18 Reviews
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Stupid is as stupid does
16 May 2023
My only take was, yes, allow all your friends to die over someone they didn't know from adam. Friends just kept dying and yet still the girl was all they cared about.

Hard to believe is what made the movie more annoying then entertaining. Enough would have been enough already.

So in the end the message and good advice would be just to mind your own business especially when you can figure a large amount of money is involved . Being a good samaritan or trying to be noble in a case such as this will rarely pay off . It's more a case if stupidity, just like the movie. Two stars is my vote and that's mostly for the scenery.
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Swim (I) (2021)
What did I just watch?
26 April 2023
I think they must have purposely chosen the worst actors in Hollywood to play in whatever the h*ll this was.

The Mom had to be the very worst of the bunch. Her acting was so bad I prayed the shark would chomp her into little bits.

What a joke this trainwreck was. I was beginning to wonder if it was categorized as a comedy. The funniest ending would have been if the shark feasted on every one of them and emerged as the true hero.

What a load of ridiculous garbage and beyond horrific actors. It was embarrasing to myself for even having sat through it. Don't waste your time or brain power on this crap.
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What just happened lol?
19 November 2022
Plot synopsis (what plot btw?).. but anyway, plot summary says a shocking discovery of the hitcher's identity is revealed toward the end of the movie.

For one thing, has anyone ever made it to the end of the movie.. and for another thing, does anyone truly care about his identity after having sat through this concoction of garbage and boredom.

If this film was supposed to be deep, thought provoking, and brooding .. I would have to say it failed miserably on all three counts.

The acting by the hitchiker wasn't too bad in itself unlike that of the driver.. but it just didn't cut it well enough to do any good in salvaging this train wreck.

A complete waste of time is my general takeaway.
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Not so much..
14 October 2022
It's a Canadian made movie so I didn't expect much, and sure enough I didn't get much.

The couple are boring with a capital B. Nothing in the way of 'captivating' personalities to stir or hold any interest much less care what happens to them.

The female lead is pretty plain in the looks department which makes it even more difficult to sit and endure this whole tedious mess.

The captives don't seem to do much other than comply so where is the thrill in a movie that claims to be a thriller.

I guess the concept is acceptable even though at this point in time it's been done to death only with a little more pizzaz than what this has to offer.
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Beneath the Surface (I) (2022)
Like watching paint dry
8 October 2022
Poor script, horrendous acting, and as boring as watching paint dry or grass grow.

The movie itself has very little pertaining to a shark attack... the title being not much more than click bait. Right from the start you can spot the ridiculous by it showing steam rising at night from the water. Could have been filmed in a hot tub lol.

Characters annoying and completely unlikeable. Why watch a movie with characters you could care less about? Not relatable in any way, shape ,or form.

Did I mention horrendous acting?

Avoid this train wreck because those minutes of your life will be gone forever. You could have spent that time watching paint dry.

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Double Daddy (2015)
Bad casting
13 August 2022
Do the people who cast the actors have any clue on today's teens, particularly how they dress and wear their hair? It's like they can't see what's around them. At least do some darn research.

In this movie the dudes are nearly all sporting pompadour haircuts from the 1950's. The main male character is the worst.

Not one single guy at my high school wears their hair all piled up like that...and with sideburns no less. Like I said, straight out of the 1950's ..minus the grease. It's either that or their hair is shaggy with no style and no lineups.

If you want to make a movie credible, at least have the actors look like they're from this decade .
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Metamorphosis (III) (2022)
Horrible movie without a doubt!
17 July 2022
How on earth did this movie get the rating it did???

A lot of guess work with this one which midway through didn't matter anyway because I cared less.

I'm shocked I even managed to stay awake until mid point.

Pretty much a slow moving senseless piece of drivel bordering on a complete work of garbage. Did someone think this movie had deep connotations? Haha I'd say about as deep as the shallow end of a swimming pool.

I could never imagine having to pay to watch it.
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2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
8 July 2022
A movie sooo bad it's not even laughable.. haha.

The acting ..well there's just no words.

The characters .. well let's root for the glacier!!

As a sidenote.. Julie M. Who plays mom, please get a haircut. That long hair ages you another 20 years.
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Omg dreadful !!
21 June 2022
Wow talk about a lame movie. Horrible in every way possible! You couldn't even feel sympathy for the two kids because they're acting was just that bad.

If you intend on giving this movie a shot then be prepared to watch your IQ drop drastically.
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Runt (2019)
Wrong timestamp
10 June 2022
In what 2018 high school in the USA do male students wear wifebeaters and backwards baseball caps? Hoodies with no sleeves, hair with no lines and sideburns to boot.

Lol and they're the cool kids?

Wow, whoever came up with this must still be thinking it's high school in the 1950's.

Hard to watch because of it. It was like a huge joke. Vomit.
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Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020 Video)
B 0 R I N G....
5 June 2022
Three times I gave this movie a chance, and 3 times I fell asleep. And the worst thing is that I wasn't even tired.

P. S. The acting was horrendous too.
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Cyber Case (2015)
Horrible casting and acting
28 May 2022
The worst casting AND acting I've ever seen.

Can they not find actors who actually look anywhere close to the age they're portraying? For instance not having 30 something year old's playing teenagers. Same thing with the acting. Can they not find even ONE person with acting skills in an entire cast?
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The Lodge (2019)
Dont waste your time
25 May 2022
Total GARBAGE. Slow moving, boring and nonsensical crap. An insult to a viewer's IQ.

I had to turn it off about 10 minutes from the end. That's how disinterested I was to find out what happened.
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I Am Woman (2019)
Needed better casting
23 April 2022
The movie was ok but Tilda is as plain looking as a bag of white rice( think Tilda brand rice).

Made the movie difficult to watch and to take seriously.
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Urge (2016)
Not even laughable..
27 March 2022
Pierce Brosnan what happened?

You are a class actor but you accept a role in such nonsensical garbage?

Money is money but not worth destroying a career. Sad sad sad.
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Complete bore
25 February 2022
This movie is total garbage. Full of fillers ugh and not much else. Not scary or even the least bit interesting for that matter.

If you value your time you wont stop for this mess.
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A Student's Obsession (2015 TV Movie)
Bad casting
18 February 2022
LoL as usual you have a near 40 year old playing a high school student. And what's up with his hair. Didn't pompadours go out in the 1950's?

As far as handsome, I guess if you like a face the size of Tokyo he could be classed as handsome.
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Make it stop!
5 February 2022
So boring I just wanted to stop watching without feeling guilty. So confusing and slow moving with a mishmash of characters ( all boring).

If you value your time skip this one for sure!
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