
6 Reviews
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Pixels (2015)
Don't understand why this is only rated at 5.5 out of 10
4 May 2020
During the lockdown occuring throughout the world I've been trying to find movies that my family can watch.

I always do a pre screening to make sure that such movies are acceptable and this is one that I found to be quite harmless fun without much swearing.

It seems that most people who have given low ratings on imdb are either an Adam Sandler haters or Kevin James haters.

I don't watch movies because of who is starring. I watch movies for entertainment. Obviously we are not expecting some highbrow dialogue from this movie. Its just a nod towards a time that I myself enjoyed. I was an arcader. I am a geek.

Of course there are ridiculous moments but those are the moments when my 12 year old son was laughing his head of, as was I. My kids enjoyed the movie so much we have watched it twice in two days. It might not be everyone's cup of tea but overall it was filmed well. The CGI is really top notch. The scriot while crackers is fun. Adam Sandler seems to have some real chemistry with the other cast members. I'd give this 9 out of 10 everytime.
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Klaus (2019)
Exceptional movie
15 December 2019
Christmas has come yet again, and thus we get new christmas movies. I like all the classics, Santa Clause, Elf etc...

but this was something totally different. A unique origin story. A totally new idea of how the most loved of all traditions began brought to us by Netflix.

What a class piece of story telling it is. The 2D animation is actually hand drawn and is so lush and accomplished.

Alas, as all these classics end up, I find myself in tears yet again.

It is my new favourite christmas movie, and probably always will be.
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Why so many negative reviews?
27 July 2019
I have no idea about the Stephen King novels. Didn't actually know who wrote the story and characters before I saw the movie.

My wife and I just watched this on Netflix and we enjoyed it very much.

Solid acting from everyone including the lad playing Jake. Idris as always was excellent.

We rated this as a solid 9. Compared to many other movies I've seen this year, it was a good blast with an interesting story line. Quite different to most other movies.

Really enjoyed it.
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Why the low scores?
19 December 2018
Just watched it on streaming and compared with so many other action movies it definitely holds own.

I've played the tomb raider games for years and I don't see any problem with the way this movie portrayed a young Lara Croft.

I've seen reviews on here saying poor CGI, poor fighting etc.. What were those people watching? The oceans have been rendered probably with more skill than I have seen in any movie.

The tomb sequence wasn't exceedingly drawn out as in the games so for me that was a bonus.

I liked it, but then what do I know. My favourite movie is Joe vs the Volcano and I also loved John Carter....
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
What on Earth happened to Star Trek?
30 November 2017
I have been a watcher of Star Trek for decades. I loved most of the shows.

I really dislike Discovery in so many ways. The acting is great and the cast is good but the directors were just out to make Star Trek like all other programs.

Hey lets drop the F-bomb for no apparent reason. Lets make Klingons look different to any Klingon before. Vulcans are now xenophobes. There is no real humour, everyone seems to dislike everyone else.

Ts just depressing. I really hoped that half the crew would die in some outlandish way then I could have at least laughed at it once.

I have no empathy with any characters. I have no sympathy for the hurt they suffer.

Please end it and leave the Star Trek universe relatively unscathed.
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Deadpool (2016)
Disappointed, waste of an afternoon
25 February 2016
Before I went to this movie I had seen a trailer with an unexpected expletive. Unfortunately the rest of the movie was much the same. I'm not a prude or killjoy but I thought Marvel movies was above this. I understand Deadpool is an unconventional character and obviously the director etc had this great idea of making a really cool totally awesome movie dude! that appeals directly to the 15 year old mind.

Alas I'm 44 and except for a few interesting fight scenes, found it rather dull. I suppose hoping for anything slightly intellectual or even a real story was a very misguided idea on my part. My wife felt exactly the same. We love the marvel movies mostly as the story lines have some real bite. In my book the worst Marvel movie to date. Green lantern was better!
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