
15 Reviews
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Coma (2024)
It nearly induced a coma
27 March 2024
I'm not really into these four or five part drama series. They're rarely well written and tend to lose their way. And they always headline with the same rotating pack of drama actors.

This one however sounded a good premise. God the acting was terrible. From everyone apart from the wife. The 'victim' was the worse. He couldn't act for toffee and we were way better off with him in the coma. The main character had the option to just shrug it off and disappear into his own life.. That would have been great. It could have just built up behind the scenes in two different stories coming together for the finale. But instead, it was he had the classic rabbit in the headlights response. .

I was bored and as I'm old enough to make my own mind up, life is too short to watch a well trodden bore fest. Two episodes was all I was willing to give it.
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Palm Royale (2024– )
Not what it says on the tin.
22 March 2024
I really really gwanted to like this. It sounded like desperate housewives meets mean girls, but it was so disappointing. I watched one episode and the second was about to start and I realised I had better things to do. It just had no substance. Nothing to get your teeth into. None of the characters were mean enough for you to love to hate nor nice enough for you to root for.

I just think the whole thing was too much. They were all caricatures. More comedy Mean Girls than Fully rounded out Desperate Housewives. But it's not comedy and I don't think it was the look they were aiming for. They had a real opportunity with Alison Janney to have a nuanced delightfully snobby Queen Bee, but there was no sign of it. And don't get me started on Ricky Martin. "She's toast" He stated. Dick Dastardly springs to mind.

Not sure why I've given it even 3 stars but I feel I couldn't give less because there's far worse out there. Find out for yourself, but I honestly wouldn't bother.
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Not really sure what's it's own genre is but trying a bit too hard to be quirky.
26 October 2023
I gave this a solid five but only because it gave me Juno vibes and I love that film. But Ed Helms is a poor choice. He's attempts at comedy are pitiful to say the least. Patti is just trying to be Zooey Deschanel, in fact I thought it was her for a few seconds. Somehow it was lacking depth and they just couldn't give an honest portrayal as well as Ellen and Justin in

It has some really cringe effort at doffing a cap to the current narratives, It's so obvious they've slotted them in. We have a gay guy in a hair clip talking about tumble driers. Cliche. And adds nothing to the story at all. If h3 wasn't there you wouldn't even notice. We have references to pro choice/life and women's rights to their bodies. We have reference to gender neutral names and pronouns. We have a particularly cringe scene where Ed is being educated about the women's monthly visitor.

Overall, I just don't think the film knew what it was, it's like the writers just took a few films and smashed them together. But overall I did find it held my interest.. Not really a 'premier' channel movie, not mainstream and fluffy enough, but also not off-beat enough for Film 4.
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28 August 2023
The trailer looked promising but I lasted one and half episodes. You might say "you didn't give it a chance" but frankly, I couldn't be bothered to give it anymore of my life.

Slow, boring, too much monotonous dialogue and terrible acting. I was halfway through episode two and was so bored I was actually playing solitaire on my iPad at the same time. I thought I might as well check out the reviews whilst I was at it. I was vindicated and decided to sack it off then and there.

Netflix is rubbish these days. The underlying agenda of portraying 'strong' women' was strong in this one. Don't bother. Play solitaire instead. It will entertain you more.
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Bump (2021– )
Brilliant and disappointing
17 August 2023
I loved the first two series. In fact after series one I couldn't wait until series two. The characters were perfect. Annoying and loveable in equal measures depending on the story arc. The cast was joyously diverse. In a not forced on you way. They were funny, relevant and perfectly cast.

The whole thing was a great premise and really well acted. Now for the gets worse.....

I really didn't expect series three. I thought it was tied up nicely at the end of two. Obviously I was curious so I gave it a go. The sudden time line jump and turn of events with no explanation in between was confusing. The characters were taken in an extreme caricature direction. It was just annoying. They were annoying. They were missing key characters and replaced by unlikable ones.

Anyway, that's just me. I lasted two episodes and sadly gave up. I expected more. Seven stars for the first two series. None got the third.
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Hurt my eyes
17 August 2023
Good grief this was truly awful. I love Whitney's music so was looking forward to a semi biographical film when she was rising to her peak. With a sprinkle of back story. I was totally wrong.

It dragged me through treacle in the first thirty minutes and she hadn't even stepped foot in a recording studio!. It became very clear where this film was heading and it's true purpose when they introduced the (never confirmed) lesbian love interest as soon as they credibly could. Yawn. So predictable these days.

The girl who played Whitney was an awful fit.she had zero star quality or the easy charm that Whitney had. Didn't work for for me at all.

All in all it was just a blah let down. I was bored after thirty minutes. The only reason I didn't turn it off was that my mate really wanted to watch it till the end in case it got better. Believe me, it doesn't get better.
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4 August 2023
Firstly, let me start out with the fact that the girl that actually played Cinderella, and got paid well for it, and was the stuff of little girls dreams, spends the entire film bashing Cinderella, and any other fairytale with a Prince in it come to think about it.

It is a great premise for a film and was moderately fun in a "Last Christmas" film kind of way. Emma Thompson had not nearly enough screen time.

Every female character was 'wronged' by a man at some point in the film. Oppressed and trampled on. Utterly unrealistic and totally unnecessary. It soon became clear that this was the purpose of the film. In fact I was offended on behalf of men at times and that is the opposite of their intention.

And finally, because I can't say it enough.... The girl that actually played Cinderella, and got paid well for it, and was the stuff of little girls dreams, spends the entire film bashing Cinderella, and any other fairytale with a Prince in it come to think about it.

If you like your light entertainment with a side a feminism and a sprinkle of virtue signalling then this is the film for you. Two stars for Emma Thompson and her character acting.
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1923 (2022–2023)
Confusing and disappointing.
29 July 2023
I didn't get on with Yellowstone so decided to go back to the beginning. I gave 1883 9 stars and I really enjoyed it so it lit my fire and I was looking forward to this one.

I got through two episodes....... Such a massive disappointment. First disappointment was that the family tree veered of course so much without explanation that I had to look it up and find out who Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren even fitted in. They had the same surname but that seemed all.

Second disappointment was that Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren were awful. I love both of them but Harrison spent the entire time growling at everyone. I know a ranchers life is hard but honestly, is there any need to walk around looking angry at everyone. Don't get me started on Hellen Mirren's Irish accent. It was completely unnecessary. I mean, if they're come from there why didn't He have an accent too?

The whole thing discombobulated me. I expected the time line to follow through with the same characters until they got to John III. Don't expect this. This has got one star because I can't give it none.
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1883 (2021–2022)
2nd chance was worth it.
29 July 2023
I tried Yellowstone and loved the first couple of episodes but I gave up episode four because it was boring me. I thought if I watched this I'd get some background and follow it through to make sense of why the characters seem so cynical.

I gave up on this too because the first episode didn't grab me at all. Then I gave it a second chance. This time I pushed through the mumbling and started to enjoy it. Elsa is one of the most annoying characters at times. But others she's ok. But Tim McGraw was fantastic. He played his character to perfection and I believed him. And Faith Hill, to be fair. Sam Elliot was good too, if a little numbly. .

It was brutal , sad and hard to watch at times but it's so worth it. All of the characters grew and they all had depth. The only reason it's not 10 stars is because I did have to rewind sometimes to actually understand what they were saying and give some context. Which was annoying.

And finally, people are saying it doesn't reflect reality. I'm ok with that because I wasn't in 1883 so I don't know if it reflects reality or not.
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Motherland (I) (2016–2022)
Late to the party on this one
26 April 2023
I stumbled on this in Netflix. I remember it but never bothered as thought it would be another "I'm a wine drinking rubbish mum who's life is a chore and it's funny' generic idea. How wrong was I!

You might be mistaken for thinking the characters are caricatures but I know parents and I know PTA and I can assure you I can match each character to a real person.

The characters had depth, which is unusual for this genre. I'm not a fan of Horgan generally but she's a much better writer than actress.

I'm glad I missed it first time around because I got to binge watch it rather than wait two years for the second series.

I don't know who to ask but I'm just wishing for a programme just about Liz!
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Next in Fashion (2020–2023)
Dodgy judging. But watchable.
20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The new Project Runway! I was so excited. I really wanted to like this show but they need to concentrate on the judging. One pair in the bottom two within three episodes and stay in. Absolute nonsense. As per usual Netflix is pandering to minorities. It's way too obvious. Back stories shouldn't win a runway show.. Alexa and her mate are not a match on Tim Gunn but they give it their best. I think Netflix just flung the net too narrow and gathered together the most flamboyant cast rather than the most talented. As per usual. It's watchable though and I did at least get through the first series.
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Marie Antoinette (2022– )
Perfection on you screen.
31 December 2022
I cannot tell you how much I loved this. The acting is exquisite from all of the characters. . I didn't want it to end. Because we all know how it ends. Louis and Toinette are perfect casting. The whole story is fabulous. James Purefoy as the King is a great choice.. it really gets to you how hard it must have been for a fourteen year old to entertain the court . The Beeb normally woke things these days but not this one It's the best thing I've watched on the BBC in so long and they hid it on BBC2. Please watch it. You won't be disappointed. Apparently I have to make this review longer just to post it.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
23 September 2022
It had potential. The story sounded clever and a bit mad but plausible if it was handled slickly. Unfortunately it was neither slick nor clever. By episode two I found myself being so uninterested in the side stories I had to give up. It was basically a three horse race. I found myself longing for more scenes with the fantastic Claes Bang snd Anne-Marie Duff and the only sister I was remotely interested in was Sharon Horgen. The rest of the sisters jarred with each other and basically ticked the stereotypes, the career driven oldest one, the smart mouth one, the young mess-up but cute one, the mumsy down-trodden one and the one with secrets. Last in a long kind of Apple series that have been meh.
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SurrealEstate (2021– )
High rating but I think it's worth it
8 August 2022
Honestly, I love this. The actors are very likeable and all have some depth. The storylines are great because it's contained in each episode. You can put it down and pick it up without forgetting the plot. My partner said it was and adult version of RentaGhost but he didn't give it chance. Give it a chance.
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Loot (2022– )
Tries too hard.
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you were to sit down and write a script ticking off each stereotype you would get LOOT. A self centred billionaire, his spoiled wife, the young girl he has an affair with, the gay best friend, the boring office guy, the sass talking black man, the uptight manager. And it totally lost me when the cousin called Arthur the boring white cubicle mate, who then apologised for his white supremacy. I don't want an agenda I want a good show. This isn't the one.
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