
9 Reviews
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Maryland (2023)
Female Trauma Dump Entry #3,000,000
24 May 2023
The modern obsession with grief and trauma, especially targeting women, continues unabated.

Anyone who's read a history book knows that emotionally upset people are easier to manipulate. That's why so much "entertainment" (propaganda) is trauma based. You're kept in a constant state of emotional upheaval by your abuser and then told that your abuser is the only one who can offer you a way out.

You're constantly jumping through a series of hoops, where once X happens, things will be better, you'll be saved. But your abuser has no intention of letting you go. They'll invent a new hoop with a new goal.
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Fawlty Towers (1975– )
Too stagey
10 March 2022
I realize humor is subjective but I can usually see what people enjoy about something. In Fawlty Towers, I can't.

The rhythm of the show is way too predictable. You can set your watch by it. Basil will interact with a character, do their bit, and the character will exit through some set door. As soon as that door is closed another set door will open and another character is there to do their bit. On and on it goes, with everyone shouting.

One can almost sense the actor standing on the other side of the door, waiting for their cue. Then out they march, scream their lines, hit their marks and march out.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
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Fargo (1996)
One of my favorite movies
11 January 2022
So many awesome scenes and twists and turns. But not overdone, it's all very smart and clever. Unique locations and a great atmosphere. One of the all time classics from the 1990s!
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The public rantings of a lunatic
18 December 2021
Demi Lovato is clearly having some kind of mental break. The fringe, gender nonsense, constant talk of trauma and now visitors from space.

This is a woman who is clearly not well.
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Free Solo (2018)
The kind of stuff only a grown man who wears flat brimmed hats could make
24 September 2021
Shallow and bloated with an almost creepy fascination with narcissism.
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The boring results when accuracy and information take a back seat to gender politics
24 September 2021
Because the propagandists at the BBC were more interested in putting women in front of the camera than they were in creating an informative program, we get this kind of dreck.

To disguise the amateurish opinions expressed by the "experts", we're treated to another overly dramatic, overly long costume drama. Shiny, color objects dangled in front of our eyes and ears to make us think we're watching something of substance, when all we're really watching is a political agenda.
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Ladhood (2019–2022)
Was decent until...
22 August 2021
The first season looked like it had some potential for originality and observation. However the second season started to drag a little, running out of ideas.

And the final few episodes were used as propaganda to normalize "trans" ideology.
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Great photography but
10 August 2021
Why is the narrator speaking to me like I'm a child? This is a documentary, not a fairy tale movie adaptation.
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Buffering (2021–2023)
Mind-numbing awfulness
8 August 2021
This is most likely the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.

A group of self obsessed zoomers endlessly talk talk talking at each other, infinitely impressed with how clever they all think they are.

But no one's clever. They're self infatuated Peter Pan types, speaking the things they write on Twitter to get likes from other Peter Pan types. If talking in Twitter posts doesn't sound real, that's because it's not.

Snark followed by sarcasm followed by more snark. None of it's endearing, all of it is off-putting.

No one likes these kinds of people but themselves. No one outside of their bubble finds people like this bearable.

Oh, and the gimmicky "long take/one shot" style of filming a scene is far too on the nose. The camera, constantly moving to get the next bit of staging in frame, make sure everyone's blocked perfectly now HIT YOUR MARK AND SAY YOUR SNARKY LINE!

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