
3 Reviews
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22 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Caught bits and scenes of this movie on YouTube and thought I would give it a try, as I tend to like anything that gives you retro pop culture and guilty pleasure pop songs in the mix. Other reviews I've read about it said that it could really only be enjoyed and appreciated by a true Kiss fan. Meh, I tend to disagree. I'm not what you would call a fan of their music. I was unable to remember the band's real names during the radio contest scene. But to say this is a movie about Kiss and for it to be treated as a movie about Kiss is like saying Wayne's World was a movie about Alice Cooper, as you only see the band perform on stage for a few minutes out of the whole movie. No, this movie is about four boys who are die hard fans of Kiss and go to great lengths to finally see their heroes live. Overall, I found it entertaining enough for an evening of mindless movie watching. It helped that Eddie Furlong was cute as hell in this one. Like the lady in the It's Raining Men club, I also saw him as a perfect example of one of those teenage boys who will make an older woman want to get a hot young man's "coming-of-age" started on the right foot, lol. And if you watch the movie, you will see that the previous was an unintentional pun on what happens in the key scene between Eddie and that lady. If you want to laugh, watch this. And if you're a die hard Kiss fan also, you'll probably enjoy this. If you like 70's pop culture references, then you'll be in heaven.
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Enjoyable Movie (Possible spoilers)
12 August 2011
I don't know what movie some of the bad reviewers were watching, but I enjoyed this. It was well worth the rental price and time. Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor bring substance and believability to the characters and besides that I didn't see anything here that could be considered 'graphic' as far as the sex scenes went. Maybe I was watching a cleaned up version by mistake or maybe I'm more liberal minded than I thought I was, but if you say something is sexually graphic, I'm at least expecting to see gratuitous shots of genitalia somewhere. There are three sex scenes (as I recall) and two of them are little more than implied, and in a way that is no more graphic than you see in some of the sitcoms on cable TV these days. I can't help but think that for all of the protests that they have nothing against gay people or homosexuality, maybe anything showing two men together in a romantic fashion is repulsive enough to be considered graphic. There was humor and genuine passion in this movie and I recommend not writing it off.
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Brings back memories
8 April 2008
I watched this when it first aired on one of the networks on Wonderful World of Disney and then saw it again when it aired on cable. Having seen it again as an adult I have to say it brought back a lot of memories. When I was young I wondered why the military brats I knew in my town didn't have such exciting adventures! Loved it then and the years have definitely been good to it. I liked the way the kids looked out for each other and seemed to have a genuine bond that came from always having to move from town to town and never having the stability of long lasting friendships. I grew up in a military town and I can agree that it is hard to see friends come and go as their families are stationed to different bases. These kids needed to feel like they were part of something important and they found it in a group of others who also felt the strain of being shuttled off just as they were starting to gain a sense of belonging.
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