
5 Reviews
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Why are you in this movie, Mr. Freeman?
22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I wasn't expecting this poorly directed/written movie. I had my hopes high and was delighted to see Morgan Freeman. It immediately came to mind, "Along Came a Spider". Was I mistaken.... 10 minutes into some frantic although nonsensical scenes of a "pursuit" we get catapulted to Mississippi (again). Just finished the movie and my "mental HD" is already deleting the experience.

We get to know that Morgan Freeman is a professor of African Studies, and the scenes with just him or the main character are of mid quality (comparing to what we've been used to before). Other than that, the movie just falls apart with changing sequences from Rome to Mississippi, at random, that bring no real light on the plot.

I believe that the actors did try their best, but at the end, it's just a forgettable movie.
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The Vigil (2019)
Great performances
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It may no look like much, but all performances are top notch in a different approach to what some may call "generic formula" of "Hollywood" film making.

The movie shows how a common young man, who parted ways with his community and started anew, is brought back to a path of, let's call it "faith", after several events occur during his night, last minute job, watching over a deceased man, member of the Jewish community.

The "horror" elements are simple and not farfetched. Many could just be considered like the mind playing games in a long night.

It gets you watching up until the end credits roll in. And you won't feel like you've wasted your time.
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Monstrous (2022)
Sweet Ricci twist
7 September 2022
Nowadays people either want profound meaning movies or just garbage. Well, this is neither. Ricci does a good work a so does her son, Barnard.

I can't tell much about the storyline in order not to spoil it. This is a movie you need to watch with an open mind. Effects are not the state of the art but they work. I wasn't expecting much but it's a well paced movie. Doesn't drag along with unnecessary plot. The couple that rents out the house to Ricci is well portrayed although one is left thinking why the woman hater Ricci so much. I guess it's one of those things, because reasons or, it's just a plot hole.

Either way, I strongly recommend it. It'll keep you entertained and wanting to know where it goes. For the sake of "hype" I would say that you shouldn't have your expectations high, so it will be sweeter if you're surprised by the positive.
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The Northman (2022)
Revenge always destroys the avenger.
31 July 2022
Can't tell you much regarding the title I chose, although it's almost self-explanatory. What I can tell you is that is somewhat an accurate depiction of the time regarding clothing, armour, way of fighting. Then it takes a bit of an open mind from the viewer since it also approaches a more "fantasy" realm, linked to Norse mythology. All in all, it's a long but good movie. You get action, intrigue, motivation, decisions, without being forced into the narrative.
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The Seventh Day (I) (2021)
Not your common exorcism movie
23 March 2021
While the subject has been explored in other movies, the Rite of Exorcism is, by itself, a very complex theme to reproduce. Some might call this movie a cliché or a waste of time, but it goes through another route altogether. It's not the "goes to the house exorcise demons" routine. If it could have been better handled? Yes, it could. There's some loose ends to the story. However, I did find it refreshing. Above all, never watch a movie with high expectations. No matter the subject, take it for what it is: Entertainment.
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