3 Reviews
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A both funny, intelligent and warm film!
24 November 2001
"Sagan om Karl Bertil Jonssons julafton" might be the cutest Swedish movie of all times. It's about Karl Bertil, the son of a very rich man, who steals Christmas presents from the rich and give them to the poor.

The movie is both funny, intelligent and warm. And even though it´s quite simple, it really touches my heart.

The film is sent on Swedish television every Christmas Eve, and Christmas would not be the same without it.
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A fantastic fairy-tale about love and adventures
5 September 2001
I can't think of a movie based upon a book or novel by Astrid Lindgren that is bad. Ok, SOME movies are pretty silly... But there's NO ONE that I don't like.

In my opinion "Ronja, the robber's daughter" is one of the greatest Swedish movies ever. I enjoyed it the first time I saw it and I still do.(many years later...) As a child, I always wanted to BE like Ronja; free, independent and with a whole forest to play in.

The music and songs are so right and always makes me wanna sing along.

The characters are unforgettable; Old Skalle-Per, Ronja's caring mother Lovis and her macho-father Mattis.

The best part is when Ronja and Birk moves out into the forest, but nothing is boring. Anyone who likes nice stories, romance and good acting should see this movie.

I give "Ronja Roeverdotter" a big and happy 8+.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Not bad, but it would be nothing without Ben...
4 September 2001
When I saw the trailer to Pearl Harbor, i thought WOW! When I saw the real movie, i thought BAAAAH.

Easily, you can say that this movie has got three things: A very large budget, a very cute Josh Hartnett and a very, VERY, good looking Ben Affleck. Unfortunately, that isn't enough to make a good movie.

All the clichés makes you wanna puke, as well as the American patriotism. (Americans are GOOOD - Japanese are BAAAD)

I'm not saying "Don't see it", though. You can't possibly make a REALLY bad movie with all that money. Somethings actually are really funny and the special effects are NICE. And, above all; Seeing Ben in that super-sexy uniform counterbalances every "I will never see the sunset again without thinking of you".
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