
14 Reviews
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Worth watching this as a scary reminder just in case you forgot
3 March 2024
This was a brilliant exposé on how the most intellectually challenged individuals often manage to make the most noise and wield influence over the lives of others. But let's face it, we're already familiar with this phenomenon, aren't we?

This film would have been uproariously funny if we hadn't just endured a similar scenario with Covid. The juxtaposition of politics and common sense seems like an oxymoron, doesn't it? It's remarkable how much attention is devoted to political careers and financial gain, while other critical considerations are pushed aside.

If we find ourselves repeating the mistakes of the past few years, I suppose we'll have earned our Darwin Awards and whatever global bad thing that happens next I hope it wipes us all out for our stupidity.

Also, why not take a break from putting the USA at the helm of global affairs? It might just give us a chance to collectively brainstorm our way out of the next calamity. The movie portrayed the American saviour complex really well. It also highlighted how ignorant a certain administration was during Covid, which I could totally see happening if a comet was heading towards earth. The misinformation would spread like wildfire from that administration.

Yes, the film was intended as satire, but honestly, nothing surprises me anymore. In today's world, if someone claimed a comet was hurtling towards Earth, I'd probably just shrug and say, "Well, that's 2024 for you."

Worth watching just as a reminder of the sheer stupidity that still plagues humanity on this planet. We all witnessed it firsthand. It doesn't live just in movie land.
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Upgraded (2024)
It's a cookie cutter movie with familiar charm
27 February 2024
Not much to review here. It's a cookie cutter movie.

Look, was this the best show ever? No. Has this scenario been done to death? Yes. Was it delusional to think that someone can get away with this? Also, yes. Was this movie predictable? Again, yes. But it did have some subtle charm and familiarity even though we all knew how it was going to end.

I also don't mind a movie that is predictable as long as it's done well and overall I find that this movie was done well.

A shout out to Camila Mendes (Ana). I really didn't like Riverdale but she played her character well. She did an amazing job playing the poor protagonist in this movie. I'm looking forward to seeing what she does next.

Archie Renaux (William) did a great job. I don't think I've seen him in anything before. He did a great job of playing the grounded rich kid that wasn't intoxicated by his wealth. I really appreciated that.

Marissa Tomei did an amazing job. My favourites were Lena Olin (Catherine) and Anthony Head (Julian Marx). They did a great job. Saoirse-Monica Jackson (Amy) was great too. I loved her in Derry Girls.

You gotta just take this movie for what it is and go on with life. It's not that serious.
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Worth watching because you love the Avatar world And learning more about it
27 February 2024
I am a huge fan of the original animated series. I've seen it about 15-20 times. I always learn something new every time I watch it.

This live action was brilliant in its own way. It stuck close to the original but also had creative freedom to dive deeper into the characters which I really appreciated and change the story slightly to make it flow better for an older audience. There were a bunch of things different from the animated vision that took me a second to get over and once I did I really enjoyed it and it kept me on my toes.

I can completely understand why every episode wasn't verbatim because A) that would be boring as heck B) it'll be way too costly and C) it wouldn't work in live action. With that being said, I did miss the comedic parts from Sokka or how much of a child Aang is like when he wanted to ride the penguin seals and the Unagi. I also missed Uncle Iroh carefree tea-drinking attitude towards life. I also had to remember that the animated series was made for children and not adults. Whereas I believe this live action was more created for the people that grew up watching the original and wanted something more sophisticated. As for the love at first sight with Aang to Katara, it worked in the animated series but in alive action in 2024 a child liking an older girl and them falling in love would be weird. I think the writers felt the same.

Zuko is one of my favourites and I liked how they dove more deeply into his character and his past. It gave him even more depth to what I already know about him. It was awesome to watch him become angry due to home circumstances. It was also wonderful to see how and why Uncle Iroh joined him looking for the Avatar. Adding the story about the 41st was an amazing addition. It wasn't just Zuko and Uncle Iroh that they added some tasty tidbits into their back story they actually did that with a lot of the characters. It added to the story, an unexpected bonus. I was also pleased that all the big parts that need to be there were there more or less.

I also found the special effects really good while keeping that animated-ish essence. The world building was epic and the bending was top notch. Did you see the ostrich horses? So cool.

What I found awesome was it was filmed in Vancouver Canada. Some of the actors like Gordon Cormier (Aang) Kiawentiio (Katara) and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee (Uncle Iroh) all great Canadian actors among other Canadians that had rolls along the way. Also, shout out to Tamlyn Tomita (Yukari). She was in The Karate Kid Part II (1986) as Kumiko. Great to see her.

I believe the folks that didn't like this wanted it to be verbatim of the original or remember the other live action movie from 2010 as being crap, and it was. They already had an idea of what they wanted from it. Their expectations were doomed to let them down so, they hated it and gave it a poor rating and review. I'm not sure why any one would want to watch a remake carbon copy. How boring would that be? Go watch the original if that's what you're looking for.

Is it different? In some parts, yes!

Was it entertaining? Heck yes!

Did it have the same essence of the OG? It sure did.

I highly recommend watching this with an open mind and invite the differences as part of the Avatar: The Last Airbender world in, not because you want to hate on it but because you love that world. You'll gain some more insight into each character.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how they adapt and meet new characters like Toph, Combustion Man or Hama. I can't wait to see Ba Sing Se and the Western Air Temple. Just like Pakku said to Katara: Change is good!! I can't wait to see what other things they add to build on each character as well.

Bring on season 2!!
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The Healer (IV) (2016)
WTF did I just watch?
26 February 2024
This movie had significant potential, but unfortunately, it missed the mark on several fronts. From start to finish, the film felt overly forced. Oliver Jackson-Cohen's portrayal of Alec Bailey was commendable, considering the limitations of the character's development. Throughout the story, Alec is bombarded with demands, lies, and boundary violations from virtually every direction.

The writing, however, failed to provide depth to any of the characters. Cecilia's abrupt revelation about her sexuality felt contrived, and Abigail's parents came across as overly aggressive and entitled, mirroring their daughter's lack of boundaries. It was a strange choice to allow a 14-year-old girl freely to associate with an older stranger for the weekend without parental concern.

The time pressure placed on Alec to make a life-altering decision about becoming a healer was entirely unrealistic, lacking any substantive context or information. Despite the shortcomings in the script, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Camilla Luddington, and Jonathan Pryce managed to deliver believable performances given the circumstances.

However, the movie as a whole felt forced and lacked the comedic charm it aimed for. Abigail, presumably intended to provide comic relief, instead came off as grating and inauthentic, resulting in eye-rolling moments throughout the film. Whether due to inadequate writing or acting, her character failed to resonate with me.

The whole dumb cop scene while Alec was in jail was just stupid. I hope he got fired. Overall, "The Healer" left much to be desired, falling short of its potential and failing to deliver on its promise of comedy. While the intentions may have been good, the execution ultimately fell flat, leaving me incredibly disappointed and asking myself, wtf did I just watch? Then the Paul Newman dedication in the credits came totally out of left field. What is even going on?
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The Durrells (2016–2019)
Don't waste your time
12 February 2024
I had high hopes for "The Durrells," initially drawn to it due to missing Callum Woodhouse from "All Creatures Great and Small." However, despite giving the show a chance, I found it lacking in humor. The characters, particularly the family members, felt self-centered and insufferable, with Lawrence and Gerald being the worst offenders. I wanted to punch both of them right in their faces. For the record I don't condone violence especially towards a child or towards anyone for that matter. I waited for character development, especially for Lawrence and Gerald, but was left disappointed. If anything they both got worse over time if that was even possible. Leslie, portrayed by Callum Woodhouse, showed some growth, as did Margo, as they navigated their identities. Even the mother Louisa Durrell used every person she came in contact with. She just forced her shortcomings onto whomever was the closest and expected them to help her. She always seemed like a damsel in distress. It also seemed like the family wanted the island to conform to them rather than the other way around. While I appreciated Theo's character, I found him to be a people pleaser. Lugaretzia provided some much-needed comic relief and authenticity. I wish she was in it more. The series would've been a lot better if she had been. The family's reluctance to make friends with the locals, besides Spiros, and only sought out other English people, left a sour taste in my mouth. They might as well have stayed in England. Despite my efforts, I only made it to the second season, midway through episode 4. The treatment of Theo by Aunt Hermione and Mrs. Haddock was disgusting. He reluctantly offered his home to them and they didn't treat him very nicely. That was the final straw. Also, where was Spiros family? He was always around the Durrells. Wasn't he needed at home? While I understand that the show is loosely based on real people, I hope the real Durrell family behaved differently in Corfu.
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As We See It (2022)
Diversity and representation is key
5 October 2023
I really liked this show. I found it charming and wholesome. I think the acting and storyline were well done and the ending gave room for growth. It left me wanting more. I want to know how everyone evolves. Many of the actors, writers and crew members have Autism including three of the show's lead actors, Rick Glassman, Albert Rutecki, and Sue Ann Pien. This is awesome and rare. I'm really disappointed that it was cancelled.

To be transparent, I'm not autistic and I don't know their individual struggles. Some reviewers on here didn't like how stereotypical or not relatable the characters were. Some autistic folks also thought it offensive which to them it may very well be. I however, did find it relatable. I too want to fit in, I have had struggles with love and trying to figure out who I am, I even lost friends and had loved ones with cancer.

What I really loved about a series about autism is that it makes it more into society and more mainstream. While not perfect and with its flaws, I think it's good to learn about others and to learn about similar struggles as well as others struggles that are new to you. But what I found really important is representation on tv. I grew up gay. There was very little representation on TV or movies that I could relate to. I felt alone. Then shows like Ellen and Will & Grace aired, even though they weren't a perfect representation of the community, I felt seen for the first time. I started excepting who I was and so did others.

If we keep criticising and not watching these types of shows because they're stereotypical or not relatable when it comes to social diversity eventually they will cancel them and stop making them. That would be a shame. Do we have to do better? Absoultly! But, there has to be a stepping stone to make better content. LGBTQ representation has gotten much better since Ellen and Will & Grace but, without them we probably wouldn't have evolved as quickly or perhaps at all. Would places like Canada or the USA have passed gay rights bills or gay marriage bills? Who's to say? But I do know that these types of shows gave people a voice and may have changed many people's minds for the better on who gay people are. I know that it changed my old school grandparents and other family members minds.

It's really sad that this was cancelled. I hope in the future, streaming platforms take this into consideration when it comes to minority groups like folks with autism. We all benefit from it.
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Kota Factory (2019–2021)
How did this show get a 9, bro?!?!?
17 August 2023
I'm giving this show a rating of 1, even though I believe it deserves a 2, just to offset its current, overly high rating of 9. My expectations for this show were quite high, but unfortunately, it quickly fell short. The excessive use of the word "bro" and unnecessary profanity was off-putting. It seems like an attempt to make the show more "American" when dubbed, as the subtitles didn't reflect this. This choice came across as cringeworthy, with "bro" being thrown around every few seconds. It felt like this show would have been better suited as a 90-minute movie rather than a 10-part, 2-season series.

I've rarely encountered a show with such a prevalent theme of entitlement. The main character's behavior is particularly frustrating. He arrives late to class, dislikes the school he's admitted to because he couldn't get into his preferred one, and then proceeds to complain about his grade and the curriculum, all while making excuses not to study. Yet, he miraculously gets moved to a higher grade, seemingly bypassing the need for rules and studying. He even gets a teacher fired, only to regret it later when the new teacher proves to be worse. The character's indecisiveness about his education is mind-boggling. He finally gains admission to his desired school but then doesn't want to attend. Once there, he's already considering switching to a different physics class. His character appears inconsistent and frustrating.

Additionally, his inability to communicate with the girl he likes is disappointing. His lack of courage in expressing his feelings is a recurring theme. He later finds a new friend at the new school but seems to belittle him due to his lower grade. His emotional state fluctuates rapidly, from depression to sudden inspiration, which he quickly loses. He attempts to inspire others without a clear understanding of what he's doing, displaying a misplaced sense of entitlement. His fixation on what he believes he's entitled to causes unnecessary complications. If he had simply stayed in the grade he was initially assigned, he likely would have had a smoother path to success. In many ways, this character becomes his own worst enemy, displaying an entitlement and control-freak attitude.

I can empathize with the competitiveness of gaining admission to IIT and the challenges within the education system, as well as the immense pressure that some families place on their children. This pressure must change for the betterment of children's mental health and Indian society.
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These are the real monsters
14 July 2023
If you think that drag queens, trans folks or anyone from the LGBTQ+ community are out to harm your children, think again. If you think this buckle up. I highly recommend that you watch this mini series. Bill Gothard, Jim Bob Duggar, Josh Duggar and folks like them that are still part of the IBLP or anyone that is part of a fundamentalist Christian organization/cult or holds these harmful views, and there are many, are the real child predators. Not to mention how they treat woman. It's pure evil.

This is a very eye opening series to show how male power and ego can destroy peoples lives. Men that demand power and respect are cowards and weak. Full stop!

The blanket training that they preform on babies is sickening and made me angry and nauseated. If the video of the young boy being spanked at a seminar wasn't horrifying enough, that child predator old man's hand lingered way too long on that boys bottom should be. Why haven't child safety organizations, like CPS, swooped in and raided these places and took these children away? Clearly the system is broken.

These folks are being trained to infect politics throughout the USA as well as other parts of the world. The amount of coverups that this organization has goes WAY deeper than these 4 episodes can dive into.

I'm happy some folks have escaped this tyranny. Their CPTSD runs deep. I wish them well. Folks like Derick Dillard that escaped the IBLP are still spreading their hateful rhetoric and infecting people especially youth with their poison.

These people call themselves Christians but they couldn't be further from Jesus. Jesus taught love and compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, understanding, kindness and sharing for everyone. Not just for people that agreed with him. Jesus never taught whatever these people are teaching. They are teaching and living the compleat opposite of Jesus. I wish they would stop doing outrageous things then hide behind Jesus. I'm not religious but I can defiantly spot the hypocrisy here.

These folks and folks like them are the real monsters. There is no question.
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It's luke warm
20 June 2022
The show has lots of potential to be as good as The Good Place (even though this show is its own thing) but it's really falling short at the moment. The only characters that are somewhat consistent and relevant are Clark's and Amily's. The rest just seem like after thoughts with either really bad acting or really bad writing or a bit of both. They all seemed to get more irritating over time. I hope if the series gets picked up for a season 2 they can iron out the writing and acting and not make the other characters so sad and pathetic. Ben Falcone should bring in more writers just to give the characters more depth and for him to focus more on his acting. What's Michael Schur doing these days?
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Spencer (2021)
The music was terrible
18 December 2021
Unfortunately I didn't watch it all. The music was so incredibly terrible it was giving me a headache and it was distracting from the movie. It was nails on a chalkboard. Give this movie 5 minutes and you'll see what I mean. It doesn't get better. Who ok'ed this. Certainly a focus group would have pointed this out.
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Was this thrown together last minute?
15 August 2021
I was really disappointed. It felt thrown together last minute. Noah's toxic masculinity was cringy. Learn to communicate in a health way. Let go of the ego. Lee's attitude was disappointing. It's like he reverted back to the age the list was made, 7. Poor people pleasing Elle was spread too thin again but finally did something for herself in the end. Marco, kind of evolved. I was ok if Elle decided to chose him. The only cool character was Chloe. She was so kind and genuine.
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High hopes
10 December 2020
I love all the actors and thought this would be a great sit com. Sadly, I only got through a few episodes. Peter is oozing with toxic masculinity. The first couple episodes it's was bearable to watch thinking there will be some quick character evolution but, as it went on he stayed the same. I can compliantly understand why ABC dropped this show after only one season. It truly was hard to watch. I'm giving it 4 stars because I liked the actors, the acting and the plot. But the toxic masculinity was a total turn off.
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Spinning Out (2020)
Not good
21 January 2020
I only made it to the fourth episode. I would like to be paid for my time please lol. The acting/writing of the series is horrible. January Jones is a great actor but the writers let her down on this one big time. The plot is ok but it's been done many times before. Just a regurgitated version of The Cutting Edge(1992) with the gender rolls flipped. The plot is incredibly predictable which I'm ok with if it was done well. However, I am getting really bored of the cliché angry at the world girl that can't seem to get over her BS and ends up blaming everyone that comes in her path for her problems. Then, is rewarded with everything she wants despite her horrible attitude and bad decisions. It's pretty gross. How old they are in real life vs their age in the show was very distracting. And, there really was no chemistry with any of the characters. It seemed like everyone just hated making this. In this day and age where a new TV series pops up every other day, the competition is high. NEXT!!
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Omg this is a bad show
27 February 2019
Season one was ok. I was giving it time to gain its momentum. But, it never happened. In season 2 and on, the acting and writing is SO bad my dead grandma could have done a better job. Between Archie's douchbagery with this black circle all because he got his ego stomped on when his dad and him were attracted by this masked SOB. And, sleeping with any pretty girl or women despite the consequences to his actions. To Jughead's poor me emo attitude. And, his smug sh!teaters grin with everything he says. To, Betty's split personality/alter ego. Even Veronica's mean girl turned semi nice girl trying to ruin her fathers mofia crap. Same goes for Cheryl trying to figure out her sexuality and being angry with her mom. I had to keep reminding myself that these are supose to be 16-17 year olds. Not 30+. I could go on and on but... It's just gross that good money is being used to make such puke. The only thing I actualy liked about the show is it was filmed in Vancouver and it supported the local community. At the end of the day each character only really cares about themselves and there really is no character evolution. This kind of BS is what is teach young adults. If these people would just communicate better and drop the ego the town would be a happier place lol.
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