4 Reviews
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Feeling of a Time
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Leave the World Behind," directed by Sam Esmail, the creator of Mr. Robot, delivers a magnificent cinematic experience. The stellar cast, coupled with a compelling and believable script, creates an apocalyptic narrative that resonates with the fears and anxieties of our time. Esmail skillfully employs a Hitchcockian approach to showcase his visual prowess, crafting a tension-filled atmosphere where every moment holds the potential for calamity. The film intelligently unfolds its narrative without relying on jump scares or gratuitous violence, presenting a gripping story.

Esmail seamlessly integrates commentary on media consumption, addressing screen time and streaming habits-elements rendered obsolete when faced with the looming threat. The exploration of our dependence on digital and electronic devices adds depth to the storyline, highlighting the fundamental role technology plays in our lives. The film skillfully captures the human sense of helplessness when these modern conveniences disappear, prompting introspection on their true utility.

The movie's conclusion is a beautifully crafted resolution to the gripping narrative, making it a highly recommended watch. "Leave the World Behind" stands out as a thought-provoking and visually stunning film, offering a compelling exploration of contemporary fears and the fragility of our interconnected world.
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The Killer (2023)
What's in it for me?
15 November 2023
David Fincher has done it again with "The Killer." Based on a comic, the film delivers a quiet yet intensely thrilling experience. The precise narrative mirrors the journey of the antihero, portrayed excellently by Michael Fassbender as an emotionless (when it comes to the job) killer, offering an unbelievably well-crafted and intriguing exploration of the psyche of a wounded and betrayed character. The film demands patience and an understanding of the story, preparing something that often gets overlooked in modern cinema with the shift from movies to content. Unlike the anticipation of the next climax in a horror or Marvel film, here, the entire story maintains a constant tension, making it an experience where even pre-viewing yoga won't help.
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Platonic (2023– )
Great Start, boring Ending
13 July 2023
The show, overall, was quite enjoyable. It featured great actors, captivating scenes, and witty dialogue, which made it a delightful experience from start to finish. However, when it came to the final episode, I couldn't help but feel let down. It was incredibly dull and lacked any substantial impact. It seemed like the creators were determined not to polarize or upset anyone, but in doing so, they missed an opportunity to deliver a strong ending.

It's truly a shame that the show didn't conclude with the same strength it had throughout its run. The lackluster finale left me wanting more, and it failed to leave a lasting impression. I had hoped for a conclusion that would resonate with the audience and stay true to the show's initial brilliance. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

While the show had many positive aspects, its weak final episode prevented it from reaching its full potential. It's always disappointing when a promising series concludes on a disappointing note, leaving viewers longing for something more impactful and memorable.
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The Idol (2023)
Bad Times for Good Shows
3 July 2023
A great show with so much potential, unfortunately without an audience, it lacked potential. It was well-produced, but it's a shame the show didn't receive any further development.

The theme and execution of the show were simply too much for our current culture of excitement. Everything must be easily digestible, without any rough edges or controversial topics. It seems that we live in an era where complex and thought-provoking content struggles to find its place amidst the demand for instant gratification and superficial entertainment.

This lack of appetite for challenging material stifles the potential growth and evolution of shows like the one you mentioned. It's disheartening to witness the creative efforts put into crafting a compelling production go unnoticed or underappreciated simply because it doesn't cater to the prevailing preference for shallow and predictable content.

In an ideal world, shows would be given the opportunity to explore bold ideas, tackle controversial subjects, and push boundaries. However, the fear of backlash, controversy, or even the potential loss of a mass audience leads to a more cautious and risk-averse approach to content creation.

Nonetheless, it's important to remember that art and entertainment have the power to challenge societal norms, provoke discussion, and inspire change. Even if a show doesn't achieve immediate success or mainstream recognition, it can still serve as a catalyst for dialogue and contribute to the broader cultural landscape.

Perhaps, in time, our cultural appetite will shift, and audiences will become more open to shows that embrace complexity, provoke thought, and tackle controversial subjects. Until then, it's crucial to support and celebrate the creators who dare to venture into uncharted territories, providing them with the recognition and platform they deserve.
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