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Star Trek: Discovery: Life, Itself (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
30 May 2024
....that Star Trek show?', "oooh right there was that show too'.

That's, basically the conversation people will have in a year's time. Nobody but the die hard fans will remember this show. And Gene should be thankful for that where ever he is now.

In a couple of years time, when people will look up this show on IMDb, people will ask themselves how van this show be rated with a 7?

I mean how wrong can a casting be and how wrong can the hiring of the writers be? There is not one actor/character that isn't cringe to the highest degree. And the writing. Don't get me started on the wrting.

And this last episode is just a culmination of the crap the audience has been fed the last 5 seasons.

I mean miss know it all and miss invincible captain Michael just casually decides for all humanity and every species in the galaxy that we should just forget about the Progenitors' technology and knowledge. You know, the ones who have the answers how we came to be and such. But no! Michael says we should forget it and the president and admiral will agree with her.

And of course Michael is the only one in the universe that last Progenitor talks to and wants to train. Because it's Michael. She is like the God of the universe. The universe doesn't move without her okay.

But all in all let's just rejoice that this show is finally over.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Erigah (2024)
Season 5, Episode 7
10 May 2024
...where would Star scrap that... where would the universe be if it didn't have Michael? I think it would all be over already. So please, take a moment to thank and praise Michael because she is the chosen one.

There is a table at that table there is a president, an admiral, a captain and a former captain turned number one. They are all chatting because the Breen are coming. But alas for the president, admiral and former captain they aren't as smart as Michael because she is the only one who sees through it all and utters the words'something doesn't add up here' and proceeds to explain something a 3 year old could think of. But thankfully a president and an admiral after asking just a simple 'you believe there is another reason...' that gets the most basic answer are all on board. But when her nr 1 suggests to arm themselves because we're dealing with the Breen after all, they are all in shock for suggesting it and he's dismissed by Michael like a little kid.

But wait! There is more, kids! The she proceeds to adress the president and admiral and suggests they talk to Moll and L'ak to get information. But guess who's best qualified to get that information? You're right! Michael is of course! And what is her argument? "I was with them on the ISS' 'I got a sense how they operate'I I I I....and guess what...without any questioning the president and admiral agree.

I great is she? Is there anything she can't do or isn't qualified to do?

I mean by now I am starting to realize I like torturing myself by watching this show every week.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Whistlespeak (2024)
Season 5, Episode 6
At this point...
2 May 2024
...We just need to bow our heads to captain Michael Burnham. I mean is there anything she can't do? She is the smartest person in the universe, the strongest, she is revered by everybody in the universe.

I mean we've seen her, as a number one mind you, brokered peace for the universe. A feat that not the smartest nor most diplomatic beings in the universe could accomplish. And yet Michael does it by saying some words and all of a sudden everyone realizes how wrong they were. I mean, can anyone better that?

And now we find she is so powerful that she can blow the prime directive in the wind because her friend needs to be saved. You know, that prime directive that Starfleet relied on for centuries, we now find out it can be broken when a friend is in danger.

And let's not forget, she is able to convince a person in just a couple of sentences that what he believed all his life is not true, and he just disregards his believes because the almighty Michael talked and that's enough for everyone to abandon their believes.

I mean, who writes this stuff? But keep acting like we're the crazy ones and that we're wrong and/or misogynistic.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Face the Strange (2024)
Season 5, Episode 4
If it weren't for Michael....
21 April 2024
....I think this could've been a decent show if this was the first season and you scroll past the touchy feeling scenes. But alas, it's not and she is still here.

This season isn't as bad and annoying like the last four seasons, but I can't get past the actress Sonequa and her character Michael.

I mean she annoys me as an actress with the soft speaking and at times, when the situation doesn't ask for it, highly emotional voice and her character is like this all knowing and always right being. I mean even in this episode with time running out and the universe on the line she's the deciding factor. And the only reason she agrees is because smoke is being blon up her behind. I mean come on...

Luckily they minimized the parts of Saru, Adira and Tilly otherwise this sheason would've been unwatchable like the first four seasons. I like the introduction of the character Rayner to offset the high in their feelings crew.

But it's too little too late and it's understandable this show is being cancelled.
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Halo: Onyx (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
I really liked season 1
8 March 2024
...but it's becoming obvious that this is going to be another 'look at alle these strong female characters' type of series. Like Hollywood isn't already oversaturated with those kind of shows and movies. I mean just look at the cast of this show on the main page of this show. And looking at the successes of these type of shows and movies it's not a winning formula. Now even the wife of Soren has to be 'a strong female character'. Even Kai's squadron has more females than males on her team. Hell even Master Chief's squad consists of only females after they killed off Vannak. Al least last season there was more of a balance between female and male but this season has caught the Hollywood bug of 'strong female characters everywhere'. It's a formula for failure which we've seen over and over again.

Even I am starting to lose interest in this show. And that's a pity because it has the potential to be a great sci-fi action show.
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Florida Man (2023)
Too many coincidences...
16 April 2023
First off I liked the show but I am not going to sit here and tell you that it's a great show. There were too many coincidences and holes in the story for me to really consider it a great show. But other than that it was a good show. A typical show you can enjoy on a Sunday afternoon or something. I mean I liked the acting, the production was good and the story bar the faults was good too.

I mean the story and different storylines kept me interested enough to watch it in one go. But like I said at some points the holes and coincidences annoyed me to a degree but not that much that it turned me off from watching it. So if you're looking for a show just to relax to and enjoy go watch it I'd say.
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The Last of Us: Kin (2023)
Season 1, Episode 6
I can't give it a 10...
20 February 2023
First of let me say that I love the show like many others do. I like the change of pace of each episode. The acting of most of them are great, the writing, the production everything is great but...I find myself getting more annoyed with the actress that plays Ellie. I mean she just can't act. I don't know why they have casted her. I already didn't like her acting in Game of Thrones but in that she was just a side character and didn't intrude to much on the overall show. This time however she's one of the main characters and she sticks out like a sore thumb. She is really just one dimensional and doesn't convince me. I feel no connection with her or her story. She acts like this wise asz all the time. The chemistry between her and Joel isn't there. Pedro is acting on another level. She is out of her depth in everything she is in.

Ellie should be glad it isn't me who is bringing her to the fireflies because I would have left her a long time ago.

It's a great show but they slipped up casting her. That's why I can't give it a ten.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
It's not TV....
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers's HBO. I don't know how HBO keeps doing it but they delivered another gem. At first I got a real Walking Dead vibe from this show and I was a fan of WD but this show is 10 times better than WD. The quality of writing, production and actors is just top notch. But can you expect anything else from HBO?

This episode....seriously.....Hollywood and all the other networks should watch this episode and take notes. This is how you include inclusivity in your tv shows and movies.

I seriously get tired of the Woke message in Hollywood. Not because I am against LGBTQ or whatever but against how they tried to ram it down your throat. They go about it in a totally wrong way.

This episode however should be the example of how it should be done. It's just two people who go through their trials and tribulations under the circumstances they are living in and they happen to be gay. Seriously all credit to the writers, the actors and production. I was blown away by this episode.

It also shows that quality is more important than if the actor is gay, colored or whatever.

Also the details, the character development in such a short space of time and the time jumping and how the two characters ended. I seriously thought when they first met that Offerman would be betrayed by Bartlett but the twist surprised me.

Like I said I really don't like how Hollywood is going about injecting inclusivity into tv shows and movies but if you didn't like this episode because there are gay characters in it then it isn't about the woke message but you being homophobic.
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Willow (2022–2023)
Oops Disney did it again....
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers's a shame that the sets, locations, effects, costume designs went to waste like this. Because with some better camera work, camera effects and lighting the show has real potential were it not for the bad acting, the writing, the gutting of a classic and everything else.

And seriously, Disney? Yet another show/movie that needs to have 'strong female characters' and bumbling men so as not to infringe on the strong female character narrative? I mean there are all these men and guards at the castle and yet four women with some men to fluff it up go on a dangerous quest? And the only guard that is chosen is a an old man that has no business to be there in the first place and even he is gotten rid off 5 minutes into the quest? So even an old man could have endangered the strong female character narrative.

And of course the strong lead female character needs to be lesbian because that's how the Disney world turns nowadays.

And what kind of nonsense was the scene where Kit was trying to sneak out of the castle hiding in plain sight and Jade just walks up to her. And yet Kit is startled when Jade touches her. I mean... And then there is mist and Jade remarks 'Mist' like it's something special and out of the ordinary and then they proceed to look at it for 10 minutes. I mean, have you never seen mist or something?

Then when they are just outside of the wall and the old guy gets killed those men hunting them are right on top of them and they can't hit them with an arrow?

But anyway...the only reason I gave it 3 stars is because of the locations where it was shot, the sets, the effect and costumes other than that there's nothing there. I am not even sure if I'll even watch the next episodes.
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House of the Dragon: The Green Council (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
I dislike this show...
18 October 2022
....and with dislike the show I don't mean I dislike the show but I dislike the characters. And with dislike the characters I don't mean I dislike the actors but I mean I dislike the characters.

It's been a while that I really got drawn into a show. O how I dislike Alicent's character. The sneaky way how she came to be the king's wife, the trying to be fair and just and fragile but at the same time being so conniving and strong. O how I detest her but at the same time much credit for Olivia putting on such a performance.

For now I think I am more team Rhaenyra but we'll shall see how it all plays out.

And many credits to RR Martin. He's showing what a brilliant writer he is. He's showing how to have powerful women in shows without it being shoved down your throat. It also shows that people really don't care if there are lead female characters as long as it is a well written show.

Seriously after episode one I had my doubts about this show but this show is right up there with the original GOT. Great acting, writing, special fx everything is just hitting the right buttons for me.
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This show...
16 September 2022
...shows what great writing is and basic generic writing. Great writing is the story Tolkien once wrote in his books with its intricacies and his imagination. Basic and generic writing is what the writers of this show have done. This show is a fantasy story telling which by itself is fine but it's not LOTR. It has references but it's not LOTR.

Then we have the actors well I can state that the acting isn't great and sometimes even horrible.

The mistake they have made is calling this The Lord of The Rings and telling everyone they've invested a billion dollars. Those fact alone come with great expectations and they are falling short on expectations. CGI and sets are great though.
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So let me get this straight...
9 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...You've got a second rate magician who is using teachings of the Mystic Arts in his show. So the sorcerer supreme, you know the guy who can manipulate time, create portals to other realms and such, finds out that a former student uses it. So what to do what to do as sorcerer supreme? Ah of course! You take him to court! And seeing as this is about powers of mystical arts you not just go to any court. Noooo. You take him to the almighty American court. But of course your dispute won't be settled by any common laws. Nono, it will be judged by American law.... I mean make it make sense.

And remind me again? Wasn't Wong a fugitive from those same courts, you know, after he just took abomination out of prison so he could train? So how can he be in court and not get arrested?

And of course we see more of that men bad women good stuff. And the supposed to be funny 4th wall break downs.

Many Wongs don't make it right and this show is just wrong or for 12 year olds. If the latter is the case maybe I can understand this pile of ... better.
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The dumbest thing they could've done...
6 September 2022 call it LOTR. Because that brings high expectations and and a very critical fan base. Let me start of by saying this is not Lord of The Rings. It doesn't have the same feel to it. It's like watching something totally different from LOTR.

Having said that, visually it's stunning for a tv show, the acting isn't bad either, the writing could be a bit better but as whole, if it weren't called LOTR, this could've been something.

What they should've done is take this concept and make it something on it's own instead of calling it LOTR. Like I said connecting this to LOTR it comes with high expectations especially with such a large budget because if they would have put this show in another setting without the LOTR stuff and references this show could have been a great show.
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House of the Dragon: Second of His Name (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
It's getting better but...
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Explain this to me. So Daemon and Sea snake have been waging war against crabfeeder for years. They are losing badly, they are desperate, Daemon sends his brother a letter for help and when he answers all of a sudden we get this mighty Daemon who just walks up to Crabfeeder starts butchering an army, gets shot and right at the last moment sea snake comes in.

If it's that easy and crabfeeder is that gullible how come the war has lasted for years? Couldn't they come up with that plan a lot sooner? You know when the situation wasn't that desperate and you had a lot more men still living?

The battle scenes were great by itself but that whole part made little to no sense. Apart from that it was a good episode.
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This was bad...
1 September 2022
...but it's progressively getting worse. But apparently you can't say that on here because then you review won't get posted. So let's see if they'll allow this review.

This show is really about women good and men bad and they aren't even hiding it. It started with the first episode and took it some levels up in this episode.

They wanted to be smart by including comments on the internet and even incorporating many of the male talkingpoints and critiques. Proof positive that they are listening but instead of listening they instead elect to make fun of it. That's how in tune they are with their audience.

They are trying to have this 3rd wall comedic element in it but it's just not funny. The most comedic part about this show is the CGI part and how awful it is. You don't have to look no further than the CGI when she is in the office with Bukowski. It's bad bad.

I am seriously wondering what demographic this show is aiming for because it can't be a self-respecting female audience. My guess is that they are targeting the 12 year old demographic.
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House of the Dragon: The Rogue Prince (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
The first episode...
29 August 2022
....didn't push all the right buttons for me. I thought it was GOT light and the actors wrongly cast. But this episode corrected those things. If this is what this show is going to be about then it's on the right trajectory in my opinion. This episode made it step out of the shadow of GOT.

Still not sure of Eve Best acting. Rhaenys needs to be this conniving character and she doesn't sell it for me yet maybe it will.

The other thing that was far better in this episode were the sets and cgi special fx.

All in all I was surprised how different this episode was to the first one. After the first one I thought I wouldn't like House of the Dragon but it got my attention right back. Hope they can keep this up.
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Nope (2022)
This is a movie...
29 August 2022
...with a lot of metaphors. It's what Peele does and this movie is no exception to it. If such movies aren't for you then you shouldn't watch Nope.

If you were expecting to see an easy to digest popcorn sci-fi/horror movie then you haven't been paying attention.

Nope is a fine movie not a great one but fine for what it is. Daniel Kaluuya performance was great. The character and actress I had more problems with was Keke Palmer's Emerald character. She annoyed me too much. So much so it impacted the movie negatively for me. If she wasn't in it I think I would've given this movie a 7 or an 8 but because of her I give it a six.
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Me Time (2022)
This is what you get...
28 August 2022
...when big Hollywood names go for the big money and Netflix think they can score easy with those big names and with no effort besides that.

If Kevin and Mark weren't in this movie this would be considered a laughably bad B-movie. Come to think of it even with Mark and Kevin this is a laughably bad B-movie. The bad part starts in the first scene I mean just look at the CGI helicopter...

So apparently you need to have 600 characters in these reviews nowadays. So here goes. Kevin Hart puts up a predictable performance. The typical comedy we've seen him do now a million times in his movies. I mean I loved his movies but some point it's getting old. It's too predictable and too easy. Even Mark's brand of comedy is been there done that.
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This is really not feeling like a finale yet...
23 August 2022
I just love this show. Surprisingly enough this show keeps me guessing who the actual murderer is. Of course sometimes it's obvious who isn't the murderer but then you keep guessing who is. It may not be top notch whodunit writing but it's at a level that it keeps you entertained, guessing and interested.

But this show actually isn't about the murder but more about the characters and that's what I Iike most about this show.

And I have to say hats off to Martin and Martin. I mean they are 72 and 77 years old but they still bring this energy as if they are much younger than that. I've been following them for years and they are still great performers.

I was worried that after a fantastic first season the quality of this show would fall off but glad to see that it hasn't. You did it! Me? Sorry I got disoriented. Loved the reveal party.

This show is just a vibe unlike any other show out today. Glad to see there was a setup for season three.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Not bad but not great either....
22 August 2022
...and I think most of that has to do with the casting. I like the story, the production is great but the actors playing the characters don't convince me. It comes across as if this is a GOT light version.

I hope this changes in the coming episodes but I am not yet invested in any of the characters.
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Love the show. Interesting to see whodunit.
11 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show. I also like how they worked with the blackout in the story. It gave another dimension. I like how this show is not just about the main characters but also about side characters that get focused on in an episode and things going on in their lives.

I am pretty sure the detective isn't murderer. The clue is too obvious but the detective has had contact with the murderer or he got the glitter on his neck by coincidence in a totally other way unrelated to the glitter bomb.

I am still thinking she set up her own death because she was lonely and the biggest thing in her life got taken away from her. Probably as kind of a parting gift for the three of them. A riddle to solve.

Anyhow I liked the first season and was afraid the quality would drop off but much to my surprise and delight it still hitting all the buttons for me.
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Westworld: Metanoia (2022)
Season 4, Episode 7
They keep me coming back
8 August 2022
After the first season I thought they couldn't keep me interested because the twists en plots were already uncovered. But this show actually keeps me interested and coming back for more. I even thought this show ended after season 3 but here we are almost at the end of season 4 and still this show has me wondering. Sure there are things more obvious because of past seasons but still the show manages to keep surprising me.

It's just a fantastic show and I am really curious to see the season finale.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Stop it...
6 August 2022
Look I don't like where Hollywood has taken it these last few year with all their inclusivity bs. Like how they wanted an all female cast for Ghostbusters in 2016. Well this isn't that. Far from it. I think the lead actress did a fine job. I like how it was balanced and it wasn't the female character is perfect and the supporting men were bumbling fools like you see in a lot of other movies. I liked her story arc.

But having said that I am still on the fence if I really liked the movie or not. It isn't a bad movie but it just didn't hit all the marks for me like the original did. At times it was too slow and it looked more like a periodic drama than an action movie. And for me the suspense was lacking. On the other hand I liked the fact they set the story in the 18th century. You do have to wonder what an advanced species like the predators are doing hunting such inferior game but it worked. It didn't bother me. The acting was fine as well.

Don't watch the movie if you get triggered because there's a female lead character and you think everything is woke because of that. If not then give the movie a chance. Like I said I am still on the fence but I am certainly not advising anyone not to go watch it.
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It should've been called Star Trek Redeem....
7 July 2022
...I love Strange New Worlds. This is what Star Trek is supposed to be. This season just hit it out of the park.

At the beginning of the season I was worried they were going to lay on the woke business thick again like in Discovery but they hit the right balance and did it just perfect. It just proves you don't have to lay it on as thick as Discovery.

All in all it has me excited for next season.
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As much as I detest Discovery...
7 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...I love Strange New Worlds. This is what Star Trek is supposed to be. This season finale just hit it out of the park. Not the biggest fan of the actor who played Kirk. Not saying that he's a bad actor but he didn't give me the Kirk vibes. Other than that the finale was great. The visuals were great too.

At the beginning of the season I was worried they were going to lay on the woke business thick again like in Discovery but they hit the right balance and did it just perfect. It just proves you don't have to lay it on as thick as Discovery.

All in all it has me excited for next season.
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