
3 Reviews
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Timeless Solid Gold
4 June 2007
What can you say about Judy Holliday? Her timing was always absolutely perfect. Her facial expressions frequently making speech unnecessary. In Solid Gold Cadillac she gives a magical portrayal as Laura Partridge, the supposedly, dumb blonde, part time actress with no appreciation of Shakespeare, ("You don't even get to sit down unless you're a king" - a typical Holliday line), but who is nonetheless shrewd enough to see through the corrupt shenanigans of the board of directors of a multi-national company in which she owns just ten shares. The partnering of Judy Holliday and that fine actor, Paul Douglas, as Edward L. McKeever, the upright, down to earth and totally incorruptible founder of the company, who is (according to Laura Partridge) "scared of girls", works like a dream. The film also has excellent support from Ray Collins, Arthur O'Connell, Neva Patterson, John Williams and of course Fred Clark, as Snell, the oily, slippery company treasurer, a real nasty piece of work. I defy anyone not to boo and hiss whenever he appears. In addition to being a delightful romantic comedy, this is also a tale of good fighting to overcome evil, and the little people of this world getting together and refusing to be trampled by a big faceless conglomerate. If you've never seen this picture before, or maybe never seen a Judy Holliday movie, you're in for a treat.
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Refreshing, Innocent & Undemanding
9 April 2007
This comparatively little known film, with the extremely unlikely storyline is, nevertheless a joy to watch. It is pure escapism with more than a hint of nostalgia for those of us of a certain age. The script is good with some nice one-liners, but because the plot itself is obviously rather weak things become a little laboured. I doubt it would come over as successfully as it does, where it not for the one and only Rosalind Russell - ever able to combine excellent dramatic and comedic acting with the epitome of Hollywood glamour. And where oh where would it have been without that stalwart, always believable, and I think much underrated actor, Paul Douglas as Russell's long suffering ex husband.

If you feel like some light hearted 1950s entertainment you could do a lot worse.
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Union Pacific (1958–1959)
Excellent Western Series
29 March 2007
I remember as a young teenager eagerly awaiting the weekly screening of this super little half hour western series. There always seemed to be plenty of action plus a dash of comedy. I remember the theme music was absolutely fantastic. Jeff Morrow's excellent portrayal of Bart McClelland was completely convincing and was never over the top. The relationship between McClelland and Kincaid worked extremely well and made for many of the lighter moments in the series, as did the character of Georgia, who ran the saloon which followed the railhead. I wonder did she ever manage to get her man and ensure a happy ending at the end of the line. Happy memories of a great series!
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