
105 Reviews
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Durham County (2007–2010)
No Real Effort
19 June 2024
So the writers, directors, producers and probably the actors created a gripping program...or so I thought. In reality, this chick could see the mistakes easily.

Fact is, the show presents dumb cops. The lead cop is the dumbest. It is actually boring. When a writer/producer create a character w/o any deoth, they deny the show/audience the ability to care.

Truly terrible work. Maybe you will get it right next time. No clue who all's involved but...seriously awful.

Now, if they could, they would show logical/provable evidence. Such failure is repulsive. They simply do not bother do include real police work.
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ReGenesis (2004–2008)
Great Show BUT Too Much Anti-GOP
16 June 2024
Typical Hollywood show. Lots of nudity, sex, hatred of America, hatred of President Bush, climate change dishonest stories, all to satisfy political agendas and to keep getting $$ from Soros: the worst of the bunch.

The good stuff is the story ideas. The actors are mostly terrific but David is a brilliant but wholly unappealing character.

It seems Hollywood is truly out of control and is losing influence and credibility. More and more of my friends have switched away from US tv/movies and liking EU, Asian shows. I switched to YOUTUBE TV but really, don't watch except for Blue Bloods, The Voice, Chicago Med/Fire.

Let me add this: David's Dad tells us he has Alzheimers. Yet, even if diagnosed, 99% don't know/recall they have it and they mostly never talk about it. So disappointing.
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Surprisingly Good
21 May 2024
I thought it would be a sweet, possibly engrossing typical British program. So it began. My original rating was a 7 yet I found the show to have a heart. In fact, it is able to advocate for issues and people we all would care about, without hideous politically motivated lies.

I find the show important, actually. It's charming and shows us issues we need to address, care for the mentally ill, etc. I think the cast is just right. Lots of famous actors pop in, a sign of a respected and supported show.

I recommend jumping in and giving it a go. You will feel better gor the time spent. Invite your kids.
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Waking the Dead: Anger Management: Part 2 (2004)
Season 4, Episode 8
This Particular Episode 4/8
8 May 2024
I am not even near done. Yet, this episode has me undone. No, not the writing but, well yes the writing? Who knows.

It's the music. We lived in Franco's Spain. Dad is a natural guitarist's. Can play anything...annoying to his musical daughter (moi) who needs music.

He studied Flamenco in Spain. On his guitar. His fingers bled sometimes as he worked to develop the calluses he needed. Oh God, he was so good. I would sit outside the closed pocket doors and just listen. I am musical and suffer from perfect pitch. Yet my talents don't come close to Dad's. So watching this episode, was tough. Very. It distracted me so now I need to rewind and try again. The guitar music envelopes me. I cannot resist. It's a Latin thing? (Trying to use humor to get distance).

Just tough. My Dad has LBD dementia and is no more.
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Changed My Mind
3 May 2024
An American who loves British TV! Most stuff here in the US is garbage. Violence/sex and value signaling is de rigor.

My first rating was a 3. I thought the first episode was weak. Then, after a few more episodes I upped the rating to a 7. Then, after the second season, I gave it a 9!

I love all the not so subtle references to Shakespeare, all done tongue in cheek. At the top of my list of favorite characters is: Patrick/Sebastian. He really is the most fabulous actor. His character has often made me laugh out loud!! I admit, I watch for him...well mostly! His attire is so gorgeous/ posh, his wit, facial expressions and unending disguises are delicious. He is truly a cut above.

I adore the other two characters (dislike the man who is the Sergeant; copying the DS from Father Brown?). I am sad it was only 4 seasons.

Well done, please can we have more?!?!?!
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Thank God For Micki
21 April 2024
So well written, Directed, produced and the actors, really nailed it. A sad way to see South Africa, a country I have longed to visit.

The ugliness of human beings is hard to witness. What I have learned in the past, and what this show reinforces, is that HOW a person is treated, during their formative years, directly determines what kind of human they will become. Nurture trumps Nature nearly all the time.

Reduce unwanted pregnancies, encourage people to form a 'family' before having kids, support neighborhoods and remove by any means necessary all gangs, and we will dramatically reduce violent crimes.

On another note, I avoid American movies because most are violent, overly sexualized and lately are nearly always pushing a false/fake political narrative vs just telling a story.
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Trial & Retribution (1997–2009)
The first 5 'Seasons' Was All I could Stand
18 April 2024
Great choice of actors but...pathetic writing and directing. Got through seasons 1,2 and had to stop. The Police missed or buried leads and were quick to decide who was guilty, always missing the hidden crazy people and kids. They have yet to get the actual culprits and I am on the sixth case.

It's slso hard to care at all for any of the characters, though a few of thekids are sometimes tolerable. Just nasty vold uncaring people. Since a few are actors I know have talent, it must be the writers and Director.

I say give it a try, but I promise, you will not want to watch after a few 'seasons' (each season is ywo shows, the first outlines the crime and case while the second is preparation for court and the trial; also all the witnesses and real criminals are revealed).

Pity this wonderful website requires s ix hun dred characters per post or more people would write reviews (hint) and FYI guessing they won't publish this if they figure out it is critical of the change to longer re vi ews.
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The Circle (I) (2017)
Cannot get past first 15 minutes.
9 February 2024
I am 63. I have zero tolerance for "like, you know" dumb dumb language. The first few minutes were filled w fast talking, hi-tech BS. Yawn. Trying to speak to kids who have no earthly idea what is real, "ya know, like, huh life is well ahh about??" Gag. Why would I watch. You target the dumb dumbs.

Your video'esq violence created sickos. You have lost sight of what matters just to make a buck. I am a capitalist, but we can manage things better. Try to fund less vulgar, violent low-IQ shows and...producers will shift. You r in the driver's seat, NETFLIX, so STEP FREAKIN' UP!

I calculated that 75% of promoted shows/movies on Netflix inclure: violence, sex, drugs, guns, & more nasty stuff. That's what rocks? F Off!
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Vera (2011–2025)
Gets into your DNA, Important Show
2 February 2024
I watched because... I love British crime/cop shows. Less violence than and overt sexuality than in the US, not value signaling or fake stuff, and more real human truths, challenges. US is too lost. Too caught up in BS. Too owned by depraved political players. We are the Fall of the American Empire. Rightly so.

The show is weakened by the unexpected and unexplained disappearance of characters like the first DS, the lively gal in a wheel chair, the former military police lady, etc. It hurt's credibility and blatantly shows the one real weakness.

No personal/little personal or caring between Vera and anyone. That's the show's achilles heel. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Doubt the writers cared...
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Silent Witness (1996– )
Engaging & Sometimes, Quite Good
20 January 2024
Amanda Burton is a boring actress. Every show she has the same smirk, same body language. Yuk. Truly needs to get an acting coach (guessing her to have inflated sense of her talent).

Compare her to anyone on that wonderful show and you will see what I mean. For instance, Liz Carr. Wonder Woman! Miss her but thrilled she's in film now!!!!!!!

Fascinating show with great talent. Exhausted by the endless stream of DI's, it would be nice to occasionally have the same detectives show up for an investigation....

Anyway, the show remains engaging. DCI Banks is still nearer the top on my list if British TV favorites.
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Fabulous Cast, Pity
29 December 2023
So, this is one of those movies that is really for Hollywood actors not us. They are all without any depth, concern. Just spewing pointless lines. No point. No one could care about a single character or life. Nothing against the mega rich at all yet, I know many, none are this vacuous. Truly a movie for airheads doing drugs. Thank heavyI gave up wasting $ going to the theatre. Actually, my home town stopped playing anything new. We have wonderful film festivals that shine the light on great flicks and fun/important films. For a decade, Hollywood simply has become an - also ran. Their strike was pitiful. At dinner parties we would laugh at how little anyone cared. Hollywood is no more. They should all run for office, parts they already play.
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The Hunters (2013 TV Movie)
Wannabe Japanese'esq Also Ran...
28 December 2023
OMG Hollywood is creating endless flicks & TV shows that are nearly identical in format.

Always has multiple massive shoot outs (bows and arrows too) and noone or few are killed despite hundreds of bullets.

Women do gymnastics during fights and they always grunt like Kung Foo fools.

Over made up gals and in this movie, Asian styled hair like in the Japanese video games.

The premise is interesting and would have been fantastic but for poor writers and producers and the actors are so so. If you are bored, it's a time waster. At least there's no rap!!!

Someone else needs to try the story idea but better executed...please??
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Almost Paradise (2020– )
Reminds me of Hawaii Five O, later seasons
24 December 2023
So good pick of lead characters. Great location. First 3 episodes tackle important topics.

The issue is the lead actor (from Leverage). As in the Hawaii series (new not original) the important subjects/personal stories are secondary to action shots and ENDLESS FAKE SHOOTOUTS! Would never occur like that! WTHeck?

Oh and SIDEBAR... who invented or pushed the large floating words that this show, Life Below Zero and soooooo many others use? AWFUL!

Back to the show. I fast forward through the fights/endless violence. I mute the Ads.

As to acting? I get why the lead actor had a secondary role in Leverage. He is a one trick pony. In this series, Season 1 episode 3? W sex trafficking, he had no believable compassion. Passing out is simply not it. He needs words/facial expressions, not just silence or explosive anger. The other two local cops are fantastic! Believable and easy to care about.

If this keeps up as is, I won't bother.
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Hawaii Five-0 (2010–2020)
Started out great, then all massive shoot outs/car chases
5 August 2023
Then by Season 3 the show changed. The focus was fast driving, car chases and...absurd and utterly ridiculous storylines. Now I remember why I stopped watching! Pity. Great potential. Awful, weak, probably young, writers w no life experience. The producers are to blame for giving in to NCIS/FBI types of structured violent soulless writing. 60% speed & guns. Yawn. Oh and, 80% of the time, the 'famous guest actors' r the bad person. A show like Blue Bloods keeps at the top of the charts because it is written by ppl who get that having an actual storyline and characters we grow to love, sustains a program, more than violence. Not knowing what will happen next vs knowing to the minute what lies in store, that's the trick.
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Hawaii Five-0: Ke Ku 'Ana (2016)
Season 7, Episode 5
Important Debate about Guns
28 May 2023
The show presents a typical Hollywood flaw, lack of desire to use their platform to teach with truthful data. They want drama and cow-tow to the CNN/AOL lowIQ types that equally lowIQ voters watch/elect.

The Dad's pain we all feel...but the even greater tragedy is the writers missed opportunity to rail on the bullies who triggered the son. Bullies must be stopped. My niece has been bullied terribly and the bullies remain in school. A gun won't solve that but Hollywood could really show bullies up and give parents kids schools support. THAT WOULD TEACH THAT COULD HELP.

Sadly, most news misrepresents facts as do most movies and TV shows.

FACTS: Every state has different gun laws. The states with the strictest laws have the highest population and subsequently the highest crime rates. They also have the highest number of illegal gun ownership and highest gun related crimes.

If we banned legal gun sales nothing much would change for criminals but it may for the rest of us. Maybe if it was really hard to get guns and fewer were manufactured, it might reduce the number in circulation...but that's not going to happen as we have the second amendment.

So, what to do? I haven't a clue. One idea, focus on the causes of gun violence: bullies, gangs, drugs, and the challenges that create the opportunity for those evils to exist.

I would round up the gangs and put them on a remote island to fend. Bullies would be outed on school news-boards. Drug dealers ended. We are too squeamish.

What I can say is that a gun, and I plan to get one, is for safety. We need to train to use it, and I will. As to the liberals going all ballistic (pun intended), they always do. Few liberals have the will to research any topic before forming an opinion. They are, on the whole, weak, unimpressive, power & money addicted fools.

Go to this article on politifact dot com (3/12/2018 factchecks/2018/mar/12/john-faso/do-illegal-gun-owners-commit-most-gun-crime-rep-fa/)
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The Glory (2022– )
15 March 2023
The writing or translation is Awful. The young girl being tortured screams "someone please come and save me". That would never be what a victim screams. I gave up and stopped watching. The opening revenge scene was equally pathetic, weak and badly written or translated. Pity.

I tend to like movies or shows from Asia. My bias is for them. Best example is my ABSOLUTE favorite 'Midnight Diner'. I still haven't watched the last episode. Cannot. Cannot let go. Why did they stop filming? If I won a big enough lottery, I would pay to restart that one extraordinary show.

What is most annoying about Netflix is that they no longer note foreign films. I do like to watch them but hate constantly having to go to audio and subtitles to see what the original language is.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
From interesting to Promoting Socialism and hatred
9 February 2023
Seriously, in Season 6, the Real political bias unfolds to an alarming degree. NATHAN is one portal for all information that filters out distracting information. Read: Twitter, FB, fake news outlets: controlling content is socialism on steroids. Russia, Iran, even Singapore controls content... The head dr is promoting socialism in all respects vs creative problem solving. The actors are weak and don't stand up to the shameful politics.

How can a producer go to bed at night creating such vitriol? Even the COVID episodes are a farce as we now know. Pathetic pandering mixed in with some good storytelling. First two seasons were balanced. Now, hypocrisy is the main theme. Bet it dn last.

Also Olivia Newman and Ryam Eggold use the same exact facial expressions. The quick smile that disappears into a straight face. The awkward/face facial expressions are odd.
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Missed Opportunity
4 February 2023
Typical New Prime, Hollyweirdos, more violence, less good storyline. I fast forwarded through the gross violence. The usual fake storyline that humans are awful is blown into volcanic levels. We Are AWFUL! No, we are sometimes vile. But find one person willing to catch/execute the evil ones/support the death penalty? Ya, no. Cameras off. Hollywood won't EVER step up. Wimps. Big mouths no balls to correct the evil. Sigh. Truly sad to see how Prime has bent over and gone all in with fake stories and huge sex/violence. Sad. May need to walk away from the low-IQ folks running things. Oh and stop freaking advertising CONSTANTLY between episodes when watching a tv show. Beginning to detest Prime/Amazon. Your stock is FAILING. Should I sell????
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All Saints (1998–2009)
Another Ode to Hatred of Corporations
29 January 2023
Does it ever stop? Yawn. Three minutes ir so in and the good reverend announces he didn't have a 'traditional' church upbringing because...wait for it... "he barely had a home home because he was a corporate brat." Badda bing badda boom. More brainwashing Stazi style. The actors don't care as they are idiots who believe the BS despite the obvious hypocrisy of working for a corporation themselves. Like street workers, anything to get paid. Most millionaires are Dems...utterly profound, ya know? I play the big lotteries w the hope of winning and using the money to unwind Hollyweirdos and the US Stazi. Would prefer to give it away but, getting dems to atone will do more good in the long run. Creating real opportunity vs handouts, supporting entrepreneurs, that's what will make for strong happy Americans. Hollyweird is in need of a remake.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
Serious, Interesting
28 January 2023
Well done. Reminds me of the old NCIS. The crimes and analysis are top of mind vs how NCIS is now scripted, which is predictable and mostly a soap opera. Like the FBI TV show too, not worth it.

NCIS writing CHANGED. Also the Abby replacement is TERRIBLE. Yo, NOT BEC OF SKIN COLOR! Just awful acting, no depth, gagg. Jimmy was a barely tolerable sidekick, but man, truly no depth/nothing real but for the occasional moment. Why is the script so ritualized, the interactions so trite/obvious? Why is Abby's replacement so truly flat? Going to try the New Orleans one again but, if it too is structured & predictable (down to the minute you know what's going to happen when), heck no, done. Try not to screw up Hawaii too!
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Grimm (2011–2017)
Watch for fun and for Silas
14 January 2023
Silas Weir Mitchell Is THE reason to watch the show. He is soooooo superb! He's funny, charming, complex, sexy, intelligent and...IMHO he carries the weight of the show's success.

He lightens the intensity at precisely the right time, is appropriately serious but not nuts when that's called for, he is humble and, simply, real. Nobody's REAL in a TV show so that just says he's brilliant.

I am writing a screenplay he'd be perfect for...

Do not miss this series if you are a sci-fi lover as I am. The other characters are interesting but, not like him. Please take a chance and watch. I dare you!
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Solace (II) (2015)
Abby Cornish: Not up to snuff
25 December 2022
Given the subject, other actors, I had great expectations. Sadly, from the start, Abby shows us she only has one approach. No nuance, zero depth, angry but for no reason, boring because she has only one game...and it makes you want to mute the movie/fast forward the flick 15 minutes in. Even after they reveal her background, she remains the same. No depth, no 'person' to care about. I would definitely avoid all movies she's in, until I hear she learned to ACT!

Now IMDB needs 600 wooooooords again and they refuse to change that requirement. So here you are, a few more words. Need 16 more...yeah!
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11 December 2022
How sad that Harry didn't get the protection he so obviously needed from the needy, woke American. She was a decent actress. Harry has duties he was born to fulfill, and w good parenting (Charles is hardly a good parent) he might have. He caved to his immature jealous nature like so many royals. I hope he gets zero money from the Brits and zero attention too.

Meghan is the epitome of the holier than thou African Americans like the Obamas. Looking down their noses in disgust at the ppl, values, country that made your success possible. Race is their game and everyone is a target. One trick ponies with no depth of character and few who actually like them or care...we do pretend well at the Vineyard.

In the end, they are like Netflix, there but not important. Netflix WAS a Revolutionary idea. Now it's a place I seldom visit, because 90% of its movies/shows are vulgar, violent, vindictive and tedious. Time to I almost never find things on there. What really ticks me off too, NETFLIX recommends things...I have already seen. Low IQ.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
11 December 2022
What a surprise!!!!!!!

Fantastic extensive list of my favorite actors.......and they obviously are having fun playing the empty, pointless, infantile idiots they were hired to portray. 15 minutes in and I went to my laptop to pick out lights for my Reno. Kept the loonies on in the background.

I love a good spoof, tongue in cheek, silly crime flicks! But most usually have some warmth and...a story worth hearing. None of that prevails here. Horrendous music, unnecessary violence, truly idiotic plot, and no real glue other than the large number of famous ppl on set.

It is a pathetic unequivocal Zero.
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Call the Midwife (2012– )
Heartfelt and informative
28 November 2022
So nice to watch a series that teaches without judgement or castigation. Like touched by an Angel, in a way. How interesting to see the role of midwives before doctors stepped in and took over. Warm, supportive care vs cold distant care.

I wish IMDB didn't require 600 words as sometimes we don't wish to go on and on and on ...yawn.

Back to the show, touching and kind. A change from endlessly oversexed and violent dimwits faking concern, intelligence, etc.

I wish IMDB didn't require 600 words as sometimes we don't wish to go on and on and on ...yawn.

Thirty four words, now 9 words and I am done.
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