felt like it actually happened in the game with some of the in-game characters even making an appearance which was awesome. Plot line is realistic and exciting throughout and the cherry on top is the ending (can't say anything without spoilers but it's worth it!). The minute details from the background ambiance music being the same as the stuff in game to locations being the exact same really impressed me and made it more than worth watching.

Characters: 9/10 almost perfect outside of a few minor issues with how extras are used. Rebecca is absolutely great and the voice actor did an amazing job providing the much needed comic relief of the show. Lucy, David, Maine, and Kiwi all play an excellent role and deliver great performances as well. Only minor issue I had was how often extra characters would be introduced just to be killed as it seems no real effort was put into their dialogue or actions.

Writing: 8/10 still really solid I just couldn't find any part of the writing I found myself falling it love with. A lot of really forced nudity but that's the kind of stuff you expect from anime. Impactful moments all meet expectations but that's about as far as it goes. Solid and consistent but nothing memorable.
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Fall (I) (2022)
You've got to see in in theaters
19 August 2022
My first ever movie review because it was that good. Can't detail much about the later half of the movie without spoilers but if you're even remotely considering seeing it GO TO THE THEATER I promise if you love thrillers you'll enjoy it. Excellent acting and never a dull moment the entire movie with incredible curveballs!
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Predictable but captivating
29 July 2022
Overall: 8/10 Plot: 6/10 - Characters: 10/10 - Writing: 8/10

Plot 6/10: the concept and execution of the show is great but unlike so many of these other reviews said I just couldn't find myself wanting to binge watch the show because of its predictability. This isn't a negative for some because it is still very entertaining but if you sit down for a few minutes after each episode and predict what will happen next after about episode 3 I doubt you'll miss anything.

Characters 10/10: the flawless part of the show. Jolene, Townes, Beltik, and even the great Borgov create an authentically great supporting cast who propel Beth through the story. Where I really found it excelled however was the acting and relationship between Beth and Benny Watts. Thomas Brodie delivered one of the most incredible performances as supporting role I have seen in a while and even though it required a decent large range as Beth progressed, Anya Taylor-Joy slammed it out of the park as well.

Writing 8/10: only an 8 because nothing really caught my eye as above and beyond. Characters have consistently good dialogue and there was only a few weak moments in the entire show. Expected for a higher budget show, but still delivers as promised.
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Far Cry 6 (2021 Video Game)
Where did we go wrong...
22 July 2022
Very concerned about Ubisoft as a company. Far Cry 3&4 are some of arguably the best games to ever hit the market but it seems they've become a version of COD where every game progresses and plays the exact same. The game has great upgrades in feel and look, but that's a requirement because of it being made more recently. Story is bland, and most importantly the villain isn't someone you dislike, which has been a staple of the far cry series. Glad I bought it on sale but I wouldn't even recommend it for that.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Ok plot and solid humor
30 May 2022
Overall: 7/10 Plot: 7/10 - Characters 7/10 - Writing: 8/10

Plot: 7/10 The plot actually keeps you engaged but my main issue was the big time jump between seasons. It's touched on a little bit but seems like the entire storyline just got scrapped. The series does also end on a cliffhanger not even really explaining why the final episode matters at all (and it already got cancelled) so that sucks.

Characters: 7/10 Everyone comes for Steve Carell (who is still great) but I actually thought John Malkovich shined as Dr. Mallory and easily became one of my favorite characters. Don Lake doesn't have a huge role as Brad but I also thought he was great at delivering funny moments. Naird's daughter is super unlikeable in season one and then while much improved in season 2 becomes very forced as of the main cast. The romance storyline between Dr. Chan and Ali seemed super forced and mainly just used for filling up time which is why my rating on characters isn't higher because the other 3 really shine.

Writing: 8/10 If you came expecting it to be the office you'll be disappointed but I was actually glad it became it's own show with a slightly different style of humor. It doesn't feel like copy and paste while still delivering a lot of good lines each episode that make you laugh. Not incredible but in my opinion the shows strongest point that keeps you watching.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
Best show of all time and it's not close
28 May 2022
Overall: 10/10 Plot: 8/10 - Characters: 10/10 - Writing: 10/10

Plot: 8/10 The first season was definitely not on par with 2-4 making it hard to get interested but after that the show really shines. 5-6 are still great but you can tell they started experimenting more but it doesn't take away from the overall story. Overall incredible but a few weak points.

Characters: 10/10 Where to even start. BoJack is a incredibly complex character but then again- they all are. Usually go into detail about each one but the entire main cast of BoJack, Princess Carolyn, Diane, Todd, and Mr. Peanutbutter are all unbelievably exceptional. All of them can be "bad" people with the exception of Mr. PB but I think it fits the shows realism theme well.

Writing: 10/10 All the characters are written near perfectly as well. The show writes humor into each of the relatively dark themed episodes without making it seem off brand and the seasons flow well into each other. Can't say much else but perfect.
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Pacific Rim: The Black (2021–2022)
Surprisingly Good/Sad it's over
28 May 2022
Overall: 9/10 Plot: 8/10 - Characters: 8/10 - Writing: 10/10

Plot: 8/10 Extremely well paced keeps you interested without rushing into things. Season two a major storyline with a character is very clearly abruptly cut but it's more on Netflix for not giving them another season. Great ending and well paced story.

Characters: 8/10 Hayley can be incredibly annoying most of the time and seems to mainly just serve the purpose of getting on peoples nerves especially in season 2. BOy never speaks but is an interesting enough character but where the show really shines is Taylor. A lot of depth you wouldn't expect from this kind of show and is well written backed up by Mei, who while isn't present towards the start of the show, has great motivation and is a very well thought out and "different" addition to the team.

Writing: 10/10 The writing is the really impressive part of this show really shining in Taylor. The voice actors are all solid, and his complex character is well motivated. Everyone seems "on brand" with their previous actions/decisions while showing change in a timely manner.
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