
16 Reviews
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Maybe 7.5
8 July 2023
A great send off for the IJ series, fully doing justice to the previous films. Maybe not up there with the best of them but certainly better than the worst. Production values are sky high. The de-aging of Ford and Mickleson is some of the best I've seen. (Almost) indistinguishable from film footage which is a bell weather for where films could go in the future. Walker Bridge is truly excellent and immediately lovable wish we saw more of her. As usual on IMDB some who didn't like it score it 1, some who did score it 10. Looks like the median is around 7.5 which feels about right. Hugely enjoyable, far fetched in places but who cares. Heartily recommend.
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Funny Woman (2023– )
Better than expected
19 February 2023
Had assumed this was going to be a pretty predictable romcom or such given the trailers but it actually turned out to be a really nice heartfelt story of rags to riches with unexpected comic smarts from Arterton, who knew she could do comedy. There's ups and downs to her fortune along the way so not all rise and rise. It's not just Arterton who does well though, the whole cast are great, Everett, Batemen, Davies and Ali all contribute to a very enjoyable way to spend an evening. Unclear if another season is on the cards but I'd say there's legs in the characters but they'd need another story arc. Fingers crossed.
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Tried hard to like it
26 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Really tried hard to like this and given the actors and the premise there seemed like a lot to like but finished up turning it off half way through. So if the film gets hugely better in the last half then I apologise. The moments leading up to the big fight scene half way in when in order to get their special "boost" the fighters had to look around for object to insert into their bottoms, and then having found the objects (they were fighting in an office so they chose various things you would find) they proceeded into combat with objects hanging out of their backside. I mean, this isn't a prudish thing, it's an aversion to totally ridiculous scenes thing. Just couldn't forgive the film at this point so off it went.
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Morbius (2022)
Please ignore the poor reviews
4 November 2022
A typical example of a marvel film that because it's not the best movie people have ever seen they rate it a one star. I can only assume these are reviews written by children or the very young. The film is a solid piece of entertainment, good acting, effects and characters. No it's not up there with End Game but it shouldn't have to be. Still a decent film and worth a watch. The sort is a little formula driven but this doesn't detract from the overall enjoyment. Leto is pretty good as is Smith, both realistically portraying their characters. My review is honest as is the number of stars awarded.
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Moonfall (2022)
Suspension of disbelief required
29 October 2022
This film isn't in the same league as Interstellar, Independence Day, and many others that it copies ideas from but if you can get past this and the very big plot and scientific holes then there's a reasonable film to enjoy. Of course many will be unable and rate it a 1 star, and a few will get grumpy about this and award 10 stars (guessing kids with smartphones!). My advice is give it a go. Acting ok, characters ok, effects ok, pace pretty good, story reasonable although some aspects been done many times before, based on real science not a chance. And the goofy British nerd character actually quite good. Rated 6.5 - 7.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Incredible TV
6 August 2022
Absolutely loving this, no idea what the comics were about so no preconceptions which could be a good thing. Casting is spot on, just the right sprinkling of special effects, and great story telling and looks beautiful (and expensive). But the icing on the cake is that it's upsetting the anti woke crowd which means I love it even more.
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Bullet Train (2022)
It's not Pulp Fiction good, but still good
5 August 2022
A strong 7.5/10. Started out liking it, then 10 minutes in thought the humour wasn't quite landing, then warmed to it, then started think it was a bit long, then finished up liking again with a strong ending. There's some quirkiness that some may find tiresome and it tries but doesn't consistently reach the slickness of a Tarantino such as pulp fiction, but ultimately I found enjoyable, Pitt and Taylor- Johnson very good. Occasionally the jokes are a bit weak and it is a bit long but overall an enjoyable (and very gory) romp, on a train.
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So far so good
24 June 2022
Two episodes in and really impressed. Lots of new ideas, movie quality CGI, likeable characters and interesting stories. The only disappointment is the lack of incels throwing around the word woke, thought they'd be everywhere but only seen a few so far. Let hope the series continues with this level of quality.
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Solidly entertaining
3 June 2022
Three episodes in and enjoying the remake which mixes things up a little but is generally true to the original. Not that it matters, if changes are made and the result works and as viewers we're entertained this is really all that matters. Of course for some this will be impossible. Changing the gender or race of a character from those of the original material will prevent many from allowing themselves to enjoy this. On the upside, it's wonderful to see all the anti-woke crowd getting all bunched up about it. Made me enjoy it all the more.
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The Rising (2022)
So far so good
23 April 2022
Two episodes in and enjoying very much, admittedly very much to do with Rugaard's performance which is this confident, Tom boyish, scrappy but vulnerable type. The premise has been done before but this manages to be fresh. The family dynamics work pretty well and they didn't fall into the cliche of every other drama where all teenagers are delinquents who hate their parents. Although there's an ex husband hanging around which feels a bit of a device to add drama although it looks like he's becoming more important to the story in ep 2. All in its pretty good.
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Deadline (2022– )
Great acting from the leads
8 April 2022
D'Arcy as the disgraced but talented journalist and Murphy as the fragile but fierce wronged are both acted superbly. Can see D'Arcy continuing in the role if the show's continued. Supporting cast all good especially Ove playing D'arcy's long suffering boss. On episode three so far and no idea who did it. Can't understand the poor reviews but assuming due to low numbers as show just started. Really enjoying.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Incredible first episode
1 April 2022
Based on first episode only, terrific acting from Issacs and a truly original and intriguing storyline. Love Issacs' London accent which is spot on, similar to Trevor from Iron Man 3. Also very grateful to all the other reviewers for pointing out the Armenian genocide. I think most people missed this reference during the show and were probably unaware until so many pointed it out in their reviews of Moon Knight so thanks for highlighting and informing so many of this awful historical event.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Gilpin plays it like Killing Eve
25 February 2022
Ok the whole premise has been seen before but a couple of highlights are the willingness to introduce characters then quickly kill them off which brings the shock factor. Secondly, and the reason this gets 8/10 is Betty Gilpin who clearly took inspiration from Jodie Comer's Villenelle, facial expressions and brutality are very similar, no bad thing though as she does it very well indeed. Admittedly I'm only half way through first episode so time will tell. A genuine 7.5/10 rounded up to eight!
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
A strong 7.5
6 January 2022
Didn't realise until watching that Jamie Dornan had the necessary charisma make this part work. Softly spoken with a big stick is one way to describe him but he has a nuanced performance that kept the viewer engaged throughout. There were some slower episodes but overall enjoyable. Jamie surely in the hat for the next JB?
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Surprisingly emotional tribute
1 January 2022
Wow wasn't expecting this to be much more than a collection of interviews with small number of the cast. In fact this was a really well made, interesting and ultimately emotional tribute to the Potter series of films and the young actors' journeys through it. There's a theme running through of how the actors dealt with growing up on set and the strengthening relationships with other actors and the importance of this as a support structure. Ultimately very enjoyable with some very candid and emotional interviews especially from the main three. Feel some of the lower ratings are from people focusing exclusively on specific hang ups like the fact Jo Rowling wasn't featured (she was but not often)
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Spieberg level good except for the ghosts
21 November 2021
Really enjoyed the first half and thought the acting from the kids and Carrie Coons was believable and engaging. Actually to the point where the inevitable ghosts appearance felt a bit forced. The last act just felt like a forced attempt to shoehorn in the original ghostbusters plot and mythology into the film. Overall I'm glad I watched, but for the actors, not the ghosts.
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