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The Tourist: Episode #2.6 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
Hopeful for season 3 renewal
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Season 2 was absolutely batshit crazy and I loved it. Each episode I was screaming and cackling at the absurdity. It was incredibly enjoying and the little bits of Ethan and the detective Sargent was hilarious. I did feel the ending between the Mconnells and Cassidy's was anticlimactic and the suitcase contents did not deserve the events that surrounded it. But perhaps that was the point of the absurdity of it all? Highlight this season was definitely Elliot finding out he can dance ballet 😂 ending sequence was perfection and the fact that it was revealed from the burning files that Elliot was a secret agent, ahhhh!!! Incredibly exciting. Hopeful we'll see where that storyline goes in a season 3, but ultimately they did leave it at a good ending should they not continue the series. Well done overall in season 2, stellar performance by everyone and the production by the crew was top notch.
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A Dad for Christmas (2006 TV Movie)
Best Christmas story
28 December 2023
This movie has had me in a chokehold since I was 9 when it came out in 2006. My sisters, mom and I would gather around the tv every year going through the tv guide to figure out when this movie was scheduled to play. We watched it nearly every year and a few years ago we purchased a digital copy on Amazon. Yes it's cheesy, yes it's fast paced. But it is a wonderful story of how much a young man works to step up in his role of fatherhood and make sure his son is cared for and loved. It's not a romance, but it is a love story. A love between a father and his son, and the family he's working to give his son. You don't see stories like this. I highly recommend.
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The Voices (2014)
four years after watching and this still haunts me
6 April 2023
I went into this movie thinking it would be funny and different take on the genre. I gotta say - wow. The way things flipped towards the end for the viewers was masterful and startling. I sincerely felt empathy for the Reynold's character while also mixed with 'wtf he needs help and to be locked up'

It wasn't a fun ride, it was a startling one. The story got flipped like a switch. While it's been four years since I watched this movie, I still think about it occasionally and am filled with nausea. This movie has haunted me more then any horror movie I've watched. I finished feeling remorse and shame that I felt bad for Reynold's character and disgust and horror at the reality of what the character did.

The best I could compare this movie to was if you binged the Dexter series and watched the last couple of episodes of Dexter: New Blood immediately after.

I was talking to my mother (who hasn't seen this movie) about Voices since I was thinking about it again after watching Black Bird mini series. I told her, "I was expecting it to be a lot funnier with the cast it had. Maybe the cast didn't know how it would progress in the ending when they signed on."

My mom replied with, "Or maybe they did. It's making fun of the genre everyone is obsessed with. Shows our obsession then the sheer reality of what it truly is."

So yeah. I wouldn't watch this movie if you are prone to bad dreams. 6 stars cause Voices has stuck in my head a lot more then any other films lately. I'm withholding the remaining 4 stars cause I still feel it in my chest thinking about this movie.

Overall, truly unforgettable and masterful storytelling. Did not see the ending coming.
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Dexter: New Blood: The Family Business (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Wow. Just... wow.
22 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I finished episode 9 last night and have been thinking about it pretty consistently all day. I've been looking forward to sitting down and watching the final episode but decided I wanted to leave this review before watching the finale.

I've watched and loved the original Dexter series. I rooted for Dexter and hoped he wouldn't be caught, cause even though he was a bad guy, I mean, it was justified right? I loved his relationship with Deb, his coworkers, his kids and Rita. I was upset when Rita died and amazed how we saw a bit of humanity and emotion in Dexter.

The ending of the original series left me with a singular "that was a dumb ending". Annoyed with how Deb died, annoyed he abandoned his son, etc. It was unsatisfactory.

But this mini series? Showing him interacting with Harrison? It has been brilliant. I've gone from laughing in obsurdity, to 'wtf Dexter?!' to agreeing with debs commentary.

This episode in particular was truly a masterpiece. I've spoken about at it length to several people today even. It left me in awe. The storytelling, the cinematography, the writing, the acting - I have never seen an episode of television that has hit me this hard.

Here's why:

up until the end of episode 8, I was fully convinced Harrison was a mini-Dexter. As soon as Harrison opens up to Dexter about his anger, Dexter is hesitantly eager to comfort and share with his son he's not a lone in his thoughts. Bringing Dexter to tell him about his own dark passenger and tells his son they are the same because they were both born in blood (little effed up there dex)

Harrison meets him with a surprisingly "ok with this" attitude and goes with him to Caldwells cabin.

We see Caldwells trophies.

In all the years and episodes of Dexter I've seen, I don't think I've ever felt as sick as I did looking at the victims in this episode. Especially when the camera focused on Molly Park? I knew it was going to happen, but yet I didn't expect it in that moment or shown in that way. I felt it in my throat and I could see my reaction reflected in Harrison's face.

Dexter goes on with his ritual, with Harrison looking from a far. But really, and I might not be remembering it right, I don't think we've ever seen Dexter actually go to the extent on screen that we did when he was taking care of Caldwell.

We see Harrison act tough but breaking. We see Dexter proudly say he's killed hundreds.

The camera angle brilliantly showed Dexter at work and showcased Harrison's reaction as it was happening. For the first time, just like Harrison, we the viewers, finally see Dexter for who he truly is: a monster

We've been clouded by viewing things in his perspective for seasons and have come to love Dexter, but this scene it breaks down everything the show has given us about him. It shows the real him for the first time, unbiased, through the view of his son.

This scene is what sells the entire series and all the years that have built up to it. It's a masterpiece.

When I watch this scene and watch Harrison, I see a boy who knew who his father was and was desperately hoping for it not to be true.

This scene sold me that Harrison knew all along who his dad was but needed the evidence to prove who his father is (watching him commit the act, asking how many times he's done this, etc)

I don't think Harrison is a killer, I think has dark tendencies and that he's more likely to create a crazy scenario (like with Ethan) to get someone arrested so they wouldn't hurt people. But I could also see Harrison somehow deciding to fulfill the code by killing Dexter...

I get that my theory about Harrison knowing who Dexter was all along may be wrong, but truly, I believe it would give a whole new level of how amazingly well done they've made this series if Harrison really is that smart.

Theories aside, this episode and series is a masterpiece. I can't say it enough.
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9-1-1: Outside Looking In (2022)
Season 5, Episode 11
I loved everything EXCEPT
22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How Buck and the writers are doing Taylor dirty.

I was having a great time watching the show and yeah it definitely seemed different then the beginning of the season, but it was starting to feel like everything they did in 5a was intentional and not just "crap we're scrambling".

Eddie's storyline - DANG. Awesome. Love it. He's doing great with it.

New characters? Begrudgingly like them.

Buck's? What the heck. I never excepted buck to do what he did, and yeah I know he didn't go all the way and at least he got a ride home with hen, but he definitely knew what he was doing. He could have immediately said he had a girlfriend when Lucy got him that first drink. What's the point of all Taylor's character and story development if they are just gonna throw it away? In 5a yeah, there was more off moments for buck (where you could tell something was going on in his head) when he was around Taylor, but why have him go to her in Oklahoma and be there for her? There was hardly any happy flirty moments in the beginning half of the season and that bothered me intensely because it was different from their season 4 relationship. I'm getting off track but ANYWAY why go to all the work in the two seasons for Taylor only to make it seem like a breakup is on the horizon? It feels like fan service to the loud minority.

Lucy and buck are interesting together but my like for them together went down the drain as soon as they kissed and buck knew full well he had a girlfriend (and then didn't tell his girlfriend he kissed someone!) I hope this just makes buck and Taylor stronger, but I'm not holding out much hope.

I really enjoyed this episode, honestly. But the buck and Taylor and lucy thing really put a downer on it for me. Hopefully it turns around.
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my heart ached
4 January 2022
I was very young when 9/11 happened and honestly don't remember much. I've seen the news clips and listened to the recordings, but I still had a disconnect to it. However, This movie felt like a love letter to those lost in on 9/11 and it really had an interesting premise, unlike any other 9/11 films. It was heartwrenching seeing the family react to the event all the way in Mexico and not being able to do anything. Ryan Guzman did a stunning job in his portrayal of a son doing what he can to find out the fate of his father with limited means. Truly well done and my heart ached. Honestly can't put into words everything i felt.
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9-1-1: Past Is Prologue (2021)
Season 5, Episode 9
*edit* rewatched
30 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
EDIT: ok I rewatched and I take it back. This is easily the best episode this season and I loved all the couple dynamics. Buck and Taylor were absolutely so cute and yay for buck for protecting Taylor's privacy and standing up in a relationship. It's so good to see him in a good relationship. The I love you scene was the best and the soundtrack was perfect yet again. And Athena and Bobby omg. 😂😂

I don't have anything against the relationships on this show. I'm just sad to see the development not go anywhere. The writers keep biting off more then they can chew this season and it's far more dramatic with fewer laughs. Also somehow this show has become a primarily cop instead of firefighting?? I don't get it. But I do love the character and this episode gave some of the lighter tones back. Hoping we get a nice lighthearted Christmas episode.🤞🤞
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9-1-1: Defend in Place (2021)
Season 5, Episode 8
Really missing the old 9-1-1
16 November 2021
This season has really felt like the writers lost the formula that made 9-1-1 so great. I love the firefighter stories and different calls and being able to laugh at least once in an episode. This season has been pretty heavy - resembling so many other shows on right now. This show was so different from the rest and that's why I loved it. It had few long plot lines (ones that were there were for character growth and not just for dramas sake), had great 9-1-1 calls, and most of all - had a perfect balance of drama and humor. The drama happened yes, but it didn't stay heavy for too long. This season no one is happy (with the exception of brief Michael happiness this episode) and it's focusing so much on smaller characters which don't add much of anything besides drama. It definitely feels like they are scrambling on how to do the show without Maddie, and I really hope they find their footing again soon. I really do love this show.
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